
Different dreams


Soobin’s POV

During the entire trip, he was super still on my lap. I looked at him and realized when he’s sleeping, he looks more angelic. Why does a guy who look so innocent and caring be such a devil sometimes. I unknowingly moved the hair away from his face and he was indeed handsome. No wonder so many girls fall for him and that’s why he’s a Kingka.

When we reached home, Driver Ahjusshi helped me support Donghae into the house. With all the racket we’ve caused, Omma came out to look at an unconscious Donghae and got the shock out of her life.

“What happened?” She came over to us and touched Donghae’s forehead.

“Why is he unconscious?” She lay him down on the couch and checked for any unusual signs.

“Omma, he’s fine. He’s just drunk.” I said and Omma looked at me.

“We should inform his mother. She must be worried sick.” With that, Omma went to call his house.

“Ahjusshi, could you help me to bring him up to the guest room?” Ahjusshi nodded and single handedly brought him upstairs. When I got upstairs, Donghae was tucked in and Ahjusshi stood at the door.

“Thank you Ahjusshi. You can go rest now. I’ve bothered you too much today.” I said and he bowed.

“It’s my job. I’ll see you n the morning. Goodnight Miss Soobin.” He said before closing the door behind him.

I turned to look at Donghae who was sleeping soundly. Because of him, the whole house is awake. Omma came in with a basin of water and a towel. I told Omma I would take care of him so she should head to bed. She left quite unwillingly though.

“Don’t leave…” Donghae whispered in his sleep. I just changed the towel being placed on his forehead. Suddenly, he grabbed my arm.

“Don’t go. I love you.” He murmured. I was pulling my arm away from his grip, but it was unsuccessful. Was he dreaming about the girl he loves? A guy like him would bound to have someone he likes. He then stopped talking and kept silent.

I don’t know if I should say the girl he likes is lucky or unlucky. He’s rich, caring, gentlemanly and gently, but he’s also mean, stubborn and clingy. But everyone is bond to have pros and cons, no one is perfect.

I sat by his bedside the whole night. I guess I was tired as well since I fell asleep with my hands in his. His grip was tight and I couldn’t do anything but leave it as it is.

End of Soobin’s POV

Donghae’s POV

I woke up with the sun shining in my eyes. It was so glaring. When I got back my focus, I realized this isn’t my room, but it looks seemingly familiar. I then realized it’s the guest room in Soobin’s house. Why was I here?

Looking around, I got shocked seeing Soobin sleeping on the chair beside the bed. I felt something in my hand and looked down. It was Soobin’s hand. I was holding onto it all night? She didn’t mind that I did? I got up and felt something drop on my lap. It was a towel. Was she up all night taking care of me?

I guess my move woke me up since she moved a little and her eyes opened slowly.

“You’re awake?” She said groggily with a yawn.

“Yeah. You were here the whole night?” I asked and felt my head throbbing really badly.

“Of course. You’re my responsibility.” She said before standing up.

“Is your head throbbing? You look uncomfortable.” She said and I nodded my head. I stood up and she walked really slowly beside me. We got downstairs and I saw her mother setting the table. We sat down and Soobin’s Omma pushed me a bowl of soup. She told me it’ll help reduce the throbbing. She then said Driver Kim would come pick me up. I know I’m dead since driver Kim is coming, that means Omma knows all about it.

“You shouldn’t have drank so much and as a student, you should have went to drink at all.” Soobin’s Omma said and she was right. I shouldn’t always drink my problems away. I should do something else.

“You haven’t been coming for peer tuition since you came back from Japan. Are you still coming?” Soobin’s Omma asked. I looked at Soobin as she diverted her gaze away and I nodded my head.

When I left the house, I know I’m in deep trouble.

End of Donghae’s POV

Soobin’s POV

“What’s with you and Donghae?”Omma asked in the afternoon when we were having tea.

“Nothing’s wrong.” I said as I took a sip of my tea.

“The both of you seem really awkward with each other.” Omma said.

“We’re not. Maybe we’re just tired. Maybe we’ll get along again after a while.” With that, I excused myself back to my room.

After that incident the other day, Donghae and I were just awkward. We’re sort of friends now, but his intrusion on my personal life really makes me very angry. He can hate Jaejoong all he wants, but Jaejoong is still my first few friends I made in Korea out of school.

Suddenly, my phone rang.

“Hello.” I answered.

“Oh sure. I’ll be home. Alright. See you then.” I said.

I packed my things before bringing my books to the study room. The call was from Donghae. He said he was coming over for peer tuition. Now Omma’s dream came true. After moving my things, I went to tell Omma and she was so happy.

When Donghae came, we went straight to the study room. During the whole, hour, we spoke of nothing but school work. When we were done, it was filled with awkward silence. I knew this was coming.

