Baby Goodnight Baby

The Apple of Dragon's Eyes


I hesitate and the boys are speechless at the same time too… the room turn to silence when the moment hee sun step out the room till seungri break the coldness… “Noona, so where you’re gonna stay tonight?’’

“hmm….” I looked at JiYong as I don’t even know

“she is my assistant! Of course stay with me! Seungri, YG president already prepared another unit for you in this same building!” JiYong held the keys to Seungri

“But… but…” seungri tried to argue

“no but! Im the hyung and leader…I have the full rights to do this..haha” JiYong have some kind of evil smile

“alright everyone, I bet J will be very tired! Let’s go back to our unit!” TOP said

“Yeah!” YoungBae agreed and pat on my head before leaving “get some good rest! If the things are too messy to arrange back, just leave it! I’ll be back to help you pick it up tomorrow! Ok?” he being such a nice and gentle guy


Everyone looking at YoungBae as if he done something weird, Daesung “Hyung, you never help me to pick up my room, don’t you?? ” I just smiled

“assshhh… keep quiet you!” youngbae pretend as If he is mad and punching daesung

“thanks! ” I laughed. They look at me and act like as if they going to faint while I’m laughing…

“Noona, your smile, your laugh are so adorable! You shouldn’t stay with hyung!! I’m afraid he will not able to concentrate!” seungri grab my hand and said “I think you better stay with me!”

“Maknae!” JiYong grab my hand from seungri and said “she will be safer with me than being with you!now go back to your house!!” JiYong push me slightly to his back…

Everyone laughed and agreed“ JiYong is right! You know yourself, Seungri!!” they raised their eyebrown as if something happen before….I just give a wondering look…

I was followed JiYong back to send them out of the house… when they leave, JiYong closed the door suddenly he turn back to me…I was shock and take a back step…my back against the wall, he was so close to me, I feel my cheeks get hot and red again…

“so…” his eyes are so charming and glared at my eyes to my cheeks to my….opps, I immediately cover my chest without knowing why...perhaps I’m afraid of his Xray eyes??  He smiled a little, I bet he know what I’m thinking. His eyes look into my eyes again and I look down to avoid looking at him “which room you want to stay? Mine or….”

“eh??” I shocked when he ask me in that way

He smiled and walk few step away“ this room is for seungri  and it’s a bit messy since he still didn’t pick up all of his stuff yet…that is my room!” he suddenly run to me and faced me so close “it is more clean and well arranged! You stay there” he smiled again…I hate he being like this…I think end of this job I will be getting heart attack….

“actually….I could sleep anywhere…don’t need…” I tried avoid getting into his room as I don’t know what he will do to me if I go in

“shrrrrrr!” he placed his finger on my lips “I’m the boss do as what I said!”

I nodded. “Good girl!” he pat my head and said.

I have no choice but just listen to him… I prepare for the worse…if he really….i will…erm… while I thinking, he took his pillow to the sofa in his room.

“eh??” I look at him with curious look

“what? Don’t look! This sofa will be mine, you have no chance to grab it from me!” he act like a child sit and hugged his sofa

“JiYong ah~ actually I could sleep the sofa…I…” I know he tried to be nice to me even he didn’t say it

He just a give a look as if like“ I’m the boss do as what I said” again…

“thanks!” I said it softly

“I just don’t want people said I treat my worker bad! Plus you work for me if you don’t have good rest how you suppose to work for me? I’m perfectionist…I want everything in 100% including the performance of my worker!”

I feel like he is being good to me but then… sometime he just make me feel like he don’t…guess I never understand him well?? I just head myself and get some sleep…



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Forgive me in not writing the fully version of as I don't know how to continue already... hahaha.. enjoy


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Yumi_horvejkul #1
I love your story but in the description, it's supposed to be PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder). Not PSTD.
JiYong_JaGi #2
Chapter 70: This is nice~!! I love your story~ please update soon~ can't wait to find out~ ^^
YouSayYa #3
Chapter 70: Perfect *-* <3
iamliane #4
Chapter 48: please update soon!
YouSayYa #5
Chapter 68: Contiune !! Please .. I love this story ^^
beloved_yulvhie #6
Chapter 68: Oh my Gawwwdddd, wrapp it up please. I think it's almost end perfectly.
JessLoveYoung #7
HAHAH you are always so nice and sweet! I'm dying in your warm support! hahahah thanks! but tonight seem like my network having some problem! i cant really update! the only update i could give is on the in love with a gay man...sorry ya!!!
scorpio8995 #8
Chapter 65: Getting more interesting. Thank Goodness he came to his senses!!!! Yes I would love to check out your next story..... You cam most definitely count on me.... Fighting!!!
JessLoveYoung #9
Chapter 65: Dont get mad with Ji~ he will make it up to for J! By the way, I do write a new story which named "In Love with A Gay Man"...I hope you could check it out when you're free and enjoy the reading :D thanks for support!