A Gift For Bacon

My Love Story With... Bacon?


Is he coming to school today? Min thought, jerked her head back and forth, searching for Bacon’s glimpse. Where is he? She just got back from school, and by that time, she was holding onto a pole in the bus.

Her bare hands were gripping a long, rectangular-shaped gift box. She clutched it tightly, not letting it go. The gift was for Bacon of course, a new watch that she bought just for him. She still felt really guilty of what happened on the day before.

Her head was jerked back and forth non-stop, only a single thought filling in her mind, Bacon, where are you? “HUH” she sighed heavily. Bacon is not at school today? Then what am I going to do with this then? Her heart suddenly sank of the negative thoughts of hers.


The bus stopped. Min Jung pinned her eyes towards the front door, hoping for a chance to see Bacon. A few people get into the bus, most of them were guys. Min Jung glanced at the boys’ uniform and she found that the uniform looked exactly like Bacon’s. Bacon’s school mates? Stay focus, Min Jung. He has got to be here.

In a queue line, the passengers started to climb on the bus one after another. Min Jung moved towards the front swiftly, making sure that she will get to see Bacon first, and as quick as possible. Ugh, where is he?

Min Jung kept on waiting, until she saw a familiar face, and walking attitude. “Bacon!” she cooed excitedly.

Bacon seemed relax and calm , he didn’t seem to regret anything that happened on the day before. His hands were gripping on his bag, still wearing his usual happy smile. Once he heard Min Jung’s excited call for him, his smile widen, grinning broadly.

“Min Jung-ah!” he waved his hands at Min Jung, smiling. He’s not angry at me? At all? Min Jung quickly paced towards Bacon.

VROOM. The bus started to move.

“So,” Bacon started the conversation between them, since Min Jung just remained smiling, but not a single voice escaped from her lips. “How is your day? Good?” he showed his long thumb at Min Jung, the tip of his thumb pointing upwards.

Min Jung sweetly laughed, her hands covered . “Good” she said with her thumbs raised, grinning. Bacon’s smile spread even wider, looking at a happy-version of Min Jung really lightened his day up. He had never became friends with a girl as cheerful and bubbly as Min Jung before, and that factor made Bacon wanted to get close, close as possible with Min Jung.

Min Jung’s heart was actually squealing like crazy inside. Stop smiling at me Bacon! You’re making me blush! Oh my Bacon, why are you so handsome?

Her grip on the gift box started to tighten even more, that it almost messed up the box’s real shape. Realizing it, Min Jung quickly loosened her grip then tried to voice it out to Bacon. You can do it Min Jung! Fighting!

“Uh, Bacon?” she slowly started to speak, her head slowly lifted to face Bacon. “Hmm?” Bacon hummed, beaming at Min Jung. Min Jung blushed, her heart beat started to get faster, her legs got shakier as the cause of nervousness.

“I-I just thought of…. Um.. I-I…” I can’t help it, I’m stuttering badly! Min Jung hands started to chill, her red cheeks started to burn. Her breath quickened, her chest moving up and down rapidly. Uncontrollably, she suddenly blurted out, quite loud for the other passengers to hear her confession.

“H-here! T-take this gift from m-me! I’m so sorry that I broke your watch yesterday and I felt very guilty so I-I… so I brought a new one for you! J-just for you! T-take it!”

Min Jung’s cheeks burned more, felt very ashamed with the loud confession. Oh no, people overheard it? Eoddeohke?  She looked down, no longer looking at Bacon; her eyes were on the same level as her white shoes, brushes of brown dirt stayed on it. What have I done?  Omo, will Bacon accept my gift?

Dugeun Dugeun Dugeun, her heart thumped loudly in her chest. How will Bacon react? He has got to be unhappy of course. Oh well… Her heart sank, following the flow of the negative thoughts rounding in her mind.

Unexpectedly, Min Jung felt that her head was patted firmly. With a little bit of courage she looked above, looking at Bacon who was standing in front of her. Bacon smiled happily, his hands patted Min Jung’s head. His eye-smile flashed, fluttering Min Jung’s heart.

“A gift for me? Thanks a lot Min Jung!” he patted Min Jung’s head continuously, his eye-smile charmed. He said it all cheerfully; his reaction doesn’t go the way Min Jung expected it to be. Min Jung feels like everything turns upside down every time she spends her time with Bacon, her thoughts turned the opposite way. Bacon is just unreadable.


Both of them looked outside of the window, wondering where the bus stopped. They jerked their heads to see the main town point, where Bacon’s house was located. Why does time flies so fast? “Looks like I have to go first. See you tomorrow Min Jung! Thanks for the gift!” he smiled, winking at Min Jung. Min Jung eyed him alighted from the bus.


The bus didn’t wait. It just drifted right after Bacon get off from the bus. Meanie driver.

I’ll be waiting you, Bacon. Min Jung’s heart silently squealed.


So sorry for the boring update today!

Anyhow, if your guys had voted at the poll that I mention before, I have made a sad fanfic featuring our bubbly maknae, Sehun ~ <3 Go check it out --> 0000

Hehe, the title is weird but check it out! Thanks for subscribing, Bacon and Min Jung will love you forever! <3 <3 <3


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This story going to end soon in maybe... 5 chapters?


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Chapter 21: update soon
Chapter 21: Lol that's me shouting yes haha
Chapter 21: update soon :)
KimSeokjinwifey #4
Chapter 21: Baekhyun!!!
Yeah! He is amazing~
I agree with Min Jung
Chapter 20: update soon
KimSeokjinwifey #6
Chapter 17: Oh no!! Is Bacon going to stop the chaos??
KimSeokjinwifey #7
Chapter 16: Min Jung is jealous and getting bad~
Chapter 16: MINJUNG.... LOOOOL.
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Chapter 15: I sense something bad in here~