Chapter 30

Oppa is mainstream theres a reason why i dont call people that

Your POV:

"Alex answer me!" Kris shook me violently.

I cant gege, i just cant!

My head it hurts too much, my heart has been stabbed once again, im sorry but i cant anwser you.

"Alex please look at me." Baekhyun said calmly.

I slowly opened my eyes and i saw the blurred face. "GET AWAY FROM ME!! WHO ARE YOU!!?!?!?!" I screamed.

"Alex its me Baekyun!" He screamed.

"NO YOURE NOT BAEKHYUN!! STOP LYING TO ME!! GO AWAY!! I TOLD YOU I HATE YOU!!" I shouted once more tears threating to fall from my eyes.

"Alex stop! We arent whoever you're talking about!" Luhan butted in this time.

"No please leave me alone whoever you are please" I whispered shutting my eyes close.

"Mei mei please open your eyes we arent whoever you are. Just tell us whats wrong." Kris said quietly. "mei mei please for gege"

"Gege?" I opened my eyes and saw his face again. I got up and hugged him right away. "Gege im scared. Im lost. I dont even know who i am anymore. I DONT REMEMBER ANYONE ANYMORE!! What's happening to me?? Gege? WHATS HAPPENEING TO ME?!?!!?" I shouted at the end while burying my head in his chest.

He calmed me down by hugging me tight.

"I dont know mei if i did i would help you but i think you're just tramatized finally with all the blood and gore you grew up with" Kris suggested.

"Im not! If i was i'd be crying over this years ago and i already did when i killed someone when i was 9" I said outloud not caring who was there.

"Alex if you ever need anyone then you can come to us okay? We're youre family now!" Luhan patted your back.

"Yeah just come to us if you need anything" Tao said agreeing with Luhan.

"lets go home okay?" Lay whispered to me.

Kris was about to pick me up. "I can walk on my own" I spat going back to my old self.

"Well damn mei just trying to help no need to go back to the cold you again" Kris teased.

"not now." I said climbing into the van.

"Dude she was just tramatized bro." Luhan defended. "Get with the program"

"Luhan." Kris glared.

"Mei save me a seat next to you" Luhan shouted at me trying to get into the car faster.

"NO" i replied.

"But meeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiii your gege is going to kill me!" Luhan whined.

" for you Luhan gege." I said with a smirk. "get. with. the. program." I said while clapping my hands with every word.

"Mei sleep with one eye open tonight" Luhan glared at me.

"I dont have to cuz you're so loud when you just walk" i retorted earning several ohh's and ahh's from eevryone.

Luhan ended up sitting next to kris and xiumin while i sat in the back with Sehun and Kai and Baekhyun. the rest i dont even know.

"Yahh hyung that hurts stop." Luhan whined as kris was giving him a nuggie.

"Hehe thats what you get bro." Kris smirked.

Back at the Dorm.....

"Im going to sleep guys night." I said and went upstairs not eating or drinking anything.

Narrator's POV:

Alex went upstairs to sleep while the other exo members were worrried for her.

They decided to eat without her and prepare their schedule tomorrow.

Alex stirred in her sleep tossing and turning as if she felt someon was out to get her.

Your POV:


"Alex im back are you happy now that your oppa is back?" A dark demon voice echoed.

Im trapped in his black hole where no one is here.

It's dark.

Im scared. Im cold. Im alone.

"GO away!" I screamed.

"Why are you talking to youre oppa like that? Huh?" The voice echoed again.

"You arent my oppa! GO AWAY WHOEVER YOU ARE!!" I screamed again.

"NO what are you gonna do cry? Like what you did earlier?? Im going to expose the old weak you! I will and everyone will see that you arent as tough and that you are simply weak." the voiced mocked.

"Im not WEAKKK!!!" I screamed to the black emptiness.'

Imagines of my exo had appeared out of now where.

"So if i just torture Baekhyun like this what would you do? Be tramatized? What just tell me what?" Flames grew around baekhyun as you heard him scream for your helphe screamed his lungs out and there you were trying to get him out of the fire.

