are you the one?

Your POV

"wuargh!!!!~~~~" I yawned as I laid on my bed. It's been a tiring day especially when it was last day for the semester at college. Being a part time student and trainee it's quite ... well...chaotic I guess. Now I just wanna closed my eyes and sleep but

"I hope that you'll stop by ...." I almost forgot. Myungsoo. He just ask me to see him shoot tomorrow. It's quite funny to see him blushed when he asked me. I wonder if this is his time he ask someone to see him work. I wonder.....hmmm.... should I go or not? What if I hurt him if I'm not going? Hmmmm..... wait! Am I worried if i hurt his feeling?

" Get a hold of yourself Lee Hye Rin. This is not you" I told myself. yes this is so not me.. because I never take guys seriously and beside Myungsoo is just a friend. It's probably mean nothing when he said it. It's better for me to think about it that way because by doing that I won't be getting hurt, right?



*Not that long ago... *

[Author's POV]

Eversince you move into a new highschool... you have been called as Ice Queen cause you're silent personality. Basically you only acting like that in front of boys. Because you came from an all girl middle school you become not so responsive in front of the boys.. That's how you got the title Ice Queen.

As you reach senior year, the title was just a title until...

"Congratulation Hye Rin-ah" one of the classmate said it to you as you enter the classroom.

"Wae?" You asked. you were completely oblivious of what they are saying. The girls from your class gathered at you table.

"don't play dumb. The rumour has spread all over the school that you going out with Seunghyun. Now spill! " said one of the girls.

"What! that is ridiculous!" I respond with full of denial.

"How can you come up with this kind of rumour?" I added

" So the rumour is not true huh? too bad. you both look good together when you were doing group presentation last time." said the girl whose name is Eunji.

I look at Seunghyun and he saw me. He nodded to me and saying that he's sorry and he also don't know how it happen. Out of all people why  it has to be him. Kim Seunghyun, he is very popular because of his look and his sport ability. Beside, I use to have a crush on him when I first enter this school and this make me a bit uncomfortable. But I'm sure the rumour will disappear anyway.

Not easily of course. It seem there's always a few attempt of hooking me up with that guy made by my own classmate.Until there's a dance coming up. we seniors who already finished the exam had been waiting for this dance. the dance is to celebrate us graduating high school and the system was kinda like prom. The guys ask the girls. This is one of advantage schooling in a boarding school I suppose as it is the school tradition. Most of girls said that Seunghyun will definitely ask me to the dance. For me, just hoping that someone will ask me is already enough.

" Yah Kim Seunghyun, you gonna ask Hye Rin to the dance right?" Someone just talking about and i quickly hide at the corridor and overheard the conversation.

" You bet. She's the Ice Queen." said Kim Seunghyun.

"Are going out with her? how about your girl back home?" his friend asked.

" she wouldn't know. beside I will break up with her once I got Hye Rin cause Hye Rin is much better than that girl" he said.

You were shock with what he said and felt betrayed at the same time. For once you did hope he will ask you to the dance but he ruin it with his player behaviour.

next morning, A flower and a note were placed on your table. The note said:

meet me at the rooftop- Kim Seunghyun

You looked at him and walked toward his table with the flower and the note in your hand. Everyone were looking at you like watching some kind of drama.

" What's this?" you said as you put the flower onto his table.

" Well I'm going to say it later but since you can't wait for it so..." before he could finish talking you tear up the note to pieces and said

"Sorry i don't dance with a player and a jerk like you! ask someone else." As you gonna walk away from him you looked at him again with cold eyes of yours , a smirk on your face and said

" By the way, you are way out of my league". You walked back to your seat with emotionless face. It seem the Ice Queen within you were just reborn again.Everyone was shocked and one of your classmate said

"It seem the Ice Queen has returned"


Next day..... [still author's POV]

" Huh..... huh......   Huh... huh...." You were running as fast as you could... to a place where nobody can't find you. You ran after what you just seen. You were feeling angry and regret at the same time. While you were running, you kept blaming yourself in your head. All sort of thought running around in you head

" I shouldn't have gone there in the first place." or

" why I have to go there at that time?" even

" why would I even go there where I supposed to be somewhere else?"

You were mad at yourself for letting yourself hurt once again . You were mad cause once again you were hoping that he'll be different. What you just seen is probably nothing but little did you know, tears were running down your cheek as you runaway from the scene.


Sorry guys for taking so long to update... next time it will take much longer cause I just start the semester. so it will be like a semi-hiatus. I'll try to update when i have the time. I'm glad some of the IOA family suscribe this fanfic, lastly feel free to comment cause I still have a lot of things to improve.  just Imagine a sciene student trying to write a fanfic. haha... 

p/s: for singaporean and malaysian readers take care of your health from the haze....

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elementj98 #1
updateeee sooonn pleaseeee!!! :)
CassInspirit97 #2
Chapter 21: ahhh finallyyy updateeeee,!!!!! chingu just let myunggie confessss!!!!!! BTW niceeeee updateee!!!
CassInspirit97 #3
Chapter 20: HAPPY NEW YEAR2014!!!NICE UPDATE!!
CassInspirit97 #4
Chapter 19: please update soon i missed this story soooo mmuchh and merry christmas author nim ;)))
CassInspirit97 #5
Chapter 18: hye rin is soooooo cold!!!!!!how could she just reject sungjonggie!!!pooooooooooooorrr sungjong!!!!!!!!what will myungsoo do!!!!oh god author nim pleaseeeeeeeeeee update sooooon or i will die due to curiosity!!!!!and dont start a new story!!!!focus on this and end this!!!!!!!!!
:* Amazing story! I love it :)