Chapter 7.It's Backfiring



Chapter 7. It’s Backfiring


“She's laughing. How could she sit there and laugh and look so beautiful?”




It was a few minutes ago that he woke up to a beautiful sight and since then he hadn’t moved a muscle fearing that if he did, she might wake up and hell would break lose. That was surely the best morning of his life. Seo Joohyun was lying beside him: her forehead a few good kiss away from his lips, her eyes tightly closed to imply that she was still under a deep sleep, her hair sprawled on her pillows, and the best part of all was that her arm rested on his stomach as she laid on her side. Shinwoo sighed ingesting the angelic view in front of him but he suddenly had to hold his breath when her eyes moved a little slightly.


He remained quiet but a small smile played on his lips even when she slowly opened her eyes. To his surprise, though, Joohyun didn’t go mental by their rather questionable position early that morning instead she lifted her hand and placed it gently on his forehead obviously checking for fever. When she was satisfied, she dropped it back to his stomach and closed her eyes and snuggled comfortably on her pillow. Shinwoo finally let out a soft chuckle that she opened her eyes again, “Good morning to you, too, sunshine… I see you enjoy hugging me.”


“Oh!” Joohyun’s eyes widened in surprise and it totally took away all of the remaining sleep in her body that it was almost like a puff of magic that she disappeared from the room and locked herself in the bath.


Shinwoo lifted his arms to the back of his head with a tiny smug. That trip was good for them, although her actions were still similar to a wronged vixen but he could still say that he got his goal. Joohyun was finally noticing him in a different light and he couldn’t be prouder of himself. However, there was another thing he must do so he got up, left the room and thank heavens that fate’s road is clear for him to go on with his desire to win Joohyun over her own disposition to treat him as an enemy.


When she heard the door to the room closed, Joohyun got out of the bathroom and repeatedly scolded herself for falling asleep beside him. That night, it seemed to her that his fever wasn’t going down so she spent some time dabbing his forehead with clean hand towel. When she felt a little sleepy, she laid herself down on what tiny space left for another person on the mattress. She intended to wake up after a few minutes to continue her vigil until she would be satisfied that he was getting better. However, her own body deceived her that she fell into a helplessly deep slumber.


The sight of his belongings spread out on the floor made her remember that she took them all out when she was looking for his medicine. She picked his clothes up one by one, folded them and placed them back inside his bag as she pondered on how to act around him later. Anyway, how else should she act but the same way she always does? It was something she shouldn’t be stressing herself of and with Shinwoo’s attention span of a fly, he would surely forget that she had her arm on his body probably the whole frigging evening since she doesn’t move a lot when she sleeps. “Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!” she shook her head vehemently when she realized the possible duration of time she was hugging him, her whole body and his whole body stuck into each other. The thought elicited another outburst, “Aaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!”


“I seriously wonder how my underwear can freak you out. Is it that disgusting?”


Joohyun could feel the heat climbing on her face when she slowly turned to find him behind her closing the door quietly then her eyes fell on the off white boxers she was holding in front of her. “Aaaahhhhhh!!!” her scream got louder as she scurried out of the bedroom throwing the fabric at him.


Shinwoo gave himself a congratulatory smirk as he watched his underwear land on his feet.




A few hours later, they sat side by side in front of another feast. This time it was prepared by Shinwoo but with the help of Mr. Noh’s wife. He decided to pretend that nothing happened earlier that morning since he owed her so much and preparing breakfast was his way of thanking her for taking care of him.


“You really made all of these?” Joohyun inspected the bean sprout rice and the other side dishes that doesn’t only look good but smelled heavenly too. She just couldn’t believe he could cook that well.


“Not really, Mrs. Kim helped too,” he said proudly as he started eating.


“By the way, where are they?”


“Mr. Noh went to the fields early this morning and his wife is currently in the market.”


