I'm Sorry

Love Should Go On [Sequel to I'm Not Even Pretty]

Taemin's POV!!!

I walked away from the excited crowd and exited through the stage door. Onew hyung and Minho hyung we're already in the dressing room ready and set to go. "We're going to go eat noodles before we get home. Are you going to come with us?" asked Minho hyung. I nodded, "I'll be quick." They gave me a pat on the shoulder each and went to wait for me by the car. I sat down on the chair and sighed as I looked at the pamphlet before me. SHINee World Concert in Hong Kong. We would have to leave this upcoming weekend for two whole weeks. Bad part: I had to be away from Laila just as soon as she arrived. Good part: I'd be far away from them and their stupid company. 

 I slipped on my jeans and had my shirt halfway on when my phone began to ring. "Yeoboseyo?" I answered quickly without looking at the caller I.D. "Young master, how nice to hear your voice again," answered a familiar voice. I smiled and ran a hand through my hair, "Shin! Likewise!" I finished putting my shirt on and grabbed my jacket before I walked out of the room and into the long corridor. "You don't come around as much as you used to," Shin continued, "It would be nice if you came home for the holidays." 

"You know how it is every time I go Shin," my lips pressed into a thin line, "I don't want to go through that anymore." Shin stood quiet for a while until he sighed, "Well the Master and Mrs can be a tad...demanding at times."

"All the time if I still lived there Shin," and then something came to mind, "They want me do something right now don't they?" Shin chuckled, "You catch on pretty quick young master. You're mother is expecting you for a meeting this evening, she needs you here, soon." I assured him I'd be there and hung up as I walked out of the building and into the parking lot. "Taemin! Come on, Minho's about to eat the car seat!" Onew hyung stood outside the car and motioned for me to go forward. "I actually can't go with you guys," I said apologetically, "There's something I forgot I had to do."

"Oh, okay. Bye then" my hyungs went off without me and I watched the van as it left the parking lot. Then I made my way to my childhood home with the premonition of an unlucky storm.

I greeted Shin as soon as I entered, "What's up?" He grinned at me, "Your mother is waiting for you in the parlor." I nodded and made my way to the parlor through the wide marbled hallway. When I entered I saw her with two other women. One looked to be in her mid-fifties, with short black hair and thick glasses. The other was a girl who looked to be around my age, with long black hair and dark brown eyes. My mother's eyes shot at me and gave me a look which I know was her telling me I was late.

She stood up, "It seems my son has arrived a bit late. Please forgive him since he's very busy these days." The lady and the girl who I assumed was her daughter stood up and greeted me. "Taemin this is Mrs. Kang Eunji and this is her daughter, Kang Hina." Hina's eyes met mine and she smiled shyly before quickly looking down. We sat down and talked. Well, mother and Mrs. Kang did most of the talking. The conversation would turn to me once in a while, but I would give one answer replies and tried my best to not be interesting.

I would occasionally feel Hina's eyes on me, and when I looked at her she would quickly look away and smile at something that only she found amusing. It annoyed me that she wasn't really saying anything, but then again I was trying my best to not say anything. "Your mother tells me you like to dance?" Mrs.Kang spoke to me and I nodded. "Well my Hina is also a dancer. She's been doing ballet since she was six," Mrs.Kang beamed with pride, "It would be lovely if you could come to her next recital."

"It would be an honor," my mother answered for me, as usual, "My Taemin would be delighted to see her dance. Right?" I hesitated to answer, but I knew better than to upset my mother, so I just nodded along. Soon enough, the two visitors left and it was just me and my mother. "What was that?" I asked her as she poured whiskey on rocks for herself. 

"What do you mean?" she tilted her head in an inquisitive manner. "Well I get a sudden call that you need me here, and you make me sit and talk to boring people" I hissed at her. She frowned and her lips pressed together in a line, "They are not boring. And I didn't raise you to be saying things like that about people." "You didn't raise me at all!" I barked at her. "Enough!" she bit back. She closed her eyes and her skin went from red to it's light self as she sighed, "What did you think of Hina?" she asked a bit more relaxed. Uncomfortable by the question, I shrugged, "She was quiet the whole time. I don't know anything about her."

"Well, she's pretty isn't she?" my mother had an expectant look on her face. I shrugged, "Well she's not ugly." She frowned at my answer. "Yes. She's pretty," I corrected myself quickly before my mother had a coronary. She smiled and sipped her drink, "Good. I'm glad you think that. You and Hina will be spending a lot of time together from now on." I frowned in confusion and looked at her questioningly.

"She's the girl you're going to marry," mother answered in a matter-of fact tone. My hands balled into fists, "I'm not breaking up with my girlfriend." My mother smirked, "Then don't break up with her. Although you'll be useless to her as a married man." 

"I'm not gonna marry Hina either," I said firmly. My mothers eyes grew hard and her smirk faded into a frown, "Why not? She's perfect." I sighed in frustration, "I don't love her." 

"Why are you being so rebellious? Hina is a great girl and you're being unfair and extremely selfish," she scolded me and I pretended to care, "You will go along with this marriage as planned and you will break up with your little foreign girlfriend or..."

Mother trailed off and I frowned, "Or what?" She sipped her drink and stayed quiet. "Or what mother?! What are you going to do?!" I asked in a menacing tone. "Well we wouldn't want something unfortunate to happen to her now would we?" she smiled at herself and looked out the window. I growled at her, "If you do anything to her, I swear..." 

