First snow



Because Ryeowook ruined Kyuhyun’s plans of watching the sunrise together, they ended up stuck inside the apartment in the evening. “Your fault” Kyuhyun mumbled throwing the elephant toy at the boy who was giggling for finally being able to witness the older discomposed. The detective ended up getting hit by a giraffe in exchange.

“We are now going to rot inside this place, so let’s take a stroll around the frozen pond nearby.” Kyuhyun searched for a warm coat, since the reporter informed on the news something about being the coldest day of the year. “Why? It’s frozen.” Ryeowook frowningly pointed out, failing to see what was interesting about it.

Rolling his eyes, Kyuhyun threw at Ryeowook the bag filled with clothes he bought yesterday – he refused to let the younger return home in order to bring clothes to spend time with him, afraid the latter would change his mind at any moment. “Just wear those clothes or I’ll drag you this way outside, then you’ll have to share my coat with me, which will probably result in me taking advantage of you.”

“Such a convincing argument” the younger mumbled as he grabbed the bag, heading to the bathroom in order to exchange to warmer clothes.

The cold weather had been established many weeks ago, yet there were no signs of snow in Seoul. Indeed, like the reporter said earlier, it was cold, but, in the detective’s opinion, Ryeowook was exaggerating by wearing many layers of clothes, a pair of gloves and a scarf draped around his neck.

“Are you really a citizen? You seem like a tourist instead.” Kyuhyun was itching to mock the younger about his excessive clothing, causing the other to send a death glare to him – wasn’t he allowed to feel cold anymore?

“Shut up” Ryeowook whined while moving with difficulty due to the exaggerated amount of clothes – why couldn’t they stay in the warm apartment instead of being exposed to this cold weather? Chuckling at the funny state the younger was, he held the gloved hand trying to hasten their stroll.

They settled in a nice bench facing the frozen pond, there were children using the place to ice skate – at night that place would probably filled with couples, since it was such a nice spot. “Hey. Considering you are a detective, don’t you happen to have dangerous tasks sometimes?” Ryeowook wondered as his eyes rested on the kids having fun despite the cold weather.

“The agency does take care of those cases as well, but there are some subdivisions. My father administers the criminal part. I used to work under that subdivision, but since my parents worry a lot I ended up in the relationships conflicts department. Well, I admit I like scandals.” Kyuhyun honestly answered while stretching his arms lazily. His eyes were admiring the endless sky, until a particular thing caught his attention.

Ryeowook inaudibly pondered if the detective frequently flirted with clients. Perhaps it was better not questioning such things. He would probably receive more lies as answers, worse than that would be him accepting those as truths, which was a thing he mastered.

“Look it’s finally snowing.” Kyuhyun pointed his index finger at the snowflake gently falling. Ryeowook looked upwards, enchanted with the sight of small white dots filling the sky, yet falling so slowly in a peaceful way – he disliked winter, but the snow transmitted such a tranquil feeling. “Beautiful, isn’t it?” a fascinated Ryeowook asked as he turned to face his partner who was admiring something else – or maybe someone else?

His eyes displayed sadness as he remembered his fiancé – maybe he made the wrong choice for being stubborn and staying behind? Why couldn’t he just shrug off the loss of his parents and be happy beside his loved one?

“Indeed” Kyuhyun referred to the younger, but he left that subject aside, returning to enjoy the view of the pure white surrounding them now.


“I can’t believe you got intoxicated just by tasting one glass of wine.” Kyuhyun murmured in disbelief as the young man kept giggling adorably in his arms – they went to eat outside, but the older allowed the other to also have the alcoholic drink.

“It’s so hot inside of here.” Ryeowook complained as he got rid of the oversized coat he was wearing. Kyuhyun dragged the younger towards the room, carefully placing the latter on his lap in order to help removing the clothes – Ryeowook begged for his help, since he had at least five long sleeved shirts.

When there was only one left, Kyuhyun was tempted to also take it off. Perhaps Ryeowook was still fully aware of his surrounds, so he flinched slightly – frightened of his actions even if he was under influence of the alcohol. Their gazes locked in the dim lighted room, until, surprisingly, Ryeowook closed the gap between their mouths.

Kyuhyun’s hand slid underneath the shirt, sensing the younger’s skin with his palms. Ryeowook was so willing, due to his intoxicated state, that he kissed the older again and again, deepening it until he pushed Kyuhyun to lie on the bed. Both astonished and delighted with how the alcohol acted on the younger’s mind, Kyuhyun held the younger’s hips firmly.

His face displayed a satisfied smirk filled with ersion. “Let’s skip that dull crap of chatting. Let’s get to know each other more… intimately instead.” Kyuhyun seductively whispered, turning their positions in order to top Ryeowook now. Although the younger had enticed him, Kyuhyun wouldn’t do anything that would trespass the limits – he did say previously that he didn’t fancy taking unconscious people. Both were discovering the contours of each other’s body.

Ryeowook’s senses were so numb that he was unable to notice he received a message from his fiancé containing the following message:

Despite this cold weather, our love won’t wither.
I am sorry for my mistake, Love. I’ll properly amend it by returning tonight to spend Christmas’ eve with you.

The night was one of the coldest of the year, yet it wasn’t cold, because the younger enjoyed every inch of Kyuhyun’s warm skin.


It almost feels like at every 10 comments I feel the need to update OTL why is that so?

Anyway sorry if it's crappy just want to begin with the drama as soon as possible OTL the fluff parts are honestly killing me now

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When I complete ten comments for chapter 11 I'll update chapter 12 ^^


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Chapter 42: Good
Chapter 42: Wow.. nice plot... good story.. this is a good recommended story... love it..

I love all the relationships in this story.. love and hate situation, with the lovely happy ending..

Good job authornim
DoKwangYeol #3
Chapter 42: this storybis amazingggg >< iluvitttt
IfIForget #4
Chapter 6: What's funny is that Ryeowook actually ate a seasoned cicada (I think it was a cicada) on a variety show. ^^.
Chapter 42: just wanna drop a comment: best fanfic ever! I enjoyed it very much...
thanks alot ^^
Chapter 42: HAHAHAHAHA THE LAST SENTENCE. EVIL MAKNAE LINE ARE JUST EVIL. This is one of the most wonderful fanfics I've ever read. I'm not sure why I hadn't read this in the first place. The relationship they all have with one another ((kyuhyun-ryeowook-Sungmin-Henry)) was dysfunctional and delusional. I was angry at kyuhyun for being so manipulative, angry at Sungmin for cheating ((well not exactly but yeah)), angry at ryeowook for deluding himself, for being naive and for not standing up for himself. He's been playing the submissive role for too long. I was rather happy, wait that's not the right word. I had mixed feelings for kyuhyun's manipulating becaus it was frustaring yet good? in a sense it made ryeowook stand up for himself. Really happy that kyuwook got together in the end, because they're the missing piece of each other. They heal the emotional wounds caused by each other lol. ((But you get what I mean right?)) I am happy that kyuhyun got the chance to love, the chance to relearn what love is all about, and the 2nd chance given by ryeowook. I also agree with you that not all soul mates end up together. They might end up together in another life time, but not this life time. Hehehe all in all thank you for writing such a beautiful story that teaches us life is not all colours, filled with sunshine, rainbows and unicorn. It's filled with shades of black, white & grey.
Chapter 42: dusahdadljañs this fanfics is so troll xDD but so good!
i love spoilers so much..hahahha