Chapter 2

Oppa is mainstream theres a reason why i dont call people that

Your POV:

(Exo's Dorm)

We entered the house and ..... Fuggg it was HUGEE!!! Like Oh hot dayum this dorm  is the jam, I'll wake up everyday and party at 2 am.... awkwarddd JKJK i wouldnt sing this out loud.

"Nice place" i said with a blank expression.

Hollly fuggg this place is AMMAAAAZZZIIINNGGGG!!!! No joke man i would love to stay here but i have to be an Assistant blehh~~ whatever that is ..... no need to tell me i was playin i know what it is. Anyways i should be an actor or something im flippin good at hiding my emotions.

" Is that all you have to say is "nice place" huh?? man what did you expect to be here... Las vegas?!?!" My brother said.

"That'll be cool too" i said continuing my pokerface. "Anyways uhh where should i put my stuff?"

"Oh you'll have another room a seperate room since your a girl an-"

"I get it im girl blah blah blah" i said cutting off my brother. Soo he showed me around the house a little bit and said i should just explore when i get bored. he then brought me to my room and dude i think im on cloud nine with this room is like heaven on earth :D ... well for me it is keke

Your room:

your room

"Soo just unpack your stuff do whatever girls do and come down stairs so they can introduce themselves to you correctly" Kris said.

"Kay see yeah in a few" i said while getting my stuff out.

i went to go shower and change into this:

and went downstairs.

Boy was it awkward o_o they were all staring at my with jaws opened.

Did i look that bad??

Whatever i think i look good.

"Uhhh are you guys done with your little trip?? cuz i think this would be a great time to come back to earth" i said with a mono tone.

Kris POV:

Dang my sister really grew up the 4 years i was gone.

When i heard her voice telling us to come back to earth i snapped back into reality and saw her standing in front of us.

"YAH!! Lets introduce ourselves" I said when i saw the looks on my memebrs faces. they  look like they ALL saw a goddess or something. Soon One by one they came back to reality.

"We are one! We are EXO!" we all said.

"Hello Im EXO-M's Leader Kris also A.K.A your brother" he said with a smile.

"Hi Im EXO-K's Leader Suho. Its nice to meet you" He said witha bright smile on I just nodded my head.

"Hello Im Kai"

"Yo waassup Im Luhan"

"Ayee Im Sehun"

"Hey Im Chanyeol"

"Hi! Im baekhyun"

"Sup Im Xiumin"

"Hello im Lay"

"Hey Im Tao"

"Aye yo Im Chen"

"Yo Im D.O"

"Yeah nice to meet you and all but i'm gonna go walk around" i said after the greetings "soo see yeah ... kay bye"

I left their so-called dorm. It looks like a friggin mansion from the outside!! Okay lets see where to go where to go.

Narrators POV:

"Kris hyunnnnnnggggg" sehun whined.

"Yess?" kris replied

"i thought you said your sister was nice and fun and cute and all that good stuff" he said a little disappointed.

"I honestly dont know either. But I feel like a bad brother now..... I mean i left her alone for for 4 years to take care of herself and i didnt even bother to call or anything... I-I-I-I dont know what to do guys." Kris said on the verge of tears. " I honestly dont know what to do. I miss my old sister ... i know shes still in there somewhere but shes covered up. Her heart is covered in Ice and she has built up a wall that i cant even see through."

"Hyung..." Luhan said this time. "Maybe shes needs time?"

"Luhan. I used to be the only one that could read her that knew what she was feeling with one look of the eye we were soo close she told me everything. Now its all gone just like that. I cant even see how she feels about this shes hiding something that she wont show to anyone not even ..... -sigh-..... me." Kris said with tears streaming down his face.

"Kris maybe shes not as close but shes still your sister.. maybe just talk to her later." Suho said and patted kris' back and walked out to get water.

"Yeahh maybe the sudden move and everything overwhelmed her and stuff." Kris said sadly.

Kris really cares about his sister. He seemed really sad when he saw how much she changed. LIke who is she really now? She makes me curious on who she really is. Sehun thought.

I've never seen Kris cry no matter how bad it has been and let me tell you we've been through worse than this. ANd he was able to not cry while some of us cried a lil. But all that has happen to make him cry was his little sister. Luhan thought.

Kris assumed you needed time to think and just carried on thinking of what to say to you later tonight to find out whats up. many got ready for schedule tomorrow and just did what they usually did. It started getting late and the EXO members were starting to get worried for you but they waited a little more untill you cam back but it was 11 pm and you still werent back.

"Yah Kris hyung should we look for Alex?" they all said in unsion.

"Yah" He said and went outside to look for you.

Your POV:

Yes im finally out of that house!!! Victory dance!!! people on the street were looking at me but who cares. Not me hehehe. So i went to go find a gym with a pool so i can swim this stress away. Gawdd i love swimming it makes me feel relaxed.

i walked and walked until i found a gym.

"Kyyyyaaaaa!! I get to swimm!! <3 uh huh oh yeahh!!" said with a huge smile on my face.

 I went into the locker room to change into my swim suit.

I stared into the mirror for a while and focused on my somewhat broad shoulders.

"Gah broad shoulders.. well this is what i get for swimming but this is just a little price i must pay for swimming" I sighed and went out.

I dipped my feet into the water and a refreshing feeling hit me.

man i havent felt this way in months!! it feels nice to be back.

"KYYAAAA" I screamed and dived in and started swimming.

i was enjoying my swim not noticing the time pass me by I never wanted to leave but the gym closes at 3 AM. Thank god! Im gonna stay until they kick me out.

I was resting in the pool thinking and looking outside. it was pretty late. but something was bugging me.

but what was?!?! Am i caring if they come get me or not? Do i care if they worry for me? idk but but what was bugging me? who cares though. so i swam I.M. until i get tired (A/N: I.M is when you swim butterfly then backstroke then roke then free and you keep swimming that until you wanna stop but in a race you just do those 4 in a 100 , 200 or 300 yards or meters.)

I soon got out because my skin was getting pruny a lil aha ewwww. you know how gross this is?

I went into te locker room and realized it was 11pm no biggie just 11pm. WAIT- im living with Kris now!!!



So i hurriedly took a shower and got dressed and rushed out of the gym to go back home.

Dayum why is the gym soo far???? Its like a 30 mintue walk. T_T

It was dark when i was walking home and scary but at the same time it was beautiful.

I watched the lights in seoul with awe. it was amazing. Ive never been out here walking in seoul late at night but this time i am so i might as well enjoy it.

Wahhhhh~~~ soo prettyyyy omo look at the ligths and the tr--

"Hey prety lady~~" a drunk man said.

"aww fluff. im pissed he ruined my mood when i was enjoying this beautiful scene." i hissed under my breath and pretended to not hear him.

I contiued to walk on .. but he FOLLOWED ME FUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!

"Hey lady i know you can hear me!! COME here and i'll give you the night of your life" he sanggg

"WHAT THE MOTHERFLIPPIN DO YOU FLIPPIN WANT????!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled pissed as heck.  I get angry easily and he just crossed the line TWICE!!!!

Luhans POV:


Woahhh am i hearing things but i think someones in trouble.

I looked to where the sound was coming from and saw a drunk guy following a girl.

I thinks shes really pissed. Tough girl. Tough girl. Most of the girls i know wouldve ran got trapped in an alley and cried until they were saved. Be weak and let the drunk guy almost them.

but this girl..... she wasnt even scared more like ferious.

"Hyung i think this girl over there needs help" I told kris since he usually knows how to handle this kind of stuff.

"where?...... oh nevermind i see it lets approach slowly and see whats happening and if things get out of hand we can help her" he said.

Hyung is a genius!! I swear! Allison i mean ALEX is lucky to have a brother like him. Hes really smart and cunning, clever and quick.

Sooo we crept up closer to see what the girl looked like and what the guy looked like.

The girl look like a goddess when the dim lights shown upon her face.


 Is that---? who i think it is?


















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Chapter 33: Wait your mum is in the hospital and doesn't want to fight to be alive wow virtual hug and a kiss From your bias man you went through a lot.
Chapter 33: I'm very sorry to hear about this. I told it will be a happy ending and I was like wow sweet, but in the end... I'm sorry. He's such a jerk!!!

Btw thanks for the update, I like it btw fighting!! ^_^
LoveLovii #3
Chapter 32: Waaaah who found her?!?!?!?!
Chapter 29: I have a question, why is this rated M?
Chapter 31: Update Soon
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Chapter 31: it seems like she is starting to become human again and have feelings
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Chapter 31: Omg, what happened to her?!