are you the one?

Rin's POV

" eh.... it's rare for you to be sick Rin. Good thing that i'm here to take care of you." said Jaeyeon.

ah...it's seem that I caught myself a fever. Weird..I feel just fine but since when ...

"Rin...yesterday you acted strangely right after Kim Myungsoo left. Did something happen?"

I remembered something. Myungsoo...he...huh?no way! There's no way this fever because of...

" er.... there's nothing happen..." I answered.

"eh..... liar...there must be. Your face just turn red." she said. Why she have to be so keen in this kind of thing?

So I quickly change the topic to avoid further questions.Then she told me why she is still here as she suppossed to be in japan. She said to me that she had something left to do here.One of them concern of my mom. But she said she won't do something like forcing me to make up with her. Then she let out sigh while holding my hand and said to me

" I wish that you'll talk to me about yourself more like we used to and rely on me sometimes. I mean... since your dad died you always keep everything to yourself. So... I... I'm glad that you ask for me at a time like this..". 

Jae seem to be so relieve after said all those things. I guess..all these years I've made her worried like this. Mianhae Jae...



Myungsoo's POV

"hmm..... what should I write in the photobook? more importantly how should I present the pictures in the book?" I tought.

who knew making a book is a lot harder than it look. Jaemin hyung gave me some of his books as refference but still.....

" remember.... it your own book. So it's better to put some of your idea to make it more original." that what he said to me. 

Hmm.... I didn't make any progress at all.....

[ Ring...ring.....]


[ the phone still ringing...]

" Yah... Lee Sungyeol your phone !"

" ah.... sorry Myungsoo....  umm.. hello?" finally he picked up his phone. Ah... he seem to be in a hurry.I wonder what it is?

[ ah.... Hye Rin-ssi...what it is?]

eh? is he talking to Rin?Why?

[oh... I see. You're sick huh.. That can't be help . I guess we just have to hold that until you get better then.]

She's sick! ah... now it's my chance. " Sungyeol.. can I talk to Rin for a bit?"

"ah....Sure..." he said while gave his phone to me

MS: Hello... Rin?

Rin: Myungsoo... what do you want?

*woah..she sound so weak*

MS: no..just I heard that you sick?


MS: So I thought that I  came over and...

Rin: No no no. You cannot go.. I mean you are forbidden to do so.

*she forbid me wholeheartedly despite being sick and all.*

MS: Please...I need to talk to you about something

There was a long pause over the phone.I guess she could tell what am I talking about.Before she could say anything I quickly hang up and gave the phone back to it's owner.

"Yah... don'tjust hung up the phone. Well.. I guess we talked enough so it's ok." said Sungyeol while taking off his jacket.

"Aren't you going out?" I asked

" It just got cancelled that's why Hye Rin call." that what he said. eh..wait a sec!

" Why Rin only call you? Did you do something together or could it be..."

" It's not what you think pabo, it;s work. Work!. You... you really like her so much huh?"

Usually I'll deny those kind of remark because to them(INFINTE), they are only joking with me trying to embarass me. Right now, it is so not me to just keep quite about it not fight it it out. It's more like I can't.Suddenly I remembered of what I did to Rin the other day.

" Heh? could it be there's something happen between you and Hye Rin?" Suddenly Sungyeol asked.

I couldn't think of right reaction for this so I just nodded. Then I decided to ask

"Sungyeol...is it possible to kiss someone that you don't like?"

without so much of asking he answered " No way... you can't kiss someone if you don't like her. But if you kiss that person that's mean you really really like her."

Then he just realized what is this all about. I guess he can be pretty good with hints. Yet.. he is surprised though.

"So... is there anything else?"  he asked.

" I wonder...what will she think of me after what I did to her?Will things still stay the same? Yah..Sungyeol.. what do you think? Will she comes to hate me after that kiss?"

"woah... I think you better ask Hye Rin herself. Beside.. you're going to see her right?

To my surprised,  Sungyeol can actually said something sensible too. But he's right. I won't know the answers to those questions unless I go and ask her myself. Why am I hesitating then? Why am I afraid of anyway? Am I afraid that she might said that she hate me. No! I shouldn't be like this. I didn't know that for sure. Right now I'm...

" You know what Sungyeol? I'm going to see her right now!"

And  ask her anything that I need to. While at it... I.. definitely  gonna tell her how I feel. Eventhough she  might say she hated me..  I will tell her exactly how I feel about her.





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elementj98 #1
updateeee sooonn pleaseeee!!! :)
CassInspirit97 #2
Chapter 21: ahhh finallyyy updateeeee,!!!!! chingu just let myunggie confessss!!!!!! BTW niceeeee updateee!!!
CassInspirit97 #3
Chapter 20: HAPPY NEW YEAR2014!!!NICE UPDATE!!
CassInspirit97 #4
Chapter 19: please update soon i missed this story soooo mmuchh and merry christmas author nim ;)))
CassInspirit97 #5
Chapter 18: hye rin is soooooo cold!!!!!!how could she just reject sungjonggie!!!pooooooooooooorrr sungjong!!!!!!!!what will myungsoo do!!!!oh god author nim pleaseeeeeeeeeee update sooooon or i will die due to curiosity!!!!!and dont start a new story!!!!focus on this and end this!!!!!!!!!
:* Amazing story! I love it :)