
Different dreams


Donghae’s POV

When I woke up, I saw the sky outside dark and my room was pitch black. I sat up slowly before my mind woke up fully and realize I was suppose to meet Soobin. I the lights before looking at myself in the mirror to find myself looking rather decent before I rushed downstairs only to find Noona watching a variety programme.

“Noona, did Soobin come and look for me?” I asked.

“Oh she did. She left already.” Noona said. I was about to rush out of the house when she spoke up again.

“She wanted you to rest. She said she’ll see you tomorrow. If you feel apologetic, you can give her a call. She will be delighted.” Noona said before turning her head back towards the television. I looked at the door for a second before I turned back and went back into my room.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket and dialed her number. My finger hovered above the call button. I was hesitating whether to call her. I remember years back, whenever I called her, I have to pluck up all my courage. Every ring made me more nervous. When she said Hello, I could almost feel my heart stopping. However, that’s years ago. Now it’s different. I know it is.

“Oh hae ah. You’re awake?” She said through the phone before I realized I had already called her.

“I’m so sorry. I fell asleep.” I apologised, but I could hear her chuckle on the other side.

“I was glad you fell asleep. Your Noona was so worried about your health and your sleep. Now seeing that you can sleep like how other people do, she feels more at ease. Not only her. I too feel at ease.” She said so gently.

“I guess now I can sleep more at ease.” I chuckled as she laughed along.

“Why don’t we take a few days break and go out for a walk.” She said.

“Go out for a walk?” Don’t we always go out for walks?

“Breathe in fresh air in another country. We can also recharge ourselves before coming back to work harder.” She said.

I have never thought for leaving Korea with her. Going on a holiday was one of my favourite activity. However, I guess going with her would definitely be a dream come true.

“Hae? Are you there?” I snapped out of my trance before realizing that I had actually zoned out.

“I’m here. Let’s go together.” I said.

“Really?” I could hear the excitement in her voice.

“I need time to relax too.” I said.

Throughout the whole conversation, she was asking me where we should go what we should do, she say she wants to go shopping in Thailand or perhaps go eat seafood in Japan, eat streetside food in Taiwan, go sightseeing in china or just go jeju island to relax.

“Why not we go to America to visit your house?” I didn’t know why but that suddenly came into my mind.

“Are you sure about that?” She asked me with doubt in her voice.

“I want to see how you have lived most of life. See your friends, visit your father, it’s quite a good idea.”

“If you insist. We’ll go America then.” She said.

The next day, when we met up, she was so excited. She was telling me how she can bring me there to visit her school, her friends and bring me around her house there.

“Donghae, Are you ok? You seem to be very unfocused theses few days.” She said with her hand above mine.

“I’m fine. It’s just in the past I never thought these things would happen to me. I have always thought I can only see you from afar.” I said with a bitter smile.

“Oh Hae, We’ve been through so much. Besides, haven’t we talked about this before?” She said with a reassuring smile.

After a few more minutes later, we had to part ways because lunch time is almost over. She walked me back to my office since her lunch time can never be over if she chooses not to go back. We were laughing and talking as she had her arms around mine. Before I made a wrong decision to look up when I heard a loud familiar voice.

“I want to see Doctor Lee Donghae! I don’t want other doctors! I want him! You hear me!” The female exclaimed.

I felt Soobin’s gaze piercing through my skin as I continued to look at the scene in front of me.

“I’m sorry. Doctor Lee Donghae is not back from lunch yet.” The nurse said as the female continued rebuking her.

“Doctor lee!” The nurse exclaimed as she turned her head and saw me causing the female to look at me and I know my life is going to be over.

The crazy female who was demanding me to be her doctor is none other than the girl who had been trying to get me to date her, Sunye.

“Donghae!” She came over and pulled me into a hug, pushing Soobin away in the process.

I pushed her away quickly before turning to look at Soobin who had a shocked expression on her face. I wanted to pull her to a corner and explain, but Sunye wrapped her arms around mine.

“Donghae! Don’t you miss me?” She said and the expression on Soobin’s face immediately darkened.

“What are you talking about? We were just friends.” I said as pushed her hand away. I wanted to walk to Soobin’s side, but she pulled me back.

“What do you mean by just friends? We almost date in University remember?” She said with a smug look on her face. I turned to Soobin to find her walking away, towards the lift.

“That never happened before and will never happen, so stop pestering me.” I told her before telling the nurse to send her home as she’s totally fine.

“Soobin!” I called, but instead of stopping, she walked even faster.

I didn’t manage to catch up with her because when I got to the lift, it closed in my face. I ran as fast as I could down the steps to the main entrance of the hospital. I saw her standing there waiting for her driver to come pick her up.

“Soobin!” I called again. She froze on the spot, but she didn’t turn around to look at me.

I walked to her side, trying to make her face me, but she resisted.

“Don’t talk to me.” Was what she said, but I didn’t intend to allow myself to be misunderstood.

“Listen to me. It’s not what it looks like.” I tried to start.

“Not what it looks like? You said you’ve suffered those 7 years while waiting for me, wondering if I would ever come back and would you have a chance. So this is all a lie. You almost dated that girl. Why didn’t you date her? Because you’re having another girlfriend? Is that it?” She exclaimed, causing everyone around us to look at us.

“It’s not like this. It’s her who’s making me date her. I swear.” I said, trying to pull her towards me.

“Swearing is of no use now. I can’t trust you.” With that, she got into her car which reached at the perfect time.

I could feel the world spinning around at that particular moment, Was the world playing around with me? Why does this kind of things happen to me all the time? I closed my eyes to refrain tears from forming in my eyes. At that moment, I felt arms around my waist.

Immediately pried them away and turned around.

“Why are you so angry?” She asked and tried to pull off an innocent look.

