Questions and Answer

My Other Half


Donghae: I am not lying to you, my wife!
You: If you really are prince, answer all my questions!
Donghae: Game!
You: Why do I hate myself?
Donghae: Because you think you're ugly, but for me you're not. I always tell you that you're the most beautiful princess I ever seen.
You: [Aish.. He got it correct.] Why do I love prince?
Donghae: No apparent reason. You just do.
You: If we only had 24 hours to hang out one last time, what would we do and why, also what would be the the last thing you say to me?
Donghae: Easy. We would fly to Seoul, get married first and I would whisper the words I LOVE YOU.
He was able to answer all your questions and you broke down into tears, not knowing what to do.
You: I can't explain how painful it is to wait for something that never came back for me.. Prince.. it really is you.. Why did you let me wait for a long time? *hits him*
Donghae: *cries too* I was a fool, princess. I was afraid of telling you how I feel and what the truth is. Please forgive me.. I'm so sorry..
You: Sorry doesn't change everything.
Donghae: But it can soothe the pain even just a little. I will stand by your side, I will stand till it's right. There's no way it should end this way, just don't walk away.. *hugs you*
You: I don't know if I can still forgive you for this.. Sorry is a simple, four letter word. S-O-R-R-Y. It's pretty easy to spell. Pretty easy to pronounce. But not so easy to say it when you mean it.
Donghae: That's why it was hard for me to apologize.. I understand how you feel, but..
You: Don't tell me you understand because you don't.
Donghae: I'm sorry that I'm not good enough, I'm sorry that I've got my problems to deal with, & I'm sorry that I hurt you after you fell in love with me.. *kneels down*
You: What are you doing?
Donghae: I won't stop until you forgive me, princess..
You: Shut up with all your wise-cracks. I'm leaving. You, saying sorry over & over for the same things, just means you don't learn from your mistakes.. I trusted you to value my feelings and know how I feel, but you went right back around and betrayed all of the trust and respect I had for you..
He was filled with tears, because he was really sorry. Even if you left, he was still there, he even followed you on your way home and stood there the whole time.
Donghae: [I am willing to do everything for you to forgive me, my princess. What I'm doing right now is not enough..]
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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 20: Awwww....lovely story indeed hehe, done reading this one hehe :) thumbs up!
the story is really cute & loveable...actually i followed this story on facebook & came here to read it 2nd time...hehehehe...nice story anyways...♥(~‿◕)♥