Chapter 3

Oppa is mainstream theres a reason why i dont call people that

Soooo.. Comments??? on the story?? it would be nice to know how good or how bad my story is. I doesnt have to be nice comments critisim would help a lot :D but i mean you dont have to if you dont want too.. thanks for reading anyway i hope you like it soo far(:


Your POV:


"YAH!! Why dont you go back to the sewers where you belong!! Dammit you a flippin pedo!!" I said

Honestly im really scared right now but i didnt learn how to figth for nothing.

"Why would i do that when we can have some fun??" he said with an evil smirl planted on his lips.

"Come here and i'll punch that smirk off  your lips" i said starting to play the game. Like others say if you cant beaat the game then join it and then destroy it for good.

"Ohhh fiesty! i like girls who are fiesty" he said stumbling closer.

"Oh yeah?? well come here and i'll show whose fiesty" i smirked and walked over ily.

Luhans POV:

"Ohhh fiesty! i like girls who are fiesty" he said stumbling closer.

"Oh yeah?? well come here and i'll show whose fiesty" she smirked and walked over ily.


Dayum some nerve that girl has.

Sooo shes gonna do it with that guy??? ewwwwww.

OMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She- just- huh- what- omg- da.... ??!?!?!?

Your POV:

So i came over to him and punched him 10 feet away from me and walked over. I grabbed him bby the collar and threw him up in the air. And he landed on the ground with a thud.

"Nigga i wasnt in the navy seal and ranked number 1 marines for nothing" i hissed so that he could hear me.

I left him on the ground and walked away.

As i was walking away i felt him jump on my back.


So i took him with my right arm and threw him on the ground in front of me leaving his body imprint in there.

"Next time you wanna attack be much quicker and more quiet. You tard." i said and he crawled away cursing my name under his breath.

Once he was out of sight i sighed.

"GET YOUR ING SCRAWNY NO BUTTS OUT HERE NOWW!!!" I yelled. and Soon all 12 of them stumbled out.

"Hey sis ehehehe" Kris said.

"Yeah nice fighting skills" Tao whispered.

"You guys werent supposed to see any of that. FAAAAACCCCKKK Im soo dead now" i screamed.

"what do you mean?" Sehun asked.

"Nothing lets just goo home im tired." I said and walked away.

FULLLLBBBBB im dead my boss is soooo gonna kill me i was supposed to be "weak" in their eyes but now im soo not living a normal life.

Oppa im sorry i tried but Kris found out he might find out what we are as well. What do i do? I cant keep it a secret any longer. I dont think i can. Hes our brother how can we hide this from him. I even lied to a piece of poop so he wouldnt think of anything.

Once i entered the house i went straight to my room.

and soon kris entered as well. Like really?

"Hey mei mei." he said (a/n: green is you yelllow is kris)

"Hey gege"

"so explain to me what all that fighting was about? are you in a gang?"

"No im not i dont know if i can tell you"

"But im your brother we used to be close"

"Nigga please you only on side of my life"

"what do you mean?? "One side of my life""

"I mean i cant handle having two lives! Im soo tired of it. Wana know why i came??!?! Because it was an order!!  from our older brother"

"huh but he went away somewhere years ago.. im confused"

"Boy OPEN YOUR EYES!! You eat rice you breath you go to school im sorry to be racist but my other side has been hidden and i thought you would know!"

"KNOW WHAT? Just spit it out... why is soo hard for you to just tell me.?!"

"Cuz if you knew it would only put you in more danger"

"Danger?!? mei im perfectly fine"

"I dont know how much more hints i can give you"

"Mei! JUST TELL ME" Kris shouted losing his temper.

Bro im sorry i have to tell him.I've been living a double life for far too long. Ever since i was four im about to break. it used to be easy but too many are out to get me becuz i'm the best, becuz i was your guys secret weapon becuz i killed soo many of their own. Becuz i was the one who was able to kill all of their leaders.

I took a deep breath and got ready to tell him from beginning to end.

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Chapter 33: Wait your mum is in the hospital and doesn't want to fight to be alive wow virtual hug and a kiss From your bias man you went through a lot.
Chapter 33: I'm very sorry to hear about this. I told it will be a happy ending and I was like wow sweet, but in the end... I'm sorry. He's such a jerk!!!

Btw thanks for the update, I like it btw fighting!! ^_^
LoveLovii #3
Chapter 32: Waaaah who found her?!?!?!?!
Chapter 29: I have a question, why is this rated M?
Chapter 31: Update Soon
pinkypn #6
Chapter 31: it seems like she is starting to become human again and have feelings
Hannashh #7
Chapter 31: Omg, what happened to her?!