Valentine's Day

And He Called Me Ugly

 LOL this chapter is a month late. XDDD but I hope you guys like it.

thanks for all the subscribers and comments. ILUBYOU GUYS~

I'm gonna be a bit busy coz I have an out of the city project for my work which is going to take place at the last week of March so I'm REAAAAALLLLYYY busy which means I might not be able to update as much. I'll do my best okay guys? <3 I love you all~

Chapter 9


I was so tired when I got to school the next day. I tired myself out from freaking out too much over the guy who kissed me. I mean, I couldn’t do anything. I didn’t know who the hell he was, I didn’t know why he did it. Which really frustrates me. A LOT.


HyunSeung left earlier than usual today. No ideas why, probably dance practice or something. So I half-assed dragged my , taking the stairs.


I reached the ground floor and started walking mindlessly. When I bumped into someone. And I once again, landed on my .


“You should really look where you’re going.” DooJoon’s face came into my view. He had that stupid grin on and held out his hand to me.


“I don’t need your help.” I slapped it away and stood up on my own. I dusted myself off and gave him a glare. “Why are you standing there? You know, where people are going out?” I asked him sarcastically, walking down the street.


He trailed after me, he tugged on my arm and made me face him. “Why do you hate me?” he asked all of a sudden. “Weren’t we good friends before?”


God. I don’t need drama at 7:30 in the morning.


“Friends?” I asked then laughed sarcastically. “You dumped glue on my hair when we were in kindergarten. You laughed at me and called me ugly when I came the next day with short hair. You ridiculed me EVERY SINGLE YEAR when we were in elementary. You call that friends? Very funny way of defining a friend, Yoon DooJoon.” I retorted at him.


“… you’re really dense aren’t you?” he asked then walked ahead.


WHAT THE . He called me dense. ME, DENSE!? The is wrong with this guy. I was really mad by now. I stomped all the way to the bus stop, walking far away from DooJoon.


The bus came and I got on, scoring the last seat in the bus. Booya! DooJoon came in and stood directly in front of me. I looked outside, plugging in my earphones because I didn’t want to even think that this Jerkface is in front of me right now. We got off our stop and entered the gates. I realized, JunHyung wasn’t there. Hmm… odd. He usually waits for me.


I slightly pouted and continued to walk in. Why is everything red today? Its not Chinese new year is it? Girls were lingering in the halls, giggling their off.


I got to my locker and it had post its at the front. “HyunJi, you’re hot let’s date” The first post it said. Ew. I threw it off my locker. “Hi HyunJi, do you date Hoobaes?” Ew. Threw it away again. “HyunJi noona, meet me at the soccer field later.” UH. NO. What the ’s happening to the world!?


I opened my locker to see a couple of letters inside. I made a face and took the letters then dumped them on my bag. I checked my calendar, to see if it was the end of the world when I realized…


“OOHHH! ITS VALENTINE’S DAY!” I shouted which earned me looks from people.


I’ve never really noticed valentine’s day since every year, I spend it with YoSeob, DongWoon and JunHyung singing at the noraebang.


I took out my books for the day and walked over to the classroom. JunHyung wasn’t there. HyunSeung was sitting with EunJung. He gave her a bouquet of flowers. How sweet. /gag


I went to my desk to find box of chocolates and letters. I’m not dreaming right? I looked around and checked the letters and chocolates to check out who they’re from. I sat down and put the chocolates and letters by my bag.


Mr. Ahn entered the class and JunHyung still didn’t come. Was he sick? Ugh. That loser.


We were talking about Kim TeJong when all of a sudden, Mr. Ahn was interrupted with a knock on the door. Today was the perfect day to interrupt teachers from classes because they allowed students to go to classrooms and give gifts, flowers and all those cheesy stuff.


Mr. Ahn sighed because this was the fifth time someone interrupted his class. He glanced to the door and found a student in our year. I glanced at him then quickly looked to the empty spot beside me and outside. It honestly felt lonely without JunHyung. I mean there’s no one to talk to or pass the time with. It just felt really lonely.


I turned to look back if the whole scene was over when someone shoved some flowers on my face. I looked up and saw a smiling face. “Hi.” He said and I just stared at him. “My name’s Lee DongHae. You’ve probably heard of me.” He said and I raised an eyebrow.


Well, honestly, I do hear about him. He’s supposedly the soccer hero of Seoul High.


He cleared his throat when I didn’t respond. “So, um, these are for you.” He said and pushed the flowers on my desk. He flashed me another smile.


Yes, and of course, everyone in class is watching. Even Mr. Ahn.


“So, um…” he said and scratched the back of his head, then looked back at Mr. Ahn. “Sir, can I take her outside for a while?” he asked.


Mr. Ahn merely nodded and resumed the lesson. DongHae was waiting for me to stand up. I sighed and walked out of the room. We were on eye level now, well… he’s taller but you get the idea. He suddenly smiled at me and took my hand, “HyunJi, do you wanna go on a date tonight?” he asked, fidgeting.


I actually found it quite cute that he was being shy about it.

I mean, it wouldn’t hurt to go out on a date right?


“Um…” I said. “Sure.” I shrugged in return.


He looked at me with wide eyes. “Really?” he asked, then smiled. Hey, he’s got a really cute smile.


I feel like such a girl right now. I looked at him and nodded.


