The Party Night

The Apple of Dragon's Eyes


At night….

*knock knock*

“Are you done?” JiYong asking outside of my room

“erm….yea” I pulling my skirt as it is very short for me and I’m not really use to wear skirt…I walked out the room shyly

“you look swag!” he laughed out loud then

“is he teasing me??” i asking myself  with my eyes looking down… I keep pulling my skirt even I’m out of the room

JiYong hold my hand and said“ Stop pulling your skirt! It so embrassing!” then he whisper next to my ear “is your first time wearing skirt??” and he have some evil smile

“aniyo! Is not like that!! Is just …it’s too short for me!”

“aaaaa arasso! Nothing to see even you’re not wearing! Come one lets go!” he grab my hand and walk next to the door.

In my thought “what did he mean? Nothing to see? People only always saying that I have nice body shape and he is the first one who saying I got nothing to look at !” I pouted and angry with his words

JiYong let go my hand so that I could wear the high heels that he prepared for me… after wearing it, just a few step I can’t balance again and try to fall…luckily he stand in front of me and hold my arms to stable me…

I feel so awkward to fall on same person twice a day and the most awkward moment is when he said “you love to fall for me, don’t you? You did it purposely or….”

My cheeks turn reds when he tease me in this way, before I could argue back “I…”

“ah~arasso! I let you hold my arms then!” he lend his arms proudly, but I just turn my face away to show my anger

He hesitates a bit and grabs my hands put on his arms “I know you want me to hold you like this!” he smile evilly again, I tried to pull my hand off his but then he pull it back

“Hold my arms! Later if you fall down, I’m not gonna catch you!”  Although I don’t like but he is right, with this high heels, I’m sure won’t able to move much…

When we arrived the party venue, it was a grand hotel ballroom…no wonder he ask me to wear like this… JiYong introduced me to a lot of YG entertainment celebrities… we just keep on socializing around…

there are a lot of people and while I keep checking around, I heard someone calling me

“J noona!” when I turn back and have a look is seungri, come along with YoungBae, Daesung and Top. They came and hugged JiYong…

“Yo, bro! how come you’re so late? Teddy just looks for you!” Top said

oh~ where he is now?” JiYong said

“follow me!” Top lead JiYong the way

Seungri came to hold my hand and said happily“ Noona you look so different today!Your hair….” He have a serious look on my hair, I wondering is it look bad

“Seungri, stop touching and looking J like that! ” Deasung took his hand off me and push him behind

“Noona is so beautiful and look cute with this hairstyle that why I being a bit out of mind” Seungri claimed

“You’re always like that!” Daesung and YoungBae said together at the same time

“Come! Let’s get some drinks for J!” Daesung tried to pull Seungri away from me

“Noona what you want? Cocktails?” Seungri offered

“anything!” I smiled

After they leave, just left me and YoungBae…

“Wow~ J ah, you look pretty tonight!” YoungBae praised me

“Thanks oppa! You look great too!” I fake a smile when I said it as my legs are hurting me

“are you alright? You look suffering” YoungBae said

“aniyo! Just….” I look down on my legs…

“come… come here!” youngbae lead me out of the ballroom and sit on the sofa at outside

He carefully remove my shoes, but I hold back a bit “YoungBae oppa, it’s ok!” I lied for him not to remove my shoes as it’s looks very wrong

“let me see!!” he removed my shoes and saw my ankles are bleeding and a bit sollow “OMG…you still walk with that?” he look at me nervously

“I’m not used to wear high heels that why just now I think I just sprained it!” while I explain I tried to cover my legs

“You can’t walk like this anymore! If you’re not used to wear high heels, you shouldn’t wear it!”  youngbae said

“I know but he is my boss! What to do?” I mumbling to myself

“what? JiYong make you wear this? He is insane!” YoungBae said it angrily “you wait here! Don’t move!”

“YoungBae oppa!! YoungBae oppa! Oppa!!” I screamed him as I’m afraid he went to find JiYong for this

After a while he came back with a pack of ice, he placed the ice on my ankle “do you feel better?” he asked gently

I nodded as I saw his caring and soft sweet eyes…he smiled

“if you feel better then let’s go!” he squatted down in front me


“come up!” he said

“YoungBae oppa~”

“stop saying! Come up! You don’t want me to squatted here for the whole night, don’t you?”

I get up on him…he gave me a piggy ride back to his car…when he called daesung to inform him that he will be sending me back to hostel…

When arrived hostel, he take care of me till I get in sleep

 JiYong’s POV

“where is J?” I look around and I saw a girl look like her been hugged by YoungBae when out the hotel to the car park

I’m not sure is that J as they are far away from me but that is really YoungBae’s car…then I received a message from Daesung where

                Hyung, youngbae hyung said he will fetch J back to home first!

I quickly rush back to home as I saw YoungBae already came out from my house…I felt un comfort when I knew YoungBae send J home and what they been doing?? I keep the doubts on my mind and walked into the house…no ones in the living room so I bet J was in her own room… when I walk in her room, I saw J already fall asleep…she looks like a baby when she sleep…I look down and saw her legs wrapped with some ice pack…guess she hurt her legs by the high heels

I felt so sorry for forcing her wearing those high heels but it’s a company official event…she have to wear like that…I walked out the room quietly and went to my own room…I open my closet and took out a box…is the boots she want…I thought I could gifted to her after the event but then…I flash back the scene where YoungBae hugged her, I feel so angry  till I packed the boots and throw it back to the closet…

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Forgive me in not writing the fully version of as I don't know how to continue already... hahaha.. enjoy


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Yumi_horvejkul #1
I love your story but in the description, it's supposed to be PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder). Not PSTD.
JiYong_JaGi #2
Chapter 70: This is nice~!! I love your story~ please update soon~ can't wait to find out~ ^^
YouSayYa #3
Chapter 70: Perfect *-* <3
iamliane #4
Chapter 48: please update soon!
YouSayYa #5
Chapter 68: Contiune !! Please .. I love this story ^^
beloved_yulvhie #6
Chapter 68: Oh my Gawwwdddd, wrapp it up please. I think it's almost end perfectly.
JessLoveYoung #7
HAHAH you are always so nice and sweet! I'm dying in your warm support! hahahah thanks! but tonight seem like my network having some problem! i cant really update! the only update i could give is on the in love with a gay man...sorry ya!!!
scorpio8995 #8
Chapter 65: Getting more interesting. Thank Goodness he came to his senses!!!! Yes I would love to check out your next story..... You cam most definitely count on me.... Fighting!!!
JessLoveYoung #9
Chapter 65: Dont get mad with Ji~ he will make it up to for J! By the way, I do write a new story which named "In Love with A Gay Man"...I hope you could check it out when you're free and enjoy the reading :D thanks for support!