
Different dreams


Soobin’s POV

“Soobin!” The person exclaimed and pulled me for an unexpected hug. I got a shock and pushed him away a little.

“Hi… Kyuhyun.” I smiled awkwardly. We weren’t really very very close, but we’re friends. After the school trip, he came to me and apologised for agreeing to allow Donghae to change rooms. However, he doesn’t know what exactly what happened.

“So when did you come back? Everyone missed you when school started.” He said and I was getting creeped out somehow.

“I came back yesterday. So what have you been doing these past few years?” I asked since I didn’t know what else to ask.

“I’m working in a law firm as a clerk.” He smiled.

“Law firm? That’s good. If I need help from a lawyer, you can introduce me one.” I laughed and so did he.

“You should know who’s my boss is. He’s The Kingka of Dong Bang high, Kim Jaejoong.” He said and with that, I froze. Kim Jaejoong is now a… Lawyer?!

“Oh look at the time. I need to meet my girlfriend. I’ll see you soon.” He said before he ran off and disappear round the corner.

The Kim Jaejoong I know from 7 years back is a ultimate bad boy. Omma said he wasn’t a good student inside and outside of school. He’s now a lawyer. He must have really studied hard then. I said before going home. Only being back in Korea for 2 days, I found out so many shocking news.

When I got home, omma cannot stop bugging me about Donghae. I guess she wouldn’t give up since we’re back in Korea. What I was most afraid of was that Omma might go and tell Donghae about it since she said if I don’t do something about it, she will.

“Ms. Kim, would you bring me our company lawyer, I’m seeing some flaws in this contract.” I said.

“Yes, Ms. Park.” She said ad I continued looking through the files which were piling so high.

“Ms. Park, Lawyer Kim is here.” She said before I saw a guy walking into my office, standing in a really rude way.

“This contract is…” I looked up to see my worst nightmare.

“Soobin?!” He exclaimed and I remained my posture.

“So you’re our Company’s lawyer, Mr. Kim Jaejoong sshi?” I said and he chuckled.

“There’s no need to be so hostile between us.” He laughed as I continued to look at him.

“I don’t care if we were once friends or enemies. In the office I’m your boss. You don’t speak down to me. Do you understand?” I leaned back onto my chair and crossed my arms before he became more serious.

I showed him the parts where I felt was not right and told him to take it back to change it.

“Are you free to have dinner?” He asked as he went back to being cheeky as he leaned towards me.

“I’m not. But lunch will be fine.” I said as I signed a document, not looking at him.

“I’ll pick you up then.” He said before leaving the office. I looked up at the closed door and sighed before leaning back onto my seat. I seriously think there’s something wrong is it too small or there’s people I know everywhere?

Looking at the clock, there’s still 2 hours till lunch time. I looked at my phone before hovering around Donghae’s number. I promised to give him my number, but I don’t know should I do it. But a promise is still a promise. I sent him a message, getting a reply almost instantly.

‘Are you free for dinner tonight? – Donghae’

‘Sorry, I’ve promised dinner with my family today. Another day perhaps. – Soobin’

I went back to doing my work and in no time, it was 12. I heard a knock on my door and allowed the person to come in. As Jaejoong stepped in, I stopped my work and stood up to leave.

“What cuisine would you like today? Western, Korean, Japanese, Chinese?” He said as he started driving.

“Korean then.” I said as he drove us to a Korean restaurant nearby.

It’s really such a long time that I’ve finally had authentic Korean food. There are places in America, but they were really far away, so I rarely went there. Omma doesn’t really cook Korean at home because Appa doesn’t really take spicy food.

“So how were you for the past 7 years?” Jaejoong asked.

“I was doing good. “ I said.

It was really awkward since I really had nothing t say to him and what’s more, he’ll be dropping my often since he’s the company’s Lawyer. I wanted to faint on the spot right now.

When I finally got back to the office, I was glad it’s over. I wonder how long do I have to put up with all this nonsense.

The afternoon was as per usual. I stayed in the office to look at documents, went for meetings, meet clients. When I was looking through my documents half way, I received a call from Omma, before realizing it’s already dark outside and it was close to 8pm.

I took my bag and coat before rushing out to find Driver Ahjusshi waiting for me. When I got home, I found it strange since there’s another pair of shoes at the door and it belongs to a guy. I hope it’s nt what I think it is.

“Omma!” I exclaimed and I saw her running out of the kitchen frantically.

“No need to shout. You’re late.” She said before dragging me to the dinig room and I saw my worst nightmare. When will this stop?

“Donghae came over in the afternoon, so I asked him to stay for dinner.” Omma said before we started dinner. I guess I really cannot escape from either of this.

Dinner was filled with conversations between Donghae and Omma. The both of them can seriously be best friends. They have so much in common to talk about.

After dinner, Omma left the both of us to talk while she went to do the dishes. I offered to heklp, but she insisted that she do it alone and pushed me to the living room where Donghae was flipping through the magazines.

“Eunhyuk asks that we head down to the bridal store this weekend to try our outfits.” Donghae said as he put down the magazine.

“I’m alright with it.” I said and then we got into awkward silence.

“I have something to ask you.” I said as he turned away from the television and looking at me.