“You mean what you say?” He spoke up as I looked up from my book.

“What did I say?” I didn’t know what he was referring to and I said a lot of things.

“About liking Jaejoong.” HE looked down, not meeting my gaze.

“Oh about that…”

“It’s ok. It’s your life. I admit I’m interfering too much. I’m sorry.” He was apologizing. 

“I don’t blame you. I shouldn’t have vented my anger on you. You were just being concerned.” I said and he looked at me and I could see a glint of hope in his eyes somehow.

“I guess I was over concerned.” He laughed a dry laugh before we got into the awkward silence again.

I wanted to ask him something, but I’m afraid we’ll turn out bad again. But who cares. I need to know what was going on.

“Can I ask you something?” I said and he looked at me and nodded his head.

“Why am I on your speed dial number 1?”I asked and I could see him blushing slightly. What will his answer be? I’m really curious.

“I...” He wanted to speak but it seems like something was stopping him from saying it.

“I...” Each second felt like hours. I didn’t know why but somehow I had an answer in my heart and I’m just trying to double check if I was right.

“Because I like you and I want you to be number 1.” He said with his eyes shut and he looked down, not meeting my eyes again.

I guess my predictions was right. He likes me. However, I can’t do anything. I cannot accept his feelings. It’s just not right.

“Soobin?” He called out and I snapped out of my thought.

“I know this is all so sudden, but I know you won’t accept me so I’m just telling you. You don’t have to feel pressured by it. I’ll just like you in a corner. I won’t make it hard for you.” With that, he stood up and packed his bag.

“You’re not staying for dinner?” I asked.

“Omma wants me home for dinner. I’ll be going. I’ll call you again when I’m coming.” With that, he left the room.

The entire day, Omma kept bugging me what had happened between the both of us. I couldn’t tell her Donghae confessed could I?

“Nothing Omma, Nothing happened. I’m going to bed. Goodnight!” With that I rushed off so that she couldn’t question me anymore.

I looked at my phone to find an unread message from Donghae.

‘Even though I know you’ll reject me, but is it ok if we have just one date together and I hear you reject me after that? I just want to have good memories with you. I hope it’s not too much. – Donghae’

I looked at it and thought for a while. Should I agreed? He already gave in so much by saying all he wants is memories and that one memory is enough for him. I’ll be really mean if I don’t agree.

‘Ok. I’ll go. –Soobin’

‘I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning at 11am. So I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight. And I love you. – Donghae’

Am I giving him hope? But it’s better to leave him miserable. He’s understanding enough to know I wouldn’t accept him, so I should just go out with him once. Once was all he wants.

The next morning, I got up and had breakfast, telling Omma I would be going out with Donghae. She smiled and agreed for me to go. I changed into something casual before walking to the living room, but then the door bell rang. It was 11am sharp.

“You’re on time.” I said and he smiled. Offering me his arm and I took it. I had to make his memory memorable right?

Today, he was driving. He opened the door for me before going to his side to drive.

“Where are we going?” I asked and he smiled.

“Somewhere I haven’t got a chance to go to.” He said and drove off.

The drive was long. I was looking out of the window when I felt a hand on mine. I looked at Donghae. Was I suppose to let him continue or should I pull away?

“Let me hold your hand for today. Just for today.” His eyes were pleading me. I nodded my head. I guess this trip won’t only be memorable for him, but also for me.

End of Soobin’s POV

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sweet-suzy #1
Chapter 40: I didn't see that coming! Soobin is dead!! What the?! That's waht you call a surprise ending
I didn't see that coming! You have no idea how hard I was crying. I was so shocked. I mean I was so happy that they finally are together and got married and then BOOM, Soobin died. :'( I love the story though! Aish, I'm so sad it's over. It was and still is my favorite story here and I'm definitely gonna read it again! Thank you so much for such an amazing story, you did a fantastic job! <3
gabie_16 #3
omo.... i'm crying hard now in my room :'(<br />
SuperPeaceZ #4
Awww :'( did not see that comming! Lovee the story though!
One more chapter and it's the end. Anticipate for it. It's coming soon.
Finally they are married. I'm so happy for them. ^-^ I started to cry as soon as I read the first sentence. It was so touching. T^T I feel like reading it over and over again. <3
Donghae and Soobin are always taking care of each other, I love that. ^-^ I really loved this chapter. <3
@ParkSang-Hee <br />
Thanks! Knowing that I have loyal supporters I'll do my very best! <br />
<br />
@honeydewname<br />
I'm kind of sad that this story is coming to an end. But it means that there's a new story!
Awww~ Donghae is very cheeky indeed!! xP >< *btw lol the eating scene makes me hungry..<br />
of course I'll support this fic! good luck in writing the last chapter!! ^^
Another great chapter. It was so cute. ^-^ & of course you will have my continous support. (: