
Love triangle

“Are you sure you don’t wanna stay over? We don’t mind, really,” Zelo pouted for the umpteenth time to try and persuade Seoyoung to crash at their dorm.

“Oppa’s gonna kill me,” Seoyoung shook her head, trying to wriggle out of Zelo’s grip.

“Just let her go Zelo yah, it’s not like you won’t get to see her again. The 2 of you are in the same class!” Daehyun groaned, getting tired of the maknae’s antics.

“Arasso arasso,” Zelo puffed out his cheeks and opened the door for Seoyoung.

“Bye! See you in school!” Zelo waved happily.

“Bye guys! Thanks for everything!” Seoyoung smiled, making eye contact with everyone, including their manager.

As her gaze shifted from Himchan to the last member, she abruptly broke eye contact and slid the door shut before making her way to the front door.

“She’s still avoiding me..” Yongguk sighed once the driver drove off.

“It takes time, don’t give up. You should know how she is like, she’s pretty emotional so I guess it’s normal she’s putting her guard up around you,” Himchan patted his back in encouragement.

Seoyoung took a deep breath and entered the house, silently wishing oppa would be asleep but no, he was waiting in the living room for her.


“Yang Seoyoung, what time is it now?” Seungho shot her a disapproving look.

“Sorry oppa, I had something on just now,” Seoyoung muttered, not daring to look into his eyes.

“Look, I know you spent the day with Infinite but you should have at least informed me about your whereabouts. I was so worried when you didn’t pick up my call.. Thank goodness Mieun had the thought of informing me that you were spending the night over at their place,” Seungho frowned.


“It won’t happen again~” Seoyoung pouted as she ran forward to hug Seungho, trying to dissipate his anger by using aeygo.

“Aish.. Forever doing this,” Seungho hugged her back and made sure to mess up her hair while chuckling at her reaction.

“It’s late, go to sleep. Goodnight baby girl,” Seungho pushed her in the direction of her room.

“You too oppa, oyasumi~” Seoyoung gave Seungho a peck on his cheek and skipped to her room.

Just as Seoyoung changed into her matching Hello Kitty pyjamas and laid on her bed getting ready to sleep, she heard someone knocking on the door.

“Princess! Are you still awake? Can I come in?”


Mir closed the door after him and made himself comfortable on Seoyoung’s bed. Seoyoung cocked her head to the side, wondering what he had to say.

“You’re back together with Yongguk?”

Seoyoung nearly choked on her own saliva as she sat upright immediately.


“Okay chill chill, I was just asking. No need to have such a huge reaction. I saw you coming out of B.A.P’s van earlier, that’s why”

“I-“ Seoyoung began but was cut off.

“Don’t worry, Seungho hyung doesn’t know, and I don’t intend to tell him. Knowing him, he’ll probably flip. He still thinks you were out with Infinite the whole time. But can you tell me what happened? I wanna know”

Seoyoung hesitated; After all, she knew Mir was not that fond of B.A.P from the start and for some reason, she wanted to keep whatever she did with B.A.P as a secret. However in the end, she told him everything, except for the fact that she ran into sasaeng fans. She was sure Mir would flip if he knew and he did not want him to dislike B.A.P anymore than what he did now.

“So.. You had fun?” Mir asked, wanting to make sure.

“Mm! They’re really nice to me, especially Zelo!” Seoyoung beamed.

“I’m just curious, why don’t you call any of them oppa even though they’re older than you?” Mir asked curiously.

“Uh.. Molla. It just feels kind of weird for me to call them oppa.. And anyway, they don’t seem to mind me calling them by their names either..” Seoyoung furrowed her eyebrows, deep in thought.

“No need to worry so much over it, I was just curious. Goodnight princess!” Mir ruffled her hair before tucking her in and left the room.

“Yeah, why don’t I ever call them oppa? It was like this since knowing them and none of them tried to make me call them too.. Except maybe Yongguk..” Seoyoung mumbled as she drifted off to dreamland.


“Yang Seoyoung! You have lots of explaining to do!” Mieun headlocked her the moment she entered the classroom.

“Yah! Get off me!” Seoyoung hissed as she struggled to get away.

“Well?” Mieun glared at her, arms crossed over her chest.

Seoyoung sighed, well aware that her best friend was not going to take no for an answer. She took a deep breath and started telling her everything from Friday night.

