

Kyuhyun was trying to regain his steady breath as he walked back to his room – place where Ryeowook was fast asleep. “Wake up, Precious” he whispered while brushing aside the few strands of hair delicately falling over Ryeowook’s eyes. The younger remained static, in an attempt to wake the latter gently, Kyuhyun shook him.

Still no response though.

“Are you tempting me?” Kyuhyun mused as he leaned down lightly pressing his lips against Ryeowook’s. To his astonishment, he felt arms being enveloped around his neck, pulling him closer as a tongue invaded his mouth. He smiled amidst the kiss, gladly reciprocating as he embraced the younger.

“Sneaky, aren’t you?” Kyuhyun brought the fragile body close to his, trying to erase what happened with Henry a few minutes ago – he was able to successfully avoid the other, even if his feelings were stirred up. Groggily, Ryeowook simply turned aside, shutting his eyelids again.

“Is this a request for another kiss?” Kyuhyun mused chuckling at the adorable sight of the younger snuggling with the covers of his bed. “So every time I am on a bed and close my eyes it would mean: kiss me? It might be hard to sleep from now onwards then” Ryeowook teasingly pointed out as he opened his eyes again.

“You only think about sleeping, lazy . Come, you’ll greet the rest of the Lau family then we’ll see if the hotel nearby has any rooms available for us” Kyuhyun gently Ryeowook’s cheeks, causing the latter to purr in delight.

“Stop doing such sounds, or I’ll really attack you. My father might have a heart attack if he hears moans though.” Kyuhyun amusedly wondered how his father’s expression would be like. Ryeowook sat up as there was questions floating inside his mind – how could Kyuhyun’s family be so comprehensive?

“Nobody of your family was against you going out with another man? Even your sister knew about Henry and you.” Ryeowook nonchalantly said amidst his admiration – if only his family, his father more specifically, was like that.

“Oh. My mother since the beginning never cared about it her conditions are: bring money to us and give me a grandchild” although his mother usually nagged him a lot, Kyuhyun was grateful that she brushed the subject with only that. Ryeowook laughed softly at it – such action indeed fit with his mother’s character.

“Ahra doesn’t really care about my orientation. As for my father… he was against it on the beginning. Mother made him accept me after I ran away and almost froze to death though. He only has one condition now…” Kyuhyun frowned that he had to remember the younger of that embarrassing information.

“Oh. Sounds nice. What is the condition?” Ryeowook asked curious about what it might be. “I am absolutely forbid of… making ual insinuations. He admitted he couldn’t live with the thought of me being… the passive one.” Kyuhyun rolled his eyes of the condition his father gave – he was the active one, damn.

“What about the grandchild. Is it supposed to be of your own blood? Oh. I am sorry for bothering you with so many questions” Ryeowook stared downwards shyly as he realized how he was intruding on their family matters. Chuckling, Kyuhyun pulled Ryeowook to sit on his lap. “This interest… Are you planning to marry me, Kim Ryeowook?” he couldn’t help but want to tease the younger that was starting to blush.

“No! Your surname doesn’t match with my name.” Ryeowook tried to find a good argument, but it was futile against Kyuhyun. “Cho Ryeowook… sounds fine for me, even better than your current one.” He mockingly stated as he playfully the younger’s hair.

“Come on. We should be looking for a room for us to sleep already. We’ll end up together in the street” Kyuhyun tried to rush things, since they were losing a lot of time with those chit chats.

“At least we’ll be together” Ryeowook murmured as he stood up lending his hand in order to help Kyuhyun up. The young detective smiled at his sweet lover, intertwining their fingers. “You’re right.”


Sungmin sighed from tiredness. He refused to sleep, because he urgently needed to end reading those diaries in order to comprehend Ryeowook better. He flipped the pages calmly as he re-read some of his favorites entries – he marked the page with a little clip. Although sleep was tempting him, each time he read one of those entries, he would regain energy to read a bit more.

It was quite a productive night, since he already read the first one and half of the second – without mentioning the last two months from the last diary that contained Kyuhyun’s name. His eyes trailed towards his cellphone – he had informed Ryeowook about his accomplishment. It was a delightful surprise when Ryeowook did answer, probably sending messages was better than calling, since there was a certain annoyance nearby him to interrupt them.

Sungmin was reading about the day when they started dating.

Father expressed how he disliked my ual orientation, while my mother was crying. I am sorry for being like this… I didn’t mean to hurt my sweet mother, much less upset my father.

However, keeping this lie wouldn’t lead us anywhere, because they would be deluded into thinking I would eventually find a girlfriend. One that I certainly wouldn’t find – it would be egoist of my part to use her only to create the image for my parents that I am straight.

Sungmin and I kept going back and forth, he seemed reluctant about proposing for us to date since he discovered my age. I doubt age should be a big issue though, since my parents have 12 years of difference. I nearly cried when he serenaded me when we were in a park nearby with a lyric he himself wrote. 17 years old… why it takes so long for me to reach a proper age to be free from my parents?

What am I saying? I should be grateful that they looked after me all those years.

At this pace, the man I love so much will certainly be responsible for my downfall.

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When I complete ten comments for chapter 11 I'll update chapter 12 ^^


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Chapter 42: Good
Chapter 42: Wow.. nice plot... good story.. this is a good recommended story... love it..

I love all the relationships in this story.. love and hate situation, with the lovely happy ending..

Good job authornim
DoKwangYeol #3
Chapter 42: this storybis amazingggg >< iluvitttt
IfIForget #4
Chapter 6: What's funny is that Ryeowook actually ate a seasoned cicada (I think it was a cicada) on a variety show. ^^.
Chapter 42: just wanna drop a comment: best fanfic ever! I enjoyed it very much...
thanks alot ^^
Chapter 42: HAHAHAHAHA THE LAST SENTENCE. EVIL MAKNAE LINE ARE JUST EVIL. This is one of the most wonderful fanfics I've ever read. I'm not sure why I hadn't read this in the first place. The relationship they all have with one another ((kyuhyun-ryeowook-Sungmin-Henry)) was dysfunctional and delusional. I was angry at kyuhyun for being so manipulative, angry at Sungmin for cheating ((well not exactly but yeah)), angry at ryeowook for deluding himself, for being naive and for not standing up for himself. He's been playing the submissive role for too long. I was rather happy, wait that's not the right word. I had mixed feelings for kyuhyun's manipulating becaus it was frustaring yet good? in a sense it made ryeowook stand up for himself. Really happy that kyuwook got together in the end, because they're the missing piece of each other. They heal the emotional wounds caused by each other lol. ((But you get what I mean right?)) I am happy that kyuhyun got the chance to love, the chance to relearn what love is all about, and the 2nd chance given by ryeowook. I also agree with you that not all soul mates end up together. They might end up together in another life time, but not this life time. Hehehe all in all thank you for writing such a beautiful story that teaches us life is not all colours, filled with sunshine, rainbows and unicorn. It's filled with shades of black, white & grey.
Chapter 42: dusahdadljañs this fanfics is so troll xDD but so good!
i love spoilers so much..hahahha