


Kyuhyun was waiting outside of the apartment building, absently staring upwards towards the snow calmly falling down, hands clenched inside his overcoat’s pocket trying to keep them warm. Suddenly, Kyuhyun saw a petite frame running towards his direction, haltering the rushed steps only when he was standing front of the older. There was a trail of tears recently shed on his face. “Come here” Kyuhyun exposed his hands again to the cold weather in order to pull the younger into his embrace.

It was indeed fulfilling to see the outcome of his plans, though it was also heartbreaking the state Ryeowook was in. It obviously wasn’t included the idea of acquiring a lover out of this – he was blinded by the revenge to the point of forgetting this involved someone else’s life. Kyuhyun’s thoughts were interrupted when he felt those delicate hands grasping his garments desperately.

“I am sorry for being a burden” the younger murmured helplessly amidst his sobs causing Kyuhyun to frown at the memory those words reminded him.

“I can’t stand it anymore” Henry shouted at Kyuhyun during one of their usual discussions, struggling in order to remove his arms from the cold grip. They were too immature at that time. Anything would commence a quarrel between them – jealousy, to be more precise. “You think you’re the only one?” Kyuhyun snapped in annoyance at his boyfriend.

They were in an isolated alleyway, because Kyuhyun just dragged him out from the drinking party with his friends. “I told you, we’re only friends!” Henry argued. Although it was dark, the faint lighting was enough to enable them of seeing each other’s features. “Like I’d believe that” Kyuhyun sarcastically muttered while starting to drag the other away – he had enough of those “friends” Henry always spoke about.

Kyuhyun thought the other didn’t hear him, but he was proved wrong when the answer came. “You don’t trust me at all. All those years together and you can only consider me as a .” The disappointment in his voice was quite clear, but Kyuhyun chose to ignore, thinking everything would be fine in the next day.

“Your love is suffocating, I don’t need it. You’re a burden. Let’s break up”

“Kyuhyun?” The younger shook him slightly, worrying about the sudden emptiness in Kyuhyun’s eyes. Shaking his head slightly in order to avoid those memories, Kyuhyun simply feigned a smile – trying his best to conceal his feelings. “You aren’t a burden” the older murmured, but there was a sorrowful tone added to those words – he wished Henry uttered those for him.

Although Ryeowook was blind regarding trusting issues, when it was about intense feelings he was quite perceptive. Tip toeing, Ryeowook connected their lips in a comforting kiss, which shocked Kyuhyun, since the other always was against doing this in public places. Still, the older slowly shut his eyelids gladly accepting the gesture.

Once the kiss ended, their faces remained mere inches apart, this time Kyuhyun was leaning down so the younger wouldn’t need to keep tip toeing. “You aren’t a burden for me either” Ryeowook muttered, immediately diverting his gaze downwards at the street being covered with snow – it was a gamble, because he wasn’t sure if it was this particular phrase that made the older react.

Agape with the sudden words, Kyuhyun remained with his eyes resting on the smaller figure. Somehow, it was a relief for him to hear those words, even if it wasn’t from his ex’s mouth. Kyuhyun kept one arm around Ryeowook’s waist, while the other he used to lift the younger’s chin, since the latter was still staring towards the sidewalk.

“Thank you” Kyuhyun gently whispered, caressing those cheekbones. “Let’s go. I made reservation for dinner at 8 pm. I wouldn’t want you starving, would I?” the older jokingly questioned, while placing small kisses at Ryeowook’s forehead. The latter simply nodded.

In his plan, certainly wasn’t included acquiring a lover, but maybe, just maybe, that could be changed in the future.

But the future, thankfully, is still very far, right?


April 29th, 2009.

Went to buy flowers for my friend who was recovering on the hospital (he managed to fall from the stairs of his house and broke his leg during this process).
There was a strange man in the flower shop.
He was so straightforward, though charming at the same time.

Lee Sungmin was his name, I guess.

He gave me a red rose in exchange of my name, seems cheap writing it now, but at the moment it seemed like a good idea (the flower is pretty, though).

He asked me out so we would get to know each other.

Probably I won’t ever see him again, right?

Silly, of course I won’t. Things like that only happen in books.

Ps: I wonder what would happen if we indeed met again.

This entry managed to make Sungmin smile, despite the current situation between he and Ryeowook. The first time his eyes landed on Ryeowook, it was love at first sight – never had he seen someone who appealed so much for him. The older also chuckled lightly at the postscript – probably no one would imagine a random stranger you just met would end up being your fiancé (unless the person was delusional).

Suddenly, his mood suddenly fell.

He was just a fiancé. They could still break up at any moment, especially considering how the younger was under influence of Kyuhyun.

Sighing inwardly, Sungmin flipped the page.

If he ends reading the diaries, not only would he understand more things that were going through Ryeowook’s mind…

… but he would be allowed to have him back, right?

And so his hopes were restored.

It was still too early to give up his love for someone else.

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When I complete ten comments for chapter 11 I'll update chapter 12 ^^


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Chapter 42: Good
Chapter 42: Wow.. nice plot... good story.. this is a good recommended story... love it..

I love all the relationships in this story.. love and hate situation, with the lovely happy ending..

Good job authornim
DoKwangYeol #3
Chapter 42: this storybis amazingggg >< iluvitttt
IfIForget #4
Chapter 6: What's funny is that Ryeowook actually ate a seasoned cicada (I think it was a cicada) on a variety show. ^^.
Chapter 42: just wanna drop a comment: best fanfic ever! I enjoyed it very much...
thanks alot ^^
Chapter 42: HAHAHAHAHA THE LAST SENTENCE. EVIL MAKNAE LINE ARE JUST EVIL. This is one of the most wonderful fanfics I've ever read. I'm not sure why I hadn't read this in the first place. The relationship they all have with one another ((kyuhyun-ryeowook-Sungmin-Henry)) was dysfunctional and delusional. I was angry at kyuhyun for being so manipulative, angry at Sungmin for cheating ((well not exactly but yeah)), angry at ryeowook for deluding himself, for being naive and for not standing up for himself. He's been playing the submissive role for too long. I was rather happy, wait that's not the right word. I had mixed feelings for kyuhyun's manipulating becaus it was frustaring yet good? in a sense it made ryeowook stand up for himself. Really happy that kyuwook got together in the end, because they're the missing piece of each other. They heal the emotional wounds caused by each other lol. ((But you get what I mean right?)) I am happy that kyuhyun got the chance to love, the chance to relearn what love is all about, and the 2nd chance given by ryeowook. I also agree with you that not all soul mates end up together. They might end up together in another life time, but not this life time. Hehehe all in all thank you for writing such a beautiful story that teaches us life is not all colours, filled with sunshine, rainbows and unicorn. It's filled with shades of black, white & grey.
Chapter 42: dusahdadljañs this fanfics is so troll xDD but so good!
i love spoilers so much..hahahha