New friends

Love triangle

“Yook Sungjae imnida!”

He flashed his trademark smile which made the girls in the class squeal in delight, Minji included.

“Oh god, and there she was saying she fit Mir oppa’s criteria,” I rolled my eyes at the sight.

“Annyeonghaseyo Peniel imnida!” he said shyly.

“Annyeonghaseyo Jung Ilhoon imnida!”

I guess he was trying hard to look cool but after watching btob’s shows, it was kind of hard for me to think of him as cool because he was just too cute offstage! I chuckled as he smirked, earning hushed screams from the girls in the class while the guys were just making tutting sounds, clearly showing their disapproval at the three new transfer students.

“You three can just take the empty seats at the back of the class, Seoyoung, Mieun and Minji, please bring them around during recess to get them familiarized with the school compound,” our teacher quickly got them to sit down before starting the lesson.

“OMG! Mieun! We’re going to be guides to them!” I whispered to her excitedly.

“Ne.. Sungjae right?” she grinned.

“Yah! Don’t you try any weird ideas!” I exclaimed when I saw that look I knew too well.

She just looked at me and smiled before turning back to pay attention to the class.

‘Omg please don’t try anything,’ I pleaded silently before paying attention to the class.

It wasn’t long before it was time for recess and much to my dismay, almost all of the girls crowded around the three of them, bombing them with questions like, are you single? Can I have your number, etc. Minji especially was clinging onto Sungjae and it was starting to get on my nerves.

“Oppa! You’re so cute! Can I take a selca with you?” she asked him sweetly.

I didn’t realize I had clenched my fists subconsciously and strode out of the class with my phone and wallet without waiting for Mieun.

“Yah! Seoyoung! Wait up! We’re supposed to show them around remember?” she hurried after me.

“Minji can just show him around!” I hissed, not that she could hear anyway.

“Annyeonghaseyo! I believe you’re Seoyoung right? Nice to meet you!”

That voice again. I stopped in my tracks and turned to see Sungjae standing beside Mieun. He was smiling and extended his hand.

“N-nice to meet you too,” I silently cursed myself for stuttering and shook his hand.

‘Wait, this feeling.. It feels like déjà vu..’ I stared at our hands linked together before quickly removing it, blushing a light shade of pink.

“So, can you bring us around now? I’m hungry already!” he pouted and I melted right then and there, all anger dissipating.

I saw Mieun smirking from the side and I glared at her before we headed back to class to find the three of them. When we entered the class, Minji was flirting around, okay not. She was talking to Peniel and Ilhoon and she immediately ran to Sungjae when she saw him. Mieun shot me a look but I just shrugged my shoulders and went to Peniel and Ilhoon instead.

“Hello! I’m Kim Mieun, nice to meet you!” Mieun said in perfect English.

Peniel’s jaw dropped in surprise but he seemed really happy to find out that Mieun could speak English.

‘Time for my turn,’ I smirked and turned to Ilhoon.

“Hajime mae! Yang Seoyoung desu! Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!” I said in perfect Japanese, making a mental note to thank oppa for teaching me Japanese.

Shock flashed through his eyes for that split second but he was careful to keep cool about it. A slight smile tugged at the corner of his lips before he introduced himself in Japanese too.

“Hajime mae, watashi wa Jung Ilhoon desu, yoroshiku onegaishimasu!”

The 3 of us started to bring them around the school, with Sungjae-Minji pair taking the lead. Mieun and I were too engrossed in our own conversations to pay the 2 of them any notice.

“Ilhoon-sshi, why are you so quiet?” I asked innocently.

“Yah! Call me Ilhoon will do!” he retorted.

“Arasso arasso, Ilhoon ah, why are you so quiet? Look at Mieun and Peniel oppa, they’re talking so much!”

“Because I’m a rapper and rappers don’t talk much”


“Wait a sec, did you just call hyung oppa? And you called me Ilhoon-sshi!?” he raised his voice unintentionally which made Mieun and Peniel turn back to look at us.

