
Love Should Go On [Sequel to I'm Not Even Pretty]

"Yah! Are you okay?" Minho stood behind the bathroom door. I gasped for air and spoke breathlessly, "I'm okay." I sat down beside the toilet and waited for my stomach to settle down. I was kind of scared because I didn't know why this was happening. First, I'm hungry as hell and then for no reason I vomit! I don't even feel sick! Actually, I felt kind of hungry and I was craving chocolate.

I stepped outside and gave them all a small smile of assurance. Taemin and Minho came to either of my sides in an instant. "Are you really okay?" Minho asked worriedly. He gripped my shoulders and whizzed me towards him, "Do you need to go to the hospital?"

"I'm fine," I shrugged him off and then Taemin demanded my attention. He pressed his hand against my forehead and his eyes looked beyond in a thoughtful manner, "You don't feel sick." Annoyed by all the attention, I groaned inwardly and swatted his hand away from my forehead, "That's because I'm not sick."

"Then why did you throw up?" Onew asked in confusion. The other guys grew thoughtful and looked at me inquisitively. I shrugged and said the first excuse to come to mind, "I don't poisoning I guess. Do we have any chocolate in the house?" Their eyebrows raised in amusement. Key and Jonghyun even began to chuckle. "What?" I asked a bit confused.

"You want chocolate?" Jonghyun teased, "Now?" I frowned in complete confusion. How is this bad timing? "It's never a bad time for chocolate," I smiled wittily at them. They chuckled and continued about their own business. "Are you sure you don't feel bad? It was all so sudden," Taemin looked at me, his brows furrowed with concern. I smiled at him and nodded, "Just food poisoning."

"Well, we have to go," he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close to him, "Will you be okay?" I sighed quietly, annoyed by all the attention, "I'll be fine. I can take care of myself." He chuckled, raised his eyebrows in an unconvinced manner, and spoke wittily, "Whatever you say." I scoffed and he kissed me lightly on the lips. He began to head for the door, "Call if anything happens okay?" I nodded and watched him go. Suddenly, a Hershey's bar was waved in front of me. I gasped in delight. Even my foot popped up. 

"This is for you," Minho placed the chocolate in my hands. Then he leaned over to whisper something in my ear, "Be very greedy. Don't give any to anyone else." He pointed a warning finger at me and I smiled bashfully. He half-smiled at me and then kissed my cheek. My smile was replaced by surprised expression. I stared at him dumbfounded- and expecting an explanation- but he just left.

I sat in the kitchen and stared at the chocolate bar in my hand. Did it have some kind of metaphorical meaning? If not, why did Minho kiss my cheek? And what did he mean by "be greedy"? Was he serious? I eventually convinced myself that I was being stupid and thinking too much. I opened the chocolate bar, broke a piece, and popped it into my mouth. The sweet cocoa melted in my mouth and sent rays of ecstasy all around my body. There was only one way to describe it: ic.  My phone began to ring, and I answered it, "Yeoboseyo?"

"What are you doing?" Jooyoung's voice chirped.

"Eating chocolate," I replied with a big, goofy grin on my face. Thank you, Choi Minho.

"Oh really?" she continued, "Well I'm making brownies, I was wondering if you'd like to come over and try some?"

Brownies sounded good at the moment. God! What is wrong with me? "I'll go over." I headed to my room to get properly dressed. Determined on a pair of blue jeans, I slipped them on and was surprised to find that they were tight. Maybe I am eating too much...but why am I so hungry?

I ignored my worries and walked to Jooyoung's. I let myself in through the open door and followed the smell of chocolate to the kitchen. Jooyoung saw me and smiled, "They're almost done." She led me to her living room and we sat down and talked. "I heard you had food poisoning," she said with a wary expression. I rolled my eyes. "I'm only guessing that's what it was. I don't really know. I've been feeling weird lately, it's kind of depressing actually" I sighed lightly.

"What's 'weird' exactly?" she tilted her head questioningly and propped her small hands daintily on her lap. I shrugged and thought about my answer while speaking, "I've been really hungry lately. I think it's my anemia because I've been craving. Like today, I craved rice this morning and then after vomiting I craved chocolate. I don't know, it's just weird you know?" 

