Chapter Twenty Three

Bride For Oppa
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Eun Mi's POV 

      Bali  8AM    I woke up to see oppa's angelic face. I kiss oppa's forehead, then his nose, then his lips. When I want to pull from his lips, oppa hold my face and kiss me passionately. After our little make out, finally oppa let go. I blushed, specially when I remember last night, moreover when I realize that we're still and the cover just drop of the bed because of our little make out session.    "Morning" oppa grinned. I burried my head in oppa's bare chest.  "I don't know you love to kiss me that bad" I hit his chest lightly.  "Stop touching my chest you ert" oppa said, I know he's grinning ear to ear.  "Oppa.." I whinned.    "Okay, okay. Now, where do you wanna go today?" I keep silent. To embarassed to say something. "Or.. Do you want to say on the bed all day. And maybe doing a lot activities that related to bed and honeymo--" I closed oppa's mouth before he said something more embarassing. "Let's go to the beach" I said, "Tch, what happened when the whole world knows that 'The Park Leeteuk' is like this" I mummbled.    Unfortunately, oppa hear what I said. "Believe me wifey, they would agree with my second option" he said and poke my waist when I tried to reach the cover that laying on the floor. "You don't have to cover yourself wifey, I've seen it all" "Oppa!" I quickly cover myself. "Let's take a bath together" he carried me bridal style and the cover drop on the floor. "Oppa!" I struggle but oppa
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Angel9 #1
Chapter 24: It made my cry
the last part about her sitting on the white sand and the feeling that she have that her time is now
this story remind me of a best friend i had who died she was just like her she wanted to find a girlfriend for her brother so he wasn't alone when she died and she did it
i was there with her when she died she died in my arms with her brother and his girlfriend next to him she died on cancer i will never forget that day when she smiled at me and sad i told it i could do it make sure they are happy and they will love eachter and i never broke that promise to her
Chapter 24: I love this fanfic XD
well,I'm hungry when I see mi ayam and bakso photos >.<
avaclaire #3
Chapter 24: it's beautiful. the fact that luna didn't think about her romance just shows us that she only cared about her brother and other people in her life. great story. good job author-nim~
Meridian #4
Chapter 24: Sad, sweet, and i cry harder now. Thanks for d great ff author nim.
sweet <3 <3
Chapter 24: Okay...I cry...It's so beautiful..the love that Luna have for his oppa is truly amazing..
and sorry, I've not commenting for a while,cause the story is too beautiful to be commented...
Thank you...for this lovely story..
chapmansquare #7
Meridian #8
Chapter 21: Sweet chapter. :)
blazensaddles #9
Chapter 20: Aw they got back together and stuff :D