are you the one?

Your POV

"Rin... don't be like that... it's been a while since the three of us got together." Said Jaemin oppa as he trying to please me. He must have thought that I'm sulking because of what he did this morning. Well.... it's true but more importantly ...... I'm sleeeeepy. Ah...  'three of us' sound so nice cause it will is me, Jaemin oppa and....... another person who I 'hate' so much

" RIN!!!!!!" there she is waving like a fool at the airport gate. She quickly ran to me and hold me so tightly

" Jaeyeon... you squeezing me."

Yes... Jaeyeon.. Jaemin oppa little sister. Those sibling had been around me for as long as I could remember and those two are always full of suprises like right now. The three of us were always together until few years ago they had gone to Japan without say a word to stay there with their father ever since their parent divorce. Apparently their father which is my uncle is marry to japanese woman and decided to stay with her. That's why.... I 'hate' her.


" Finally were here!!!" exclaimed Jaeyeon. She's so excited to be back here in Seoul and her brother's  studio will be those sibling second home.Ever since Jaemin oppa open up a studio here, it give Jini a chance to come back here in Korea. Finally.. those two are home, safe and sound. My uncle second marriage in unacceptable  to most of the family member. That's why it's hard for them to come back here. Originally, Jaemin oppa had his own studio in Japan. But I don't know what's gotten into him but he decided to pursue his career here, in Seoul. It' s a good thing that he did.. cause... we finally get to spend our time together, just like the old time.

Author's POV

" Wait a minute. Why Rin hasn't come in?" Ask Jaeyeon.

" She said she wanna wait for her friend." her brother reply.

Then she looked at her beloved cousin from inside. She look at her then she look at the sky. 'Ah.. the weather's quite cold today.' she thought. As far as she knew Rin, Rin always hate cold. A smirk appear on her face.

" I wonder who's the lucky guy that make Rin waits for him?" she mumbled. Somehow her brother heard it and he doesn't like the sound of it.

Myungsoo POV

" We're here" said the manager hyung..

I looked at the window and I saw the studio. It was preety big and it look like a warehouse. Then I saw Hye Rin by the entrance of the studio, waving at me.

" I'll pick you up later. call me when it's done." reminded the manager hyung.

" arasseo.. I'm going.."

After I see the manager off, I walk toward Hye Rin. She welcome me and take me into the studio. For some reason, I couldn't stop staring at her. Honestly i wanna tell her but.... on the other hand.. maybe I shouldn't. Suddenly she turn around facing me. It seem that she notice me for staring at her.

" What is it?" she asked me.

So pointed down at her and when she look down.... she seem so suprised. It seem she just noticed herself wearing pajama pants all this while. She was flabergasted about it that she begin to stuttered.

" I..I.. was..didn't have time to...umm.. umm.. argh!! i was kidnapped that's why!.." She said it and she begin to pout without her realize. For a second there... she was  cute...

" By who?" I asked while trying to hold myself from laughing. She gotta be kidding saying that she was kidnapped.

" Yah... you think I was joking didn't you? Let me bring you to him!"

She was angry and literally drag me to the 'kidnapper'and it was...

" Myungsoo.. this is him, Yoon Jaemin. He's the one that going to help you today and... oppa this is Myungsoo. He's the friend that I told you about."

She introduced us to each other. As I shook my hand with him... I sort of feel unwelcomed by him. Umm... How can I say this? It's more like he hates me for some reason.

Suddenly he pulls Rin toward him and whispering something to her like

" Oi Rin! you didn't told me it was a guy. Plus he's an Idol!" he said.

Not that I want to eavesdrop but the of them end up fighting then,

" Jaeyeonie.. can you bring Myungsoo to the lounge and Myungsoo mian..."

" It's ok.." I said.

So this Jaeyeon girl lead me to the lounge.As she lead me I was looking around I found that the studio it's a bit of a mess and there were a lot of unpacked  box. Then I just sit at the lounge and wait for Hye Rin. I could see Hye Rin still talking to that guy. All of sudden that guy being touchy to her by putting his hand on Hye Rin's shoulder. How could he....