“You ruined my relationship which I tried to create from 7 years back. I don’t ever want to see you. GET OUT!” I said before storming back into the hospital.

I knew most of the nurses were staring at me in shock as when they saw me, they stepped aside immediately.

When I got back into my office, the nurse told me I have no patients for the moment. I was glad that at least one thing is going my way.

I turned my chair to face my window as I look out. For years, I’ve been trying to win her heart. I’ve always prayed that one day, we’ll meet again. I had thought that we’d be fine. But now, this is big trouble and I’ve caused it. If back in the days of university, I’ve rejected her cleanly, maybe this wouldn’t happen. What am I to do now?

Suddenly, there came a knock on my door. I had thought I didn’t have patients at the moment. When I turned my chair around, trying to get ready before telling the person to come in, the door had already opened and closed and standing in front of me, was none other than Noona.

“What happened? I heard from the nurses that you threw your temper at some female at the main entrance of the hospital.” Noona said as she sat down on the chair in front of me.

“It’s Sunye.” I said, trying to hold back all my feelings. I didn’t know was suppose to be angry or upset now, because I feel both.

“Sunye? The girl from university who had been trying to date you?” Noona asked as I nodded my head.

“I knew she was up to no good. Did Soobin see it?” Noona asked and I nodded my head again, before I felt my cheeks wet. It was starting to kick in that I’ve lost Soobin after such a short time.

I felt arms around me and I realized I was in Noona’s arms. I cried even hard, knowing everything that happened can never be erased.

“Soobin left. She doesn’t trust me anymore. Noona, I feel like I’m losing her again.” I was sobbing harder and harder in Noona’s arms.

“Noona will help you. Maybe she doesn’t know the full story. Noona will help you overcome this obstacle.”

After around an hour, I’ve calmed down and Noona had went back to her own office because she has a patient. I opened one of my side drawers and took out two boxes. Opening both of them, both contained two similar bands, one for a male while one for a female. A few days ago, I bought this pair of ring for us and I had actually intended to give it to her during dinner today, but I guess it’s impossible now.

That day, I had thought of staying in the hospital’s hostel, but when I opened the door, there was no one around and even though the room is small, being alone now is not something which I hoped for, so I headed home.

Being home wasn’t half as bad as staying in the hostel, but at home, there wasn’t anyone else other than the maid and butler. I looked at them moving around the house, being busy with their own jobs, I headed back to my room, hoping Noona will be back soon.

End of Donghae’s POV

Soobin’s POV

“Swearing is of no use now. I can’t trust you.” I said and got into the car. I looked out of my tinted window and saw Donghae looking at me with rejection in his eyes. He didn’t move an inch when the car started moving. As we got further, he looked down on the ground before I turned back to look at the front. Why didn’t he chase after me?

I started sobbing at the back seat and I could feel driver Ahjusshi taking glances at me, however, he didn’t speak, because he knows I need my time alone. He didn’t drive me back to the office either because he knew I wouldn’t be in the mood to work like this.

“Ms. Park, We’re home.” He said and I got out of the car. I headed straight for my room, ignoring Omma’s calls. I’m in no mood to entertain anyone now. I just need my time alone.

I changed into comfortable clothings before wrapping myself under the blankets. I closed my eyes and everything that ran through my mind was about Donghae and the words he said.

For the past few months, he had been telling me how he waited for me for the past few years and I could tell how tired he felt. The feelings he showed when he’s with me. I had thought he was treating me sincerely, not lying about anything, but after what I saw just now, all those was a lie. For the past few months what he said was a lie.

I took my phone and messaged Haemin that I wouldn’t return to the office. I know that for the past few months, I have always been taking time off work to spend with Donghae, because I thought all the words he said was true because he was much more innocent that I thought he was, but I was wrong again, because he may look innocent, but deep down, he’s someone who likes to play with other people’s feelings.

“Soobin ah!” I heard Omma’s voice, but I decide to ignore it.

After a while, the knocking died down and I heard Omma’s footsteps back downstairs. I opened the door and walked to the room beside mine. I opened the cupboard and pulled out the mattress and lay it on the ground.

I curled under the blanket and it felt just as if Donghae was with me now. Immediately, I felt tears falling out from my eyes. I know that maybe I wouldn’t be able to see Donghae ever again.

End of Soobin’s POV

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sweet-suzy #1
Chapter 40: I didn't see that coming! Soobin is dead!! What the?! That's waht you call a surprise ending
I didn't see that coming! You have no idea how hard I was crying. I was so shocked. I mean I was so happy that they finally are together and got married and then BOOM, Soobin died. :'( I love the story though! Aish, I'm so sad it's over. It was and still is my favorite story here and I'm definitely gonna read it again! Thank you so much for such an amazing story, you did a fantastic job! <3
gabie_16 #3
omo.... i'm crying hard now in my room :'(<br />
SuperPeaceZ #4
Awww :'( did not see that comming! Lovee the story though!
One more chapter and it's the end. Anticipate for it. It's coming soon.
Finally they are married. I'm so happy for them. ^-^ I started to cry as soon as I read the first sentence. It was so touching. T^T I feel like reading it over and over again. <3
Donghae and Soobin are always taking care of each other, I love that. ^-^ I really loved this chapter. <3
@ParkSang-Hee <br />
Thanks! Knowing that I have loyal supporters I'll do my very best! <br />
<br />
@honeydewname<br />
I'm kind of sad that this story is coming to an end. But it means that there's a new story!
Awww~ Donghae is very cheeky indeed!! xP >< *btw lol the eating scene makes me hungry..<br />
of course I'll support this fic! good luck in writing the last chapter!! ^^
Another great chapter. It was so cute. ^-^ & of course you will have my continous support. (: