Lioness In The House

My Love Story With... Bacon?


Slowly and carefully, she walked. She was trying her best to get into the house, full in silence.

She took a few steps to the front.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

No unknown sounds. Currently safe.

She took a few more steps…

Tap. Tap. Tap.

She whirled her head back and forth. Silence. Line is clear. Just a little more…

Tap. Tap. Tap.

The lights were switched on.


“Min Jung-ah! What are you doing?!”


Min Jung finally stopped her tracks; right after realising that the scream was ‘dedicated’ to her. She took a step behind and stood there, frozen.

“Answer me, Min Jung. Where have you been all night?” the tall woman asked her, with her hands on her waist, her voice started to rise.

Min Jung never resists this. She had always hated being scold and nagged for a whole day, especially by this person. The person was no one other than her own big sister, Choi Ah Hye. Her sister was a saleswoman, promoting and selling cars to people. Although she had that friendly face and social vibe, but to Min Jung, she was none other than a lioness. Once she get mad, her height seemed to peaked; that mad and dark aura comes and when the lightning sparked, her scream will took over everything.

“Min Jung-ah! Do you listen to me?” she started to scream. AACK. That horrible feeling, OH MY. What should I do now?

“Uh, I-I went S-So Yeon’s-s h-house. She made a b-birthday party~” she answered slowly, looking down at her bare and skinny feet. Thankfully, she covered the injured part of her leg so the chances of her sister to ask about illogical stuff (and she done it) at her. Gotcha, Min Jung. You’re scared don’t you?

“Gosh, Min Jung-ah, can’t you just tell our servant of going out somewhere? You made me worried! Don’t you ever think what could’ve happen to you?” she sighed. She sound rather frustrated, and voice started to slow down.

Min Jung quietly nods, playing with her fingers. That has been her usual habit when she got nervous, scared and any other stuff that relates.  

 “Thank god you’re safe. Don’t do that again, okay? ” she continued. Min Jung tried to look up; staring at her sister’s face then faked a smile. A smile that unconsciously which seemed not real.

But thankfully, her sister smiled back, and then she turned back, walked towards her room, and slammed the door behind shut.

After making sure that her sister was REALLY NOT THERE, a huge breath escaped from her lips. HUH. She exhaled in relief. Thank goodness, she didn’t curious about anything. If she does, then I’ll be dead. She quickly made a move towards her room, changed into her pyjamas and sleep. A much better sleep.



With a pair of puffy eyes and hair messed up, Min Jung woke up the next morning, with a lack of sleep hours. Surprisingly, her mind was still bearing that incident that occurred last night. And the thing still rounding on her mind was THE guy, his facial features, his voice


Right after she got ready for school, she walked towards the front door to get out. But as she walked, she passed by the refrigerator and saw a wee note glued to the refrigerator that says:

"Dear Min Jung, I'll be out early for today so if you're going anywhere, infrom So Hee alright ^^ -Your unnie, Ah Hye"

“Good” that sincere word came out from her lips, easily. She could be safe, for the least. No one will be screaming for the whole day, anyways.

Swiftly, she took her school bag and set off to her school.


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This story going to end soon in maybe... 5 chapters?


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Chapter 21: update soon
Chapter 21: Lol that's me shouting yes haha
Chapter 21: update soon :)
KimSeokjinwifey #4
Chapter 21: Baekhyun!!!
Yeah! He is amazing~
I agree with Min Jung
Chapter 20: update soon
KimSeokjinwifey #6
Chapter 17: Oh no!! Is Bacon going to stop the chaos??
KimSeokjinwifey #7
Chapter 16: Min Jung is jealous and getting bad~
Chapter 16: MINJUNG.... LOOOOL.
KimSeokjinwifey #9
Chapter 15: I sense something bad in here~