Perhaps is the last call?

The Apple of Dragon's Eyes


JiYong’s POV

When I woke up “ash… my head!” I saw daesung sleep besides me… I tried to flash back what happen…I remember I confess to J but then she rejected me….the sadness hit on me again… but then I remember something… someone said “no wonder J asked me to take care of you! Do you know she is suffering too? What a pity couple? Love each other but cannot get together!”…

Did daesung mention that J actually love me? Then what makes her reject my love? I walked out from the VIP room as Daesung still sleeping

I across a book store and saw the magazine which have me, J and geunsuk’s news on the front page… “geunsuk! ” an answer come in my mind to asked my question… J don’t dare to accept my love because of geunsuk…if she be with me, geunsuk will come after me!

So If I want to be with her, geunsuk have to be jailed first! But how? When im thinking, my bodyguards stand beside me and as I turn back… I saw my manager standing next to the MPV “JiYong, is time to go back!” he said

I obey his orders as my mind still thinking how to get that bastard into jail…

After two days…

YG hire more bodyguards for me and I’m not allowed to go anywhere… even my works stop until the police get geunsuk or they could find out a way to solve this problem…

J was in the hospital with the protection of police and the securities, geunsuk won’t able to get close to her… if those bodyguards still be with me, he won’t able to get me too…then we will never get him… so I decide to use myself as a bait….i climbed down from the window  and run  away…

I make a call before I get to the beachside house that J mention… although the cop said geunsuk is not there already, I have to try my luck since that is the only place I know he visit before…

“hello?” as J pick up the call

“J, I know you love me and I always love you too! I know our barrier is just geunsuk, but don’t worry!” I said

“JiYong? What?? Where are you?” she ask

“I’m going to the beach side house!” I said

“no! why? Come back!! What if he get you?”  she scream through the phone but I ignore

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Forgive me in not writing the fully version of as I don't know how to continue already... hahaha.. enjoy


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Yumi_horvejkul #1
I love your story but in the description, it's supposed to be PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder). Not PSTD.
JiYong_JaGi #2
Chapter 70: This is nice~!! I love your story~ please update soon~ can't wait to find out~ ^^
YouSayYa #3
Chapter 70: Perfect *-* <3
iamliane #4
Chapter 48: please update soon!
YouSayYa #5
Chapter 68: Contiune !! Please .. I love this story ^^
beloved_yulvhie #6
Chapter 68: Oh my Gawwwdddd, wrapp it up please. I think it's almost end perfectly.
JessLoveYoung #7
HAHAH you are always so nice and sweet! I'm dying in your warm support! hahahah thanks! but tonight seem like my network having some problem! i cant really update! the only update i could give is on the in love with a gay man...sorry ya!!!
scorpio8995 #8
Chapter 65: Getting more interesting. Thank Goodness he came to his senses!!!! Yes I would love to check out your next story..... You cam most definitely count on me.... Fighting!!!
JessLoveYoung #9
Chapter 65: Dont get mad with Ji~ he will make it up to for J! By the way, I do write a new story which named "In Love with A Gay Man"...I hope you could check it out when you're free and enjoy the reading :D thanks for support!