She is back

The Apple of Dragon's Eyes

After 3 days….

I was discharge from hospital… it’s been 3 days….she been missing for 3 days…even the cops can’t find her!!   According to the police’s investigation, geunsuk is a very dangerous person and his mental state is not stable…he was escaped from the prison 

“can you tell me anything new?I know he is dangerous already…now where is J?” I stand up and yelled at the cops… Daesung pulled me down immediately and immediately apologize “ sorry sir!!”

“it’s ok!!i understand” that cops stand up and walked away

“hyung, don’t be like that!!” Daesung said

I kicked the table and walked out from the police station… Daesung ran and followed me “hyung, where you’re going?”

“the cops not doing anything…I’m going to find by my own!!” I drove the car away

Actually, I don’t know where I should go…. I stopped my car at the seaside and buried my head on the staring… “J where are you? I miss you!! I should have tell you~~” tears rolling


It’s been 3 days… Geunsuk kidnapped me to the empty house near by seaside…he said this will be our lovely bird nest and he purposely pick this house because I mention before I love my house having a seaside view…I used to dream stay with this guy forever….having our own family but then now everything seem like a nightmare to me…I don’t feel happy at all and im worry about JiYong… how was he now? Is he ok? Will anyone come to save him?

It’s 3 something again… every day in this moment, he will be going out for buying some food…

“Jagiya, I’ll buy some fish and vegetables today… I will cook for you!! You stay here, ok?”

I nodded and as he leaves the house…I tried to untie my hand and it success…. I ran away from that house… 

I tried to stop the car along the road, but none of them stop and help… I couldn’t blame them, now I look like a crazy mad women with my messy hair and dirty clothes… suddenly I saw a car look like JiYong’s….

I rubbed my eyes and look again “am I dreaming or what??” I take a closer look, it is JiYong’s car

I walked near to the car and I saw he was crying badly in the car… “I should have tell her, I love her~~” I heard he cry so bad and said… is this truth?? I knocked the window “jiYong ah~~”

JiYong’s POV

I heard someone knocked my window and as I held my head up “is J?” I quickly get down and grab her in my arms“J, you’re safe!!  J, I miss you!!”

“JiYong?!” she give me a curious look and I let go off her…knowing that I’m overreacting to her already!!

“let’s get out of here first!! Geunsuk will be back soon!!” she said

“get in the car” i quickly fetch her back to our hospital….

After arrive hospital, I hug her “bride style” to the emergency department

“doctor!” I screamed

She giggling with my action and said “JiYong ah~ I’m not disable! I still can walk…I’m fine!! let me down first!”

“your lips is bleeding! Your whole body is injured and …sees?! Your hands are black and blue!!You’re not fine at all!”

She smiled again… how could she smile when she is in this bad condition? I’m so worry… I feel like fire burning my heart!! My tears almost fall down and she manage to catch it…she wiped my tears and cupped my cheeks “JiYong…I’m really fine! I will be fine..when…whenever you’re with me!” her smile make me calm and smile along…

I let her down and the nurse took a wheelchair for her …she send her into the room and have some medical checking….suddenly a group of people rush to me and bucked me with their question~ paparazzi

But luckily the boys and my manager come along quickly too… they protect me to leave the hospital with a secret escape hallway… even though I don’t willing to leave J alone, but for her safe, I have to do so…if not those people will sure disturb the patients and doctor in hospital…

“hyung, how did you find J?” seungri asked in the car

“at the beachside…” I looked away and answer him with flat tone

“JiYong ah~ YG needs to see you now!” my manager said

“then let’s go back to YG entertainment first!” YoungBae said

I nodded… at the YG entertainment, I explained what had happened to J and I… so we have some urgent meeting for figure out the solution and do some preparation for the worst… YG decided to hire some bodyguard for me and J …just in case, geunsuk will come after us

It is 2 am in the morning… I miss J… I really need to see her and tell her what I should told her in the very beginning….

“sir, where are you going?” a black guy who wear sunglasses and suit stopped me from coming out….

“I need to go hospital!”

“no sir! You can’t!”

“YG hire you guys is to protect me, not to jailed me!” I said angrily

“sorry, sir!”

“besides, no sir! Sorry sir! Whatever you could say?” I feel so frustrated with him

“jiyong ah~ don’t get them in troubles!! They just do as what’s been order!” Top walked towards me with a pack of food

“hyung! But~”  top released his arms on my shoulder and we about to walk into the house back

Suddenly top turn back and have a side kick to that guy….

Another two guys come up and try to stop him…he pushed me away and “go to see J!!!” he threw his car keys to me and fight with the two guys…



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Forgive me in not writing the fully version of as I don't know how to continue already... hahaha.. enjoy


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Yumi_horvejkul #1
I love your story but in the description, it's supposed to be PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder). Not PSTD.
JiYong_JaGi #2
Chapter 70: This is nice~!! I love your story~ please update soon~ can't wait to find out~ ^^
YouSayYa #3
Chapter 70: Perfect *-* <3
iamliane #4
Chapter 48: please update soon!
YouSayYa #5
Chapter 68: Contiune !! Please .. I love this story ^^
beloved_yulvhie #6
Chapter 68: Oh my Gawwwdddd, wrapp it up please. I think it's almost end perfectly.
JessLoveYoung #7
HAHAH you are always so nice and sweet! I'm dying in your warm support! hahahah thanks! but tonight seem like my network having some problem! i cant really update! the only update i could give is on the in love with a gay man...sorry ya!!!
scorpio8995 #8
Chapter 65: Getting more interesting. Thank Goodness he came to his senses!!!! Yes I would love to check out your next story..... You cam most definitely count on me.... Fighting!!!
JessLoveYoung #9
Chapter 65: Dont get mad with Ji~ he will make it up to for J! By the way, I do write a new story which named "In Love with A Gay Man"...I hope you could check it out when you're free and enjoy the reading :D thanks for support!