Chapter Nineteen

Bride For Oppa
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Bridal Shop 

10.30AM      I'm so excited! In 2 weeks, Leeteuk oppa and Eun Mi oennie will be married!!    The media went crazy when the company gave the official announcement about oppa's wedding. I mean, one of world most wanted bachelor is getting married. Moreover there never, even one news about oppa dating somebody.      He didn't even tell the media about Nara oennie. Well, Nara oennie did tell A LOT of people about her relationship with oppa. But hey, who wants to believe her?    By the way, now we're at the bridal shop, waiting for Eun Mi oennie to choose the dress. Leeteuk oppa is not here, we did it on purpose, so it will be surprise for oppa. Kekeke~   Its been about 15 minutes and Eun Mi oennie hasn't found a dress yet. "Oennie, you don't like the dresses?" I ask Eun Mi oennie.  Eun Mi oennie just keep silent. Oh.. I know the problem.  "The dresses to expensive right?" I ask again. Oennie just slightly nod.    "Don't you remember what Teukkie oppa said? The price doesn't matter. What matter is that Oennie is happy" I said and smile.  "But don't you see it? Its really expensive. I need to work for one year in the hospital just to have this dress" Oennie said. "You don't even let my family help. I feel useless Luna-ah"    "Don't you know how guilty oppa felt oennie?"  "What?"  " When he hurt you on high school? He cried for three days. He call me every single day when he's on Holland and to tell me that he's missi
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Angel9 #1
Chapter 24: It made my cry
the last part about her sitting on the white sand and the feeling that she have that her time is now
this story remind me of a best friend i had who died she was just like her she wanted to find a girlfriend for her brother so he wasn't alone when she died and she did it
i was there with her when she died she died in my arms with her brother and his girlfriend next to him she died on cancer i will never forget that day when she smiled at me and sad i told it i could do it make sure they are happy and they will love eachter and i never broke that promise to her
Chapter 24: I love this fanfic XD
well,I'm hungry when I see mi ayam and bakso photos >.<
avaclaire #3
Chapter 24: it's beautiful. the fact that luna didn't think about her romance just shows us that she only cared about her brother and other people in her life. great story. good job author-nim~
Meridian #4
Chapter 24: Sad, sweet, and i cry harder now. Thanks for d great ff author nim.
sweet <3 <3
Chapter 24: Okay...I cry...It's so beautiful..the love that Luna have for his oppa is truly amazing..
and sorry, I've not commenting for a while,cause the story is too beautiful to be commented...
Thank you...for this lovely story..
chapmansquare #7
Meridian #8
Chapter 21: Sweet chapter. :)
blazensaddles #9
Chapter 20: Aw they got back together and stuff :D