
Different dreams


Soobin’s POV

A month has passed after I know I was being told that I was to be engaged to Donghae. For the past month, we met everyday. For either Lunch or dinner, or both, Donghae would come over and pick me. In the past, when a guy des this every day or once every few days, I would get so frustrated at him. However, up till now, I have never felt so. Perhaps, I’m already starting to accept him into my life without myself realizing.

“You’re not returning to the states anymore?” Donghae asked me as we were having lunch.

“Appa doesn’t let me return to the states. He wants me to manage the business in Korea.” I said as his phone rang.

“Sorry.” He apologised before picking up the call. His expression looked flustered and he ended the call.

“I’m sorry. There’s an urgent patient back at the hospital. I have to go back now.” He said.

“It’s ok. Go ahead.” I said as he looked at me with a worried expression.

“Are you sure you can eat alone?”He asked as I continued eating.

“Of course. Just go.” I said before he left unwillingly.

This wasn’t the first time something like this happened. Throughout the month, this situation happened so many times, I couldn’t even remember. Even though I chase him off most of the time, I somehow hope that call didn’t come.

After lunch, I was feeling a little tired, so I told Haemin I won’t be returning to the office and headed home.

“You’re home early.” Omma said as I closed the door behind me.

“I’m tired.” I said as I sat down on the couch.

“Donghae must have gone back to the hospital again am I right?”Omma has been mocking me ever since Donghae and I are “dating”.

When Omma finally stopped talking and let me off, I headed back to my room and took out a box from the inside of my closet. It was a normal brown box, but inside, it was nothing normal. It was all my memories from high school days. My uniform, books and most importantly, photos.

Looking through every one of them, I wonder how I managed to forgive Donghae? For all these years, I’ve been thinking. Was it because of his sudden change in attitude, or was it because I’ve been attracted to him from the start?

Finally, I came to the ones which Donghae and I went to Lotte world. Looking through them, I somehow hope I could experience that day all over again, but this time, with a different heart. A heart which is already opened towards him.

“Soobin!” Someone exclaimed and I looked up to find myself facing Haemin.

“What are you thinking about?”she asked as I shook my head.

“Here.” She passed me a document and I looked through before signing.

“I’ll be going home now.” She said and I realized it’s already time to head home.

Looking out of my office, I see the staff leaving the office one by one. Spinning my chair around, I looked out of the window at the view of Seoul city. At this time there’s a knock on the door.

“Come in.” I said as I hear footsteps coming closer.

“This came for you.” Haemin said. I was shocked to see her still here since she said she’s leaving.

“Thank you.” I said before she left for real. There was nothing in the flowers. No card indicating who it’s from .That’s weird. Who was the one who sent this?

I look at the sun setting slowly and realised it was already reaching 7pm. Why isn’t Donghae here yet? I looked at my phone to find no new messages or calls. Thinking he might be busy, I left the office to take a walk around the vicinity. I left the flowers in my office since I didn’t know who it was from.

As I stepped out of the building, I felt a cold breeze brushing past my body. I joined in the people of the crowded street and started walking aimlessly. I stopped in front of a boutique before stepping in. Browsing each rack one by one, I chose a few clothes before trying them out, ending up buying all of them.

I didn’t know why, but I just felt like spending on something. I felt somewhat empty. Walking to the next shop, I bought 3 pairs of shoes before heading to a nearby cafe to have some coffee. As I looked out of the window, I saw couples walking past. I wonder when am I able to feel this way.

“Omma I’m home.” I said before walking up to my room. Placing the bags in my closet, I lay on my bed, thinking. As I lay on my back, I look at the ring which is on my finger. I didn’t know why, but I took it off before placing it back into it’s box. I don’t want to look at it for the moment.

There came a knock on my door before Omma popped in asking me if I had dinner. Even though I didn’t, I wasn’t hungry, so I told her I did and I was sleeping early since I’m tired.

For the next few days, I didn’t hear anything from Donghae. Not a phone call, or text message from him. Is he treating me like some kind of fool? Saying he likes me and all, but now he disappears into thin air. To think I had wanted to give him a chance. Now he just blew things up for himself.

“You look beautiful” I told Haemin as it’s her wedding day. She sat in front of her dressing table with the most amazing wedding dress. Now I know why everyone kept saying a woman looks the best on their wedding day. Haemin was practically glowing.

It was then I heard a huge ruckus from downstairs. This implies that Eunhyuk is here. I peeked out of the window to see a bridal car parked outside.

“I’m so nervous!” Haemin said s she grabbed tightly on my hand.

“Don’t be. Eunhyuk is the best husband you can find.” I assured her as she looked at me before giving me a hug.

“Thank you Soobin, for being there for me and Eunhyuk when we needed you the most.” Haemin said as I could see tears b in her eyes.

“Don’t cry. You won’t look beautiful anymore if you cry.” I said as I helped her wipe it off her face. I passed her her bouquet of flowers before covering her face with the veil. My best friend is getting married and I’m truly happy for her as she found one of the best guys that ever existed on this earth.

I stepped out of her room, helping her with her gown as she slowly descended down the stairs. The noise ceased as I could see everyone keeping their eyes on Haemin as she walked down the stairs slowly. When she reached the base of the steps, Eunhyuk extended his hand as she took it, before the both of them walked to the car.

After such a long period of time, I finally saw someone I wasn’t expecting to see, Donghae. He went missing for days and reappeared today. What is this?

I know he agreed to be Eunhyuk’s best man. But I couldn’t help but felt anger rising up in me. He tried to pull me away to talk, but I kept avoiding him in one way or another.

