


Those words kept echoing loudly inside his mind, causing him to be unable to sleep. Kyuhyun’s steady breaths were the only sound in the room. Since his sight already adjusted to the darkness of the room, Ryeowook eyed his engagement ring apologetically, planting a small kiss on it. Eyelids were tightly shut for the nth time, but the noisy thoughts prevented him from falling into a deep slumber.

What was he supposed to do now?

Minutes hastily passed by, until Ryeowook decided to take a shower in hopes that his bothersome conflicts would be obliterated by the soothing water – actually, if he was able to forget them for only a few seconds would be enough already. Once he the shower, the warm water travelled on his skin causing a pleasant sensation of peacefulness.

The bathroom turned foggy, Ryeowook’s skin was already wrinkled. Reluctantly, he ended his shower – only after he randomly placed smiling faces on the glasses doors of the shower box. Enveloping the towel around his body, he was in a trance while staring at the necklace resting on the granite countertop. Suddenly, another hand reached for the jewelry. “I’ll help you with that” the detective interrupted his daze while standing behind the younger.

Kyuhyun gently put the necklace around Ryeowook’s neck, closing the clasps afterwards. Ryeowook was stiff the entire moment, his mind was still in a confused state, the tiredness only added to his incapacity of rationalizing properly. He felt a weight on his shoulder – the older held him from behind and decided to rest his chin in that particular spot. The detective sneakily pressed his lips on Ryeowook’s exposed neck skin whispering “Don’t we look good together?”

Ryeowook’s gaze rested on the large mirror in front of them, still slightly blurred, but it was enough to see their reflections there. Ryeowook’s expression remained unchanged – stiff. Bothered by the expressionless face Kyuhyun murmured “Do I have to draw a smiling face on you, just like you did there?” he pointed at the smiling faces at the shower box’s doors.

A short smile spread on his delicate features – he wondered how the older was able to make him smile so easily. “Let’s go back to sleep, human pillow, it isn’t even 6 am yet.” Ryeowook turned around and hit Kyuhyun in the chest, offended by the new nickname. “Human pillow?” he whined cutely, only to have his cheek pinched, making him wince in pain. “It would be lover, if you hugged me back instead of that idiot stuffed toy.” Kyuhyun explained the nickname chuckling at the younger.

“Jealous of a stuffed toy, that’s unheard of. The toys aren’t stupid” Ryeowook joked as the older dragged him back to the bedroom. “Of course they aren’t, the owner is.” Kyuhyun mockingly added, receiving a light punch on his back.

Many hours later, after Ryeowook was able to have a proper sleep, they went shopping on a department store for pajamas – because Kyuhyun threatened of taking advantage of the younger if the latter kept sleeping half . However, Ryeowook’s mind was elsewhere – he kept thinking about Sungmin that would spend his birthday alone.

The younger’s heart clenched at such thought, Ryeowook wanted to commemorate together with his fiancé, yet he couldn’t forgive the latter so easily. “Precious?” Kyuhyun gently shook him in order to bring him back from the daze. “Sorry” the petite apologized while trying to focus on his current date, but he couldn’t leave aside that thought. He felt so guilty for staying with the detective instead of being with his fiancé.

“Are you still tired? Want to go back to sleep?” Kyuhyun worriedly questioned, squeezing Ryeowook’s hand lightly – they were already intertwined. “Can I ask you a favor?” Kyuhyun wriggled his eyebrows, nodding afterwards.


Cautiously, Ryeowook stepped inside his shared apartment with Sungmin. Checking the place to search for any signs of the older, he sighed in relief once there wasn’t any. Wrong. Arms held him from behind suddenly, causing him to screech due to his startled state.

“Shh.” Sungmin buried his face on the crook of the younger’s neck. “I thought I wouldn’t see you again.” He pitifully muttered while keeping Ryeowook between his arms. “I rely to do a thing. I am not ready to talk with you… yet.” The younger anxiously answered while flatly getting rid from those arms around him.

“Love, please... stay” Sungmin miserably begged, eyes filled with sadness that he was just rejected again by his fiancé. The older still wanted to put up a fight and curse Kyuhyun, but remembering how Ryeowook defied him the other day for that man made it very clear for him that, by doing that, he would be risking losing Ryeowook completely. At least the younger was still wearing the engagement ring.

Ryeowook did notice Sungmin was a wreck, causing him to feel guilty for his cruel prank. “Wait here a little bit.” Ryeowook ran towards their room, seemingly searching for something. Once he returned, he had three notebooks on his possession and a package wrapped nicely. The petite was obviously avoiding staring directly at Sungmin, because his gaze was focused on the floor the entire time. “Happy birthday a little bit early. I am sorry I won’t be here with you tomorrow.” Ryeowook handed them to the older.

