First Meeting

My Love Story With... Bacon?


It was the night of 27th November that almost reached midnight, counting down to 28th. The houses had already fell into a peaceful silent, whom people had already resting their heads on their own pillows and closed their eyes full in pleasure, waiting for the sun to rise on the next day.

Except for one house, which located just by the corner. The sound of music bursting out of the speaker seemed to take over the whole house, and people busy dancing and helping themselves with the foods.

“Are you sure you’re getting home? Now?” So Yeon, the birthday girl said, her skinny arms folded.

 “It’s okay, I’m fine, no need to worry” the person in front of her replied calmly.

“Are you sure? Don’t be serious; you just came here cycling!” So Yeon shot back.

 “I’ll be fine, for sure” the person took the helmet that was rested by the bicycle earlier, and then climbed onto the bicycle.

“Be careful, okay?  Don’t let your sister–“

“Alright, alright, I’ll be fine” she cut off So Yeon’s words.

So she started cycling, with an intermediate speed, not too fast or too slow. She was wearing a short, ruffled dress that simply showed her feminine side. That attire had always been a favourite of hers, and she didn’t mind cycling in that clothes.

By a few minutes, she had cycled passed a few houses with tons of big, bushy trees. But suddenly, a gust of cold wind swept across her, made her shiver. But then she realized that she is too late to realize that she is wearing a sleeveless dress.

She kept on cycling but the breeze didn’t stop to fly towards her. What everyone didn’t really know, was that she could fell asleep anytime, anywhere and anyhow if a breeze caress her face directly. Sometimes, it could be very rude and dangerous sometimes.

Especially in this situation. She is feeling sleepy.

She kept on cycling when finally she reached to a junction that led to the main town, which her house was located. She was very worried what’ll happen to her when she gets back, with her sister living under the same roof…

Oh my! It was even terrible to imagine!

Unexpectedly, a breeze, much colder than the other ones, flew towards her non-stop. The breeze feels like it wasn’t able to stop itself from flowing. Her eyes started to tighten, hard to open but she tried to fight the feeling.

She fights. She keeps on fighting that torturing.

But finally she gave up, and both of her eyes were completely closed.

She fell asleep.

But magically, her legs were still moving, cycling slowly and slowly…


She fell down with a thud. Her eyes suddenly opened, huge enough to declare to be awake. “Ouch” she muttered under her breath. Pain started to conquer over her. “W-what happened?” she asked herself then jerked her head and saw all the eyes pinning on her.

Feeling awkward and confused, she whipped you head around. “I’ve arrived to a stall? Wait… what have I been doing? I thought I was at home by now?” She her side, and gasp.

“My bicycle.. my pink bicycle! I hit a table? At a stall? Oh my god, what have I been doing?”

Feeling embarrassed, she brushed her legs to wipe off the dirt on her dress. Suddenly, a very calm voice went into her tiny ears, with a hand on her shoulder, slightly shaking her.

“Uh, miss? Are you okay?” the voice belonged to a guy, obviously. Hey, get off your hands off me, you jerk! Who do you think you are, a ert?

She turned back, attempting to push away his hand from her shoulder. But unfortunately, she stopped her movements. She was stunned and gaped, full in awe.

He is so handsome~

She studied the guy’s face, longing. The guy had perfect facial features, and a perfect height. His looks and appearance succeeded in making her angry feelings, ego to vanish immediately like a dust.

 “Miss? Miss?” he repeated in a low tone, shaking one of her shoulders. His angelic voice, made her heart to beat faster, in a way that she had never felt before.

“ I- I’m fine, no worries” she answered slowly, trying to control herself from smiling too much.

She stood up on both of her feet, and quickly climbed on her ruined bicycle. This time she said to herself: Be aware alright! Home. That’s it. Home.

She started to cycle calmly, ignoring the stares and whispers coming from her back. It looks like she was on the topic now! Without thanking the guy for asking, she cycled, not looking back.

As she passed by the corner of a road, all what she sees was the guy’s reflection on a mirror. Yes, he is indeed very HANDSOME ~ :3 She smiled sheepishly, feeling happy to see his face.



And there she goes again, she collided into a pole then run away from the scene, cycling faster than ever.


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This story going to end soon in maybe... 5 chapters?


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Chapter 21: update soon
Chapter 21: Lol that's me shouting yes haha
Chapter 21: update soon :)
KimSeokjinwifey #4
Chapter 21: Baekhyun!!!
Yeah! He is amazing~
I agree with Min Jung
Chapter 20: update soon
KimSeokjinwifey #6
Chapter 17: Oh no!! Is Bacon going to stop the chaos??
KimSeokjinwifey #7
Chapter 16: Min Jung is jealous and getting bad~
Chapter 16: MINJUNG.... LOOOOL.
KimSeokjinwifey #9
Chapter 15: I sense something bad in here~