
are you the one?

 Hye Rin's POV

Ever since I was a little girl, I had always play violin. As I grew older, I took up the interest into song composition and writing lyric and slowly starting to learn to play keyboard. It's not that I quit playing the violin, it just that I started wanting to play with different instrument to create music that I wanted. Even till now I've play different kind of instrument for own sake. I stop competing and many people from classical music field disappointed with me. They said that I have a bright future ahead of me and I wasted my talent for this. Even so, I still practicing playing the violin as well as the keyboard because it fills with memories, whether it is a painful or joy, these memories are irreplaceable.


" I've seen each of the trainees talent and weaknesses. From there I've decided to form a smaller group of 4 to 5 people. These groups were instructed to sing in accapella in their own way and competing with each other. From these activities I hope that these girls will learn each other weaknesses and try to overcome it as well as getting to know each other better than before. By this week I expecting to see some improvement from them." I presented the report of my first week as trainees instructor to sajangnim. 

He took a look at it and seem to be satisfied with it. Then he looked at me with a fatherly look and asked

" Did you having trouble getting along with them?"

He asked me and he look worried. So I told him that it was a bit hard at first cause I was being too honest with my remark. Strangely there was a trainee who claimed to be my hoobae during middle school and she respect me a lot. To be honest I did not have a good memories at that time so I forgot who she is. But she does look familiar. Thanks to her, I feel less nervous every time I meet the girls. I told sajangnim all that and he seem that he didn't mind at all. He just smile listen to it like everything going to his plan and  I can't help wondering.

" Sajangnim...How well do you know me ?" I asked.

" Who knows..." He said.

I didn't ask more assuming that he knows  me from my dad. I mean, My dad is sajangnim's sunbae. Who know what could Dad said about me to sajangnim.



Myungsoo POV

“Ring...Ring...” my phone was ringing. Ah... it’s a private number. I wonder who could it be.

“ Anyeong... Is this Kim Myungsoo?”

“ Yes... Who is this?” I hesitantly answer the call. It could be some fan or staff that work for me. But the voice, seem familiar.

“ It’s me Jaeyeon. Hye Rin’s cousin.”

Ah... It’s Jaeyeon. Wait a sec, What business she want with me?

“ Um... I can’t tell you the detail but can you meet me at cafe XXXX like right now. TQ” Just like that, she hung up on me without give me a chance of saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

Damn it! I think there is something I have to do in the schedule soon. I looked at the time on my phone. I think, I could barely make it on time but that’s ok. The cafe is just nearby and it might be urgent. Eventhough it’s coming from Jaeyeon-ssi, I can’t help it thinking that it might be about Rin.


I arrived at the cafe and looking for Jaeyeon-ssi. As I was looking for her I saw someone waving at me at the corner of the cafe. It’s her alright. I quickly went to her table and sit. I thought the cafe would be crowded during this hour but it turned out not as I expected. It sort of wasted my effort to disguise but again, I have to be careful all the time.

“ So what is it that you have to see me now?”. I immediately ask her.

“ Ok... sorry to take your time but I have to ask you, How well do you know about Hye Rin?” she asked.

“ Well... I do know something about her, whether in public and private. But it depends, sometime she told me about herself and sometime she don’t. Whatever it is, it’s her choice. My job is to be there for her no matter what.”

She looked at me and snickered at my answer. Is it a funny thing to say I wonder.

“eh.... how devoted are you to her even though you just got rejected.”

“Please make it quick cause I’ve got something to do.” I was annoyed by her remark.

“I want you help me persuade Hye Rin to meet her mother.” She said with slightly bowed to me.

“ eh.... isn’t it weird for you to be asking me about this? And I don’t think this is something I should be meddle with”

I said that and Jaemin-ssi begin to have thing don’t go as plan look on her face. She look at me desperately and cried

“ Please Kim Myungsoo-ssi... I’m indebt so much to Rin and her mother. At least help me on this. If I don’t I... I....”