“So.. Yeah, I’m sort of back in good terms with B.A.P except for him..” Seoyoung concluded.

“You’re what?”

The 2 girls turned to look at the new addition to the conversation, only to realize that it was Ilhoon. Mieun glared at him, not looking too happy that he cut her off.

“Yah, you do not just in on our conversation like that. And whoever said you could eavesdrop?” Mieun narrowed her eyes.

“Chill, I was just being concerned,” Ilhoon raised his hands up, seemingly oblivious to Mieun’s aura.

“Forget it,” Seoyoung muttered as she turned her attention back to her desk.

That was when something struck her. She turned again, and frowned when she realized Sungjae was missing. It must have been pretty obvious, because Peniel suddenly spoke.

“Sungjae’s busy with his drama along with Minhyuk hyung, Changsub hyung and Hyunsik hyung, if that’s what you’re wondering”

Seoyoung’s cheeks reddened as she shook her head furiously. Was she that obvious? She had wondered how Peniel could tell what she was thinking just by her glancing at them. The filming for their newest drama, Monstar, must have been taking a huge toll of their time because ever since that day, Sungjae had not been turning up for school. Seoyoung would come to school everyday, and her heart would sink whenever she saw his empty seat. Every now and then, she would have lunch with B.A.P, much to the dismay of Ilhoon who would glare at Zelo whenever he was too close to Seoyoung.

It was finally one day, Seoyoung spotted Changsub in school. Her eyes immediately lit up and she dashed off to class, expecting to see her crush sitting on his seat and sleeping. However, a wave of disappointment hit her again when she saw the usual empty seat. She made her way to her seat, looking crestfallen and only greeted Mieun and the rest half-heartedly.

Is he really avoiding me..?

Seoyoung could not pay attention in class no matter how hard she tried to clear her mind, and was even reprimanded by the teachers for daydreaming in class, which was a first for her. Mieun frowned at her best friend who by now had her head hung low.

“What’s wrong with you? You’ve been out of it the whole day!” Mieun asked Seoyoung worriedly as they were making their way to the canteen for lunch.

“Nothing much,” Seoyoung mumbled .

“Yeah right, I’m dumb if I believe you,” Mieun snorted.


Seoyoung’s head shot up hearing his name and looked around, anticipating to see him but no, she felt as if she had just fallen from heaven to hell. She turned and glared at the person who had uttered his name so casually, only to see a grin on his face.

“What?” Seoyoung hissed, irritated.

“Oh, so Sungjae was on your mind the whole day? That was why you couldn’t pay attention in class earlier?” Ilhoon smirked.

“Wha- No he’s not!” Seoyoung retorted, almost too agitatedly.

“You could have just asked you know,” Peniel spoke, giving her a sincere smile. “He fell sick”

Seoyoung’s heart stopped at those words. Sungjae was sick? How could he? Their comeback was around the corner, there was no way he could be sick! Her worry must have been reflected on her face, because Peniel patted her back in assurance.

“Don’t worry, it’s just a fever. He’ll recover soon”

Should i..?

“.. Um, do you think it’s possible if I go visit him after class later..? You know, just to see if he’s alright..” Seoyoung bit her lip and looked away.

“Of course you can! But you’ll have to go alone though, we have practice,” Peniel answered, eyes twinkling, as if he was just waiting for Seoyoung to pop the question.

Seoyoung was nervous about seeing him alone, after what happened that night. She could feel her heartbeat quicken as she recalled the kiss they had shared, even though it was not the best. Heat rose to her cheeks as she shook her head, trying to dismiss the thought. Still, a part of her was wishing to see him. It had been several weeks since she last saw him and to be honest, she was starting to miss him already. She finally reached their dorm. Peniel had given her the password to enter since Sungjae was probably resting in bed.

Seoyoung hesitated before she punched in the numbers, pushing the door open softly so that she would not make too much noise and disturb Sungjae. It was dark in the living room so she presumed their labelmate, Jihoon was out too. There was only very little light coming from BTOB’s shared bedroom and she placed her belongings on the floor gingerly before making her way inside.

Sungjae was lying on Hyunsik’s bed on the first floor instead of his own which was on the second floor. He was wrapped in a thick blanket and there was only a fan blowing so that there would be air ventilation in the room. Seoyoung sighed and went to find a towel and cold water. She dampened the towel before folding it so that she could place it on his forehead. The last time she was down with fever, Seungho had did the same so she figured it might help. Seoyoung was surprised to find that his body was really hot and started to worry even more.

