Chapter 13. Fairytales


Chapter 13. Fairytales


“I think we ought to live happily ever after.”

― Diana Wynne Jones, Howl's Moving Castle


The older woman that sat across him didn’t really look like she is a mother of two grown adults. At fifty-one, Kim Sun Ah appeared much younger than her age and people usually mistook her as the eldest sister of her daughters. Shinwoo was no exception. Although he had seen her pictures, he couldn’t believe that this sophisticated-looking woman was the mother of his girlfriend.


“I understand why you are here right now.” She started, while lazily stirring her straw on the tall glass of iced tea. “My daughters, they both grew up rather independently from us which I’m not very sure if that is a good thing or not,” she smiled remembering how lucky she felt when Yuri followed her dream of being a doctor herself and Joohyun had been very focused on her own future plans. “Even though they were under our watchful care, we gave them the freedom to choose their own path— to make their own decisions.”


Shinwoo couldn’t get really settled on his seat as he shifted his weight.


“If you ask me, I don’t want my Joohyun to get married this early. I was married too early myself. Well, age is not really the question here but as a mother I still want her to enjoy the freedom of being single. You understand what I mean, right?”


“Yes, ma’am,” he replied tactfully.


“If you ask her father, he would go berserk,” she smiled, “I’m sure of that. But… but… it’s up to Joohyun. She will decide on that.” She mused for a few second, “Funny, but long time ago… before we got divorced, we talked about this and we both agreed that we will never be a hindrance to Yuri and Joohyun’s decisions in life. It’s just that… it’s too early… did you even talk about this with your parents?”


“I did, my mother…” he smiled, “She cried but she knew that I know what I am doing. Ma’am, I am not asking you to believe me nor I would ask you to trust me although that is actually my intention for asking your permission. But I committed myself to your daughter and I promise that I will give her the same freedom that you have always given her. I will not go against what she wants to do with her life; I will just support her and stand by her.  Like what I said to Yuri Nuna, I don’t intend to marry her as soon as possible. I will marry her only when she’s ready. I just want to propose marriage to her because I want her to know that in the future there will be someone here waiting for her always… someone whom she would grow old with. A person whom she can come home to… I want that… I promise you I will give her that. This kind of happiness."


Finally, she smiled. Sun Ah knew then that this boy would not only be true to his word but he would be more. Her daughter would be kept safe and happy, she knew that. She nodded, reaching out to touch the young man’s hand.


“You don’t have to worry about Joohyun’s father. I will talk to him about this.”


Shinwoo felt relieved as he nodded slightly, “But I will still call him and ask for permission.”


“Yes, you do that after your proposal. I have to talk to him first…” she chuckled, “I’m telling you, he’s no joke. Joohyun is her youngest daughter so she’s basically his little treasure no matter how big she grows.”


“Thank you… if this means that you are allowing me to propose to Joohyun.”


“I am,” she said quite surprised by herself, “And please, please prove to me in the future that I did the right thing.”


“Yes, ma’am,” Shinwoo lowered his head in a bow, “You will never regret this day.”


“Gomawo,” Sun Ah smiled, the young man suddenly give off that mature air in him. He was just glowing. Now, she was curious how Joohyun is with him. “Thank you for meeting me first. Aigoo, look at the time, finish your food so you can go back early.”


As if on cue, they both started eating but Shinwoo stopped for awhile to compose a message.




“So, Joohyun, how are things between you and Shinwoo?” She pressed her lips avoiding a smile when she noticed that sudden curve on her sister’s lips. Ah, Joohyun’s really in love, Yuri told herself.


“Good? Better?” She answered nonchalantly while skimming through the dresses hanging on the display.


“Hmmm… good to hear then, he’s your first boyfriend so that’s really a relief.”


“It seems that worrying about me has become a hobby,” she retorted gently eliciting a soft laugh from her unnie.


Yuri crossed her arms on her chest while watching her sister lazily checking out the dresses, “Ya, I’m your eldest sister.”