“ Jae... what are you doing with Myungsoo here?” Suddenly Hye Rin is right beside our table. Eh... since when she had been standing here? Both Jaemin-ssi and me were shock seeing her as we were just talking about her. Just how long had she been there hearing our conversation?




“ So, what did you guys talk about?” Ask Rin

“ Nothing...just trying to get to know your best friend L.” Said Jaemin-ssi nonchalantly.

Rin’s expression immediately change after hearing Jaemin’s answer. It’s clearly prove that she had heard what our conversation about.

“ You such a liar Jae!” cried Hye Rin.

“ How could you drag Myungsoo into. This is none of business.”


Author’s POV

“Rin! Wait a sec...” Jaeyeon tried to stop Hye Rin from going by grabbing Hye Rin’s arm.

“ Rin.... what’s this..” Asked Jaeyeon as she accidently expose Hye Rin’s arm with  scars and slit marks around Hye Rin’s wrist. Now both Jaeyeon and Myungsoo had seen this mark and Hye Rin quickly took a chance to run away from both of them

“ Ah... now they have seen it, they surely gonna hate me..” is what in Hye Rin’s head as she run and return back to woollim’s building.

“ Ya.... (huh... huh...) Hye Rin....” Myungsoo ran to get Hye Rin.

“Myungsoo? I.... I’m sorry”

Not too sure what to do, Myungsoo bring Rin to a secluded place, to give Rin more privacy. That young girl keep on apologize and almost cried to L cause she thought that the boy will hate her, for attempt of suicide, AGAIN.

“I’m mad at you, really. But, I don’t want to jump into conclusion and made you cry even more. As always, is there anything you want me to help you? “ said Myungsoo.

“Why? Why you still want to help me. I rejected you before, don’t tell me you’ve already forgotten about that and I should deal my own problem myself. If I let you , as if I taken advantage of you feeling.” explained Hye Rin trying to stop Myungsoo get into her problem. She believes that she has to deal with it by herself or not she couldn’t move on and let go of her past.

Myungsoo let out a long sigh before he said “ You don’t have to remind me about it. It hurt me.” Then, Myungsoo hugs Rin and said

Of course I still wanna help. I was your friend first before having this feeling towards you. As a friend and a person who love you, I just can’t leave you alone like this. If you said you took advantage of my feeling, I don’t care.”

“You such an idiot, you know.” Reply Hye Rin, slightly laughing at Myungsoo. She look a lot better after hearing what Myungsoo had said to her. She felt relieved that Myungsoo did not hating her after all and she continued

“ Gomawo Myungsoo but still, I won’t let you help me whatsoever. I had to solve this on my own. If I’m not, I... couldn’t move forward. So if Jae still talking about my mom and ask for your help, please don’t and I’m sorry for making you worry like this.”

The young man look at her and he notice that the girl that he love has matured.

“ Ok if you insist. But please promise me that you don’t push yourself too hard and won’t hurt yourself like this.”  Remind Myungsoo as he referred to Rin’s scars and slit mark on her wrist.

“Thanks, for believing in me Myungsoo.”








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elementj98 #1
updateeee sooonn pleaseeee!!! :)
CassInspirit97 #2
Chapter 21: ahhh finallyyy updateeeee,!!!!! chingu just let myunggie confessss!!!!!! BTW niceeeee updateee!!!
CassInspirit97 #3
Chapter 20: HAPPY NEW YEAR2014!!!NICE UPDATE!!
CassInspirit97 #4
Chapter 19: please update soon i missed this story soooo mmuchh and merry christmas author nim ;)))
CassInspirit97 #5
Chapter 18: hye rin is soooooo cold!!!!!!how could she just reject sungjonggie!!!pooooooooooooorrr sungjong!!!!!!!!what will myungsoo do!!!!oh god author nim pleaseeeeeeeeeee update sooooon or i will die due to curiosity!!!!!and dont start a new story!!!!focus on this and end this!!!!!!!!!
:* Amazing story! I love it :)