Joohyun shrugged her shoulders thinking that it was somehow better that it was the two of them. It became a habit of him to say silly things in front of other people—he would say the same if it was only her but at least it won’t be too embarrassing for her. She started eating until a thought crossed her mind so she dropped her chopsticks quite appalled, “You prepared these?”


“I did…” Shinwoo placed his spoon carefully down as he watched her eyes narrowed, “What now?”


“Did you put something here?” She demanded mainly because she forced him to eat those shrimps that caused that nasty allergic reaction from last night. Joohyun glared some more when he just chuckled and shook his head. “Do I expect myself to run to the comfort room a few minutes after I’m done eating?”


“You and your evil mindset,” he clicked his tongue and took a sip of water then answered seriously, “For your information, I decided to prepare all of these as a thank-you gift for taking care of me last night. I’m not really myself whenever I’m sick.”


Joohyun almost laughed at the last part of his speech, “Do you really think you were seriously not yourself?”


“What? Why?!” Shinwoo tried to keep a straight face but end up chuckling. He knew what he said and asked her to do and was very happy deep inside that she really did give him a hug. Nonetheless, he need not mention that or he might ruin something so he just nodded playfully, “But really, Joohyun. Do you think I could easily do something like that? No, I didn’t sabotage this breakfast… you can even feed me from your plate.”


Joohyun sighed, dropped her gaze back to her food and nodded, “Well, you can’t blame me. Since I met you, I became highly cynical and choleric.”


“That…” he said pointedly, “I noticed. But you mean to say, you aren’t really naturally a cynic and choleric? Seriously?”


She laughed, “Of course, I’m not! So you better stop acting like a jerk and I might as well show you the best of me.”


“Oh wow… I can’t wait,” he winked but Joohyun erased the smile she was starting to give. After their brunch, they continued with their paperwork since they needed to finish everything by late afternoon so they could drive back home. Shinwoo was his usual playful self that Joohyun realized she was slowly getting used to him being that way. Thus, those silly advancements were just taken lightly or even ignored except after peeling tangerines that he got naughtier. “Try this, it’s sweeter,” he said offering one which she took casually.


“Oh yeah…” she nodded approvingly and shoved one for him, “Try this too, it’s far sweeter than that.”


Shinwoo secretly chuckled as he shook his head that Joohyun raised a brow so he said rather smoothly, “No-oh, I don’t like… but there’s something else I want to try.”


“What?” she asked undisturbed of his expression even when he moved closer to her.


“You’re lips, they look the sweetest,” he said with a grin but her palm instantly landed on his head with a soft thud, “OUCH! YOU!” Shinwoo laughed when she didn’t even seem to care so he went on seriously, “But you know, I have been thinking lately.


“Huh? You are? Wow, that’s something new… congratulations!” Joohyun gave him a toothy grin but he just shook his head.


“I’m just thinking why don’t you just go…”


“Go? Where? Are you shooing me away?”


“On the contrary… why don’t you just go in my heart?” Shinwoo winked but this time it was a pillow that landed on his face, “Wow! You’re not even my girlfriendyet but I’m already a victim of domestic violence!”


“I’m not even your girlfriend yet? Did I get that right? Yet? You really believe that?”


“Yeah, as a matter-of-fact yes…”


“Psh, you’re full of nonsense,” she shook her head with a tiny smile despite his trying to look serious.


“Ya, are you questioning my taste in women?”


“What? Taste in women?” Her eyes narrowed, then dropped the fruit in her hand, “Shinwoo, please get real?”


“I am being real!” He moved closer ignoring her impassive expression, “Joohyun-ssi, will you be my girlfriend?”


Joohyun shrugged her shoulders, “Whatever give you the idea I would fall for that?”


“But I’m not fooling around… I know you can tell…”


She looked at him squarely in the eye waiting for him to wipe that solemn expression but when he didn’t, she grabbed the nearest stack of paper her hands could get, “Oh gee, we forgot to ask Village Chief for the list of damages last year.”


Shinwoo could do nothing but laugh. It was him talking sincerely and it was clear to see that she knew that too. At least he finally said it, he nodded to himself and started clearing the coffee table, “Let’s ask that when he comes home…”


“What to do now?” Joohyun fell on the floor while he stood and looked down on her so she sat again feeling awkward all of a sudden.


“We can go back to the topic,” Shinwoo said without blinking but chuckled when she sighed and shook her head.


“We should play something.”


“Let’s play cards,” he sat down across her.


“I don’t know any card game.”


“I’ll teach you…” Shinwoo said with a glint of naughtiness on the corner of his eyes, “The first one you ought to know is a very easy game. It’s called strip poker.”


“Ha…ha…” Joohyun rolled her eyes at him before standing, “You think I’m that dumb? Psh, strip poker huh? I could poker your face effortlessly.”


Shinwoo laughed out loud as he watched her leave, “Hey, sunshine! Where are you going? I thought we’re playing cards! Strip poker doesn’t sound good to you? Maybe we can try strip Uno!”




Joohyun’s eyes narrowed when she noticed the empty space behind her— the space he was occupying minutes ago while she was completing her part of the project. She dialed his number since she was not in the mood to look for him, “Where are you? You need to encode the interview we did yesterday. I’m done with my reports and I need yours.”


“I can do them later… we have so much time, Joohyun.”


“No, we don’t!” She stood and realized that he might be somewhere outside the house.


“Okay, if you find me then I’ll do it.”


She could feel impatience boiling inside her especially when he sounded to act carefree again. “I don’t have time to play your games again, and besides I won the bet right? Come here this instant!”


“Find me.”


“No.” Joohyun declared but she was actually headed out of Mr. Noh’s backyard.


“I’ll give you a clue.”


“Fine!” She made her agitation clear as she stood out of the house with one hand on her waist and the other holding the phone to her ear, “Just hurry!”


“Joohyun and Shinwoo sitting in a tree: K-I-S-S-I-N-G… First comes—“


Her eyes widened and found herself screaming on the phone “YAAAHHHH!” Much to her annoyance, he just laughed rather discreetly obviously hiding his presence.


“But that’s my clue! Come on, Joohyun, it’s easy. Hey, if you look closely you’ll see me.”


“I don’t even know which direction to look.”


“In front of you… I can see you from here.”


“Aish!” She looked around but she saw nothing but trees lined on the side of the dirt path. The other houses and structures seemed to be a good distance away for him to be hiding around the areas. She was getting impatient by his childishness.


“Turn to your right, to where you are facing right this moment. Walk a little closer, like ten to fifteen steps and I’ll tell you when to stop…”


It was useless to argue so she just followed what he said and stopped when he said to do so.


“Look up.” He said and she saw him up on one tree balancing himself on a thick branch with his trademark mischievous grin, “Come up here…”


“No! Come down here this instant! You’re really crazy!”


“Then come up here and be crazy with me,” Shinwoo grinned wider, his legs swaying as if the bending with the gentle breeze.


“You said if I found you, you’ll get down. Now, do it!” Joohyun demanded but he just laughed.


“That bossy tone… let me be your slave forever, Joohyun.”


“You want to be my slave?” she smirked crossing her arms on her chest, “Then start being one. Right… NOW!”


“Ha! If I would be your slave forever, Joohyun, and I should start right now, that would mean you would be my girlfriend starting right now…”


Throwing a dagger look, she started to turn away, “Okay, I’m going back home,”


“Hahaha! I’m just kidding, come up here first… I promise you will love the view. I’m like seeing the entire Onsu-ri from here, you’ll love it. Besides, we’re going home later, at least see this and take everything in.”


“But it’s too high!”


“High because you’re looking up, come here and see how far you can go.”


“I-I’m scared,” she confessed.


“Do you think I’d let anything bad happen to you? No, sunshine… so come up here…” he gave her a ready smile especially when she started climbing up. Shinwoo grinned wider as he offered his hand when she was close to him which she took without hesitations. “See?” Shinwoo said as she got comfortable on another branch beside his.