Joohyun finally turned to her holding up a floral wrap-around dress for Yuri, “Are we having this conversation again, Unnie?” She laughed when the older girl raised a brow then focused her attention on the dress. “Sometimes I worry about you more, you know? When was the last time you dated? Like seriously dated?”


“It’s not a priority…” she shrugged taking the dress off the hanger before focusing her attention back on the displays. “Besides, I have so much time for that in the future.”


“The clock is ticking,” Joohyun said playfully.


“Just because you have a boyfriend, Joohyuna.”


“No, Unnie… really, I wish you would go out and meet someone too. And don’t say that you want to see me graduate first because that lame reason is getting too overrated.”


Yuri could do nothing but laugh, “Joohyun, love… is not rushed. What do you want me to do? Go out and advertise my status to the world like so desperately? What can I do if that person meant for me isn’t here yet? And I don’t even know if he exists.”


“Hmmm… you’re right, well then… but don’t lose hope. I want to see you happy too. I miss seeing your shy smile, you know? With that Oppa before? I thought you were seriously going to end up together.”


Me too, Yuri hid her sad smile, “Aigoo, when you’re in a relationship, you always have that thought… that you and that person would end up in that happily-ever-after part. But, yeah, some things just meant for only a moment even if we want them for keeps.”


“Hmmm…” she just mumbled then followed her sister on the next row of display racks, “And be happy it happened somehow?”


Yuri laughed, “That thought is only to comfort ourselves, isn’t it? Why would it start when it doesn’t mean to last in the first place?”


“Beats me but at least when you’re in that situation, take it in and be happy?”


“Yes, unfair… there’s always this fear…”


“You just stop being a pessimist,” Joohyun snapped at her elder sister.


She couldn’t help but roll her eyes, “You know, it’s better to be a pessimist at least it won’t hurt that much when things turn sour.”


“Why would you expect things to turn sour in the first place?”


“Joohyuna, you won’t get it… you’re in love,” she snickered.


 “And you’re uber sensitive, Unnie,” Joohyun laughed then elbowed her sister lightly, “It’s the time of the month, isn’t it?”


“Shut up. I hate it when people blame it on hormones.”


“Well isn’t it? I should know.  But really, Unnie. Law of Attraction, you get what you attract.”


“What is Law of Attraction? I only know Murphy’s Law… anything that can go wrong, will go wrong,” Yuri retorted.


It was Joohyun’s turn to roll her eyes at Yuri and mumbled accusingly, “Pessimist.”


“Joohyun the starry-eyed romantic.” Yuri laughed bumping playfully at her younger sibling.


“Yuri the cynical.” She gave out an exaggerated exhale then walked ahead, “Oh well, there’s no point arguing with a non-believer.”


“You and your competitive streak,” Yuri laughed as she watched her sister walk away then took out her phone.






“He sent me a weird message.”


“What did your boyfriend say?” Yuri giggled when she let the word slide menacingly in her tongue.


“He said I should buy a nice dress to wear,” she wondered for a moment then looked back at her unnie again, “He’s taking me to the restaurant where his band is playing…”


The older girl smiled secretly aware of what was going on. So it went well, she smiled to herself. “There’s nothing weird about that.”


“No… he doesn’t really want me to go to his gigs.”


“Oh? Why is that?”


Because I would just get jealous at all the girls swooning over him. She didn’t say that but smiled and just shrugged, “Just because.”


Yuri laughed, “Arasso, my god, Joohyun, I can’t believe this is happening…”


“What is happening???” She stopped midway composing a reply as she looked at her sister.


“Aniya… nothing,” Yuri waved a hand then linked her arm on her baby sister’s, “Come, I’ll buy you that nice dress…”


“Jeongmal?” Joohyun grinned finally deciding an ‘okay’ for Shinwoo’s text message.


“Yeah, of course!” Yuri playfully hit her arm.


“I’m loving this hormone thing going on, Unnie.”


“Ya, are you calling me cheapskate?”


“But you are—“


“Ya, Seo Joohyun, do you want that dress or what?!”


