The Return

Love Should Go On [Sequel to I'm Not Even Pretty]

I arrived at Incheon Airport in the late morning. For some reason a pleasant new car smell filled the area and a warm breeze greeted me as I stepped out of the airplane. I squeezed my way through crowds and made my way to the conveyor belts. It took nearly an hour for my single suitcase to arrive. When it did however, a pleased smile appeared on my face and I had no trouble picking it up and rolling away with it. Bright sunlight struck my eyes when I walked outside. I squinted and held my hand over my face as I looked around for anyone I know.

I heard a car honk on my opposing side and I turn my head. I end up looking at Jooyoung and Kai in my red mustang. They wave at me and I run over to them, dragging my suitcase behind me in the process. I let go of my suitcase and hugged Jooyoung.

"Unnie! I've missed you!" I squeal in excitement.

"I've missed you too!" she squealed back. Jooyoung pulled back from my embrace and pinched my cheek, "I hope my Laila has been doing well."

I laugh at her motherly gesture and turn to Kai. He gives me an airtight hug, lifting me off my feet and knocking the air out of my lungs.

"Why would you leave your best friend?!" he asked dramatically but playfully, "Wae?!"

"Can't..breathe.." I choked out. He released me and shyly smiled, "Sorry."

Jooyoung and Kai went to her newlywed apartment and leisurely talked about life.

"How's the married life?" I asked with enthusiasm.

Jooyoung smiled, placed a hand on her pink cheek, and sighed "It's wonderful."

I smiled widely at her happiness and nearly laughed at Kai who had taken the advantage to imitate her love sick expression. Jooyoung grabbed a couch cushion and with perfect aim, hit his face.

In the middle of laughing, I was struck with realization, "Where's Juliette?"

Then I felt soft fur at my feet. I picked up my furball and looked into her big green eyes, "I missed you!"

I held her face to mine and she thwacked my nose. I giggled and set her down on my lap.

"Have you guys heard anything about Taemin yet?" I asked anxiously Juliette's fur to give me comfort.

"Not really. He left with his parents one afternoon and hasn't come back since," Jooyoung informed me.

I frowned and bit my lip anxiously, "That's not like him."

She shrugged, "Hie parents are strict and traditional," Jooyoung said matter-of-factly, "But don't worry he'll come back soon."

I sighed and wondered just how strict his parents were. And why he hasn't called, at least to let us know he's alright. It's not like they took away his phone or anything right?


I got home that night and was greeted by four familiar faces.

"Laila!" they all rushed towards me and hugged me. I held Juliette as close to me as I could without squishing her, protecting her from their natural roughness. "I missed you guys too!" I chuckled at their enthusiasm and set Juliette down with the dogs once they released me.

"How was New York?" Key asked nicely and interested.

"It was alright," I responded with an uninterested shrug, "Same-old, same-old." 

"Jooyoung says you already went to see her. That's not cool, we wanted to see you first!" Jonghyun whined. Key whacked the back of his head, "She went to get her at the airport. Stop being such a baby."

We sat down in the living room and began talking about Taemin. "So is it safe to say that he's with his relatives?" I asked with a hopeful, yet worried tone.

"Ne" replied Onew with a firm nod of his head, "But we don't know exactly where they took him or when he's coming back."

"If he comes back," muttered Jonghyun. Again Key whacked his head. Jonghyun glared at Key and Key looked away suspiciously. Then Key got up and cleared his throat, "I'll start preparing dinner."

As he left for the kitchen, Jonghyun also got up, "I should also go back before Jooyoung begins to worry." Onew followed Jonghyun out because he had to go buy something, probably chicken. I was left with Minho.

"Did you miss me?" Minho put his arm over me on the couch and leaned close to my face. Too close for comfort. Feeling flustered, I looked down at my lap and played with my fingers.

"I missed all of you," I replied blandly.

"What about me in particular?" he leaned closer until he was just an inch away from my face.

"Oppa..." My face heated up and I grew uncomfortable. If I turned to look at him, he'd probably kiss me.

He chuckled and pinched my cheeks, "You're so cute when your flustered."

I chuckled nervously, "I'm not flustered."

Minho gave me his best charismatic smirk, "Oh, you aren't? Then why are you blushing? Perhaps you like me now. Is that it?"

I frowned and looked at him from the corner of my eye, "What are you up to?"

His face was serious for a couple of seconds until a big grin covered it. He chuckled whiled moving away from his close proximity, "I'm just joking. Calm down." I laughed but remained tense with awkwardness. Minho did confess to me once and when he does things like this it frustrates me. He's my friend and he's dear to me but I don't see him like that.

After dinner, I took a shower and tried to distract myself by immersing in very intense yoga. But with each passing hour, I grew more and more worried. Couldn't he at least call? Soon enough I found myself walking into his bedroom. I layed down on his bed and was comforted by the familiar scent. I really missed Taemin and I was anxious to know when I'd see him again.


--------------------------------------------------------------------------Taemin's POV

The driver dropped off in front of the house in the middle of midnight. I was exhausted and I felt hopeless about my situation. When I walked inside, a head popped into the doorway.

"Taebaby! Ohmygosh! I was so worried," Key hyung embraced me in full out umma mode and gave me an airtight hug.

"Can't...breathe..." I choked out. He released me and we walked inside to meet Minho hyung and Onew hyung.

"Taemin, what happened? Where have you been?" Onew interrogated.

"We've been worried sick about you!" Minho added.

I sighed, "You guys are gonna need to sit down for this."

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Chapter 23: Omo! I can't believe that was his mom's doing! Im still loving your story~♡
Please update author-nim:)
Chapter 14: awwwww :( well the beginning was sweet. but then hina has to come in and ruin everything
Chapter 13: Poor lalia.... She really doesn't know anything and then she's told she was in love with someone
Chapter 12: OMG SHE DOESNT REMEMBER ANYTHING!!!! so that means she doesnt know she was pregnant....
Chapter 11: Awwwwww poor Taemin....he didn't even know she was going to have his baby and then he finds out the baby didn't live :(
Chapter 10: YES YES YES GO TAEMIN!! You better deal with it Tae's umma
Chapter 9: Woah there..soon she's going to have three kids...
Nadiastar #8
Chapter 9: I kinda forgot who Wooyoung is in this story.. =/ Bad memory xD
SaranghaeMinhyun #9
Chapter 7: I kind of do ship Minho and Laila so don't worry
Chapter 7: Mmmmm nope I do t ship Laila and Minho....sorry XD Tae and Laila were just meant to be