She marveled at the sight. What flashed before her was a seemingly never-ending stretch of farm land teeming with newly grown crops. The sky was blue with patches of wispy cirrus clouds on every direction culminating at those distant mountain ranges. He was right; it was a good place to take in nature at its finest. She sighed when he turned to her with a grin as if saying ‘I told you so.’


“Sooyoung said you just moved from Seoul.” He started, “Are you with your family?”


“Technically, yes… my family is my sister.”


“Oh, so it’s just you and your sister?”


“Yeah…” Joohyun turned to him and noticed that he was waiting for her to go on, “Our parents divorced when I was ten. My dad married right after that, then my sister and I lived with mom. And mom remarried early this year so I decided to move in with my older sister.”


“Ah, so I must thank your mom’s new husband,” he chuckled then shook his head when she glared, “It’s fine with you? The divorce?”


“At first, it wasn’t because I love my dad very much. I grew up with him around more than mom.”


“How’s that possible?”


“Umma was an ER doctor when we were young so she was always in the hospital, Appa was a company employee but he had enough time for me and Unnie compared to her,” at an impulse, she carefully took her wallet and put out the picture of her family she has been keeping. It was a photograph taken when she was seven; she was holding a bouquet of flowers, her Yuri Unnie stood beside her with an arm around her shoulder and her parents kneeling beside them. All of them wore the same kind of contented smile. They were a beautiful picture of the past, her beautiful childhood summed up on that piece of glossy paper, “That was after my first piano recital.”


“Your parents look young,” Shinwoo noted carefully studying the young Joohyun with her pretty little smile. All she needed was a pair of wings to look even more perfect in that white dress.


“They are,” she smiled, “You see, my parents got married really young. They were together since high school. Mom got pregnant with my sister when she was 17 so they had to get married. After graduation, mom studied medicine and dad went to law school but he decided to let her finish first so he dropped out hoping if she would get what she wanted, she would have more time for her family in the future. Then she became busier… then Appa decided to continue law school. After five years, I was born… I guess they tried to stay married for a long time… they did love each other, and I believe that they still do. They just drifted apart.”


“Wow, that was quite complicated. It’s nice to see that you don’t seem to be a disillusioned kid frustrated and hating life despite of what happened to your family.”


“Yeah, it’s been a long time. We just have to live with it… I love my parents and somehow I’m happy I was born because Unnie would be too sad if everything happened without me, she won’t have anybody then.”


“And I’m really very happy you were born, Seo Joohyun…”


She managed not to let his sincere tone and serious expression creep her out but she couldn’t help but laugh at his effortless way of inserting non-subtle hints, “Why am I even bothering to tell you my family background?”


Shinwoo stopped for awhile, looked away then smirked back at her, “Because you’re starting to trust me.”




“I mean, we’re up here and you said you’re scared so you trust me and even told me about your family.”


“Haha that’s lame reason,” she shook her head but looked at him, “You, what’s your family history?”


“Nothing as complicated as yours,” Shinwoo started but stopped for a moment then went on, “On second thought, there is something quite complicated but let’s not get into that. Let’s see, my father was born in a rich family, he’s the youngest and was a mama’s boy until he met my mother who came from a middle class family. He fell in love… hard… he chased her and she hated it but in the end she gave in, but Halmeoni, Appa’s mother, was very much against it and she talked to Umma secretly and tried to pay her, the one you see in dramas? Like that… my mom was insulted so she proposed to Appa and of course he was too happy.”


He laughed at the end that she raised a brow, “Really? You’re not making this up?”


