


Awkwardly staring downwards due to his embarrassment, Ryeowook tried to maintain his breath stable. Unaware, his lips curved into a smile – the purest one he has ever shown to the older. “What do you think you love about me?” he teasingly questioned, despite feeling shy from the words he was waiting so long to hear from the other. Kyuhyun blinked at the question, finally trying to find reasons why he fell for Ryeowook.

“When around you, I feel at ease. I love when you step up for yourself, though I also love when you depend on me. Your cute act is appealing, though your naughtiness is also enchanting. Although I hate your indecisiveness, the pout you make when trying to make a choice is adorable. There isn’t a thing to not love about you. Of course your appearance adds to everything.” He finished his statement leaving the younger completely dumbfounded.

“You’re really a sweet talker” Ryeowook murmured while avoiding gazing at the detective who surely knew how to make his heart beat faster. “I am not. It’s true. So please take a decision soon before I fall for you even deeper than now” Kyuhyun whispered – he needed to coerce the younger into leaving Sungmin, this way his revenge would be achieved while he would also keep Ryeowook with him.

The younger was afraid of also falling deeper for Kyuhyun, afraid there would be no way to rewind as well. “Can we also skip dinner with your parents?” Ryeowook hastily asked, causing the older to frown at the sudden question. “Sure. Do you want to eat at any particular place around here?” Kyuhyun started to look around searching for a restaurant.

The only answer he received was a light shake of head from the younger, signaling a negative answer. Confused, Kyuhyun remained with his eyes resting on the petite figure trying to figure out what Ryeowook was thinking. Startled when Ryeowook turned around to face him, he felt his sleeve being pulled – it was practically an order for him to lean down so Ryeowook could reach his ear.

Almost inaudibly, the younger murmured. “I want you.” The seriousness expressed on his delicate features assured Kyuhyun the other wasn’t kidding with such subject. The younger kept thinking if this was the right thing to do, but he decided Kyuhyun was more trustworthy than Sungmin in this particular moment.

Or at least he hoped so.


Sweet moans mixed with cries of pain filled their room. It was indeed a painful experience, but it was also satisfying to be deeply connected with the one you loved – even if Ryeowook still didn’t reach an absolute conclusion. Sweat exhaled from their bodies, skins brushed continuously against each other as a breathtaking kiss was shared. Grasping onto Kyuhyun, Ryeowook shut his eyes tightly once the of their expression of both love and lust was reaching its end.

Through all the process, Kyuhyun contained his moves in order to not hurt the younger, but, considering it was the latter’s first time, pain was expected to be felt. A loud gasp resounded through the room when both finally reached their . “It hurts” Ryeowook whined with tears still threatening to fall from the corner of his eyes.

The older soothingly provided a warm embrace for him. “It usually hurts on the first time. I am sorry my precious.” Kyuhyun apologized as he covered their bodies with the blankets. Nestling his head on Kyuhyun’s chest, Ryeowook gently pressed his lips against it. “I can hear your heartbeats” he sheepishly pointed out.

“Rest now. We can skip lunch with my parents tomorrow as well if you wish.” Kyuhyun brushed aside the bangs softly falling over Ryeowook’s glimmering eyes. A nod was the answer received, as the younger hastily fell asleep. After confirming his lover was fast asleep, Kyuhyun left the bed – he felt the need to collect their scattered clothes from the floor.

As Kyuhyun grabbed Ryeowook’s pants, he noticed a bulge on one of the pockets – it was his cellphone. Curiosity crawled onto his senses as he wondered who Ryeowook usually talked to. Unlocking the cellphone, he went to the messages part – he needed to know who he should be aware of, since Kyuhyun was obviously overly possessive of his lovers.

Deception immediately tarnished his features – there were countless of messages of Ryeowook exchanged with Sungmin. Paying a single glance at Ryeowook that was in a deep slumber, Kyuhyun’s eyes somehow softened amidst his enraged state. Kyuhyun concluded that if the younger was unable to decide between them, he should go after the other person involved.

“Film it” Ryeowook suggested as he sat down on the bed, while Kyuhyun calmly locked the door. “What? So naughty” Amidst his shocked state, the older questioned while creasing his eyebrows at such a daring proposal. “I want you to send this to Sungmin. I want him to suffer. Then he will know how it feels to be betrayed fully.” The younger confidently spoke as he eyed downwards. Kyuhyun was torn between his jealousy from hearing such name being mentioned by his lover, and the satisfying thought of Sungmin watching the entire thing having his heart being broken at each moan Ryeowook made.

A mischievous grin emerged on his lips as he picked his camera with the contents he needed. One thing confused Kyuhyun… why would the younger request for their lovemaking to be filmed? Was he unaware that this video could destroy his relationship with Sungmin entirely? Or was Ryeowook so sure that Sungmin loved him to the point of ignoring such betrayal?

Suddenly a thought sprouted on his mind… was he being used as a mere test for Sungmin to prove his love for Ryeowook? Kyuhyun was unable to tell apart, since Ryeowook could be unpredictable sometimes.

Deciding to step in, he called the hateful man’s number – he was going to push them apart as much as he could…

… Before everything crumbled.

One shouldn’t try to control a decision that was already made.


Thank you so much for all the comments they made me so happy. ^^ Sorry for the long time without updating, was busy with things in another city -.-

Anyway, according to my plans this fanfic will probably reach its end around chapter 40 :) It was a long run, hopefully I'll be able to write a proper end :)


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When I complete ten comments for chapter 11 I'll update chapter 12 ^^


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Chapter 42: Good
Chapter 42: Wow.. nice plot... good story.. this is a good recommended story... love it..

I love all the relationships in this story.. love and hate situation, with the lovely happy ending..

Good job authornim
DoKwangYeol #3
Chapter 42: this storybis amazingggg >< iluvitttt
IfIForget #4
Chapter 6: What's funny is that Ryeowook actually ate a seasoned cicada (I think it was a cicada) on a variety show. ^^.
Chapter 42: just wanna drop a comment: best fanfic ever! I enjoyed it very much...
thanks alot ^^
Chapter 42: HAHAHAHAHA THE LAST SENTENCE. EVIL MAKNAE LINE ARE JUST EVIL. This is one of the most wonderful fanfics I've ever read. I'm not sure why I hadn't read this in the first place. The relationship they all have with one another ((kyuhyun-ryeowook-Sungmin-Henry)) was dysfunctional and delusional. I was angry at kyuhyun for being so manipulative, angry at Sungmin for cheating ((well not exactly but yeah)), angry at ryeowook for deluding himself, for being naive and for not standing up for himself. He's been playing the submissive role for too long. I was rather happy, wait that's not the right word. I had mixed feelings for kyuhyun's manipulating becaus it was frustaring yet good? in a sense it made ryeowook stand up for himself. Really happy that kyuwook got together in the end, because they're the missing piece of each other. They heal the emotional wounds caused by each other lol. ((But you get what I mean right?)) I am happy that kyuhyun got the chance to love, the chance to relearn what love is all about, and the 2nd chance given by ryeowook. I also agree with you that not all soul mates end up together. They might end up together in another life time, but not this life time. Hehehe all in all thank you for writing such a beautiful story that teaches us life is not all colours, filled with sunshine, rainbows and unicorn. It's filled with shades of black, white & grey.
Chapter 42: dusahdadljañs this fanfics is so troll xDD but so good!
i love spoilers so much..hahahha