Chapter 4. Tell Me Your Name



Chapter 4. Tell Me Your Name
"Love isn't something you find. Love is something that finds you."
~Loretta Young



She stared at her notebook’s monitor while tapping her fingers carelessly on her desk. The icon on his name showed that he hasn’t added her yet. After rechecking the piece of paper he handed her, she dragged her pointer on his name and clicked Resend Contact Request.


Hi jung.yong.hwa!

I’d like to add you on Skype.



Well, she didn’t really expect him to be on time. She clicked her tongue disappointed mostly to herself for making herself upset. Only a few minutes left anyway, so she decided to pull her attention off the computer and started flipping her book. An hour and a thousand-times-of-checking-her-Skype later, a chatbox appeared on her screen just as she decided to sleep and it was an irony to say that she was beyond pissed.

jung.yong.hwa: Hey you

“HEY YOU?!?!” Joohyun shouted at her laptop, tied her hair in a bun like ready for battle and typed with the speed of a bullet train.


jung.yong.hwa: Hahaha, you really waited that long?

seohyun91:  of course I waited THAT LONG for you!

jung.yong.hwa: You really like me that much, huh? To wait THAT LONG?

She stared at the message box for a moment and slapped her forehead, “Oh my god… is this guy for real?”

seohyun91: ya! stop saying nonsense! I was waiting for you for the sake of my grade, you dumb@ss!

jung.yong.hwa: Stop saying nonsense? Why? Would I rather say things to make you blush?

“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!” she hissed since Shinwoo’s erted snicker flashed in her brain.

seohyun91: that’s it… I’m not doing this anymore… goodnight, I hope your bed covers strangle you to death!

jung.yong.hwa: Ahahahaha! Ohhh we wouldn’t want that

Joohyun closed her notebook without shutting it down properly. She had enough of his attitude. It would be best to do the project without his help. It was pointless doing it with him. Her teeth gritted just by the thought of another bout of his foolishness. “Joohyun, relax…” she laid herself to bed and closed her eyes. She could start doing it tomorrow, for now, she just wanted to sleep and get that annoying person off her head. Just as she was about to drift in a total state of peace, her phone vibrated beside her. “Yoboseyo?” She answered lazily without checking who it was, her Unnie usually calls before her bedtime, “I’m about to sleep. How’s work?”

“Ahhh, how did you know I work?”

Joohyun sat up when a deep voice answered, “WHAT? WHO ARE YOU?!”

“Joohyun-ssi, this is Shinwoo, I—“

“Oh my god! How the hell did you get my number?! And—”

“Hey, hey! Before you activate your panic-mode to dangerous level, please listen. I got your number from Sooyoung and… I’m sorry for playing around.”

“Ha! Do you even realize it’s too late for that? You have been annoying me since day one! Goodnight!” She ended the call before he could even say a word but the home phone suddenly rang, “Oh for goodness sake, did Sooyoung Unnie also give my home number?!”

She rolled out of bed, grabbed the receiver and waited for a few seconds until the person on the other line confirmed her thoughts.

“I know this is may seem creepy but I was really thinking this would happen so I got your home phone number too, I’m sorry. I told Sooyoung we need to do a project together. Joohyun-ssi, please be online.”

Closing her eyes tight, she sighed and nodded to herself before opening her computer’s lid. “Online now,” she simply said and dropped the receiver back.

seohyun91: next time you say anything off topic, I’d do this project on my own, and I don’t care. Besides I think that’s what you want, huh?

jung.yong.hwa: No… no, I was just kidding… promise, I’ll be good.

seohyun91: starting when? next lifetime?

jung.yong.hwa: Right now… right now, Joohyun-nim,

seohyun91: ha!

jung.yong.hwa: wow… your feistiness is such a turn-on.

seohyun91: …

jung.yong.hwa: I’m sorry… hahaha I will delete that…

seohyun91: …

jung.yong.hwa: There deleted… okay?

seohyun91: final warning

jung.yong.hwa: Okay, okay, so about the questions… I listed some…

seohyun91: send me

jung.yong.hwa: YAY! WE’RE GOOD NOW!!!

seohyun91: >.>

jung.yong.hwa:  (-___-)v  okay! Okay! Sending doc!!!!!!!

It took them almost thirty minutes to reach to an agreement on how to go about with their project. Joohyun checked his notes and was quite surprised to see that he wasn’t bad at all. His ideas were also good and well-thought of, “if only you could be this serious most of the time,” she said to herself.

seohyun91: ok, let’s call it a night. I’ll just make a final copy to submit next meeting

jung.yong.hwa: Alright… I’ll see you tomorrow at debate!

Somehow, a smile escaped her lips. Shinwoo has always been like a kid from the very first time she saw him. She sighed realizing that all she could do was to get used to his attitude and have more patience in dealing with him.  A message alert sounded again.

jung.yong.hwa: Goodnight, seohyun91!

seohyun91: back at you, jung.yong.hwa-whoever-you-are

jung.yong.hwa: Haha. That’s me too, my secret identity.

seohyun91: oh, I didn’t know I was talking to Batman. How’s Gotham City?

jung.yong.hwa: hahaha! Jung Yong Hwa was actually the name I should have been given, but parents opted for Shinwoo (which was my grandfather). So yeah, now you know… welcome to my world, Joohyun-ssi!

seohyun91: gee, thanks… look at me jump around as you welcome me to your world…

jung.yong.hwa: Did someone ever tell you that you’re sarcasm personified?

seohyun91: did someone ever tell you that you’re devil incarnate?

jung.yong.hwa: Haha. I will never win...

seohyun91: I will never let you win. so much for a chitchat, bed calls...

jung.yong.hwa: I envy your bed... joo…hyun...ssi

seohyun91: go… to… hell…

She signed out with a smile. She never fought with anybody online and the feeling was exciting somehow. Perhaps, they should just do their project through online so she won’t have to deal with his senselessness. If only they didn’t have to spend time at the countryside. She dropped her body on the bed and kicked her pillows desperately. Spending three days with him spelled disaster; she sighed at the very thought of it.


“Ya, scumbag, what’s gotten into you, laughing like a loon in the middle of the night?” Hyoyeon said as she peeked inside his brother’s bedroom.

“Nothing, I’m just enjoying comedy as it unfolds,” Shinwoo spun his computer chair as his sister walked in wearing an overly familiar oversized shirt, “Sheez, Noona, how many times do I need to tell you to stop wearing my shirts?”

“Oh, is this yours? I thought...” she shrugged her shoulders, “oh well, I need that…” she looked at the desk behind him, “Scoot, loser!”

“What?!” Shinwoo tried to block his sister away from his computer but Hyoyeon just pushed his revolving chair until she (?)was right in front of it. Pulling her shirt back, he tried to cover his monitor but it was too late, Hyoyeon was already dragging the pointer to the Skype message box.



“Yeah, right…” she sneered but grabbed the stapler on his desk then moved away, “I need this back.” Hyoyeon turned as she was about to close his door, “Bring her here to meet mom, if you know what’s good for you.”

“What are you talking about?” he rolled his eyes as his older sister slammed the door. Shinwoo smiled to himself. He couldn’t imagine her being his girlfriend; they won’t last for long, that’s for sure.


Even a moment would be an eternity.


The half-full room suddenly fell into weird silence as he entered. Shinwoo slumped onto his seat almost ignoring the hasty movements of his classmates. There was this atmosphere very similar to a feeling when a professor walks in. He turned to Jonghyun who also looked restless for a moment, “Hey, what’s up?” Shinwoo looked around again and caught some avoiding his gaze, “Is it just me or something weird is happening with everybody?”

“Uhm, hyung…” Jonghyun adjusted his glasses on his face, “don’t be mad, okay?” He looked around then whispered, “Okay, they’re betting how long you and Joohyun-ssi could stand each other for the immersion.”

“What the f—“

“Uh-oh! Hyung!” Jonghyun raised a hand as if trying to stop World War III from happening until Shinwoo burst into fits of laughter. He tilted his head and asked the older guy, “H-hyung? Are you alright?”

“PUHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Shinwoo raised a hand, as well, then another one holding onto his belly like it was going to blow up, “That’s the most awesome idea, you guys!” he addressed his classmates, who were finally looking at him.

“Y-you aren’t mad?” Jonghyun asked again.

“Mad? Mad like hell!” he laughed again, “That’s hilarious.” Some laughed with him, some just watched with bewilderment. “So, what’s the deal?”

“Ahhh… the guys were just thinking that you and Joohyun-ssi won’t make it for three days,” one of the brave guys said and showed a notepad, apparently, the list of those who participated.

“5,000 won? You guys are stingy!” Shinwoo declared, “Okay, I bet she won’t be able to stand me for like hmmmm….?”

“I’ll throw in 10,000...” a stout guy said, “for one hour.”

“12,500 too, 30 minutes!” one girl added.

The list went on and on until almost all the kids in the room joined in. Shinwoo dropped back to his chair with a satisfied grin then smirked at Jonghyun, “You, what’s your bet?”

“I… I think this is not a very good idea…” Jonghyun said seriously despite how Shinwoo clicked his tongue, “She won’t like it…”

“Oh, don’t be such a sissy…” he snapped but nodded. He couldn’t believe that the two of them would be a sensation this school year. It was a good start then. All of a sudden, they all fell silent again and Shinwoo thought Professor Kim came in, instead it was Joohyun who walked in oblivious of the situation. He smiled at himself and stood but Jonghyun tugged on his arm with head shaking. He just raised his hand confidently and walked right behind Ms. GA.

“Hi…” Shinwoo started, their classmates seemed to wait for the next scene. Joohyun looked at him with an eyebrow slightly raised, “Good morning, Seohyun91.”

“What do you want?” Joohyun asked without hiding her sarcasm.

“Uhm, you see…” he sat on the desk facing her, “The kids here have this great idea of betting how long you could stand me for the immersion.”

Wow, the nerve of this jerk. Joohyun told herself, “And so?”

Shinwoo motioned for the guy who was holding the notepad to hand it to him, “Here…”

5,000 for one day. 10,000 for one hour. 12,500 for 30 minutes. The list went on and on and she felt more and more appalled. What a nonsense!? She hid her disgust with a grin then shoved the paper back at him, “What’s your bet?”

Shinwoo smiled at her attitude. This is gonna be fun. He shrugged his shoulders, “Depends on you…”

“Psh…” she rolled her eyes, scoffed at him and muttered seriously concealing a scheme in her head, “500,000 won. The whole duration of the immersion.”

Shinwoo’s eyes widened then blinked twice as he made a mental calculation of the remaining money in his pocket and those he tucked away somewhere in his room. He didn’t expect this girl to be that rich. The people in the room, too, were suddenly blown away by her declaration.

I’m your bitter pill, mister. Joohyun proudly told herself as she watched his face suddenly turned red. She didn’t actually have that amount but she was just confident to win this one.

“Uh… oh…” Shinwoo rubbed his nape.

Joohyun stretched her arms on her desk, interlocks her fingers then smiled the sweetest she could manage with the word that seemed to roll gracefully from her tongue, “Well?”

“500,050…” he swallowed the remaining pride he had as their classmates chuckled behind them, “one day… I’m giving you one day.”

Joohyun just puckered her lips as if thinking of something then nodded, “Alright, good enough…”

Shinwoo kicked himself secretly as he walked back to his seat. He couldn’t believe she would pawn him just like that. It was actually playing in his head that she would go berserk again and it would be like his little triumph already. He sighed when Jonghyun just shook his head at him while he took his seat.

“Himnae, hyung!” he whispered showing his fist while Shinwoo just slouched lower wanting to fade away.

Professor Kim arrived moments later. Thankfully for him, the older man was not in the mood to intimidate him or any of his classmates. He didn’t need further intimidation. Shinwoo continued to scold himself for his foolishness since he couldn’t just ask money from his mother. Although his grandma would surely give him without further probing but he couldn’t just do that, she has been very generous and understanding to him and his siblings.