“Ani… ani… I’m just kidding you, saranghae-yooooo unnniiieee~”




She closed her phone after calling Shinwoo for a last-minute check. Taking a side step to let her sister pass, she then followed her to the latter’s bedroom “What do you think?” Joohyun spun playfully around to parade the Zara lace dress her sister just got her.


“Pretty,” Yuri smiled at her little sister for a moment before retouching her make-up. “You should tie your hair though. It’s windy outside. By the way, Umma’s in town…”


“She is?” Joohyun looked at her sister’s reflection on the mirror as she neatly dropped her side ponytail on her right shoulder while leaving some loose strands to frame both sides of her face.


“Yeah… so I invited her to join us at the restaurant. At least she can meet Shinwoo.” Yuri replied nonchalantly ignoring the surprised look on her sister.


“Omo… Unnie, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”


“Why?” She laughed.


“But I haven’t told mom about him!”


“That’s why I took the initiative,” Yuri turned away replacing her coat with a tweed jacket and checked herself on the mirror.


“What?!” Joohyun followed her unnie’s every move. Although the older girl seemed to be relaxed, she couldn’t help but worry. “What did she say?”


“She was worried at first, but it’s an initial reaction, you know? Don’t worry, Mom is cool about that… but Appa… don’t tell me you haven’t told him too…”


“Yeah… I don’t know how to tell them, but since you told Umma so I assume she told him already.”


“My thoughts too…”


“I hope she will like him,” she slumped on her sister’s bed and sighed.


“Ya, stop worrying over trifle things, okay?”


“I can’t help it…”


Yuri couldn’t help but laugh. Joohyun didn’t know what awaits her for the day. “Are you ready? They are on their way already; they might get there before us.”


Their mother and step-father were outside of what seemed to be a small flower shop along the stretch of establishments near the restaurant. Joohyun sprinted and almost gasped in delight upon seeing her mother that she hurriedly draped her arms on her for a tight hug. “Umma! I miss you!”


“Oh… me too, honey…” Sun Ah laughed as her daughter finally let her go but she pulled her again to drop a kiss on her cheek. “Aigoo, it has only been a few months but, look at you.”


Hye Sung and Yuri looked at each other both having those curious smiles but he cleared his throat playfully, “Before your mother starts the waterworks, can I get a hug too?”


“Of course, Appa…” Joohyun chuckled as her step-father gave her quick hug then he turned to Yuri.


“Wow, darling… thank you for these lovely daughters.”


Sun Ah pouted then slapped her husband lightly on the arm, “Because you didn’t have to deal with all the crying and running around the house?”


Yuri laughed, “Oh we can still do that too, Appa… run around your house—“


“While crying,” Joohyun added.


They all laughed. It felt like a long time that they didn’t see each other and Joohyun was glad to see that their mother wore the same smile she had when she first introduced her then boyfriend to her and Yuri. She and her sister were too old for the drama so he was accepted easily to their little family. Like what Yuri said before, their mother was too young to waste another year being a single-parent to two adults.


Everything felt wonderful and her apprehensions of Shinwoo meeting her mother and step-father were just forgotten so easily. That moment, Joohyun couldn’t even wait to introduce him to them. However, the moment they arrived at the restaurant, things suddenly didn’t feel right especially when she saw Shinwoo’s parents and sisters at one of the table’s closest to the stage. She waved at them and ushered her own little family to where they were and introduced everybody.


After the brief hellos, they were ushered to the table right in front of the stage where instruments were starting to be set up. His family wouldn’t really have made things fishy but suddenly seeing more and more familiar people did. The Gang of Talls occupied one table; a few guys Shinwoo introduced to her a couple of months ago; some kids from school. And if they weren’t that all weird, she also spotted Ms. Lee Hyori sharing table with Mr. Kim Taewoo.


Joohyun sat uncomfortably on her seat and smiled absentmindedly at what her mother’s husband said about something she didn’t really hear as her whole consciousness was only focused on the fact that eyes were watching her. She would look around, catch some of the people she knew staring at her then they would be the one to look away and pretend there was nothing going on. Joohyun sighed to herself setting her mind that she was just hallucinating until her sister leaned closer and took her hand.


“Are you okay?”