“Why didn’t you succeed Dong-Jung corp?” I asked since ti was all over the news the other time when I was in Korea saying he’ll be one of the youngest and best looking Successor in Korea.

“I don’t know. After Senior high, I graduated with good result, enough for Medical school. I didn’t know why, but I chose this route instead of being a lawyer or other occupations. I just felt that this was the better route for me.” He said and I could tell he really like this job because when he said all those things, his eyes were gleaming.

“Doesn’t you Appa ever tried to persuade you to go back to the company?” I asked.

“He did, but I told him I will when the time is right. Now, I just want to focus on being a doctor.” He said and smiled. “So how is being the new CEO of your father’s company, Park Hotel?”

“It’s alright. I have a lot of good employees who work hard for the company, so I’m not worried.” I said.

“Don’t over work yourself. Your Omma told me your gastric problems started when you started work. She’s really worried.” He said as he place his hands above mine. I moved it away before clearing my throat. This time, Omma walked in with fruits and a huge grin on her face. I wonder what was she up to. That expression was not good news.

Omma said that if she now earlier than Donghae was coming, she would have made desert. Donghae offered to go get them, but Omma asked me to get it and he had to tag along. When is Omma going to stop all this?

End of Soobin’s POV

Donghae’s POV

I had came to look for Soobin to pass her something, but she wasn’t home yet. Soobin’s Omma invited me to stay for dinner and I couldn’t say no since I really had nothing after this.

Now, I’m walking with Soobin to the desert shop which is round the corner. I was thinking should I pass it to her or not. 7 years ago I hesitated and now I’m hesitating again.

“What are you fiddling with in your pocket?” Soobin asked as she looked at me.

“Oh it’s nothing.” I gave a really awkward laugh and I know I got busted.

“Just take it out.  Know it’s for me. 7 years ago you were fiddling and now you’re fiddling with it again. Just take it out.” She said before I stopped smiling and looking down before taking it out of my pocket. I bought this 7 years ago with my own pocket money. I chose to not use the cards my parents gave me, I chose to not use the money they gave me. For a few months, I worked in a dance school as an assistant teacher to get money for it.

It’s a silver ring. It wasn’t a diamond ring or anything, but it’s a ring I worked hard to buy.

“You bought me a ring?” She looked at me in disbelief.

“I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend them, but I know you’d never agree, so I never had the courage to give it to you.” I said.

“And why are you taking it out now?” She asked.

“I wanted to try again, but I know you’ll never change your decision. So I intend to give it to you as a present. You can keep it or throw it away. I only want to let you know this is always yours.”  Gave it to her and  was surprised that she took it. I thought she would ask me to take it back or ask me to throw it away.

“I know this is something that you bought with your own hard earned money. Kibum told me 7 years ago. I’m accepting it now is not because I accept your feelings. I’m accepting it as a friend.” She said as she slipped it on her index finger.

Even though she didn’t accept my feelings, I was happy. At least she’s wearing it.

After getting the cakes from the shop, we walked back to her house and for the first time, we held a decently long conversation. I have never remembered talking to her so much and seing her laugh so much before.

Looking at her now and yesterday, she looked different. Looking at her now in a hoodie, sweats and sneakers reminds me about her 7 years ago. Her Image yesterday reminded me of a new her. A more mature, more feminine lady in heels, formal pants, jacket and a blouse.

To me, I like both side of her. The young side and the mature side both appeals to me because to me, everything about her is just perfect.

“Don’t lose hope. You’ll succeed one day.” Soobin’s Omma whispered into my ear before seeing me out of the door.

What did she mean by that? Does it mean that I have hope in winning her heart?

For now, seeing that ring on her finger is good enough for me. I don’t hope for too much. I just want to be able to love her from a corner. Even though she doesn’t return those feelings, but as long as I can be with her, everything is good enough for me.

End of Donghae’s POV


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sweet-suzy #1
Chapter 40: I didn't see that coming! Soobin is dead!! What the?! That's waht you call a surprise ending
I didn't see that coming! You have no idea how hard I was crying. I was so shocked. I mean I was so happy that they finally are together and got married and then BOOM, Soobin died. :'( I love the story though! Aish, I'm so sad it's over. It was and still is my favorite story here and I'm definitely gonna read it again! Thank you so much for such an amazing story, you did a fantastic job! <3
gabie_16 #3
omo.... i'm crying hard now in my room :'(<br />
SuperPeaceZ #4
Awww :'( did not see that comming! Lovee the story though!
One more chapter and it's the end. Anticipate for it. It's coming soon.
Finally they are married. I'm so happy for them. ^-^ I started to cry as soon as I read the first sentence. It was so touching. T^T I feel like reading it over and over again. <3
Donghae and Soobin are always taking care of each other, I love that. ^-^ I really loved this chapter. <3
@ParkSang-Hee <br />
Thanks! Knowing that I have loyal supporters I'll do my very best! <br />
<br />
@honeydewname<br />
I'm kind of sad that this story is coming to an end. But it means that there's a new story!
Awww~ Donghae is very cheeky indeed!! xP >< *btw lol the eating scene makes me hungry..<br />
of course I'll support this fic! good luck in writing the last chapter!! ^^
Another great chapter. It was so cute. ^-^ & of course you will have my continous support. (: