
Me & My Honey

"He's my baby now," you said to Seunghyun, pointing at Charlie who was sleeping in front of you.

"Can't he be our baby?" Seunghyun asked with a smile, opening his arms. 

"No, he's mine," you said, sitting on Seunghyun's lap and resting your cheek on his shoulder.

"But he was mine first," he mumbled, resting his cheek on top of your head. 

"Well," you said. "He's obviously more loyal to me now."

"Really?" Seunghyun asked, his fingertips trailing from your shoulder to your hand, slipping his fingers between yours. "He can't be ours?" 

"I guess I can share him," you mumbled, looking up to press a kiss against his jaw. "How did your Big Bang stuff go?"

"It went well," Seunghyun nodded. "Did you listen to the CD I sent you?"

"I listened," you nodded. "I like it when you rap."

"Shall I rap for you now?" Seunghyun asked, kissing the tip of your nose.

"No," you shook your head.

"Why not?"

"I can't handle that," you said, looking away. "Don't do it."

"Why not?" Seunghyun asked, a teasing smile already settling in his lips.

"Tabi, don't!" you yelled, covering your ears when he cleared his throat. 

He chuckled and closed his mouth again, hugging you close to him. You uncovered your ears and snuggled down into his lap, puffing your cheeks up with air. Seunghyun smiled and took a deep breath. 

"Later today," he said. "Dress in something comfortable."

"Why?" you asked, looking up at him again.

"Just do it," he said, kissing your temple gently. 

You nodded and looked down at your hands, fiddling with your rings. 

"Seungsuk," Seunghyun said, cupping your cheeks. "What are we going to do?"

"Hm," you shrugged, blinking once. "I don't know."

"Hey," he said suddenly, tilting his head to the side.

"What?" you asked, sticking your tongue out at him.

"Do you get prettier as time goes by?" he asked, raising his eyebrow.

"You're disgusting," you laughed, stepping on his foot lightly with yours.

"You want to go out right now?" you asked, pouting slightly.

"Charlie needs a walk," Seunghyun said, tugging on your hand. "Come on."

"But..." you paused, tilting your head to the side. "You're not even disguised."

"I'll get a hat then," Seunghyun said, picking up a random cap from the closet and sticking it on his head. "Is this better?"

"Yeah," you mumbled, grabbing his hand again. "Let's go then."

Seunghyun smiled and quickly slipped Charlie's leash on, taking a step back when the dog jumped up before settling back down with an excited bark. You smiled at his behavior and followed Seunghyun out the door once he decided to slip outside. You breathed in the cool air, grateful for it since it was making your slight headache go away. 

He led you a small park and you looked wearily at all the people out and about. You sighed when you saw there were many teenagers and looked up at Seunghyun to make sure that his disguise was well placed. He smiled down at you and knelt down to let Charlie out of his leash for a few minutes. You kept your eyes on your new pet as he ran off, hiding behind trees before coming back out and running around. Seunghyun chuckled and let go of your hand, throwing his arm around your shoulder.

"Are you sure Jae didn't do anything to you?" he asked.

"He didn't," you mumbled. "I just got angry. For... no reason at all."

"Do you feel bad about it?" Seunghyun asked, looking down at you and you nodded, pursing your lips together. "We'll go see him later so you two can talk it out. And, I also need to apologize for almost hitting him."

"You were going to hit him?" you asked, shaking your head slightly. 

"If it were for you, I wouldn't hesitate," Seunghyun said, taking a deep breath. "I hope you won't get upset with me, but."

He cut off and stopped in the middle of a small crowd, you looked down when Charlie bumped his head against your knee and blinked up at you. Seunghyun turned you around slightly and you tilted your head to the side at the determination behind his eyes.

"What is it?" you asked.

"Hold my hand," he said, offering you his hand again.

"Why?" you asked.

"Just hold it," he said with a smile and you looked around nervously at a few girls that furrowed their eyebrows, staring at you two intently.

You nodded regardless and slipped your fingers between his, dropping your hand when he did. You glanced down at Charlie who was sniffing your fingertips, trying to them as you quickly moved them out of his reach. Seunghyun smiled and looked up, tilting his head to see the crowd of people around. 

"Yeobo," you looked up when he mumbled your name after the endearment, eyes going wide when he pulled off the cap. "Let's take a walk."

The people that recognized him immediately started to whisper, eventually calling out his stage name. You bit down on your bottom lip harshly, eyes narrowed as he looked back at you with a sweet smile. He shrugged and began to walk forward again, smiling at the people that greeted him. Charlie trotted next to you, barking at anyone that got too close to your side but doing nothing when it came to Seunghyun. 

"Oppa!" someone finally called you and you looked over, trying to pry your hand away from Seunghyun's. "Who is she?"

Seunghyun tilted his head to the side, looking down at you and holding on to your hand tightly, making sure you wouldn't be able to pry yourself away from him. He sighed slightly and looked back at the fan.