After an hour, the class was dismissed and he decided to leave earlier than his classmates to avoid further damage to his ego. However, a very familiar voice called out.

“Hey, Jung!”

He turned to see Joohyun sprinting towards him. He chuckled to himself because of the way she called him, “Hey back at you, Seo.” Joohyun just stretched her lips as if holding back a smile so he continued, “What do you want? Backing out?”

“Huh? What’s that?” she raised a brow.

“That means you want to give up on the bet.”

“Oh!” she smiled and animatedly slapped her forehead but rolled her eyes then continued seriously, “But backing out and giving up are just two phrases that don’t exist in my dictionary.”

Shinwoo would have glowered at her but it would only mean he was losing his patience. He didn’t want to give her that benefit, “So what?”

“Oh, I was just thinking the stake was too high. And I wanna play fair.”

He swallowed something in his throat. The way she looked at him was something he couldn’t be sure if he should buy whatever she was about to say, “Meaning?”

“Let’s do it like this. If I couldn’t stand you for one day, I would pay you 500,000 won…” she said and Shinwoo’s face lightened. She congratulated herself then went on, “But if I win, you have to do whatever I say for the remaining two days.”


“You will be at my beck and call for two days.”

“What?!” Shinwoo sneered in disbelief.

“In short, you’ll be my slave, Jung.”

“Are you kidding me?”

“Do I look like I’m kidding you?” She pointed at her face.

Shinwoo chuckled and folded his arms on his chest. It was interesting. Probably, he should give it a shot. Besides, he was confident on winning this one so he stretched out his hand, “Okay, deal…”

Joohyun just stared at his outstretched hand as if disgusted with his touch, “Deal.” She confidently said without taking his hand and started walking ahead of him.

“Ha!” Shinwoo tormented by another blow on his ego called out, “prepare your money, Joohyun-ssi!” He snickered more when she spun around that she was walking backwards.

“I told you, I will never let you win, Jung~!”

He shook his head. He was starting to like her guts. Shinwoo shook his head again and clicked his tongue. It was a bad sign; he was starting to like his arch nemesis.


Yuri walked in and found her sister packing her bags, “So you’ll be back on Monday?”

“Yeah, I left the number of our guardian at the fridge’s door. The address too and Professor Lee’s number,” she said gently stacking her clothes in her backpack.

“How about your partner?”

Joohyun lifted her gaze for a moment then back at her task. She didn’t want her Unnie to know that her partner and the annoying guy she told her about are the same person, “I’ll write later after I’m done with this.”

“It’s a two hour drive, can you handle that?” Yuri asked again. She still feels uncomfortable with the idea of her sister going to a new place without her and basically with a stranger. “Can your partner drive too?”

“H— we can take turns,” she smiled at her sister then continued, “She agreed to drive too.”

“Okay, good,” she sat on her sister’s bed folding some clothes, “Can I see you off? At least I can meet your classmate.”

“Ahh, that really won’t be necessary since you’d be on duty when I leave on Saturday,” her heartbeat seemed to get stuck for a moment until she saw a smile formed on Yuri’s face with a nod, “Ya, stop worrying, I’m an adult, remember?”

“I know… I know…” Yuri rolled her eyes, “I’m sorry. It’s not that I don’t trust you, but I would still worry about you all the time. Even if I know you’re in school, I still worry…”

“You’re worse than mom, you know?” she smiled and gave her sister a hug, “I can take care of myself, I can even take care of both of us…”

“Alright, Joohyun, just don’t forget to call often.”

“I will, and I will message you as often as I can too… and you too, okay?”

“De, Umma!” Sometimes Joohyun seemed to be older than her. Yuri told herself that she shouldn’t worry too much.

Joohyun smiled and completed her task. The bet somehow made her even more excited for the trip. That Shinwoo just gained himself his worst nightmare. She couldn’t wait to make his life complicated.









Chapter 5. Gravitational Pull



At first glance, one would think that she was soft-spoken, prim-and-proper, too lady like and well-mannered. But, she was more than that.