" Myungsoo-ssi would you some drink? coffee? tea?" ask Jaeyeon.

" Oh...coffee please."

So she went of to make coffee and then I noticed something.


" Jaeyon-ssi.... umm...  are you related to Hye Rin?" I asked.

" Didn't she tell you?... me and that guy are sibling.  Basically we're cousin of Rin- chan." she told me.

Oh yeah.. she did told me, that Hye rin. that's explain the resemblance I see from her. Rin-chan huh? I guess that this girl Jaeyeon lives in Japan and become assimilated with their way of talking. Rin- chan, Rin, Rin... I sort of wanting to call her that. I guess that's the previllidge of being family. You got the chance to call each other with all sort of names. Even so my eyes still fixed on both Hye Rin and that Jaemin guy. Now he's flirting with her where Hye Rin seem obviously hate it.

" Yo! Myungsoo ssi? .... I think you're having a crush on Rin-chan." suddenly Jaeyeon-ssi attacked me out of no where. i almost spill my coffee because of it.

" where did that come from? Wha...wha..why would you think that?"

" because all this time you've been looking at her and you unconciously clenched that fist of yours whenever my brother flirting with her."she said it which it hit right on the spot.

She pull out a big grin on her face which made me think that this girl is up to something. Even though this girl and Hye Rin is cousin, both of them are so different. Compared to Hye Rin, this Jaeyeon-ssi is much more mischiveous.

" He he.. don't worry.. From what I see.. she probably the feels the same way as you are. But it's still too early to say." She said.

I don't believe it and I told her that is no way I like Hye Rin that way. I just told her that I have obsesse issue which she laughed at me for it. she keep telling me that she's never wrong in this kind of thing and said that she could lend me a hand if I want to. Then, she took a glance of her cousin and let out a sigh and gave me a bitter smile.

" But it's gonna be though Myungsoo-ssi. Just look at my brother, for years he confessed to her but she still being stubborn never let her heart open for anyone. Somehow...youre different. I don't what it is because this is the first time she brings over a friend and let us meet you. I'm sort of glad in a lot of ways even though Jaemin oppa is not."

She said to me with a lot thought she put it into. It shocking to hear that Hye Rin got a confession from her own cousin but it doesn't surprise me to see them like this, worrying about Hye Rin. I bet those three, Jaemin, Jaeyeon And Hye Rin have been together for a very long time. They knew each other more than anyone else. I'm pretty envious of those two siblings because they are one of Hye Rin's family. Yeah... family. While I'm here.. just a stranger compared to Jaeyeon-ssi and Jaemin-ssi.


Author's note.....

It's has been long.. since I last write this.... Sorry for people who were waiting. Thing's got pretty complicated since semester start. I wonder if this chapter long enough to make to all those time. Again... I'm sorry for a very slow story and character development. It just I'm  an amature still have yet to learn about writing a fanfic. For those who have been reading this.. thank you very much.  

p/s: Any suggestion ar comment are kindly appreciated .


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elementj98 #1
updateeee sooonn pleaseeee!!! :)
CassInspirit97 #2
Chapter 21: ahhh finallyyy updateeeee,!!!!! chingu just let myunggie confessss!!!!!! BTW niceeeee updateee!!!
CassInspirit97 #3
Chapter 20: HAPPY NEW YEAR2014!!!NICE UPDATE!!
CassInspirit97 #4
Chapter 19: please update soon i missed this story soooo mmuchh and merry christmas author nim ;)))
CassInspirit97 #5
Chapter 18: hye rin is soooooo cold!!!!!!how could she just reject sungjonggie!!!pooooooooooooorrr sungjong!!!!!!!!what will myungsoo do!!!!oh god author nim pleaseeeeeeeeeee update sooooon or i will die due to curiosity!!!!!and dont start a new story!!!!focus on this and end this!!!!!!!!!
:* Amazing story! I love it :)