
are you the one?

Myungsoo POV

Ever since that day... ever since I confessed, both Hye Rin and I went along with our daily life . Both of us piled up with lot of work especially Rin as she was given a new role by sajang-nim as the trainee instructor or something similar to it (well.. i don't quite understand). Sometimes as we walk by the hallway our eyes would met.When that happen she often give an awkward look. Well it figure that she's uncomfortable with me cause I confessed right to her face. Then, she will send me a message that say "we need to talk". But everytime she does that I always reply 'no' or even if we did promise to meet it'll have to cancel it last minute due to our busy schedule.


Rin's POV

" What do you think of them Hye Rin-ssi?" asked Lee Jung Yeop sajang-nim to me.

" eh.... why me?"

" Please Hye Rin-ssi. I need you to be honest." Said sajang-nim after going all the trouble taking me here. Just a minutes ago sajang-nim brought me to the trainee practice room. He said that this group of girls will debut some time in the future. These girls is well known with the name of 'Woollim girls' in the net. Then, sajangnim show me their dancing at that time and my comment after seeing it was..

" It could only just me.. cause I'm seeing them not dancing as a team. If these keeps on I think these girls will fall apart."

I looked at sajangnim and i hope he's not offended. Instead he gave out a long sigh and said " even you think so too.."


"Eh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no way sajangnim! There's no way I can do  that"  exclaimed me after sajangnim ask me to be one of the instructor for those girls. I mean there's no way I can do such a big job with no experience and moreover those girls mostly is almost the same age as me maybe some of them are younger. But how can I get them to listen and respect me? It's such a huge responsibility.

" Honestly I want to train you to become a proper songwriter and composer but due to lack of professional we have here, I can't provide that for you. But these days I've been seeing you spending a lot of time with Seongyeol and you even made a song for him. That boy's potential has improve thanks to you that made me thought you had a talent to become a great producer one day. Whatever you'll be in the future, I want you to take these girls under your care. Beside, you told me you want to write song that told the stories of the singer didn't you? This opportunity will be a good experience for you as well as those girls." explained sajangnim.

How can I refuse him after he said all that. He's hoping too much from me. Wait a sec! did he said he knows that I wrote a song for Seongyeol? Ah... I just thought of proposing sajangnim to let Seongyeol to sing that song in one of INFINITE's album. I guess it'll have to wait huh...

" Alright.. I'll do it. But don't expect much from me." I said.

I think I made it sound it easy when I said that and I regret it so much. From the first day I have to cope with each of their attitude beside  being rude to me. Well, I don't blame them since some of them are older than me.There are nine of them and sajangnim said it is not finalized yet on who will debut as full group. Some of them have been trained for years and some of them just join the group. It can be said that this group will never debut in the near future because of lack of teamwork and motivation. Why motivation? because I can see that some of them are giving up with the idea of debut. They think that they'll never debut like ever. All my life, this could be the biggest challenge for me to overcome.


Myungsoo POV

"These days Hye Rin has been on a roll hasn't she?"

" So.. you miss her?" asked Seongyeol.

" Not really... just tired of waiting."

"Oh yeah... you confessed to her. Well.. the waiting part is the hardest thing to do so.. Fighting!". said Seongyeol. Seriously Seongyeol, you don't have to rub it in more pain that I'm having right now. 

" Woah... who did Myungsoo oppa confessed to?". Suddenly a voice came from behind us which turn out to be...

" Ya! Don't come out out of nowhere like this Yoo Jiae! Did you wanna give me a heart attack?"

Argh.. It's Jiae.. I can't let her know about this or I'll...

" It's Lee Hye Rin, your new instructor right?"

I think it's better for me to shut Seongyeol mouth first before he said  anything to Jiae but now how should I cover these things up? I don't want rumours to be circulating around her because of me.

" So oppa knew Hye Rin-ssi huh? How did oppa know her?" She asked and I was unable to come out with an answer. But then Sungyeol said to her that Hye Rin is one of our friend and she accept it without any further question. We also request Jiae to look out for her from time to time just to make sure that Hye Rin is ok.

" Speak of the devil.. there she is Myungsoo." Said Sungyeol while signaling to me. Ah.. it is her. Wait Sungjong is with her. Where the both of them might go to?

" Sorry Sungyeol, I gotta go." I left Sungyeol with Jiae and follow Rin. I wonder what could they be doing together?

[ Meanwhile..]

(Author's POV)

" Oppa, I thought you were just joking that L oppa confessed to Hye Rin. Did you?" Said Jiae as she sees Myungsoo  who ran after Hye Rin.


" Dae...bak!" pfft.. she sure look surprised and look at me, disbelief.


Ok.. I think I just saw them going this way... oh! there they are. Eh.. they went to the emergency stair. Why is that? That place is secluded and nobody actually use that stair. Could it be...