“Why should I?” He insisted then continued, “Then they got married. Grandmother attempted to disown him but Harabeoji didn’t let it happen but told Appa he would be on his own after that. Harabeoji secretly helped Appa work his way up to the company he was working but when he found out he begged to just let him be independent. Now, Appa is a Senior Accountant in that company and wouldn’t accept any promotion even if it wasn’t because of his family’s influence. As much as possible, my family has been trying not to have any contact with my relatives on his side of the family, but it can’t be helped, especially when halmaeoni took…” he fell quiet and just looked ahead then smiled finally as he turned to her, “Anyway, Umma is a great cook, you should try her kimchichigae, it’s the best in Korea!”


The faraway look in his eyes hinted something but she decided not to ask any further. There was something about him when he mentioned his grandmother, “You don’t really like your grandmother?”


“Oh no! I like her very much, me and my siblings but maybe she has a reason for her actions. She’s a very kind woman and funny so I don’t understand how she wasn’t able to accept my mother or why she did all those awful things to my family.”


“Awful things?”


Shinwoo eyed her playfully suspicious, “If I tell you, I have to—“


“Kill me?” Joohyun laughed. For a moment, she thought she was seeing this other side of Shinwoo but the second he looked at her with that naughty smirk, she knew she shouldn’t hope for something like that.


“No, it’s a family secret so…”




“So, I have to marry you…” he grinned like the Cheshire cat.


“Ha ha…” she said coldly, “I better go down now.”


“But seriously, I’m willing to tell you my family’s secret,” Shinwoo kept a laugh inside as he watched her slowly and carefully descending.


“No, thanks. I’m good.”


“But really, it’s very interesting… you know there is someone—“


“LALALALALALALALALA” Joohyun chimed as both feet landed safely on the ground and to which Shinwoo just gave out a hearty laugh.


“Oh well, it will be your loss,” he called out as he watched her playfully skip away tracing back the dirt pathway towards the house.


















yes, I've been hinting a lot! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

I told Ysa once that this fic has a lot of secrets

On the outside, it looks very simple and ordinary love story

Only that I won't be satisfied with that 

yep, you can start making your guesses

We're in the middle of Book 1 now so you can start hunting for clues on the twist of this story~


Show us love by commenting please~ =^^= 

you're thoughts inspire us and give us energy boost~

Thank you soooo much to those who never fail to comment!!!  


To Ate Raine...  <3 <3 <3 
P.S. I srslyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy looooooovvvvvvveee the one who made this:
okkkkkkaaaayyyyy, patience is a talent! ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ be patient for next update pls!
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Reread this and always got the feels 4339
Wilhemina #2
Chapter 38: Damn it I finished
unfeignedfaith #3
Chapter 38: I can't wait to see this story up and running again. I needed an angsty story to keep my heart beating erratically from all these drama and warm this body up on this chilly autumn night. Yup, did the trick. Can't forget their intimate moments though that got my fingers and toes curling. In all honesty, I adore Beneath & TPATP, but this is the type of genre I would keep going back to—endlessly. All your unfinished stories are literally making me feel like I'm hanging on a thread. I want to see them all finished but at the same timw, I really don't want them to end either. Gaahhhh...
vydevie #4
Chapter 38: Please update soon.. Pretty please update at the soonest :)
simutniea #5
Chapter 38: oh. author nim... please update this story... you make this story so good. i was crying so hard when knew the accident and you made shinwoo died.. it hurts authornim.. please continue this story.
aiueoaiu #6
Chapter 38: unnie please continue this story~~~~~ really really miss this story :(
Heybeautiful #7
Chapter 38: I can't believe only now I decided to read this fanfic! So many twists in the story I just couldn't handle it lol many times I tear up. So whenever "shinwoo" would say I'm not myself today that means that was yonghwa all along lol I finally get it but the story otoke my heart can't take it and when you have time please update this story. Fighting! :D
heejung1489 #8
Chapter 38: Is there any chance for this story to be continued Authormin? It's sad not to have a sad/happy ending for this. T.T
miithaa #9
Chapter 34: I reread again and again and again..
Really really miss this story...
Please upadte soon..
Oh wow
when will kismet be updated?
I'm so going to re read this soon :)