Chapter 6. The Way To My Heart


Chapter 6. The Way To My Heart


"Life is messy. Love is messier."

– Catch and Release



“FIVE DOLPHINS! FIVE DOLPHINS! FIVE DOLPHINS! FIVE DOLPHINS! FIVE DOLPHINS!” Shinwoo finally roared madly and laughed when her eyes widened as if telling him not to make too much noise. Joohyun, still being careful not to mess with her counts, said her parts while jumping higher. He followed madly shaking her hands gently that elicited another batch of laughter from her. Shinwoo dropped back to his feet watching her shake her head as if giving in to the freedom of that madness.


She’s beautiful when she smiles and far too beautiful when she laughs. The sound of it is addicting; those happy fits seemed to glow in a room full of lights. He watched her intently as she did her parts. Seo Joohyun, slowly emerging out of her protective cocoon; the mask of arrogance lifting off to reveal her gentle warmth; the sarcasm in her voice altered to her sweet jolly laughs.


“JUMPIN’ JUMPIN’ JUMPIN’ JUMPIN’ JUMPIN’,” she shouted back knowing how his eyes traveled on her face. The way his mouth shaped a smile and then a laugh; his hair hanging loose on his forehead; his eyes focused on her; his hand tightly yet softly holding hers. Joohyun smiled despite the rush in her chest. It must be because of the jump, but it must be something else entirely. “JUMPI—” she found herself saying and abruptly stopped to taste the tickles of laugh from Shinwoo.


She lost.


Nevertheless, she couldn’t get herself to feel upset as she watched him finally jumping out of the bed like a little boy running and screaming around the room, proclaiming his victory. She smiled at his happy little boyish self.




And he did…




She knew it…


She felt it.


Nevertheless, Joohyun shook her head, not in denial but in ironic confirmation. He was, after all, that guy she saw at the park. The boy she heard singing at the club. The guy she almost hit with her car. He was that guy who has that annoying grin, this playful disposition and boyish charm. Who was she to deny the attraction that suddenly rushed through her? She dropped off the bed and fell on the lone chair by the side and watched him jump around the room.


“I get to sleep in the bed?” Shinwoo asked foolishly grinning widely at her resigned smile.


“Since you’re overly excited with that fact,” she nodded lazily without her smile leaving her face, “Yes, you get the bed. I can’t believe how gentlemanly you can be, you know?”


“Ha… ha…” he pretended to laugh as his back dropped on the bed, “Sleeping on the floor is pretty cozy as well so it won’t be too bad.”


“I suppose so.” She stood and started taking out the materials they needed for the research, “But we need to start working on our paper.” Joohyun laid to rest the feelings she thought were just unnecessary to their reasons for being at the village. When she put her heart and mind into something, it was easier for her to shove other things behind. There was absolutely no point in welcoming those weird feelings so she spent the rest of the time working on the documents lent by the village chief and resigned to the thought that Shinwoo was better off not helping her. And, he did not help at all for it was almost after dinner that she stretched her legs on the floor and grumbled that he wasn’t back yet from his ‘walk’. She went out to look for him for a few minutes until she decided to just let him go back on his own so she showered before going to bed.


After getting out of the bathroom, Joohyun was surprised to find Shinwoo on the mattress fast asleep. She remained standing for a moment wondering if she should wake him up until he opened one eye.


“Oh, you’re done?” Shinwoo asked as he sat up.


“Oh, I thought you’re really sleeping there,” she muttered a bit disappointed.


“Yeah, I am,” he stood and took the neatly folded clothes on the side of the mattress, “Why?”


“You won so you get the bed. I’ll sleep there.”


Shinwoo grinned and waved his forefinger at her, “No… no… Seo Joohyun.”


“No?” She raised a brow obviously doubting his actions. She could never tell what trick he had on his sleeve.


“No. I don’t let the girl sleep on the floor,” he grinned with a little wink.


“But the game—“


“I just want us to play,” he walked towards the restroom, “Be crazy for a moment. It was fun, wasn’t it?”


Joohyun finally smiled thinking that it had been a long time since she last jumped up and down a bed, “Yeah, it was fun.”


“Glad you’re happy. Anyway, go to sleep, Seo…”


“Yeah, goodnight, Jung…” she replied as he gave her a tiny salute. Shinwoo had this way of annoying her then making her smile with his childish antics all at the same time. If he didn’t come on too strong that first day of school, she might have liked him even more. She sighed with those thoughts since she promised herself not to encourage that idea anymore.



The next day, they started going around the village and interview some of the residents. Since it would be easier to visit the houses along the road, they decided to go to areas with a few good distances. The roads were rocky but they were lucky that it wasn’t raining nor it rained the night before or they would have to deal with muddy trail. However, despite wearing a reliable pair of running shoes to match her buggy tee and denim shorts, she occasionally struggled to keep her balance and almost tripped repeatedly.


Shinwoo snickered behind her before finally walking by her side and offering his hand but she just snapped at him, “I know how to walk, thank you very much.”


That attitude though didn’t stop him from trying again, this time he held out his hand towards her and declared, “Would you hold this for me while I go for a walk?”


Joohyun stared at him like figuring out if she should continue, “I would be glad to take your hand, then again I would have to snap it out of your body. And I suppose you don’t want that.” With that, she walked passed him.


“Ewww! That’s gross!” Shinwoo called back.


“I know, right?!”


She arrived at the first house indicated at the map given by Chief Noh. Shinwoo was still nowhere in sight and she figured he was just somewhere trying see if she would look for him. You wish! Joohyun rolled her eyes then gave the familiar looking ajumma a ready smile as she approached. “Hello, I am Seo Joohyun. I remembered you from yesterday.”


“Oh yes, I’m Mrs. Soon,” the middle aged woman ushered Joohyun in her yard. “The chief told me that you are coming so I prepared some snack, by the way, where is your handsome boyfriend?”


“Oh!” She waved her hand as her eyelids opened wide in surprise, “He isn—“ Before she could even continue, his strong arms circled her waist gently pulling her backwards so she fell on his chest.


“I’ve got you now, Seo,” Shinwoo whispered near her ear before releasing her, “Hello, I am Jung Shinwoo. Sorry for being late, I kinda lost my way.”


Joohyun narrowed her eyes to give him a silent warning as she calmed the sudden weird knot in her stomach. He was doing things too much and she wouldn’t allow that to happen again. Unfortunately, Mrs. Soon was enamored by Shinwoo, just like the rest of their respondents as they finished their interview at the area. Although she recognized that it was just an attempt to give off a positive atmosphere to the villagers so they would be accommodating and cooperative to their study, suggesting they were a couple was not really on her book. She vowed to give him a dose of his own medicine.


The opportunity came when the villagers gave them a dinner feast at the chief’s house. The long table was filled with side dishes that it looked like there was a special holiday. Most of the villagers sent in dishes. Shinwoo was especially happy with what was laid in front of them and was the first to fill his plate after Mr. Noh finished blessing the food. The room was filled with laughter and happy conversations.


“Here, try this spicy shrimp.”


In her peripheral vision, she watched as Mr. Noh’s wife offered Shinwoo a platter of shrimp to which he gladly took but placed back on the table without taking any. Joohyun reached out for it and took some, “These shrimps look lovely.”


“Oh they are! And they taste great too, just the right amount of spiciness on it.”


The older woman explained as she nodded and took a bite. Shinwoo watched her with interest so she turned to him, “Hmmm… it’s so good! Try some, here.” Joohyun placed two pieces of succulent looking shrimps but he gestured that he couldn’t. He knew that she understood what he was trying to say but Joohyun just smiled sweetly at him.


“Don’t you like shrimp?” one mother asked.


“Oh, he does!” Joohyun grinned widely ignoring how Shinwoo was narrowing his gaze at her, “Come on baby, don’t be shy… you love shrimps!” The villagers laughed and giggled by how sweet the young couples were. However, Shinwoo just ran a hand on his hair so Joohyun mumbled under her breath but maintained her charming act, “Don’t embarrass me and just eat this damn shrimp, baby~”


He answered with a fake smile, “Just because you’re calling me baby, sunshine.”