"ALEXXXX HELP ME!! SAVE ME!!!! ALEX PLEASE!! HELP ME ALEX HELP ME!!" HE scremed towards you with pleading eyes.

"Im coming oppa im coming!" I ran to him as fast as i could but with every step he was moving away from me.

"Ah AH AH Ah" The voiced taunted again and showed you're brother about to be hung.

"GEGE!!!" I ran towards him too.

"ALEX HELP ME!! DONT LET ME DIE HERE!!" "MEI HELP ME TOO!! IM YOUR BROTHER" Soon all of exo and you're newly beloved peole were all around you in a position where they were all about to die screaming for you to help them but everytime you went close to one of them they would move father and farther away from you.

"STOP!! STOP THIS PLEASE!" I cried to the voice.

"NO you must see youre loved ones die just like you did infront of me." The voice boomed.

"Please stop!" I dropped to my knees. "At least save my brother he's my only family"

"MUWAHAHA your brother?!?! No you must see him die."

Soon a scene was played where you're brother was walking and at the end was a drop off where fire burned  and when he got close enough he would be into a windmill and sliced into pieces. Once i saw the machine i yelled for to stop and turn around.

"STOP GEGE YOURE GOING TO DIE STOP TURN AROUND!!!" But to my avial my voice made no sound and i tried my hardest to scream for him but i was too late he walked into the machine!

"No this cant be happening this isnt real." I cried. "THIS IS ISNT REAL!!!!!"

"Next you saw Beakhyun, Luhan, and Sehun being stabbed to death.

"STOP STOP IT!!" I cried uncontrollbly. I looked down at my hands and there it was. The knife that was used to stab them and blood stained on my hands. Their blood. I turned around and saw a my reflection. Their blood was smeared all over my face. I dropped the knife and i looked into the mirror. The girl that was in there i dont recognize her.

"Who is she?" I whispered.

"Ah you dont know? That girl smirking with blood all over her is you" the voice mocked.

"NO thats not me that isnt me!! She doesnt look like me!! Im not her!!! I dont kill my loved ones i dont!!!!!!!!!!!" I scremed gripping my head. "Its not me!!!"

"Then why do you kill the ones that others love? Why? Why do you have victory in hurting others? Why do you wear the that smirk? Why? WHy are you a monster? A demon? A killing machine? Why are you soo heartless? Why do you kill at such a young age? WHY? ALEX WHY???" The voice boomed.


But the voice continued louder and louder with every word .

I blocked my ears but i could still hear him. So i screamed but nothing came out of my mouth.

"Alex"  "Alex"  "Alex"  "Alex"  "Alex"  "Alex"  "Alex"  "Alex" "Alex"  "Alex"  "Alex"  "Alex"  These voice were calling out to me they are taunting me now. Stop it please just stop it!


I woke up looking around. I was sweating and all of EXO we're staring at me. It was 2 in the morning and i was there personal assistant later today when we actually wake up.

"Are you okay?"

"What happened?"

"Alex whats worng?"

"Why are you screaming?"

Those questions... they remind me of the voice.

Stop. Please stop. Please. Im begging you stop dont hurt them.

I looked at each one frantically and gripped both sides on my head wanting to pull all my hair out and let out a scream.

"ALEX whats wrong do you need to go to the doctor?" someone said. I cant recognize the voice. It all just sounds like the voice in my dream.

"STOP!! Stop please!! AHHHHHH" I screamed again

"Alex whats going on mei?" mei? did i just hear mei? That usually keeps me sane or brings me back to reality.

"gege?" I asked looking up with my teary eyes.


IIIIII UPADATED AGAIN!! HOPEFULLY This story is starting to go up towards its since like we are on chapter 30 and nothing intense has happened soo i hope you guys like it(:

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Chapter 33: Wait your mum is in the hospital and doesn't want to fight to be alive wow virtual hug and a kiss From your bias man you went through a lot.
Chapter 33: I'm very sorry to hear about this. I told it will be a happy ending and I was like wow sweet, but in the end... I'm sorry. He's such a jerk!!!

Btw thanks for the update, I like it btw fighting!! ^_^
LoveLovii #3
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Chapter 29: I have a question, why is this rated M?
Chapter 31: Update Soon
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