“Not me. Him,” I pointed to Ilhoon and he gave me a look which probably meant that I was going to get it later.

Peniel was smirking for some reason and I continued walking as if nothing happened.

“Yah wait for me!” he shouted after me.

“When is your birthday?” he asked suddenly.

“December. Waeyo?”

“Aha! You’ll have to call me oppa!”

My jaw dropped in surprise as he smirked at me.

“Jung Ilhoon, honto desuka!?” I hissed.


Really. I was intending to disturb him and try to get him to be cute instead of cool but I didn’t expect my plan to backfire on myself. This Ilhoon really is something else. I sighed and continued walking.


“Aish jinjja.. Ilhoon oppa!”

All 4 of them turned back to stare at me before I realized I had spoken a little too loud. Even Sungjae was staring at me. I immediately felt my cheeks get hot and quickly walked away from Ilhoon.

“Omg now Sungjae’s going to think that I like Ilhoon..” I trudged on sadly.

“Seoyoung baby!”

Someone shouted from afar and I sighed. There was only one person who would call me like this. Mir oppa.

“Not again.. How many times have I told him not to call me baby or whatnot when we’re in school..” I muttered.

“OMG Seoyoung! Is that Minhyuk oppa and Eunkwang oppa with Mir oppa!?” Mieun grabbed my hand excitedly.

“Eunkwang hyung! What a coincidence!” Sungjae shouted and ran towards them, leaving a surprised Minji behind.

Both Mieun and I had to try hard to stifle our laughter when we saw her priceless expression while Peniel and Ilhoon walked towards their direction calmly. I nudged Mieun and dragged her towards her Minhyuk oppa but as we got nearer, she tried to run away. I sighed and dragged her towards Mir instead.

“Sungjae! What are you doing here?” Eunkwang asked.

“Our new classmates were showing us around,” he pointed to us and explained.

“Ah! Annyeonghaseyo Yook Sungjae imnida!” he suddenly turned and bowed to Mir.

Mir looked at me and raised his eyebrows before introducing himself.

“Annyeonghaseyo, call me Mir will do”

“Mir hyung!” he grinned.

“I believe we haven’t introduced ourselves right? Annyeonghaseyo Seo Eunkwang imnida!” Eunkwang smiled at us.

“Annyeonghaseyo Lee Minhyuk imnida!”

“She likes you!” I blurted out without thinking and got slapped on the arm by Mieun.

“Yang Seoyoung! You wanna die!?” she hissed in a low voice, audible only to the 2 of us.

“Mianhae! It just came out of my mouth!” I gave her an apologetic smile.

“A-annyeonghaseyo Kim Mieun imnida!” she bowed, blushing a deep shade of pink.

“Could you be Infinite L sunbaenim’s younger sister by any chance?” Eunkwang asked curiously and she nodded her head, not daring to look in Minhyuk’s direction.

“Annyeonghaseyo Yang Seoyoung imnida!”

“Don’t tell me.. You’re MBLAQ Seungho sunbaenim’s younger sister?” Eunkwang asked, uncertainty flickered in his eyes.

“Ne! She’s my princess!” Mir slung his arm over my shoulder and grinned.

“Ah! So we all know each other in one way or another! Why not have lunch together since I’m pretty sure SOMEONE is starving already,” Eunkwang teased.

“Hyung!” Sungjae pouted and all of us laughed.

Just as we were about to make our way to the cafeteria, we heard Minji’s voice.

“Sungjae oppa! Why did you leave me there?” Minji pouted while Mieun, Mir and I rolled our eyes.

“Ah! Annyeonghaseyo Lee Minji imnida! I know you guys! Eunkwang oppa and Minhyuk oppa right?”

“Ne..” Eunkwang replied hesitantly.