“Ahhhhh!” Joohyun demanded as he helplessly obliged but she was not done yet and took another piece, “I really love it when you call me sunshine and because of that, here… eat some more.” She happily stuffed his mouth with shrimps.


“Seo… Joohyun…” Shinwoo took a quick sip of water while her hand waited with another mouthful of the seafood. He rolled his eyes, grumbled before giving in to another torture, “You’ll be the death of me… Seo Joohyun.”


“Aigoo, stop saying nonsense and eat!” she snapped. It came to her that he might be allergic but the fact that he just ate what she gave him was probably a good sign. It was nothing serious, but his comment brought a sting in her chest that she couldn’t really fathom. She smiled as she watched him swallow hard then reached out for the honey on one of the serving plate. Joohyun took a spoonful and turned to him, “Open up.”


“What’s that for?!” he raised one brow. She was seriously torturing him.


“It’s just honey!” she snapped back and forced him to take it. Joohyun was actually giving him first aid.




They went back to their room too stuffed to do the remaining reports for their project. Joohyun went to the restroom first and went out to find him watching a baseball game on TV. Shinwoo stood and went to the restroom himself so she took the liberty to change the channel to a music station. When he came out, he mumbled to himself as he watched her slumped on his mattress coolly singing along so he grabbed the remote and changed it back.


“Yah! You’re so rude!” Joohyun yelled trying to reach for the object while he stretched his arm away from her reach.


“Look who’s talking? I was the one who opened it!”


“But you left so you have no right!”


“Psh~! I’m always wrong, you’re always right, Ms. Goody Two-Shoes!”




The battle for the remote ensued with not only Word War V but with elbows, knuckles and limbs. Shinwoo, starting to feel a little nauseous (because of the friggin shrimp), moved away from her to catch his breath then grinned when she raised her hand to push a button. Just before she could move a finger, he jumped in front of the TV, spread his arms behind it and laughed evilly, then laughed louder when Joohyun screamed in frustration, “Wahahahaha! Loser!”


“WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING LOSER, LOSER!?!” Joohyun stood, snickered, walked to the corner of the room and pulled the TV plug then laughed herself, “So, who’s loser now?!”


After a few minutes, Shinwoo curled half-sitting in the bed with all the pillows while she sat on the mattress hugging her legs close to her body. Nothing was said between them although they would throw each other glances once in awhile like waiting for someone to start retaliation. The TV hadn’t been opened since she pulled the plug so they were in a complete silence until he slid off the bed and grabbed his guitar. The past days they were there, he would sneak outside to play without her knowing and she would get pretty mad when he comes back. He strummed the strings gently but aimlessly with nothing particular in mind to play until he noticed how she moved that she was directly looking at him with her head gently resting on her knees.


Shinwoo smiled to himself as thoughts came to his mind. The song came slowly and softly. Her eyes focused on his gentle movements as he caressed the strings.


 “I'm starting to fashion an idea in my head

where I would impress you

with every single word I said.Would come out insightful or brave or smooth or charmingand you'd want to call me.”


She shook her head when he playfully smiled at her as the lyrics some more.


“And I would be there every time

you'd need meI'd be there every time...But for now I'll look so longinglywaiting... Joohyun~


She rolled her eyes with a soft laugh.


“For you to want me, for you to need me, for you to notice me…”


“Stop that,” she said under her breath while kicking the pillow to the side when she stood and walked towards the coffee table and poured herself a glass of water.


“Why? You don’t like it?” Shinwoo asked teasingly while continuously playing the chords of the song.


She sighed after taking a sip. The truth was that she doesn’t really know what to say; she doesn’t even know why she was having those butterflies dancing by the pit of her stomach. “Just stop, okay?”


“But did you listen to the lyrics—“


“That’s why you must stop teasing me already!” she demanded with voice a notch higher.


“What?” Shinwoo chuckled, “Are you thinking that I was singing it for you?”






Shinwoo laughed too hard that his stomach started to hurt again. Her irritation and desperation made him drop on the floor laughing and it even worsen. Joohyun gritted her teeth and repeatedly told herself to keep her cool, that it was another test, that if she lost her temper again it would only encourage him to annoy her all over again—every moment he finds the opportunity. She breathed in and out with eyes closed and her fists relaxing on her sides despite the throbbing anger in her chest. She was calm as a rushing brook; as peaceful as sunrise; as silent as the passing wind. Joohyun sighed for the last time despite the never-ending chuckles of that annoying person. She opened her eyes, first directing her gaze on the ceiling until it dropped down on the coffee table.


Three packets of unopened ketchup from this morning’s trip to the fastfood downtown welcomed her sight. “Yeah, laugh all you want,” she said almost inaudibly then took the little plastics, squeezed out the contents on her palm and jumped towards him.


Shinwoo was caught off guard. He didn’t know what got him until he landed on his back on the floor while Joohyun sat on top of him and wiped the ketchup all over her face. She laughed while he coughed. He struggled to catch her arms but she was strong until he managed to put his hands on her waist and pulled her sideways that she dropped on the floor herself. Shinwoo laughed as she screamed trying to avoid his hands after he wiped them on his own face and transferred the red sauce all over her own face.


They ended up laughing. Their faces and other body parts smudged with ketchup as they lie on their backs staring at the ceiling. Thankfully, the owners of the house were not yet back because of the village meeting that happened after the dinner. Otherwise, it would have been embarrassing.


Joohyun couldn’t remember the last time she laughed that way. Silly and careless, those were the only thing she could think of. Whenever she was with him, she would end up being silly and careless; even her heart. She took a deep breath and started to stand but Shinwoo was up on his feet before she could even move a muscle so they ended up racing towards the restroom.


She managed to get hold of the knob before him and glared at him when he didn’t budge, “Where do you think you’re going?”


“I’m washing too.”


“You can’t go in with me!”


“Why? Are you gonna get just to wash your face?” Shinwoo snapped casually, pushed her to the side and entered the restroom like nothing happened.


Minutes later, inside the small room, they stood side-by-side (with occasional elbow pushing) and washed each other’s face.


“What now?” she glared when she found him looking at her intently.


“I’m just thinking you’re prettier with ketchup on your face.”


“Ha… I’m preeettier???” she stressed blinked twice as if trying to act cute and stared at him seriously, “Therefore you find me pretty?”


Shinwoo rolled his eyes and mumbled, “Here we go with the therefore again.”




Joohyun smiled recalling every little detail of what happened a few minutes ago. He was good at that: drive her out of her wits then pull her back with his silliness. A night in the countryside did her good and her companion too. She sighed as she stared at the sky, at how the stars blanketed her. It was clear to her that he wasn’t just making fun of her and funny how Yuri was right about guys annoying girls just to make them take notice of the latter. She knew how his foolproof gestures were starting to get into her the way she never thought possible.


Walking back to the house, she tiptoed hoping he was asleep. After their little experiment on the other uses of ketchup, she left him in fear that he would come up with ways to get back at her and nearly an hour later could have probably put him to sleep. The door opened almost silently and she smiled seeing him tucked in the mattress on the floor. She pulled her own covers and was ready to climb to bed when she heard him make that muffled sound that told her something was wrong.


“Shinwoo!” she gasped when he turned to her direction that she saw his face cherry red and sweats glistened on his skin. Joohyun hurriedly jumped out of bed, kneeled beside him and felt his forehead, “Oh my god, Shinwoo! You’re burning with fever!”


“Shi— shrimp… you…” Shinwoo tried to open his eyes.




“You… your fault…” he managed to give her a tiny smile before his eyes closed.


“Oh my god! Please don’t die on me!” panic-stricken, she wiped his face with his blanket and tried to look around for something that could help her.


“Not… dying…” Shinwoo said in between breathing, “In my bag… medi—“


“Okay! Okay! I’m on it!” Joohyun jumped, opened his knapsack and threw everything on the floor until what seemed to be a medicine kit caught her eyes. After taking one antihistamine tablet, she helped him up, put the pill on his mouth and took the bottled water beside him. “I’m sorry…” Joohyun said gently when he settled back to bed, “I didn’t know it would be this bad… maybe I should tell Mr. Noh.”


Shinwoo shook his head, “I’ll be fine in a minute… thank you.”


“I’m really sorry,” Joohyun said as she ran a finger on his forehead to dab some moisture that remained. She sat beside him for a couple of minutes trying to see if his color was turning back to normal.


“Go to sleep…” he mumbled as he opened his eyes with a smile.


“I will when you’re asleep already.”


“Then make yourself useful.”


That surely made her smile as her heart slowly beat back to normal, “How can I be useful, your highness?”


“Sing me a song…”




“You’re a snob, ist and deaf, Seo Joohyun.”


“And you’re one annoying dum@ with an inflated ego ,” she smiled hearing his soft chuckles.


“You’re gonna sing or what? You almost killed me, remember?”


“And a blackmailer,” Joohyun moved a little closer, “O…kay, what should I sing, Master?”


Shinwoo lifted his lids and grinned despite his exhaustion, “Sing for me ‘You Are My Sunshine,’ sunshine…”


Joohyun shook her head and tried her best to sound listless as she sang, “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you… please don’t take my sunshine away…”


Shinwoo smiled hearing her gentle voice. Although she sang too fast, he couldn’t help but open his eyes and saw her watching him softly. He had this sudden urge so he tapped the space beside him, “Now, lie down and give me a hug…”


“A what?!” her eyes widened because of that request but she shook her head inching back a little. This ert! She whined secretly.


“A hug,” Shinwoo repeated under his breath feeling the medicine kicking in. He was becoming groggier but he managed to counter without hesitations, “Umma does that a lot…”


“Well, I’m not your mother,” Joohyun shook her head, crossed her arms on her chest as she sat up straight and tried not to burst out laughing when a thought came to her, “Jung Shinwoo, are you hitting on me?”


Shinwoo opened one eye with a playful grin on the side of his lips, “I’m sick, Seo Joohyun.”


“I can very well see that, Jung. But I think I’m lost here. You’re sick and you’re hitting on me?”


Shinwoo finally closed his eyes, lifted a hand then dropped it on her lap to hold hers, then smiled again, “Beats me?”

















for you to notice -------------> shinwoo's song


thanks for the comments!

and to ate raine for editing~

(LTL update to follow soon)


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Reread this and always got the feels 4339
Wilhemina #2
Chapter 38: Damn it I finished
unfeignedfaith #3
Chapter 38: I can't wait to see this story up and running again. I needed an angsty story to keep my heart beating erratically from all these drama and warm this body up on this chilly autumn night. Yup, did the trick. Can't forget their intimate moments though that got my fingers and toes curling. In all honesty, I adore Beneath & TPATP, but this is the type of genre I would keep going back to—endlessly. All your unfinished stories are literally making me feel like I'm hanging on a thread. I want to see them all finished but at the same timw, I really don't want them to end either. Gaahhhh...
vydevie #4
Chapter 38: Please update soon.. Pretty please update at the soonest :)
simutniea #5
Chapter 38: oh. author nim... please update this story... you make this story so good. i was crying so hard when knew the accident and you made shinwoo died.. it hurts authornim.. please continue this story.
aiueoaiu #6
Chapter 38: unnie please continue this story~~~~~ really really miss this story :(
Heybeautiful #7
Chapter 38: I can't believe only now I decided to read this fanfic! So many twists in the story I just couldn't handle it lol many times I tear up. So whenever "shinwoo" would say I'm not myself today that means that was yonghwa all along lol I finally get it but the story otoke my heart can't take it and when you have time please update this story. Fighting! :D
heejung1489 #8
Chapter 38: Is there any chance for this story to be continued Authormin? It's sad not to have a sad/happy ending for this. T.T
miithaa #9
Chapter 34: I reread again and again and again..
Really really miss this story...
Please upadte soon..
Oh wow
when will kismet be updated?
I'm so going to re read this soon :)