“S-seoyoung, is that y-you..?”

Seoyoung froze. She was not expecting him to wake up. She realized her hand was still placed on his forehead so she quickly withdrew it but Sungjae caught her halfway. Before she knew what was happening, she was lying on the bed, below Sungjae who was awake by now.

“Seoyoung-ah, I’m sorry, please don’t be mad anymore..”


Before Seoyoung had the chance to explain, she felt Sungjae’s lips on her own and her eyes widened in surprise. Sungjae took the chance to kiss her deeply and Seoyoung was even more surprised when she responded to the kiss, gliding her hands through his silky black hair as she did so. Little did she know that her little action made Sungjae even more. As much as he was reluctant to do so, Sungjae broke off from the kiss when it was apparent they were both getting out of breath.

After regaining his breath, Sungjae leant in closer, closing the gap between their bodies and Seoyoung closed her eyes on instinct. Seoyoung opened her eyes when she felt his warm breath against her neck, surprised at his actions. Before her mind could register what was happening, Sungjae had started kissing her neck gently. Seoyoung started to panic and placing her hands on his chest, she tried to push him away but to no avail. Sungjae was much stronger than her.

“S-sungjae.. Don’t..” Seoyoung managed to stutter out as Sungjae kept biting and softly at her neck.

Sungjae stopped whatever he was doing and whispered at her ear huskily.

“Are you sure you don’t like me doing this?”

Before Seoyoung could open , a figure pulled Sungjae away from her and threw him a punch. Seoyoung gasped and quickly got up to help Sungjae who was now on the floor.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Ilhoon shouted at him furiously.


“You get out of this room this instant. OUT NOW”

“No I am not leaving you here with Sungjae! Who knows what you might do to him!” Seoyoung shouted back, shielding Sungjae from Ilhoon.

“Fine. Just leave him here. You and me, we’re talking,” Ilhoon dragged Seoyoung out of the room and slammed the door shut, leaving Sungjae alone in the room.

Oh damn I cannot write OTL lol sorry guys if you were thinking of something more than what happened between Sungjae and Seoyoung :x Describing what they were doing is already taking its toll on me. My heart ;___; Sungjae is just sick, he’s not like this usually I swear ;___;

I give up on learning the part where Dae and the rest fall flat. I can’t overcome my psychological fear ㅠㅠ So I shall just stick with Youngjae’s part. I was really hoping to be able to learn the falling part but well.. :( It shall just be a reminder why they are B.A.P and I’m just a normal teenage girl lol.

@pikachu97: Haha Seoyoung hasn’t really forgiven Yongguk though. She’s back on good terms with B.A.P except Yongguk oops :x Oh it’s One Shot class! I had difficulty in the beginning though but it’s getting better now ^^ Updated again! ㅋㅋ

@InfiniteAddictxD: Haha what do you want to happen between the 2 of them? Is this enough? XD I can't do more OTL this is my limit i guess >_<

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nice story ^^
Hikaa12 #2
Chapter 32: Updatee!! :D Its amazing!! ;) Hihi :b Himchannnnn! >< I wonder who seoyoung would end up with! Aaaaa <3
Chapter 32: LMAO, poor Jello! XD He just tried to help Himchan, too! XD nyehehe~~
klienchoung #4
Chapter 31: Girll it's your story lol
Chapter 30: Omg the love relationships with the different characters is so awesome and I have no idea which guy to ship with seoyoung
Please update soon^^
bobojo #6
Chapter 30: Yay!! I've missed your updates ^^
Darchi #7
Chapter 30: Sometimes I really get angry at seoyoung.. She shouldn't let himchan in in the first place..-.- Seungho will be really angry. '_'
klienchoung #8
Chapter 30: Grrrrrr!!! SeungHo's gonna be angry...
helloangel123 #9
Chapter 28: I have no idea how i feel. I lost my feels~! nimimi dipito dipito slipi slow motion. :P YOU HAVE FINALLY UPLOADED! GOSH GUUUURL!
well, thisis a quick report from number 1 fan news! Stayed tuned until the next vhap is up!!
klienchoung #10
Chapter 29: Oh hohoho...