"My girlfriend," he wanted to say fiance, but he knew the scandal would be greater if he did.

"Re-really?" a different girl asked, eyeing you up and down.

"Hm," Seunghyun hummed. "So please take good care of her, and look on our relationship with a kind and open mind."

You blinked at glanced down at Charlie who seemed blissfully happy, his snout nuzzling into your shoe, before looking back up at Seunghyun who seemed equally happy. 

"Alright," the fans shrugged and you did a double take, staring at them with wide eyes. "But unnie has to promise she'll take good care of you as well, oppa."

"Of course she will," Seunghyun smiled. "Don't worry your little heads about that."

"Arasseo," the fans said back, bowing to him. "We're watching you, unnie. Don't hurt our oppa."

"Are they really fans?" you raised your eyebrow, glancing up at Seunghyun.

"They're the sane ones," Seunghyun chuckled, squeezing your hand in his. "You haven't met the crazy ones yet."

"I don't want to," you said immediately. "But... why did you have to reveal it like this?"

"Hmm," Seunghyun sighed, looking around, spotting a few people taking pictures. "It's something I wanted to do. I just wanted to be able to hold hands openly in public."

"Will I get attacked?"

"Probably," Seunghyun smiled. "But I'm right here to protect you. I won't let anyone touch a single hair of yours."

You sighed and walked to the door, pressing your ear against it to see if you could hear anyone on the other side. You gasped when you heard the soft whine and nails scratching the door. Immediately, you pulled the door open and smiled down at Charlie. He shot forward into the house and you heard Seunghyun a second later, laughing as Charlie barked excitedly at him. 

"You came?" you asked, looking up at Hyeyoon and your father and mother in law.

"Of course," Hyeyoon said. "We came to meet the new addition to our family."

You smiled and stepped back, letting them come inside. They slipped out of their shoes and immediately walked to the living room. Seunghyun came out of the kitchen with Charlie in his trail and you smiled as the dog kept nudging Seunghyun and looking around. 

"Seungsuk-ah is sleeping right now," Seunghyun said. "Should I get him now, or wait until he wakes up?"

"That's okay," his mother said. "We can't see him sleeping?"

"Of course you can," Seunghyun said, and you were about to follow them when Charlie stopped you, biting your shirt and dragging you to a couch.

You fell back on it and blinked when Charlie jumped in next to you, looking up at you curiously. You reached forward to scratch his head gently and he your hand, looking down at your lap. You squeaked when he bent his head down and began to nudge your stomach with his snout, looking up with a clear question in his eyes. He whined when he bent his head down again to nudge your stomach and you cupped his head in your heads, making him look up at you.

"It's okay," you told him. "He's alright."

Charlie whined again and hugged his neck, rubbing his back with one hand. He kept nudging your stomach and you laughed, getting his attention again by lifting his head. 

"I said he's alright," you said. "Come on, let's go see him."

Charlie stood up and pressed himself close to your side, still looking up worriedly at your stomach. You patted his head from time to time, until you reached Seungsuk's room. He followed behind you and Seunghyun looked over, giving you a smile as Hyeyoon and his parents stared down at Seungsuk in awe. You smiled and stopped Charlie, sitting down on the floor with him, he kept nudging your stomach and whining slightly but you kept assuring him everything was alright. 

"Let's go have lunch," Seunghyun said when he noticed Charlie kept whining. "I'll be there in a second. When he wakes up you can hold him."

They nodded and left the room quietly, his father ruffling your hair with a proud smile on his way out. Seunghyun stood in front of you, looking down at Charlie who had his head on your lap, still nuzzling into your stomach.

"What's wrong with him?" he asked.

"I think he's worried," you answered, smiling slightly.

"About what?" Seunghyun asked, crouching down and scratching Charlie's ear.

"He keeps nudging my stomach," you said with a smile.

"Ah," Seunghyun laughed, shaking his head. "He's okay, Charlie."

You stood up and Charlie pressed himself against your side again, your fingertips pressed against his head lightly and you made him follow you to Seungsuk's crib. Seunghyun dropped down the bars and Charlie immediately peeked up, tilting his head to the side when he saw Seungsuk.

"See," you told him. "He's alright."

Charlie looked up at you before jumping carefully into the crib, his snout hovering over Seungsuk's stomach. You pursed your lips together as he sniffed Seungsuk all over, careful not to wake him up. He stood straight again and slowly made his way to the end of the crib, laying down across it, resting his head on his front legs. Seunghyun chuckled and pulled the bars back up in case Seungsuk rolled over in his sleep, scratching Charlie's head.

"Alright," Seunghyun said. "We'll trust you with him. Take good care of our Seungsuk-ah."

Charlie whined back softly and looked over at the sleeping Seungsuk. You smiled and patted his head gently, letting Seunghyun grab your hand again and drag you away. 

