On The Bus

My Love Story With... Bacon?


It was a bright sunny day once again! And on a Monday! Min Jung, who was very excited for this, sprang to her feet, and get into her school attire. Then, she get down to the dining table to see the usual breakfast that fills up her stomach for almost every day: peanut butter and jelly toast included with a cup of chocolate drink. Although she had been eating those for like almost FOREVER, she didn’t even argue though, although she knew that So Hee could afford to make something more inviting than those. The peanut butter and jelly had always been the best breakfast menu for her.

She then pulled out a single chair and took a seat. With her stomach grumbling loudly, craving for food, she quickly took a huge bite of the slightly flavoured toast. The savoury and taste was all the same. Just like the way it is. She was really enjoying her breakfast until Ah Hye came in, calling her.

“Min Jung-ah, I’ve just read the newspaper and guess what I found?” Ah Hye said to Min Jung, shoving the newspaper to her.

Min Jung didn’t show much intention to know about it, so she kept on biting the toast and then take a sip of her drink.  Min Jung has always known as the type of girl who doesn’t really care about happenings around her. She thinks that since she’s a school student, she deserves to know NOTHING.  Oh, you’re a cheater Min Jung.

“Yah, do you listen to me? A girl was kidnapped on her way to school. Plus, she goes to school walking you know that?” Ah Hye poked Min Jung’s left arm, asking for her attention.

Kidnapped? “Really, how is she now?” Min Jung gasped in shock. She just can’t believe it, there were kidnappers in the town she’s been living? She widen her eyes so big in surprise that her eyes looked almost bulge out.

“The police were searching her all over the town, and her parents were crying all night. Well, of course, she was their only child and daughter after all” Ah Hye said, munching a piece of bread. “So, I think it’ll be good if you ride on the bus to school. Just to keep my little sister safe” she continued, rubbing Min Jung’s head.

Thank god you’re my sister. Min Jung was actually pissed off that her sister rubbed her head so strong that nearly messed up her hair. Her hair had always been her best feature and if it’s messed up then her look will be a total disaster.

Gosh, ride on the bus? I had never ridden on a bus before. Min Jung started to thought about her riding on a bus.  She wanted to protest at first, but decided to give in. Who doesn’t love life? “Right” she said weakly, trying to deny the statement that she was unsatisfied. Oh well, as long as I’ll be safe then.

“Good, that’s my little sister!  Take care!” Ah Hye cooed. Weakly, she dashed towards the front door, buckle into her pair of school shoes and set off to school.

Schools out!

Min Jung and her best friend were on the way out from the school.  Min Jung told her everything that her sister told her. So Yeon gasped in surprise.

“Oh, jinjja? So you’re going to ride on the bus from now on?” So Yeon asked.

 “Mmm” Min Jung simply replied.

Once they reached in front of the school gate, the bus that Min Jung rode earlier that day had arrived, waiting for passengers to come in and take a seat. So Yeon was a daughter of a very wealthy family, and with that she just rode to and fro school on her father’s private car, that was very long and almost looked like a limousine.

 “Oh, my driver was here! And your bus was here too! I guess I see you tomorrow Min Jung, annyeong!” So Yeon said then bid Min Jung goodbye.

“Annyeong!” Min Jung said calmly, replied So Yeon’s goodbye wave.

So Min Jung got onto the bus. Well, Min Jung first ride on the bus wasn’t that bad after all. Just a few bad things which were the bus stopped almost everywhere and every time the driver saw a passenger waiting for a transport. And the second thing was that the bus will just leave you alone if you’re late.

Beyond Min Jung’s expectation, the bus was occupied with too many people in it. It was made up with teens that just out from school and a few men and women. This situation forced her to stand up straight on her feet, wishing that the bus won’t do any sudden brakes or she might fell down on her knees.

Whoa, how could the bus driver drives so fast?


 Min Jung jerked her head window, expecting to see houses. She has always hope that the bus will start to send the passengers home, but her heart started to sunk deep.

It wasn’t a house at all. But a school.

Right, looks like I’m going to hang on here for a while then. Min Jung heavily sighed. She wanted to get home as early as possible, she doesn’t want to stay in here for an hour, and her leg was going to sting if she stood for that long.


The bus moves again. I hope it will send the passengers from now on.

Min Jung decided to make her move towards the front, so she squeezed herself, sneakily walked towards the front.

“Mianhae” that single world had mumbled on Min Jung’s lips every time she bumped into someone accidentally.

Min Jung finally arrived near to the front part of the bus. Satisfied with her position, she stopped on her tracks. Happily, Min Jung thought, finally, I could have much clearer view outside.

By just rotating her head, she tried to take look on her surroundings. She could see two pregnant women sitting near the bus’ window. Min Jung smiled at them and as expected, the women replied her smile. She continued on whipping her head around but she suddenly stopped when she saw a very familiar… head. And hair.

That curly, brown short hair was familiar… Where have I seen it? Min Jung wondered. She squinted her eyes, trying to take a clearer view of the person. The person was looking at the window, so the person’s back was facing at Min Jung.

Then finally, when the person turned his head around, changed his gaze to the front, Min Jung widen her eyes in surprise. She gasped silently.



Mianhae because I didn't do a double update yesterday, sorry ~ TT.TT Anyhow, I have finished making the next chapter though, but it's up to my mood if I want to post it today, keke :DD

For all the subscribers, thanks so much! For the old ones, just another chapter and the construction will be finised! 

Love <3 Minny

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This story going to end soon in maybe... 5 chapters?


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Chapter 21: update soon
Chapter 21: Lol that's me shouting yes haha
Chapter 21: update soon :)
KimSeokjinwifey #4
Chapter 21: Baekhyun!!!
Yeah! He is amazing~
I agree with Min Jung
Chapter 20: update soon
KimSeokjinwifey #6
Chapter 17: Oh no!! Is Bacon going to stop the chaos??
KimSeokjinwifey #7
Chapter 16: Min Jung is jealous and getting bad~
Chapter 16: MINJUNG.... LOOOOL.
KimSeokjinwifey #9
Chapter 15: I sense something bad in here~