“Those notebooks are actually my diaries, starting from the year we first met. In there you can read my first impressions of you. Maybe also laugh at how you fooled me.” Ryeowook acidly stated, finally lifting his head to look directly at his fiancé. Sungmin took advantage to lean forward and kiss his lips – his jealousy was burning by the mere thought of Kyuhyun tasting them fully.

“I would never do such a thing, Love.” Sungmin defended as he saw how Ryeowook was hesitating about giving that particular notebook to him. “Just… use it to reflect about your wrongdoings, or at least to see if you love me just as much as I loved you from the very beginning. Perhaps you should reconsider if you really want to marry me.” It hurt to say those words, but the younger felt the need to tell them.

Even though he was falling for Kyuhyun, he couldn’t deny he still had strong feelings for his fiancé. “I don’t need to read those to be sure. I want it. You need to hear me out!” Sungmin desperately pleaded while pulling the younger into his embrace. Ryeowook wasn’t ready to hear him out though, because his eyes already started to water from that short exchange of words – how could he be sure that those words were honest?

“Just read it to reflect about your wrongdoings then. Maybe you can learn how it hurts to be fooled by the one I blindly loved. The purple one is the last. Call me once you end reading those, only then I’ll hear you out. After you know how I felt from your doings.” Ryeowook replied, reciprocating the hug for a few seconds - how he wished he was able to remain in that embrace. “I have to go now.” The younger reluctantly said, hastily moving towards the entrance, leaving behind only the sweet scent of his cologne.

Although frustrated, Sungmin knew trying to keep Ryeowook against his will wasn’t going to make things better. He plopped down on the soft surface of the couch, carefully unwrapping the present, only to be on verge of tears again – was he competing with Ryeowook to win the title of crybaby?

“It might be foolish to keep this, but it is my most prized possession. I probably wouldn’t give it to anyone.” Ryeowook admitted while showing a broken piano key that was inside a small box.

“Why?” Sungmin curiously questioned, since it was clearly broken and had no use for the younger anymore. “It isn’t its usefulness that makes it important or not. I learned my love for music in that piano. So many memories in only a small piece, for you it might mean nothing, but for me it is a significant thing. Also, it could perfectly be repaired back to the old piano. Unfortunately, my parents chose to buy a newer one instead.” 

Inside the box stood the broken piano key together with a small note:

Know the true value of things.
Just because it is broken, doesn’t mean it can’t be repaired.


Sorry for the crappy updated OTL also sorry for taking long

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When I complete ten comments for chapter 11 I'll update chapter 12 ^^


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Chapter 42: Good
Chapter 42: Wow.. nice plot... good story.. this is a good recommended story... love it..

I love all the relationships in this story.. love and hate situation, with the lovely happy ending..

Good job authornim
DoKwangYeol #3
Chapter 42: this storybis amazingggg >< iluvitttt
IfIForget #4
Chapter 6: What's funny is that Ryeowook actually ate a seasoned cicada (I think it was a cicada) on a variety show. ^^.
Chapter 42: just wanna drop a comment: best fanfic ever! I enjoyed it very much...
thanks alot ^^
Chapter 42: HAHAHAHAHA THE LAST SENTENCE. EVIL MAKNAE LINE ARE JUST EVIL. This is one of the most wonderful fanfics I've ever read. I'm not sure why I hadn't read this in the first place. The relationship they all have with one another ((kyuhyun-ryeowook-Sungmin-Henry)) was dysfunctional and delusional. I was angry at kyuhyun for being so manipulative, angry at Sungmin for cheating ((well not exactly but yeah)), angry at ryeowook for deluding himself, for being naive and for not standing up for himself. He's been playing the submissive role for too long. I was rather happy, wait that's not the right word. I had mixed feelings for kyuhyun's manipulating becaus it was frustaring yet good? in a sense it made ryeowook stand up for himself. Really happy that kyuwook got together in the end, because they're the missing piece of each other. They heal the emotional wounds caused by each other lol. ((But you get what I mean right?)) I am happy that kyuhyun got the chance to love, the chance to relearn what love is all about, and the 2nd chance given by ryeowook. I also agree with you that not all soul mates end up together. They might end up together in another life time, but not this life time. Hehehe all in all thank you for writing such a beautiful story that teaches us life is not all colours, filled with sunshine, rainbows and unicorn. It's filled with shades of black, white & grey.
Chapter 42: dusahdadljañs this fanfics is so troll xDD but so good!
i love spoilers so much..hahahha