Moving in

Love triangle

“Let me go! I can walk perfectly fine by my own!” Seoyoung hissed as she tried removing Ilhoon’s hands from her wrists.

Ilhoon shot her a look and pulled her into another room before slamming the door shut.

“Isn’t this Jihoon-“ Seoyoung frowned as she looked around the room.

“He’s at the studio practicing,” Ilhoon replied curtly.

“You’re not supposed to go into other people’s rooms without permission,” Seoyoung turned to glare at him.

“Whatever,” Ilhoon snapped. “Says the girl who went into our room earlier”


“Never mind”

There was a moment of silence before Ilhoon spoke.

“What would have happened if I didn’t turn up?”

Seoyoung froze. She had not really thought about it, but now that he mentioned it, she was asking herself the same question too.

“I.. don’t know..” Seoyoung looked away.

“I guess I shouldn’t have punched Sungjae earlier on.. But I was just-“ Ilhoon whispered and pulled her into his chest, hugging her tightly.


“.. Yeah, he was probably not in the proper state of mind..” Seoyoung mumbled against his chest, shocked at Ilhoon’s actions.

After all, wasn’t he the guy who hated skinship of any sort?

“Uh.. I’m just going to check on Sungjae..” Seoyoung pushed him away awkwardly and quickly left the room, leaving Ilhoon staring after her.

Seoyoung took a deep breath before entering, and saw Sungjae sitting down at one corner, head buried in his hands. She frowned; What was he doing there instead of lying down on the bed? Seoyoung inched towards him slowly, and crouched down beside him.

“Sungjae..” Seoyoung whispered.

He looked up and upon seeing it was Seoyoung, he turned away abruptly.

“Go away”

“I’m not until you go and rest properly,” Seoyoung crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at the maknae.


“Are you going or not?” Seoyoung narrowed her eyes.

“Don’t make me,” Sungjae’s voice cracked.

“Make you what?”

“Do this,” Sungjae whispered.

In an instant, Sungjae moved and pinned Seoyoung against the wall, leaning in dangerously close to her. Despite the situation, Seoyoung’s cheeks started to redden and her heart pumping abnormally fast. Sungjae started coughing all of a sudden, clutching his chest tightly. Seoyoung quickly helped him to the bed to lie down and rest. As Sungjae sat on the bed, he suddenly pulled her into a hug, breathing in her scent.

“I’m really sorry for what I did just now,” Sungjae whispered, nuzzling his face in her hair.

Seoyoung shook her head and made him lie down before she pulled the blanket over him and left the room. Her heart was still beating wildly from what he just did and her mind was in frenzy. She placed her hands over her chest and told herself to calm down. Ilhoon was sitting on the floor in the living room and Seoyoung cleared to get his attention.

“Um.. I’m going already..” Seoyoung mumbled hesitantly.

“Okay let’s go, I need to head back to the studio anyway,” Ilhoon stood up and gathered his belongings.

“Is Sungjae going to be fine here?”

A flash of annoyance crossed Ilhoon’s face as he managed to croak out a yes. Seoyoung frowned but then thought that she was imagining things when Ilhoon gave her a small smile before they made their way out.

“Ah yah! You scared me!” Seoyoung shrieked when they stepped out of the building and saw Himchan leaning against the wall casually.

Himchan rolled his eyes and pushed himself off the wall, making his way towards Seoyoung. Ilhoon stood in front of her protectively, preventing Himchan from getting any closer to her. The two were staring daggers at each other and Seoyoung let out a loud sigh.

“Ilhoon, it’s okay, he’s just sending me back,” Seoyoung lightly tapped Ilhoon on the shoulder.


“It’s okay”

Ilhoon turned to look at her with an unreadable expression before he shrugged his shoulders and walked off.

“I’m moving into your house” Himchan casually stated once Ilhoon was out of earshot.

“WHAT?!” Seoyoung stared at Himchan with a flabbergasted expression plastered on her face.

“MBLAQ seonbaenim is promoting in Japan now right? Which means you’re alone in the house, and it’s not safe for a girl to be alone”

“Uh yeah.. It’s even more dangerous if you live in my house! Besides, you have your dorm right! Does your manager even allow this?” Seoyoung rolled her eyes.

“As a matter-of-fact, he allows,” Himchan replied calmly, making Seoyoung drop her jaws in disbelief.

“AHHHHHH! Fine! Whatever!” Seoyoung threw her hands into the air and stormed back to his car, with Himchan following closely behind her.

The trip back to her house was a quiet one, as Seoyoung tried to think of ways to stop him from moving in. Oppa would kill her if he found out, not to mention she was afraid Mieun and the rest would know about it too. She shuddered as she thought of the things Woohyun would do when he found out; His temper and behavior closely resembled Seungho. The car came to a halt in front of Seoyoung’s house and she turned to look at him slowly.

“Are you serious about this?”

“I’ve brought my stuff along,” Himchan jerked his head towards the back seat, where his luggage was sitting at.

Seoyoung momentarily placed her head in her palms as she tried to come to terms with reality before she sighed and unlocked the front gate for Himchan to drive in.

“You can use the guest room, it’s upstairs,” Seoyoung flopped down on the couch in the living room.

“Okay, and by the way, you shouldn’t hug guys so casually,” Himchan stated flatly and made his way up to find the guest room.

