
The Apple of Dragon's Eyes


The next evening, we all back to Korea and prepare for the worst to happen

Arrived the airport, I was scare and frozen for a while… I dare not move a step out from the plane…my head down and keep those doubts on my head till he hold my hand and said “stay calm! I’m here!” I held my head up…its jiyong! He always has the magical power to sweep all my worries a side… I nodded

Seungri came to us excitedly “nonna, let’s go!!” he grab my another hand and try to pull me out from the plane but then I still having hesitates.

“hey, let go of her!” JiYong said and he turn back to me “it’s gonna be ok! You just act normal and follow me! ” with gentle voice

“but hyung! I wanna walk with J nonna!” seungri argued

“assshh you! Maknae you come with us!” Top have a slight punch on seungri….youngbae and daesung help to drag him out…

I’m still very scare and I could tell he can feel my hand palm sweating hard and shaking…my eyes glued on the ground then he let go of my hand and walked infront me

 “lets go out the plane ok?” he said and bend a bit to see my reaction

“nae!” I said it with soft voice

“do ground have anything interesting than me?”

“wae?” I held my head and look at him with curious look

He did not said anything but smirked and grab my hand

Once we walked out the gate, there are many reporter were there and the camera flashing lights just kills my eyes…I could bare open my eyes then TOP held me a pair of sunglasses “wear it! You’ll feel better!” I do as he said

JiYong really hold my hand without letting go even the reporter and fans are there…we have a quick walk and ignore all the question been asked…

but then I heard those fans cursed and scolding me…

“ahhh she is that girl!!” some fans just whisper with one and another

“yeah yeah I saw that news too!!”

“she should get off!! ”

“how could she still dare to come back??”

“look look look!! Our kwon leader is holding her hand! I wish she could die in Japan and never come back!”

“yeah! !!” they scream out loud… I guess they do it purposely…i feel my tears filling up my eyes, my head continue look down while walking

“hey J!” someone just scream my name out from behind… I turn around and someone just pour something on me… it was so smelly and those boys quickly come in front of me…the body guard were busy on catching that women who do this to me…

That women look very upset and keep on screaming “you ! YOU better F**K off!! How dare you still come near to our Kwon Leader!” I feel so ashamed, my tears rolling down my cheek but due to too much people there, I hold back my crying

YoungBae saw I was all wet and crying…he quickly hand me a napkin while JiYong take off his jacket and cover on me “are you alright??” he asked…

I look in his eyes…I  could not say a word because I’m not fine… youngbae try to comfort the fans by saying “is not as what you all see in the news!!” even Daesung tried to help but no one care actually

While the women keep on screaming and pull out by the bodyguard, she still keep on scolding me…perhaps her anger spread among the fans…some of the fans ran over and few of them successfully push me down to the floor…

Although TOP and Seungri quickly pick me up but then those fans still not giving up…they threw all kind of things on me and keep on scolding me…all I heard is laughing, cursing, criticing…my vision get blurs as they stable me on my feet….

Suddenly I heard JiYong’s screaming out loud, “enough!!!” this boy really born to be a leader…when he scream, everyone keep quiet…he just hold my hand and ran to the car park without second word….at that moment, everything everyone was like frozen to me…I couldn’t see them but him….

Until we up to the transport….i looking away to avoid the boys noticed… suddenly daesung hand me a napkin “J ah~ it’s ok! Everything gonna be alright! ”

“I know!” I wiped my tears immediately

“then let’s go back to YG!” JiYong said it coldly without looking at me…I wonder why he suddenly be so cold again…


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Forgive me in not writing the fully version of as I don't know how to continue already... hahaha.. enjoy


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Yumi_horvejkul #1
I love your story but in the description, it's supposed to be PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder). Not PSTD.
JiYong_JaGi #2
Chapter 70: This is nice~!! I love your story~ please update soon~ can't wait to find out~ ^^
YouSayYa #3
Chapter 70: Perfect *-* <3
iamliane #4
Chapter 48: please update soon!
YouSayYa #5
Chapter 68: Contiune !! Please .. I love this story ^^
beloved_yulvhie #6
Chapter 68: Oh my Gawwwdddd, wrapp it up please. I think it's almost end perfectly.
JessLoveYoung #7
HAHAH you are always so nice and sweet! I'm dying in your warm support! hahahah thanks! but tonight seem like my network having some problem! i cant really update! the only update i could give is on the in love with a gay man...sorry ya!!!
scorpio8995 #8
Chapter 65: Getting more interesting. Thank Goodness he came to his senses!!!! Yes I would love to check out your next story..... You cam most definitely count on me.... Fighting!!!
JessLoveYoung #9
Chapter 65: Dont get mad with Ji~ he will make it up to for J! By the way, I do write a new story which named "In Love with A Gay Man"...I hope you could check it out when you're free and enjoy the reading :D thanks for support!