"Then do as your told and stop making everybody's life so complicated," she said firmly, "You were born for this Taemin. Stop trying to change fate."

As I walked home I thought of ways of to try and avoid this marriage. But I knew my mother would manipulate me into it somehow. What if she did hurt Laila? I knew she was capable of something like that. It was the same thing with my brother. He had a girl that he loved but my mother sent him away hoping to separate them. She married someone else and he was forced to marry someone as well. Would I really have to break up with her?

Laila's POV

Kai hit my head lightly, "You guys got too excited and look at what happened! Oh my gosh. Noona is going to freak."

"You can't tell her," I said quickly, "You're not allowed to tell anyone."

"Why not? Are you going to abort?" he asked with a frown. I shrugged, "Probably not. I don't know."

"Well don't you need Taemin's opinion?" he said suggestively, "It's his baby too." I kept quiet and looked at my hand. 

"You are planning to tell Taemin right?" Jongin continued talking. I sighed and tugged at my hair, "I actually wasn't planning on telling anyone else but you." His eyes widened and his jaw dropped to the floor, "What?! Are you kidding me?! How the hell are you planning to conceal a pregnancy?!" I sat him down and pleaded for him to lower his voice, "Jongin, you have to respect my decision."

"You're decision is wrong and stupid," he said bluntly. "So what? Are you going to tell everyone?" I asked threateningly. His angry face grew calm with a sigh, "No. Of course not." I smiled at him, "Thanks."

"But I still don't agree with this," he added, "Taemin deserves to know." I pouted, "I don't know how he'd react."

"You should still tell him," Jongin argued, "Even if you don't tell anyone else, he should know. Promise me you'll tell him." I groaned, "Jongin..." "Promise me" he said strictly. "Ugh, fine" I said in defeat. After Kai left I lounged around and tried to distract myself. Soon enough, Minho, Onew, and Key walked inside. I noticed Taemin wasn't with them and I wondered where he was.

"He said he had something else to do," Onew answered the question I didn't ask, "He'll be here soon." I blushed and thanked him. Minho sat beside me and smiled, "Did you like the chocolate?" I smiled and nodded at him, "Very much. Thank you."

A while later, Taemin barged in through the doors a troubled look on his face. I grew immediately concerned and walked up to him, "Hey." He looked at me and smiled sadly, "Hey. Can we talk for a while?" He took my hand and led me to his room. Taemin spread himself out on his bed and patted the spot beside him. I sauntered over and plopped myself next to him.

"Is everything alright?" I asked concerned. He ignored my question, "Have you eaten?" I answered a bit uncomfortably, "Plenty. You?"

"I'm kind of hungry," he admitted. We sat in silence for a while until I grew brave enough to look at him, "What's going on?" Taemin sighed and took his hands in mine, "It's my parents. They want me to do something I don't want to do just because the family company is suffering a bit."

"Well we all have to sacrifice ourselves at times Tae," I tried to make him feel better, "I'm sure it won't be that bad." He frowned at me, "They want me to get married." 

"Oh" was the only coherent thing I could actually say. Taemin ran a frustrated hand through his hair, "It's like I don't even get a say in this either. Like they just expect me to do what I'm told. They just won't let me live my life the way I want."

"So you're getting married?" I asked concerned, "Where does that leave us?" Taemin gripped my hands once more and hesitantly met my eyes. Although he didn't say anything, I already knew what he wanted to say. He just couldn't put it into words.

"You're breaking up with me," my lips tightened into a line. "I'm sorry," he my cheek with his thumb, "I have to do this. I promise I'll fix everything."

I flinched back from his touch and stood up, "I'm...well...today I..."

"What is it?" he asked impatiently. I crossed my arms, "I don't think I can wait for you." He frowned, "What do you mean?" 

I felt tears threaten to leave my eyes, "I just don't think this is going to work out. No matter how hard we try, something always comes in between us."

"Laila, don't do this" he begged. 

"I'm sorry," I left his room quickly, tears streaming down my face and closed the door behind me. However, I was surprised to find Onew in my room. His back was towards me, stiffened. I wiped my tears away and walked closer to him, "Oppa, what are you doing?"

He turned to me with the pregnancy test in his hands, "What's the meaning of this?"

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Chapter 23: Omo! I can't believe that was his mom's doing! Im still loving your story~♡
Please update author-nim:)
Chapter 14: awwwww :( well the beginning was sweet. but then hina has to come in and ruin everything
Chapter 13: Poor lalia.... She really doesn't know anything and then she's told she was in love with someone
Chapter 12: OMG SHE DOESNT REMEMBER ANYTHING!!!! so that means she doesnt know she was pregnant....
Chapter 11: Awwwwww poor Taemin....he didn't even know she was going to have his baby and then he finds out the baby didn't live :(
Chapter 10: YES YES YES GO TAEMIN!! You better deal with it Tae's umma
Chapter 9: Woah there..soon she's going to have three kids...
Nadiastar #8
Chapter 9: I kinda forgot who Wooyoung is in this story.. =/ Bad memory xD
SaranghaeMinhyun #9
Chapter 7: I kind of do ship Minho and Laila so don't worry
Chapter 7: Mmmmm nope I do t ship Laila and Minho....sorry XD Tae and Laila were just meant to be