“The groom may now kiss the bride.” The pastor said before Eunhyuk uncovered Haemin’s face and planted a kiss straight on her lips. Now they’re officially a married couple. I wish them the best.

After taking the pictures with everyone, it was time to throw the bouquet of flowers. Haemin turned around, with her back facing us before throwing the flower. I stood far away, not wanting to get involved with all this superstition, but the flower had miraculously flew to me and it was my natural reaction to catch it.

Haemin gave me a thumbs up before entering the car and Eunhyuk pointed to Donghae.  Looked at his direction and saw him staring at me. I looked away before walking to the car where Omma and Appa are waiting for me.

“Soobin!” I heard Donghae calling out to me, but I quickened my pace and got into the car. Since the car windows were tinted, he couldn’t see me, but I could see him clearly. He stopped chasing after me and looked at the car. His expression showed that he was really down and rejected.

When the car drove off, I saw him still staring. Was I too harsh on him?

 “Why didn’t you talk to Donghae? I caught him staring at you throughout the wedding.” Appa said.

“Honey, the kids have their own problems. They will settle it on their own. No worries.” Omma said before giving me a thumbs up as I mouthed her a thank you.

At the wedding dinner, Donghae kept coming to me, but I continued avoiding him. However, During Haemin’s speech, she invited Donghae and I to the stage, thanking us for everything as without us, she and Eunhyuk would have never gotten together. Eunhyuk thanked us as well.

“I’ve known Haemin for some time. She’s someone who cares not only for herself, but also people around her. I’m lucky enough to have known someone like her and I’m glad she got married to Eunhyuk, because I know Eunhyuk would never mistreat my friend. I wish the both of you eternal happiness.” I said before we all shared to toast to the newly married couple.

As I walked down the steps, Donghae waiting for me at the bottom step, extending his hand to me, wanting to help me, but I didn’t want to even look at him. However, circumstances didn’t allow as I accidentally tripped on my dress and Donghae caught me in time before I fell flat on my face.

“Are you alright?” Donghae asked as I pushed myself away from him.

“I’m fine.” I said as I walked out of the hall. I need some fresh air and fast. However, I didn’t realised Donghae had followed me to the fountain outside.

“Soobin.” I heard as I turned around to see Donghae behind me.

“What do you want?” I asked as I looked at him. As he took a step closer, I took a step back.

“Why are you so angry at me? Did I do something wrong?” He said.

“Did you do something wrong? You did something which I cannot forget.” I said.

He stopped in his tracks He wanted to speak, but I interrupted him.

“Save it. I don’t want to hear it.” I walked away, leaving him standing there.

The whole night, I saw him drowning himself with wine. He helped Eunhyuk block all his wine toasts since Eunhyuk doesn’t drink at all. Haemin tried to stop Donghae, but he didn’t seem to stop.

“Soobin, do something!” Haemin came over and asked me to help.

“Let him be. He needs some time to reflect. And drown his sorrows.” I said before Haemin walked away all worried.

When Dinner was over, everyone congratulated Eunhyuk and Haemin for the last time before heading home. The only people left was Eunhyuk, Haemin, Donghae and I. Donghae was already dead drunk by then.

“The both of you head home. I’ll take care of him.” I said as I helped Donghae out. At the parking lot was Donghae’s driver. Upon seeing me supporting Donghae out, he rushed to me quickly and brought Donghae into the car.

“Bring him home. He drank a lot just now.” I said and was about to walk away when he called for me.

“Yes?” I asked since it was weird for him to stop me since we don’t have anything to talk about.

“Pardon me for being so straightforward; Young master has been worried about you the past few days that he wasn’t able to rest properly. The only thing on his mind is you and he has fallen ill recently. For the past few days, he’d been resting at home. He wasn’t able to leave the house and his phone has been kept by his Omma so that he can rest properly. Today, he insisted on coming. He said he couldn’t miss his best friend’s wedding and he misses you. In the morning, he was upset because you avoided him. I can tell that Young master really likes you. I hope you don’t misunderstand him in any way. I’ll take my leave now.” And with that, he drove off.

I couldn’t move. I stood there and finally absorbed what he just said. So Donghae was sick for the past few days? Is that why he wasn’t able to look for me? So I misunderstood him?

He drank so much just now. I hope he’ll be alright.  Why didn’t he explain?

End of Soobin’s POV

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sweet-suzy #1
Chapter 40: I didn't see that coming! Soobin is dead!! What the?! That's waht you call a surprise ending
I didn't see that coming! You have no idea how hard I was crying. I was so shocked. I mean I was so happy that they finally are together and got married and then BOOM, Soobin died. :'( I love the story though! Aish, I'm so sad it's over. It was and still is my favorite story here and I'm definitely gonna read it again! Thank you so much for such an amazing story, you did a fantastic job! <3
gabie_16 #3
omo.... i'm crying hard now in my room :'(<br />
SuperPeaceZ #4
Awww :'( did not see that comming! Lovee the story though!
One more chapter and it's the end. Anticipate for it. It's coming soon.
Finally they are married. I'm so happy for them. ^-^ I started to cry as soon as I read the first sentence. It was so touching. T^T I feel like reading it over and over again. <3
Donghae and Soobin are always taking care of each other, I love that. ^-^ I really loved this chapter. <3
@ParkSang-Hee <br />
Thanks! Knowing that I have loyal supporters I'll do my very best! <br />
<br />
@honeydewname<br />
I'm kind of sad that this story is coming to an end. But it means that there's a new story!
Awww~ Donghae is very cheeky indeed!! xP >< *btw lol the eating scene makes me hungry..<br />
of course I'll support this fic! good luck in writing the last chapter!! ^^
Another great chapter. It was so cute. ^-^ & of course you will have my continous support. (: