I don’t have real friends.

And He Called Me Ugly


So, just for info, after this chapter it's gonna go back to HyunJi's POV. I'm not sure when I'd be writing JunHyung POVs again. I might go into DooJoon POVs to make it more interesting though. :3 thanks for reading and subscribing! back to work for me~ ZOOM ZOOM~

BY THE WAY! I wrote a short story (lol two-shots) about... how I feel right now with my return to the super junior fandom. >0< lol if you're interested, I'd be glad to hear feedback about it and maybe I can turn it into a full length fanfic or smth. thankss~


“Okay, all freshmen students, please group yourselves into your classes. Each class should get on their designated bus.” Principal Bang called out using a megaphone.


We were going somewhere with Sang Boys High. They called it ‘interaction’. I guess it was for the boys of Sang High since they don’t get to see girls in their school so they can interact with girls and other guys. I really have no idea what the purpose of this interaction is, but yeah as you can see, I have to go.


I dragged my things to Bus 3 which was our designated bus. I could see HyunJi giggling up front with JaeKyung. Ugh girls and hormones. I don’t get it.


“Hi JunHyung!” YoSeob said as he came up next to me, his bag slinging on his shoulder. I smiled and waved to him. “I’m so excited for this trip. I hope we can go to water parks.”


I yawned widely and rubbed my eyes. “Still sleepy Yong JunHyung?” I heard her voice ask. I looked at HyunJi and smiled sheepishly. She then turned to YoSeob and smiled at him then handed 2 IDS. “Here, for the both of you.” She said then went back to Jaekyung.


We got in the bus, me sitting beside YoSeob who kept rambling about the battle that went on last night. I stayed up late downloading new music and mixing them for dance battles. I told YoSeob I would be sleeping since I didn’t get any last night. We went to a big resort in Gyeonggi-do, the Hantangang River Resort. YoSeob was fairly excited because of the water park. I just wanted to get some sleep and maybe some coke.


Principal Bang met with Principal Ock which is the principal for Sang Boys High then we were asked to line up at the outdoor performance hall. Class 1-1, 1-2 and 1-3 were the only ones in the interaction. Sang only had 2 classes per year since it was a pretty exclusive school.


Both principals were telling about how there should be 5 people in one bunk and of the same . Well duh. I was too bored to listen so I plugged in my ipod and mentally created dance steps. YoSeob got us bunked with HyunSeung, HyunJi’s brother and his friends, JiYong and SeungRi. I didn’t mind so we went to our bunks to leave our stuff in and we were asked to come back at the hall after 10 minutes.


We had some activities lined up which included marathons and soccer games which was fairly fun. I didn’t play because I wasn’t exactly the sporty kind. After the games, we had the rest of the day to ourselves. YoSeob wanted to go to the water park, HyunSeung, JiYong and Seungri wanted to do the same thing so they all went. I walked around the park, just dancing.


I saw the Sang boys flirting with the girls from our school and just ignored them. I sat down on one of the empty picnic benches and realized the girls were HyunJi and her friends. HyunJi was mostly talking to DooJoon. He just stared at her while she talked. I really had no idea because I couldn’t hear anything.


And again, out of curiosity I took out my earphones and listened to their conversations.


“I mean… I don’t get it.” DooJoon said then turned to JaeKyung. “JaeKyung-ah, why do you guys hang out with HyunJi? She isn’t really that pretty. Her dancing skills are bad. She doesn’t really deserve to be with you guys.”


“YOON DOOJOON!” HyunJi shouted, flaring up.


“God, she sounds like a guy too.” DooJoon sighed and stood up. “Ugly, stop running after me.” He said then left the group.


The girls started murmuring to each other. JaeKyung pouted and walked to HyunJi. “Are you okay?” she asked.


HyunJi looked to the ground and merely nodded.


That night, we had a huge party. Loud music, a lot of teens and hormones going around, probably some ninja drinking, and dancing.