" So.. why oppa calling out to me like this ?" said Hye Rin to Sungjong.

" I think it's time for you give an answer to my confession. So... I hope you'll be able to right now." said Sungjong.

Again.. I'm end up eavesdropping them like last time. What a bad timing.


Hye Rin: Mianhae oppa. I can't respond your feeling the way you want it to be. Again, I,m sorry.

Sungjong : ( long sigh..) I sort of expected that would be your answer. Guess there's nothing I can do huh? But can I ask you something?

Hye Rin : What is it?

Sungjong: What is the reason for you to reject my feeling towards you?


The moment Sungjong asked her that, I took a peek to her face but I couldn't see it. She was looking down and a little bit later, she hold her head high as said

" If I can name one reason, It would be that I simply don't want to be in relationship yet. Of course.. I do want to fall in love but right now I have been given an opportunity and I want to use it to do everything I ever wanted or try  on something new and make my life much more exciting than before. This may sound like an excuse to you but this is why I decided not to date anyone. So again, I'm sorry."

Sungjong was clearly dissapointed and lose his composure at that time. Hye Rin answer is not something that he can change the way he want it to be. It made me think that she would probably say the same thing to me.

" So.. can I ask you one more thing Hye Rin?" Suddenly Sungjong asked.

" Ok..."

" If it's L-hyung... will you say the same thing to him or he is an exception to you?"

Eh... what is this Sungjong-ah? What do you mean that I am an exception?

" Pfft.. why suddenly bring Myungsoo up for? I don't get it, an exception. No way... if you wanna know I'll be saying the same thing I said to you." She said.

" Well.. if you say it like that, how about you said it right into his face right now. Don't you think so L- hyung?" Said Sungjong as he open up the door that I use to hid myself just now.

" You know hyung, eavesdropping is a really bad hobby you know" He added.

" Uwah... It's really you Myungsoo...How low can you get." said Hye Rin sarcasticly. Can't believe they use this chance to embarassed me. For someone who I consider as hoobaes, they are  not cute at all.

"So Myungsoo... how long you've heard us?" Hye Rin begin to ask me.

" Well.. from the beginning." I said.

" Mian.. since you've heard, that is my answer to your confession too. So... mianhae.."

To be rejected right to my face like that, now I understand what Sungjong felt just now.Honestly... she didn't have to apologize cause this is what she decided and both Sungjong and I have to respect that. Hye Rin look at both of us with guilt on her face since this is not an easy task to her either. Then, she took both our hand and said

" You two are my precious friend and that is a fact. Nothing could change that. I hope, as a friend you comply with my selfishness to remain as friend to both Sungjong oppa and Myungsoo cause I only had you guys as well as people here in woollim as my family. Hope you understand how much I cherish all of you."

" Argh... whatever Hye Rin. I don't think I could easily accept this." Sungjong went on his way as he let go of Hye Rin's hand. As expected the reaction coming from Sungjong because he desperately chase after Hye Rin ever since I don't know... probably since the first time they met.  He must have like her so much.So.. What about me?

" Myungsoo.. If you think can't be my friend anymore, I understand" Said Hye Rin leaving me all alone. 

Eh?.. My chest, it hurt. Hearing Hye Rin said something like this... Just as I thought, I rather stay by her side as friend rather than to be a stranger to her.

" Wait a minute Rin!" I called out while grab her hand without thinking.

" I... I'll definitely never leave you alone, even though you couldn't accept my feeling... I'll wait for you. I'll make you fall for me. I'll never give up and I'll never leave your side!"

What am I saying?  It doesn't make any sense. I just.. I just...

" Well Myungsoo, I got it. Maybe.. but Kamsahamnida, for the thought. I'm glad." She replied.

After that, our daily life went on as usual and my friendship with Rin does not change. But it's okay if it is like this. It's probably for the better. One day.. I believe she'll open her heart to fall in love and I.. just have to wait for the chance.










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elementj98 #1
updateeee sooonn pleaseeee!!! :)
CassInspirit97 #2
Chapter 21: ahhh finallyyy updateeeee,!!!!! chingu just let myunggie confessss!!!!!! BTW niceeeee updateee!!!
CassInspirit97 #3
Chapter 20: HAPPY NEW YEAR2014!!!NICE UPDATE!!
CassInspirit97 #4
Chapter 19: please update soon i missed this story soooo mmuchh and merry christmas author nim ;)))
CassInspirit97 #5
Chapter 18: hye rin is soooooo cold!!!!!!how could she just reject sungjonggie!!!pooooooooooooorrr sungjong!!!!!!!!what will myungsoo do!!!!oh god author nim pleaseeeeeeeeeee update sooooon or i will die due to curiosity!!!!!and dont start a new story!!!!focus on this and end this!!!!!!!!!
:* Amazing story! I love it :)