are you the one?

Your POV

"Omma... I'm going..."

As expected, there were no response.

" This time... I might not coming back Omma..."

Still.. not a single word coming out from her lips. Not even a goodbye.Ah.. when was the last time we both actually talk? I can't even remember. No wonder she's like this. But still...

"Omma... Omma..."

say something. Anything... Don't you still care about me?



"ha... huh.... ha.. huh..."

Dream huh? No, more like a memory to me..

"Finally you wake up." 

"Who is it?.. akk!!" Damn.. it's songssaengnim... ( one of the trainer)

" Lee Hye Rin.. it seem that you have been slept in this practice room since last night huh?"

Man.. I'm totally busted. " I cannot help it since I've been doing a lot of thing lately"

She looked at me like she's going to nagg me but.. " Whatever it is it's because of sajangnim had been asked you to do it right?"

"yes... but it's not like I hate it." I said . 

Her name is  Song Yu Mi. One of the trainer that have to teach me here.  From the way she look at me right now is that she's totally worried about me.

" But still you're the only trainee who still in training while going to school and also do extra works that sajangnim ask you to do. It's too much for you to handle it alone just because you are  'special'." she said.

" That is the least I can do here. After all I am 'special'." I said to her and make my way out of the room and..

" Unnie.. thanks for worrying about me..."


Myungsoo's POV

"Ah.... it's Hye Rin ," I ran toward her as I saw her coming out of a room and

" Anyeonghaseyo.. " she greets two female trainee who happened to be in her way. As she went off those two girls...

" That's her isn't it?" one of them ask.

" Yeah.. it is.." The other answer.

I wonder what it is all about?


I never knew that girl is...

"Oi Myungsoo... what you doing spacing out like that?" Sungyeol asked me as soon as he saw me. 

" Oh.. it's  nothing.. say... Sungyeol, these days it seem that you are always with Hye Rin. Is there something that I don't know about it?" 

" Ah... that's because.. well it is for work. " He answer with a grin on his face . What's with that face anyway? Is he keeping something from me? which remind me....

" Ah.. that's the girl that sajangnim talk about. I heard that she will assist us that will help us debut"

" But she's same as us. how come she's the one who's helping us? said the other girl who seem cannot believe it.

" That's why she' special. She the only trainee that trained alone here. Sajangnim said that she is way talented than us and that talent can help us be an idol like we always wanted. But that's only make the other trainees feel uneasy with  her and I guess that's make her unsociable with us." the other one explained.

" From what I see just now I'm sure she's a good person. She's probably can't fit in with us that well because she's trained alone while others like us trained in group. I wonder what would she be like when we'll meet her huh?".....

" Why would you ask?" ask Sungyeol which made me return to the conversation.

" Oh.. it just.. hmm... never mind but can you tell me what is  it?"

" Mian... cannot...  she ask me not to tell anyone. Ah.. but don't worry I won't snatch her from you." * wink*

"wh..wha..what! why would you?" How could he put up a joke like that on me.


Today my schedule finish earlier that it suppose to. I guess I could visit her when she's training today. I ran towards the practice room that she always use which at the end of the hallway. It's been awhile since we hadn't seen each other.

" Lee Hye Rin, I like you. Please go out with me." A male voice coming out from the room as I reach the door. It's seem someone is confessing to her.

" Thank You.. but No!" Answer the 'owner' of the room Lee Hye Rin. She rejected the guy just like that... so fast.. without any second thought. Well... it's no surprise if it coming from Hye Rin because she is a cold type person. I thought that I should just leave and come back next time but I can't help wondering who  is the guy that confessed to her. I peep through the door which had slightly open and it was.... Sungjongie!!!??


" Reason.. Do you have the reason?" Asked Sungjong with a very serious tone.

" Reason?.. You can say that I don't like complicating things like being in a relationship." answer Hye Rin effortlessly.

"You kidding right?.. cause that.." He pause a bit and

" never mind.. but why? Is there someone you like?" He ask. It clearly that he's not giving up.

" No.. it's not that.. it just.. * sigh* it's troublesome to me...   relationship." she said it calmly but it seem to me that she's a bit hesistant back there...

I guess I have to take my leave for today. It would be bad if they found out that I've been eavesdropping. I better leave now before...

" Please..... give me another chance?"


" I just can't accept that sort of reason so... please I wanna change that views of yours, I'll change myself if I have to if that will make you look at me. I just want you to look at me.. as a man and I'll confess to you again . But... if you still can't accept it.... I'll stop chasing after you.."

Why.. Why you willing to go that far for her Sungjong-ah?

" Do whatever you want oppa.. it's not like it will change a thing.."

and that was her final answer to him.


" Yo.. can't sleep?" whispered Sungyeol in the middle of the night.

" Ah.. yeah.. don't worry.. I was about to anyway." I said.

" You better sleep. I don't know what just happen but it seem you've space out all day." he said and go back to sleep

I guess he already sense there's something wrong with me today. Well it's my fault anyway. I shouldn't have eavesdropped them. Even after all that Sungjong act like nothing happen. In fact when both of them, Hye Rin and Sungjong hang out with rest of INFINITE member, they still the same like Sungjong's confession was never even happen.


"it's troublesome to me... relationship."

What did she mean by that? What sort of relationship that's trouble her so much? What about me? Am I troublesome to her? Am I annoying? Did I push myself onto her? All sort of questions running through my head and none of the question that I can answer.

Just as I thought.... all this time I there's still a lot of thing I don't know about her...


Anyeong... sorry.. for taking so long to update.. I know.. this story it's quite slow for it's pace... I hope you all bear with it sorry..

anyway.. this is all i could write for now.. I hope I can update it a bit faster since I'm on a break right now.. just pray that I'll be inspire to write.. haha.. Actually I got all the story all set ( in my head). And I also got an idea for another story... so far it's only introduction that I could think of. Briefly... I wanna write this story short .

So.. dear readers.. i wanna ask you.. should I finish of this story first or I can start another story and still continue this story?

what do you think?

for subscribers.. you can check out the foreword first and give your opinion.







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elementj98 #1
updateeee sooonn pleaseeee!!! :)
CassInspirit97 #2
Chapter 21: ahhh finallyyy updateeeee,!!!!! chingu just let myunggie confessss!!!!!! BTW niceeeee updateee!!!
CassInspirit97 #3
Chapter 20: HAPPY NEW YEAR2014!!!NICE UPDATE!!
CassInspirit97 #4
Chapter 19: please update soon i missed this story soooo mmuchh and merry christmas author nim ;)))
CassInspirit97 #5
Chapter 18: hye rin is soooooo cold!!!!!!how could she just reject sungjonggie!!!pooooooooooooorrr sungjong!!!!!!!!what will myungsoo do!!!!oh god author nim pleaseeeeeeeeeee update sooooon or i will die due to curiosity!!!!!and dont start a new story!!!!focus on this and end this!!!!!!!!!
:* Amazing story! I love it :)