“Wha-“ Seoyoung frowned.

How did he know..?

Seoyoung followed him up and watched him put down his luggage before he started unpacking. She cleared , making Himchan look up in surprise before he resumed what he was doing. Seoyoung stared at him for a few seconds before she decided to ask him.

“How did you know?”

“There’s perfume on you, dumb,” Himchan rolled his eyes and ignored her.

Seoyoung mentally facepalmed herself; Of course, Ilhoon uses Ferrari perfume, how could she have forgotten how he smelt like when he hugged her? Seoyoung groaned as she went back to her room and ruffled her hair in frustration. What the both of them did was totally unfathomable to Seoyoung. She racked her brain trying to figure out what they could have been thinking but it just made things worse. In the end, Seoyoung decided to let things slide and just go to sleep worry-free.

The next day, Seoyoung woke up to the smell of breakfast and went down to the kitchen still wearing her pyjamas, surprised to see Himchan making breakfast. She had almost forgotten he was staying with her now. She stifled a yawn which made Himchan turn around at the muffled noise.

“Oh, good morning! You’re awake already? I was actually planning on bringing breakfast to you in bed but since you’re up already, go get changed and come down and eat breakfast,” Himchan smiled as he set the plates on the table.

‘Wha.. Is he bipolar or something?’ Seoyoung thought as she nodded and went up.

As Seoyoung came back down fully dressed, she sat on the table opposite Himchan, staring at the English breakfast he prepared. She had no idea he could cook this well. Even though she still had not tasted it, by the looks of it, it seemed delicious.

“Waaaa~ The sunny side up is in a heart shape!” Seoyoung exclaimed, eyes twinkling as she slowly examined the rest of the food.

“The French toast looks super nice!”

“The sausages and baked beans look nice too!”

Himchan chuckled at her reaction and ate his share in silence, watching her animated actions much to his amusement.

“Mmm~ This breakfast is the best ever!” Seoyoung exclaimed in delight as she stuffed full with food.

“Yah! Be more lady-like will you?” Himchan glared at her.

Seoyoung was too busy eating to bother about him. After they were done, Himchan did the dishes before he drove them to school. As he pulled into the school compound, Seoyoung could see Mieun and gestured for Himchan to pull over beside her.

“Mieun ah annyeong! Want a ride?” Seoyoung greeted her best friend happily.

“Sure-“ Mieun’s eyes widened when she saw who was at the driver seat.

“Uh, are you sure it’s okay?”

“He’s fine with it! Right Himchan?” Seoyoung turned and shot him a glare.

“Yeah, I’m sending her anyway,” Himchan replied nonchalantly.

The minute ride was a silent one, as Mieun felt uncomfortable being in Himchan’s company and she was so relieved when they finally reached and quickly left for their classroom after muttering a quick thanks to Himchan.

“Yang Seoyoung, why are you with him?” Mieun frowned at her.

“Who?” Peniel asked curiously.

“Kim Himchan,” Mieun rolled her eyes as Ilhoon straightened up suddenly.

“Uh.. don’t freak out Mieun but.. He’s living with me now,” Seoyoung mumbled, not daring to look at her best friend.

Ilhoon choked on the water he was drinking as he turned to stare at Seoyoung, his face registering a look of shock as Mieun had the same exaggerated reaction which in this case was verbally.


So.. Himchan’s staying with Seoyoung now yay. I typed this in a rush though, sorry if it's not good enough >_< BTOB had their comeback! Omg my Sungjae feels ;___; I shouldn't be so mean to Sungjae right? >:

@panda10: Nooooo what about Sungjae then >: thank you I love you too hehe ♥

@pikachu97: Go and learn hehe! I really like the dance but it’s super tiring! Our instructor taught us Zelo’s/Jongup’s parts so we almost don’t get to have a small rest in between the dance moves! >_<

Yes Sungjae’s gonna get well soon! For their comeback haha! I’m actually confused myself too! I actually decided already, but as I typed the story, complications like Ilhoon started surfacing ;___;

@swagster: Ahahaha Seoyoung x Ilhoon? I really can’t decide ㅠㅠ Shall see how the story goes XD

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nice story ^^
Hikaa12 #2
Chapter 32: Updatee!! :D Its amazing!! ;) Hihi :b Himchannnnn! >< I wonder who seoyoung would end up with! Aaaaa <3
Chapter 32: LMAO, poor Jello! XD He just tried to help Himchan, too! XD nyehehe~~
klienchoung #4
Chapter 31: Girll it's your story lol
Chapter 30: Omg the love relationships with the different characters is so awesome and I have no idea which guy to ship with seoyoung
Please update soon^^
bobojo #6
Chapter 30: Yay!! I've missed your updates ^^
Darchi #7
Chapter 30: Sometimes I really get angry at seoyoung.. She shouldn't let himchan in in the first place..-.- Seungho will be really angry. '_'
klienchoung #8
Chapter 30: Grrrrrr!!! SeungHo's gonna be angry...
helloangel123 #9
Chapter 28: I have no idea how i feel. I lost my feels~! nimimi dipito dipito slipi slow motion. :P YOU HAVE FINALLY UPLOADED! GOSH GUUUURL!
well, thisis a quick report from number 1 fan news! Stayed tuned until the next vhap is up!!
klienchoung #10
Chapter 29: Oh hohoho...