HyunJi was on one corner of the hall, she was wearing simple jeans and a hoodie, looking into the drink she had on the table, sighing. Her friends were all on the dance floor with the Sang boys they were flirting with earlier. I wanted to walk up to her and talk but DooJoon suddenly appeared out of nowhere.


“Hey, wanna dance?” DooJoon asked her.


She looked up at him, surprised but nodded. DooJoon smiled and took her hand then brought her over the middle of the dance floor.


She looked happy, dancing with him. They were spinning around when I realized, HyunJi had a huge stain at the back of her jeans. ing . He asked her to dance to humiliate her. His friends were snickering as DooJoon pointed to the girl, the drink he was holding up in the air. Suddenly, a friend of his bumped into him causing the contents to spill over HyunJi.


Everyone stopped and looked as HyunJi screamed. DooJoon was holding back a laugh, “I’m so sorry HyunJi. Really I am.” He said. “By the way, you have a huge stain at the back.” He said pointing over to her behind.


Tears were welling in her eyes. I was expecting her to run out crying, but she put a hand up and it met DooJoon’s face the sound echoing across the hall. “ you.” She said. “ all of you! I give up. I give it all up!” she shouted and ran off the hall.


I sighed. I honestly didn’t want to get caught up with the drama, but I knew she needed someone right now. And obviously, from her so-called friends’ gazes, no one would be there to help her. So told YoSeob I’ll be right back and went out the front door.


Of course, like in typical Korean dramas I had the slightest idea where she would be so I decided to roam around the place. I found her by the river after 30 minutes of searching. She was still wearing her hoodie and she changed into shorts. Her legs pulled in and she was hugging them. I could hear her sobbing lightly.


I walked up and sat down next to her then sighed loudly. “s.” I commented to which she looked at me. I gave her a small smile then she just looked back at the water.


“I don’t have real friends.” She said all of a sudden. “JaeKyung, WooRi, those girls, we’re all together because of popularity. Because of power. They don’t really care about how I feel, about anything else but boys and school. And, I don’t want that anymore. I’m through with it. So if you’re here to talk about how—“ she started but I decided to stop her.


“I didn’t say anything.” I told her which shut her up. “I just thought maybe you needed someone to talk to or something.” I said and shrugged. She just looked at me and I returned the gaze. “I’m not saying we should be friends but I don’t mind either. I mean, I’m always quiet, a bit bossy, I curse a lot, but at least you know you have a friend in me.”


She suddenly smiled at me. And I didn’t really expect it. “Thank JunHyung. I’d love to be friends.”


And that was how I officially became friends with HyunJi.

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Chapter 8: It's Doojoon who kissed her! It's so obvious girl! XD
Lolol silent, new reader here! :) I've been cracking up while reading this! :))
I love it! ^^
Chapter 37: Re-reading this again ^^
And falling in love with it again :)
Especially love junhyung's ending :D
Chapter 38: Alright alright! I should probably be sleeping at this hour since tomorrow there's school going on around here and all the drama with the teachers... Leaving that and back to your story! OMFG YOU HAD ME LAUGHING LIKE CRAZY HERE ON THIS CHAIR WHILE ROOTING FOR JUNHYUNG, OF COURSE!^^
Can't explaing how much I loved your characters and the pairing with Junhyung was just a match made in heaven, believe me! ^.~
Hehehehee... glad you made an ending for Junhyung since he was definitely soooo freakin' in love with her *giggles* Doojoon, meh, he'll find another :D
love it! hehe
shannapples #7
I just finished reading this story.. And can i say this is probably one of my favourite stories..hands down! Hahaa really enjoyed reading this and thank you for writing this hehe :3 the doojoon ending was cute! But yay for junhyung and hyunji <333 hahaa glad you made the 3 different endings ^^
luvMetoo #8
awwww sooo cute!!!!
babyindigo #9
i like the junhyung's ending, its kinda sweet. lucky that hyunji >.< [jaelousy mode : ON]