
My Love Story With... Bacon?


Min Jung stood with both of her feet closely, her eyes pinning in the ground. She played with her slender fingers, a guilty feeling conquer her mind.

The guys had stopped their fight right after Bacon arrived into the scene. “Right! Stop!” Min Jung remembered how loud Hyun Ri yelled at the guys, opened wide. “That’s enough” she then gripped all of their wrists then set out of the restaurant’s balcony.

Min Jung still bearing how Hyun Ri looked that time. She was very flustered and angry, her cheeks burned with shame. Her eyes looked almost going to cry. Then when Bacon came in, she got totally furious. Deeply inside her heart, Min Jung wondered what is happening between Hyun Ri and those guys.

But that just one, now Min Jung can’t help herself. Now, it’s Bacon’s problem. His laptop was broken terribly! Oh my, she just can’t bear it! The screen had broken into two!

Min Jung blinked her big eyes forcefully, and then shook her head, shifting herself back to reality. She slowly lifted her head up to meet Bacon’s gaze. Unfortunately, she didn’t. Bacon kept on staring at the floor, looking at his broken laptop earnestly. His expression was unreadable, neither frustrated nor sad. He just looked … poker face.

“Aigoo” he whispered under his breath slowly. He then ducked his head and picked up the pieces of his laptop with both of his bare hands. “The information is all in here” he mumbled, taking a look the broken pieces. He then located the laptop onto an unoccupied table. His eyes got suddenly lower but still he didn’t sigh.

I’m sorry Bacon, it’s my entire fault. Min Jung stopped playing with her fingers, and then took a very deep breath. I need to say sorry… indirectly. “I-I” Min Jung’s throat felt as if a lump stuck in it, made her stuttering in nervous. Her hands started sweating. “I-I’m so sorry, Bacon. I mean, I’m so sorry FOR YOU, Bacon” she slowly stated, her eyes gleaming with guiltiness.

Bacon’s eyes suddenly set onto Min Jung’s fair face. “Ahaha” he laughed, which Min Jung knew that it was sarcastic; the laugh was fake. “Never mind, Min Jung. Thank god, I still remember those information” Bacon’s smile spread even wider, grinning broadly revealing his white pearly teeth. His right hand patted Min Jung’s head carefully, his eyes looking directly onto Min Jung.

“B-but, your laptop…” Min Jung said, her finger pointing to the not-so-laptop located on a table. “It’s broken right? How-“ “Never mind, really. It was nothing, for sure” Min Jung’s words were cut off by Bacon’s sentence. He had his eyes locked in Min Jung’s, making Min Jung to blush like a cooked tomato; her heart beat faster than before.

“S-So, what do you going to do with the laptop then?” Min Jung tried to ask bravely, but her eyes shifted away from Bacon. It’s my fault that everything happened! I’m so sorry, Bacon!

“Oh? This? Haha” he let out a laugh, then continued. “I guess this thing will be rubbish then. Wait here, arasso? I’m going down to throw this into the bin” he said to Min Jung then swiftly trailed off before Min Jung could even open her mouth to answer. Min Jung just stood there, stunned and dumbfounded.

A few hours passed ~


The boys had already packed their stuff and getting ready to shut the restaurant. Min Jung can’t stop tilting her head back and forth, searching for a glance of Hyun Ri. Hyun Ri was nowhere. I wonder where she could be now~

“Min Jung” a calm voice whispered into Min Jung’s ears, making Min Jung to whip her head back. “Bacon” she smiled sweetly, her eyes darted on Bacon’s. Bacon slowly moved closer to her, rubbing the back of his neck. Shyly, Bacon whispered. “Uh… Min Jung, do you mind if I follow you back home? You know, it’s dangerous for a girl to walk alone, you know…”

Min Jung’s heart pond quicker. H-he’s want to follow me home? H-how sweet… Wait, no. No way Min Jung. No, uh-uh. “Ahaha” Min Jung laughed sarcastically. “No need to follow me! I can get back on myself, thanks.” Min Jung tried her best to assure Bacon.

“Oh, jinjja?” Bacon asked, his eyes started to develop a deep flustered emotion. “A-arasso” he slowly said, a smile plastered across his face.

Then, both of them left the restaurant and took steps to the elevator. Both of them enter at the same time as the metal doors parted. Bacon then pressed the ’G’ button, leading the elevator to move down. The atmosphere between them was awkwardly quiet, both of them wanted to break the silence but they can’t seem to think of anything. And the time just surpasses them, leaving them immersed in their own thoughts.


The doors opened, and both of them took a step outside. “So…” Bacon said to Min Jung slowly. “I guess, I meet you next time then” “Mmm” Min Jung nodded firmly. Bacon smiled then bid goodbye to Min Jung. “Bye!” Happily, he then set out of the mall.

Min Jung can’t even make out why do both of them suddenly became awkward for some reason. But then Min Jung just shrugged her shoulders. She then stepped outside the mall. A cool, windy breeze crept onto her face made Min Jung to slightly shiver. “How cold!” Min Jung wrapped her arms around her body. She then tilted her head around, looking around. Then suddenly, her eyes set on something that people had no interest on.

The rubbish bin. Bacon’s laptop bag was in there, right? A mischievous smile crept on her face.


I'm so jealous at the people who'll be going to SMTown in Singapore right now, *sighs* Why they didn't make one in Malaysia instead? But just, EXO-M will be coming to Malaysia on 11th December but I know my daddy won't let me~ *sobs* 

Silent readers! Stop being silent, arasso? Thanks for reading!


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This story going to end soon in maybe... 5 chapters?


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Chapter 21: update soon
Chapter 21: Lol that's me shouting yes haha
Chapter 21: update soon :)
KimSeokjinwifey #4
Chapter 21: Baekhyun!!!
Yeah! He is amazing~
I agree with Min Jung
Chapter 20: update soon
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Chapter 17: Oh no!! Is Bacon going to stop the chaos??
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Chapter 16: Min Jung is jealous and getting bad~
Chapter 16: MINJUNG.... LOOOOL.
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Chapter 15: I sense something bad in here~