Jooyoung nodded but frowned, 'Is anemia supposed to make you hungry?" I frowned in thought and answered, " I honestly do not know." We heard a ding from the kitched and soon enough we were eating brownies. Well she was eating, I was more like...devouring. I took a daring bite, placing my hand underneath my chin in order to prevent crumbs from falling. My eyes rolled back as I savored the chocolatey warmth and moistness of the brownie, "Mmm."

Jooyoung looked at me with a grimace and cleared . I looked at her wondering why she interrupted my moment and she took the plate of brownies away, "I'd like to save some for my husband, if you don't mind." I blushed and looked down at my hands in embarrassment, "Of course, sorry." Jooyoung sat in front of me and looked at me with the same concerned face I've been seeing on everybody's face since this morning. "What?" I asked annoyed.

"What was that?" she crossed her arms and leaned towards me, "Are you sick or something?"

"No. Everyone has been asking me that," I sighed, "I don't know why but all I feel like doing is eating. And sometimes I just happen to throw up in the morning." She whipped her phone out and began typing something in. After seconds of silence I leaned over to peek at her phone, "Unnie, what are you doing?"

"Typing your symptoms on Google to see what the hell is wrong with you," she muttered as she scrolled down her phone. I sunk down on my chair, thinking about brownies and was interrupted by a slightly shocked Jooyoung. I sat up and grew wary as well, "What did you find?"

Jooyoung hesitated to ask, "When was the last time you got your period?" My eyes opened wide in alarm as I realized what she had concluded, "No. No way. Impossible."

Her eyes hardened and her expression was strict, "When was the last time you got your period, Laila?"

"No! That's not what's wrong, unnie! It's just my anemia!" I yelled in frustration. I felt my eyes sting and I shut them to prevent any tears from falling. "Laila..." Jooyoung attempted to help me calm down. "You're wrong about this unnie," I said sternly.

"Then why are you making such a big deal about it?" she asked curiously. I shrugged helplessly, "I don't know" I lied, "I have to go home." I went to the entrance, slipped on my shoes, and left. As I walked home, the thought that I might be pregnant scared me as much as it gave me warmth. It placed me in an unbearable middle ground. I needed to leave that middle ground. I hesitantly made a stop at the pharmacy and bought a test. "Good luck" the lady at the cash register smiled at me as she handed back the test in a small bag. I forced a smile and thanked her before I walked out.

When I got home I made a beeline straight to my bathroom. I followed the instructions carefully and then waited for the results while chanting, "Please let it be one line" over and over again. I looked at the stick and saw the results. Then I picked my phone up to call Kai.

"Yeoboseyo?" he answered in a sing song voice.

"Hey, can you come over?" I said monotonously, "I have to show you something."

"Is anything wrong?" he asked concerned. I nodded and then realized he wasn't able to see me.

"Just come," I barked. I hung up and sat on my bed staring at the little plus line in the monitor.

A/N: Congratulations for guessing what was wrong with her! Things are about to change. Like, really change.

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Chapter 23: Omo! I can't believe that was his mom's doing! Im still loving your story~♡
Please update author-nim:)
Chapter 14: awwwww :( well the beginning was sweet. but then hina has to come in and ruin everything
Chapter 13: Poor lalia.... She really doesn't know anything and then she's told she was in love with someone
Chapter 12: OMG SHE DOESNT REMEMBER ANYTHING!!!! so that means she doesnt know she was pregnant....
Chapter 11: Awwwwww poor Taemin....he didn't even know she was going to have his baby and then he finds out the baby didn't live :(
Chapter 10: YES YES YES GO TAEMIN!! You better deal with it Tae's umma
Chapter 9: Woah there..soon she's going to have three kids...
Nadiastar #8
Chapter 9: I kinda forgot who Wooyoung is in this story.. =/ Bad memory xD
SaranghaeMinhyun #9
Chapter 7: I kind of do ship Minho and Laila so don't worry
Chapter 7: Mmmmm nope I do t ship Laila and Minho....sorry XD Tae and Laila were just meant to be