“De, Unnie…” she convinced herself too that she was okay and Yuri smiled back but without letting her hand go until the waiter came with their food.


“I hope you enjoy the rest of the evening.” He bowed at them and left.


Like it was a cue, the lights near by the stage and some around the whole dining area were dimmed; it was almost nightfall so the whole place was pretty much dark. The soft sound the hand drum created sent this bolt in the sudden silence as the crowd reacted with whistles and claps. Then his gentle voice echoed through the corners of the room; a mellow blue light focused on Shinwoo. He was looking directly at her as the words floated in the air.


“When I look at you my face gets red

When I see you my heart goes thump, thump

I talk with shyness like a kid

When I look at you I just smile out of nowhere

Like a fool I keep doing that

I think love came to me…”


A soft squeeze brought her back to reality when she almost got drowned on the sudden rush in her chest and the whirls by the pit of her stomach. She looked at her sister for a moment and met her smile, and then her mother moved closer to her too and draped her arm on her shoulder.


“That’s him?”


Joohyun could only nod as she focused at him again. She was mesmerized— captivated although it wasn’t (technically) the first time she saw him that way. Ages ago— that one day she caught a glimpse of him on another stage singing this melancholic song. But somehow, it was all different for her.


It was overwhelming.


It was completely making her head spin in a very nice way.


She smiled knowing that song was for her.


He was singing for her.


Among the sea of people, she knew it was her song.


“I love you, lovely

Even if I close my eyes I see you

Looking at you like this

You’re still blinding even when I see you

You’re my love light…”


After the song, the lights went back to normal. He introduced himself and his band, thanked everybody that turned up on that ‘special day’, whatever that meant, and continued with the first set. The songs got livelier and livelier and the bizarre uneasiness she was feeling moments ago has evaporated in time as she and her family enjoyed the food and the conversations. As their tables were getting cleared for desserts, she looked up to the stage when Shinwoo ended his song and started to talk again.


“Ladies and gentlemen, this next song is dedicated to my girl over here…” he pointed at her and the crowd went crazy. “Seo Joohyun, listen…”


Joohyun shook her head as her mother laughed and her giggly sister tapped her arm repeatedly. She took a quick look at where his family sat and saw Hyoyeon giving her thumbs’ up, Sunny squealing to herself and his parents clapping and smiling proudly. And, their friends, of course, continued to howl and whistle like they were watching a concert. So not fitted to the laid back design of the restaurant, but the atmosphere was giving her a different vibe. Joohyun was feeling giddy and woozy all at the same time.


“Love message calls me.

Your sweet scent stirs my heart.

When you are lying beside me, when you are sleeping in my arms,

When I feel you breath, I want you in my life.

My song for you, my Juliet.

I hear your sweet voice every day.

When your two eyes look at me, when you smile at me.

My heart just STOP…”


She giggled when he pointed at her as the loud beating of drums, the strumming of guitars and the cheers of his audience made her even feel nervous. She had this vaguest idea what was going to happen next.


“I want you in my life (To you, my love)

You are like the air in my life (I will give you my everything)

I want you in my life (I only ask one thing of you)

I want to breath with you every day (Smile Always)

You are fresh like a vitamin when I'm tired.

You are like mom's embrace when I'm sick.

You in my life (I will hug you tight.) I love you, Forever

You are a gift from Heaven. You are my treasure.

I'm a fool that knows nothing but you.

You are my Guardian Angel. I can't live without you.

I will never leave you. I want a you in my life.

My gift for blessed you.

I am your Holy Water. I am your player.

I'm going to go to the edge of the Earth. START.”


Suddenly, the background sound just got softened. Shinwoo jumped off the stage and walked towards her. Oh boy, now Joohyun was nervous as ever as she watched him taking his time easing to where she was. The whole world seemed to halt the moment he stopped in front of her and kneeled so that they were eye level.


Then he took her hand.


There were the sounds of the instruments. There were the excited noises. There was every little distraction that could seduce her away from his eyes and the way he was now holding her nervous hands. There was this world around them but at that point in time nothing else existed, nothing more than Shinwoo and Joohyun as they looked in each others’ eyes.