You walked into your office with Seunghyun behind you, looking around for Jae nervously. You found him bent over on a table, his shoulders tense, a pencil moving furiously back and forth on the paper. Your secretary stood up and bowed hastily, eyeing Seunghyun with wide eyes. A small sigh escaped your lips and you walked over to Jae's side, looking down at the paper he seemed to be so concentrated on. 

You tilted your head to the side when you saw crib he was designing, blinking when you noticed it was actually two in one. He sighed and ran his hands through his hair, dropping the pencil and groaning slightly. Seunghyun peeked down at the paper as well, his shadow falling over it. Jae looked up, startled, his eyes widening when he saw Seunghyun. He pushed back on his chair and winced when he noticed you were next to him, holding his forearm with one hand and looking down away from both of you.

"Jae," you said quietly. 

Jae closed his eyes before opening them slowly, standing up and bowing a full ninety degrees to you. Seunghyun seemed as surprised as you, both of you feeling a pang of guilt at his actions. 

"Yes, sajangnim?" he asked, his voice shaking slightly.

"I'm sorry," you mumbled quietly, fiddling with your fingers. "I didn't mean anything I said last night... It's just..."

"It's alright," Jae said, his voice quivering slightly. "Sorry for not working on the plans. I'll get right back to i-"

"What's that?" you asked, pushing him back down on his chair and looking at it. "Why are you making a crib?"

"Ah... well," Jae still seemed weary, looking over at Seunghyun. "Soojin is pregnant again."

"Wah, really?!" you gasped, ruffling his hair with a wide smile.

"Ah, yeah," Jae said, unable to keep the smile off his lips. "We were going to use Youngsoo's crib, but... it ended up being twins."

"That's really good then," you nodded at the paper. "You should have some more support here though."

Jae nodded, looking at where you pointed and quickly sketching in a board that would provide the base more support. The two of you continued to sketch it and throw ideas around until you finally had a decent design. Jae grinned and quickly wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tightly.

"Thank you," he whispered. 

"I'm sorry," you said again, trying to make sure that he had forgiven you. 

"Forget it," Jae smiled. "I understand."

"I'm sorry as well," Seunghyun said softly and you both looked over in surprise, forgetting that he had been here the whole time.

"It's alright," Jae smiled. "I would have done the same if I saw my Soojin crying in front of you. But... sajangnim... does this mean what I think it means?"

You froze when he grabbed your hands and pulled them up, tapping your rings lightly with his fingers. His eyes were wide with excitement, already expecting your answer. You nodded slightly and looked over at Seunghyun, surprised when Jae shot up and pushed you down on the ground. He stepped onto his desk and you pulled yourself up, laughing when you saw him clinging to Seunghyun. He wrapped his arms around Seunghyun's neck, legs around his waist, laughing to himself.

"Yah!" Seunghyun yelled.

"Call me 'hyung' from now on!" Jae yelled excitedly. "We're family!"

"Get off!" Seunghyun yelled, trying to pry Jae's hands away from his neck.

"Call me hyung first!" Jae yelled.


"Alright," Jae scoffed climbing off Seunghyun. "Don't get your knickers in a twist."

"Sajangnim is marrying TOP?" 

You looked over at your secretary who was staring at the display with wide eyes. You sighed and stood up straight, brushing imaginary dust off your clothes.

"If you say anything," you said, raising your eyebrow at your employee. "I'll make sure you never get a job for the rest of your life."

Your secretary blinked, this being the first time you talked to her like that, she nodded regardless, fiddling with the sleeves of her shirt. 

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bb2ne1jp #1
Chapter 12: I remembered this story all of a sudden and am so
Glad it’s still here on aff. So so so good. One of the reasons why I made an aff account tbh
Damn. I remember reading this back in the day. It was one of my favorite stories on here. You were always one of my favorite authors. Hope you're doing well and I'm glad I can still indulge in this gem!
What a pity that this is the only story on your profile... So uniqe. Thank you.
Chapter 8: Hope everything will be fine. He misses her so much...
WhisperingWhy #5
Chapter 7: On Chapter 7 and enjoying this story very much. Thank you.
Mikelai #6
Chapter 42: Very unique story! I enjoy it very much!
Riesta #7
Chapter 2: Still at the 2nd page but i can tell already that your story is amazing. I'll read it nicely ^^
topwife #8
Chapter 19: Gawd!This is amazing!
please write more stories...
jamadzhi #9
Chapter 40: This is really interesting. Different kind of story narration. The past, the present and the future all in one. Sometimes this type of narration will be confusing but yours didn't. From the 1st chap up to the last connected to each other and I can felt the changing of emotions in each chapter. Keep up a good work authornim.
Chapter 40: yay it's ended! ^^ thankyou for posting it up again! will you poat other stories too?