
My Love Story With... Bacon?


Oh no.

Min Jung whipped her head back, and then widened her eyes in surprise.

“Choi Min Jung?” he asked once again, asking to confirm.

It’s Bacon! I’m busted! Eoddeohke?!

“AHHHAHA, Bacon!” Min Jung said sarcastically, rubbing the back of her neck. Droplets of sweat started to trickle down her forehead, realizing its presence, Min Jung quickly swipe it with her right hand. Her heart started to beat faster and faster, her cheeks burned. Why am I feeling this way every time I met Bacon? Why do I get nervous most of the time?

“Wow” Bacon said, his eyes sparkling in awe. “I had never expected to see you here! Do you always ride on this bus most of the time? I never seen you on here before” he continued.

Min Jung’s grip on her bag got tighter and tighter. She gulped a lump in then took a deep breath and then answered, “A-ah? Oh, a-ani~ This is the first time I ride on this bus though, haha” she faked a laugh that sounded truly fake. Bacon’s pink lips pursued into a sincere smile, revealing his eye-smile. It seems like he didn’t notice Min Jung’s odd behaviour just now.  Omo, he beamed at me? Why do you do that, Bacon?


Suddenly, the metre dropped to 0 and the bus stopped. It had already arrived to Min Jung’s main town point, where the shops, restaurant and malls were located. Most passengers alighted on this spot, including one of the pregnant women that smiled at Min Jung.

“Ahh, here we are” he smiled again. “Looks like I have to go now, my house just located around here. Before that, I wanted to stop by the mall for a while. I had to buy some stuff, Jang Woo ate a lot” he pouted in his complains, ing his hand into his pockets, probably searching for money. “Do you want to follow me, Min Jung?”

Bacon’s question surprised Min Jung. Flirty thoughts rounding in her mind. Follow him? Wait, is he asking me out? Min Jung’s eyes twinkled, her heart started to make flip-flops. This is the chance! She thought.

But suddenly, her small heart whispered to her. Yah, Choi Min Jung, don’t give in easily on him! Does he really asking you for good? What if he brings you into his house and sneakily does something bad to you? Or even kidnapped you? You don’t know him, right? Who knows what he really capable of?

Min Jung’s eyes stopped twinkling, her heart beats faster not because of ‘flirty’ nervousness, but because of ‘scared’ nervousness. Raising one of her hands, she politely refused, declining Bacon’s invitation. “M-mianhae, I had some home works to finish though, hehe” she said, playing with her fingers.

“Oh, jinjja?” Bacon’s face changed, his eyes lowered. He looked a bit frustrated. “Never mind. I could go all by myself then”

Suddenly, a thing dropped with a loud thud. Both Min Jung and Bacon glanced at each other, reacting to the sound. “Oh, it was my book that made the sound, hehe” Min Jung shyly stated, and then quickly picks up the book.

Bacon’s gaze drop onto Min Jung, and then reacted to pick up the book as well. “Let me pick it up, Min Jung” Min Jung was surprised, but refuse to let Bacon pick it up. She feels that it should’ve been her to pick the book because the book was hers, plus, she didn’t want Bacon to get burden.

“Never mind. I’ll pick it up” Min Jung said.

“It’s okay, I can help you” Bacon replied.

“No. No need for you to help” Min Jung politely protested.

“It’s fine” Bacon was still with his state.

This is odd, Min Jung thought. She didn’t seem to even know why it is so hard to pick the book up. The book wasn’t heavy of course, so why it’s so hard?

Min Jung sneakily took a glance at Bacon who was trying to help her. Even he was panting to pick up the book, it shouldn’t be this hard, right?

Both of them were trying hard to pick the book up until finally Min Jung found the right grip. Yes! Finally!  She took up the book up happily and excitedly, she shoved it towards Bacon. “I got it!” Min Jung excitedly cooed.


Unfortunately, she shoved the book extra hard that it accidentally flung onto Bacon’s hands. The watch that Bacon wore also flung that it dropped to the road outside through the unclosed window. Min Jung felt very guilty of her careless mistake, as she was about to open to apologize…

BREAK! I don’t know how to imitate the sound of breaking, sorry~

A motorcycle just went through and it broke Bacon’s watch!

Min Jung felt so guilty, her jaws dropped in surprise. Her hands covered in sorry. Andwae! Bacon has got to get mad at me! Omo, what should I do now? Her hands started to sweat naturally, her fingers felt suddenly loose.

“Uh, B-Bacon?” nervous, she slowly voiced out. “I-I’m so sorry, it’s my entire fault. I-I should’ve-“

Min Jung’s words were cut off by Bacon. “Never mind. I can buy a new one, though. Don’t feel guilty; it’s not your fault”

Min Jung slowly raised her head then pinned her eyes at Bacon. Beyond her expectation, Bacon’s expression doesn’t seem that he’s angry or frustrated. He kept on wearing on that charming smile of his and his eyes looked like a crescent moon, his eye-smile flashed. Min Jung blushed. He’s not angry at me? W-well that’s weird. He seems so happy all the time. What’s that supposed to mean?

“Ah! Nae, I’ll be going now! Hope to see you later, Min Jung!” he beamed at Min Jung leaving her stunned and speechless. She can’t believe her eyes. And mind. She had made a pretty serious mistake and he didn’t grow furious at all? How’s that possible?

Her eyes followed Bacon’s back. Surprisingly, once he alighted from the bus, Bacon bid her goodbye, with a smile crept onto his face. H-he bid me goodbye? Min Jung waved back awkwardly, making Bacon’s smile to grow wider. In another few seconds, the bus started to move, drifting towards the next stop, leaving Bacon at the mall.


Chapter 9 is up! How's so far? Good? Give me your feedbacks in the comments below!

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Credits to the owners.




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This story going to end soon in maybe... 5 chapters?


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Chapter 21: update soon
Chapter 21: Lol that's me shouting yes haha
Chapter 21: update soon :)
KimSeokjinwifey #4
Chapter 21: Baekhyun!!!
Yeah! He is amazing~
I agree with Min Jung
Chapter 20: update soon
KimSeokjinwifey #6
Chapter 17: Oh no!! Is Bacon going to stop the chaos??
KimSeokjinwifey #7
Chapter 16: Min Jung is jealous and getting bad~
Chapter 16: MINJUNG.... LOOOOL.
KimSeokjinwifey #9
Chapter 15: I sense something bad in here~