She, with her fears and doubts, smiled nervously.


He, with all the certainty in the world, smiled back at her.


“Seo Joohyun, do you remember that one time I asked you if you would say ‘yes’ in case I pop that magic question?” Shinwoo smiled when her head bobbed ever so slightly. “And you promised you would say ‘yes’ didn’t you?” He smiled wider when she pouted impatiently then nodded again. “So… now… in front of everybody that matters… I want to ask you that now. But first of all, take comfort in the fact that this doesn’t mean we will be rushing out of that door to the nearest church somewhere…”


The crowd laughed.


“Because I’m sure your father would rush back here too and cut the life out of me…” he grinned and addressed their audience, “Well, that was exactly what he told me when I asked permission…”


Another laughter erupted. Joohyun was just as surprised of the fact that he contacted her father and even that silent gesture her mother gave her told her Shinwoo talked to her also.


“Anyway, as I promised before… we will not rush things. As much as I want to, you know? But the most important thing for me now is to be assured that in the future you would be walking down the aisle in this beautiful white dress and I would be waiting at the end of it for you to say our vows. So, Seo Joohyun… will you… marry me…???”


She finally smiled and nodded— nodded excitedly with eyes widened and hearts beating like crazy.


“Sunshine, you have to say ‘yes, I’ll marry you or something.”


Their audience cracked up yet again that all she could do what to bite her lower lip then nodded gently, “Yes, Jung Shinwoo, I’ll marry you… someday… every day… in every heartbeat, I’ll marry you.”


With that, Shinwoo stood and with all the air of confidence (or conceit), he raised his arms wide to their crowd and smiled smugly, “Did you hear that?! She said YES!”


The crowd went crazy especially when he took her hand to let her stand.


They all went oooohhh’s and aaahhhh’s when he pulled her by her waist as she laughed.


They laughed again when Shinwoo looked at Joohyun’s mother and pouted until she nodded pretending a resigned nod, but they knew she was as happy as both of them.


Their audience though groaned loudly in disappointment when he raised his guitar to take cover from them as they shared the sweetest kiss that evening.




He smiled walking away.


That was all enough for him.


He was happy for Shinwoo, of course. Who wouldn’t be? That crazy kid finally found his match, finally fell in love for real. He knew he would stop playing around. Finally, his brother was happy.


And he was genuinely happy for him— for them.


But why couldn’t he just stop his heart from compressing in his chest?




















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Reread this and always got the feels 4339
Wilhemina #2
Chapter 38: Damn it I finished
unfeignedfaith #3
Chapter 38: I can't wait to see this story up and running again. I needed an angsty story to keep my heart beating erratically from all these drama and warm this body up on this chilly autumn night. Yup, did the trick. Can't forget their intimate moments though that got my fingers and toes curling. In all honesty, I adore Beneath & TPATP, but this is the type of genre I would keep going back to—endlessly. All your unfinished stories are literally making me feel like I'm hanging on a thread. I want to see them all finished but at the same timw, I really don't want them to end either. Gaahhhh...
vydevie #4
Chapter 38: Please update soon.. Pretty please update at the soonest :)
simutniea #5
Chapter 38: oh. author nim... please update this story... you make this story so good. i was crying so hard when knew the accident and you made shinwoo died.. it hurts authornim.. please continue this story.
aiueoaiu #6
Chapter 38: unnie please continue this story~~~~~ really really miss this story :(
Heybeautiful #7
Chapter 38: I can't believe only now I decided to read this fanfic! So many twists in the story I just couldn't handle it lol many times I tear up. So whenever "shinwoo" would say I'm not myself today that means that was yonghwa all along lol I finally get it but the story otoke my heart can't take it and when you have time please update this story. Fighting! :D
heejung1489 #8
Chapter 38: Is there any chance for this story to be continued Authormin? It's sad not to have a sad/happy ending for this. T.T
miithaa #9
Chapter 34: I reread again and again and again..
Really really miss this story...
Please upadte soon..
Oh wow
when will kismet be updated?
I'm so going to re read this soon :)