“Stop staring and focus on the road, I don’t want to die young…”

“I can’t help it,” he chuckled. He forgot ‘with-psychic-powers’ to her list of credentials. “Hey Seo, heaven called. They said they’re missing an angel…”

“Heyyy Jung, hell called. They said you’re the missing devil.”

He laughed out loud taking note that she didn’t even open her eyes but a smile played on her lips so he continued, “When God made you, He was surely showing off…”

“Yeah, and when God made you, it was too late when He realized His terrible mistake…”

“Ohhh! You’re so good!” his laughter drizzled to a grin. She was seriously giving him that fuzzy feel.

“Oh, you haven’t heard the ones I keep in my head,” she smiled keeping her eyes closed.




dedicated to Yana... for asking for an update ^^ keke coz me and Ysa are nice ates, yes? yes... Thanks to my own Ate Raine for editing <3


babypillow, hi sis ^^ i think i have enough chaps of kismet hehe but im a bit greedy... but yeah we're updating as soon as we can

yonghyunforever, I think Shinwoo has a very good tactic watch out for more... uri shinwoo is an adorable kid~ I will update LTL this coming week or the next ^^

shawie829, that's our goal, we want to make you fall for the story slowly then all at once ehehe (borrowed line)

snccrockz, you'll find out soon the real reason hehe

xInspiration, thanks that you like it ^^

blackwings_17, yep, hyun and yuri got nice and peaceful family and shinwoo got the rowdy and crazy one 

chelz, hi sis!!! long time no talk hehe... ahaha looking forward to their bickerings, eh?

remh25, shinwoo's little touch of magic for him to get hyun's attention, let's see how far he can go with that... updating LTL soon, sorry for the delay!

replies on AF:

PHANofMBLAQ, for sure they will be more than friends after the project *eeek*

luxubu, you leave me speechless with your comments, I honestly don't know what to say

kmrsanchez, thanks for liking the story ^^ as much as possible, we want to focus on shinwoo-joohyun but we'll see what we can do bout your request

ilovegoguma29, ROOOOOOOOOOOOXXX! nothing hehe

zealous, thanks for liking this story. we want to build up the story slowly and show the easy progress of the two characters... but yeah once we reach the middle... that's... hmmm for you to find out ^^

keerohearttammy , thanks for the comments, I think the name Shinwoo gave a lot of confusions but reasons can sometimes be simple, sometimes they can be tougher than expected ^^

pinkyUnplugged, ^^ dugeun-dugeun

smileaddict, yeah it's me and Ysa (celuici )








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Reread this and always got the feels 4339
Wilhemina #2
Chapter 38: Damn it I finished
unfeignedfaith #3
Chapter 38: I can't wait to see this story up and running again. I needed an angsty story to keep my heart beating erratically from all these drama and warm this body up on this chilly autumn night. Yup, did the trick. Can't forget their intimate moments though that got my fingers and toes curling. In all honesty, I adore Beneath & TPATP, but this is the type of genre I would keep going back to—endlessly. All your unfinished stories are literally making me feel like I'm hanging on a thread. I want to see them all finished but at the same timw, I really don't want them to end either. Gaahhhh...
vydevie #4
Chapter 38: Please update soon.. Pretty please update at the soonest :)
simutniea #5
Chapter 38: oh. author nim... please update this story... you make this story so good. i was crying so hard when knew the accident and you made shinwoo died.. it hurts authornim.. please continue this story.
aiueoaiu #6
Chapter 38: unnie please continue this story~~~~~ really really miss this story :(
Heybeautiful #7
Chapter 38: I can't believe only now I decided to read this fanfic! So many twists in the story I just couldn't handle it lol many times I tear up. So whenever "shinwoo" would say I'm not myself today that means that was yonghwa all along lol I finally get it but the story otoke my heart can't take it and when you have time please update this story. Fighting! :D
heejung1489 #8
Chapter 38: Is there any chance for this story to be continued Authormin? It's sad not to have a sad/happy ending for this. T.T
miithaa #9
Chapter 34: I reread again and again and again..
Really really miss this story...
Please upadte soon..
Oh wow
when will kismet be updated?
I'm so going to re read this soon :)