“Great!” He said, holding out his phone to me. I punched in my number and handed it back to him. He smiled then held the phone up to his ear. My phone suddenly vibrated in my pocket. I took it out and he grinned at me. “Text me your address and I’ll pick you up at 7.” He said then waved at me and left.


Hmmm… a date.


During free period, I stayed inside the classroom. “Hey ugly.” I looked at DooJoon and he had that stupid grin on his face again. “Did DongHae ask you out on a date?” he asked, fully turning to me.


“What’s it to you?” I snarled back at him.


He merely shrugged. “I don’t know why he asked you out really.” He said looking outside. “It must really be doing a good job to your ego, getting asked out by all these guys.”


I rolled my eyes at him. “And I have no idea why were having this conversation.” I retorted at him and stood up to leave. He suddenly held my wrist. “Seriously!? What is up your !?”


“You know you shouldn’t go out with him.” He started.


“And why not?”


“Because, he’s just another guy who wants to get under your skirt.” DooJoon told me without letting go of my wrist.


“… You,” I started and pulled my hand back from him. “of all people, should know that I’m not that kind of girl.” I told him and left the room.


I was so pissed I wanted to sock his face badly. I was walking towards the stairs when my phone rang.




Wow. He’s alive. I thought he died already.

“YAH! WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU!?” I shouted at the receiver.




“Where are you!?” I demanded.


“Keep your on. I’m at the canteen.” He replied, slightly chuckling.


“Don’t breathe. I’m coming.” I told him and briskly walked towards the canteen. It was a busy scene and I opened the door. There were students wearing wings, with bows and arrows, giving chocolates and flowers to random people. People make such a big fuss over these unimportant things.


I saw JunHyung on our usual lunch table and started walking towards him.


“YAH!” I shouted walking briskly towards the table.


And.Yes, I tripped.


I looked up and JaeKyung was smirking down at me. “You should really watch where you’re going.” She said and walked off with the rest of her friends.


I rolled my eyes then saw KiKwang with a smile and a hand extended to me. I smiled back and took it. “A beautiful girl like you shouldn’t be so clumsy.” He said.


I didn’t know what to say. So I just stared at him.


“So, remember you owe me that movie?” KiKwang suddenly asked. “Well, I was wondering if you’re free tonight?” he asked.


“I’m so sorry KiKwang. DongHae asked me out on a date.” I told him.


“Oh. Okay, well you still owe me then.” He said then waved as he walked out of the cafeteria.


I turned back to JunHyung who had a certain look on his face. I shrugged it off and continued walking towards him. I sat down directly in front of him. “What did he want?” he suddenly asked.


I made a face. “Who?” I asked him.




I shrugged. “Nothing.”


“Is he asking you out?”


“Yeah he did.” I replied honestly.


“Did you say yes?” he asked again.


“No. Why are we talking about this? Why are you late? You’re never late.” I asked him this time.


“Do you like him?”


“NO! Let’s drop this conversation.” I told him.


“You do realize these guys are only asking you out because of how you look and not because of who you are right?” JunHyung said and seriously looked into my eyes.


“Seriously, I don’t want to have this talk!” I told him in a frustrated voice, trying hard not to shout. “I never wanted to be like this again! YOU were the one who insisted on doing it for YOUR dance group. I didn’t have ANY say in it!” He sighed out loud, looking down to his feet, muttering words I can barely hear. “I’m not in the mood to play with you JunHyung. So if you need to tell me something you can spit it out and I can leave.” I told him, standing up.


He looked up at me. He looked really tired, I can see the bags under his eyes. “You really don’t get it do you?” He sighed again and pulled out a box from under the table and stood up. “Happy Valentines Day.” He said and left the box in front of me, then walked away.


I watched him leave without looking back. I was scared of what was inside the box. I took a deep breath and opened it. It had a huge Pikachu stuffed toy and a box of chocolates with a letter stuck above.


Hey Hyunji,


I got you a Pikachu stuffed toy which I originally want for myself. I don’t know why I did but when I saw it, I remembered you. Keep it with you when you sleep ok?


I hope you won’t get tired of being with me.


I hope… you’ll always look my way.


I hope…




Was he… in love with me?

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Chapter 8: It's Doojoon who kissed her! It's so obvious girl! XD
Lolol silent, new reader here! :) I've been cracking up while reading this! :))
I love it! ^^
Chapter 37: Re-reading this again ^^
And falling in love with it again :)
Especially love junhyung's ending :D
Chapter 38: Alright alright! I should probably be sleeping at this hour since tomorrow there's school going on around here and all the drama with the teachers... Leaving that and back to your story! OMFG YOU HAD ME LAUGHING LIKE CRAZY HERE ON THIS CHAIR WHILE ROOTING FOR JUNHYUNG, OF COURSE!^^
Can't explaing how much I loved your characters and the pairing with Junhyung was just a match made in heaven, believe me! ^.~
Hehehehee... glad you made an ending for Junhyung since he was definitely soooo freakin' in love with her *giggles* Doojoon, meh, he'll find another :D
love it! hehe
shannapples #7
I just finished reading this story.. And can i say this is probably one of my favourite stories..hands down! Hahaa really enjoyed reading this and thank you for writing this hehe :3 the doojoon ending was cute! But yay for junhyung and hyunji <333 hahaa glad you made the 3 different endings ^^
luvMetoo #8
awwww sooo cute!!!!
babyindigo #9
i like the junhyung's ending, its kinda sweet. lucky that hyunji >.< [jaelousy mode : ON]