“Let’s go then!” Minji said enthusiastically and pulled Sungjae to the cafeteria with all of us following behind.

“Gwenchana?” Mieun nudged me and whispered.

I smiled and nodded when in fact I was disappointed. Mir seemed to notice and gave me a quick hug to indicate that everything would be okay.

“Gomawo oppa!” I whispered to him and he ruffled my hair in response.

“Oppa! You’re going to ruin my hair!” I pouted and tried to straighten out my hair while he laughed.

We went to get our food respectively before sitting down at an empty table at the far end of the cafeteria. Sungjae sat down first and I was still contemplating on whether to sit down beside him when Minji just plopped her tray down onto the table and slipped into the seat to his right. I swear it took me all I could to not throw my tray in her face. I took a deep breath and moved to the other end of the table, away from Sungjae but Mir beat me to it.

“No princess, you are not going to sit at the edge,” he placed his tray down onto the table and patted the seat next to him.

I sighed and slipped into the seat, nearly toppling my banana milk in the process. Mieun was about to climb into the seat beside me when a thought struck me. I shook my head and did something I would never have done were it not for her sake.

“Ilhoon OPPA, can you sit beside me?” I asked him sweetly, emphasizing the ‘oppa’ as I did so.

Mieun’s jaw dropped in surprise as I pushed her tray to the seat opposite of me.

“Minhyuk oppa! Is it okay you sit over there?” I pointed to the seat beside Mieun’s and smiled.

“Ne, I’m fine with it,” he smiled and walked to take his seat.

“Yah! Where am I supposed to sit then?” Eunkwang complained.

“You can sit on the other side of Mieun?” I suggested and his face lit up.

"Andwae hyung! I wanna sit beside Mieun! It isn't always that I get to know someone who speaks fluently in English!" Peniel whined and Eunkwang being the nice leader that he was, moved to make space for him.

“I’m going to kill you later Seoyoung!!” Mieun mouthed and glared at me before climbing into her seat between Minhyuk and Peniel.

‘This is going to be interesting..’ I smiled evilly as i dug into my food.

I'm going to bold the conversation if they're talking in a foreign language from now onwards ^^ oh and BTOB's ages are the same as in real life but they requested to be in the same class~ and, in case you were wondering, how they were seated in the cafeteria was like this: on one side of the table, Minhyuk, Mieun followed by Eunkwang. the other side of the table, Mir, Seoyoung, Ilhoon, Minji followed by Sungjae. Ah does this make any sense to you? >_< i had help from my friend regarding the cafeteria scene! gomawo! do read her fic too; it's daebak! ^^

@helloangel123: Annyeong! ^^ thanks for your comment hehe! you can leave any comments/ideas/feedback if you have any! ^^

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nice story ^^
Hikaa12 #2
Chapter 32: Updatee!! :D Its amazing!! ;) Hihi :b Himchannnnn! >< I wonder who seoyoung would end up with! Aaaaa <3
Chapter 32: LMAO, poor Jello! XD He just tried to help Himchan, too! XD nyehehe~~
klienchoung #4
Chapter 31: Girll it's your story lol
Chapter 30: Omg the love relationships with the different characters is so awesome and I have no idea which guy to ship with seoyoung
Please update soon^^
bobojo #6
Chapter 30: Yay!! I've missed your updates ^^
Darchi #7
Chapter 30: Sometimes I really get angry at seoyoung.. She shouldn't let himchan in in the first place..-.- Seungho will be really angry. '_'
klienchoung #8
Chapter 30: Grrrrrr!!! SeungHo's gonna be angry...
helloangel123 #9
Chapter 28: I have no idea how i feel. I lost my feels~! nimimi dipito dipito slipi slow motion. :P YOU HAVE FINALLY UPLOADED! GOSH GUUUURL!
well, thisis a quick report from number 1 fan news! Stayed tuned until the next vhap is up!!
klienchoung #10
Chapter 29: Oh hohoho...