Chapter 30

Oppa is mainstream theres a reason why i dont call people that

*** Sorry for not updating in a while!!! Well im back now!!(: OKayy soo im going to try updating for you guys because you've all waited long enough I apologize!!! Anyways I love you guys sooo i hope you like this chapter!! Okay from this chapter and on things are gonna be more interesting since shes starting to act more human than like a robot if you guys rememebr?? Thats why shes here with EXO trying to live a normal life and not be a robot.... OKAY anyways here you gooooooooo!! Please comment and subscribe!! ALSO READ THE BOTTOM NOTE!!!!!!****



Your POV:

Manngg this is such a long day. Now the 7th is done we have the last class of the day. OMO I hope its a dance class or like a class with music!!! I LOVE MUSIC!! Or like anything with music<3333

^^Woah what is that?? aha<< dafugg?? whats happening to me?? I need to ask Taecyang's sister. Crap whats her name?? Hun Mi? Noo is it Mi Hun?? Nooo>.< I got it!!! Its Hye Mi!! Wait no thats the old queenka's name. Oh shoot. Ehh well since we just met today then i guess asking her name would be okay! Okay!! I'll just ask her (:

Gahh why is my last class so far fr- oof ughh

"What where you're going!" I yelled trying to get off my while pulling my skirt down.

"OMO Im soo sorrry Alex-ssi" The boy bowed like 100 times.

"Whatever and stop bowing your gathering unwanted attention" I said with ice in my tone.

The boy looked up and he looked like a nerd.

"YAH! Nerd boy come back here and let me te-" The leader im assuming yelled for this kid said "Omo did you bump into THE Queenka?"

He turned to me.

"Mianhae Alex-ssi I'll beat up this nerd for even touching you" He winked.


Dont wink at me when you're soo chinky that it looks like you're closing both eyes! AND I dont tolerate bullying. Yah I may be mean but i dont bully and if i did i would probably shoot myself in the face.

"No dont even touch him" I told the "leader"

"But he pushed you" He retorted back.

"Well it's my fault too. I was too busy thinking i didnt see him either so lay off bruhh" I calmly said.

"No I will teach him a lesson for bumping into you so nxt time you can think without interruptions by this loser." The guy grinned.

Im fumming by how much he wants to beat up the kid.

The nerd looked at me with eyes yelling for me to protect him.

"Yah Junghyun hyung just stop she looks like she might punch you any second." his friend told him.

Hmm Junghyun is his name....

"Well Junghyun this 'loser'" i said putting qoutes around the word loser, "Is actually My new friend i made today! I forgot his name and i forgot it was him that was my new friend."

"W-w-waht?" Junghyun stuttered.

"Yes, so would you please stop bullying him?" I smiled.


"Thank you(: Now if i ever see you bullying him or his friends just remember to not to sleep from that day on because i'll get you back at anytime" I said in a serious tone at the end.

He and his gang nodded.

"Good" I patted his head, "Come on new friend lets go to class" I looked at the nerd and linked arms with hima dn we walked until we turned the corner and i saw it was safe.

"Thank you Alex-ssi" The nerd beamed at me.

"Yah yah yah dont get your hopes up too high because i dont even know you" I coldly responded.

"But back there you sa-"

"I know what i said! I dont tolerate bullying! Im not going to protect eevry person that gets bullyied they need to learn how to stand up for them selves" I glared at him.


"Save it" I said and walked to my next class.



"Welcome to idol class!! This is a class met for the kids that the school sees potential in becoming an Idol. Yes You may be wondering why there're only sophomores in this class? well because we want want everyone to be comfortable with people in your age group or class" The teacher announced.

How the fugg did i get put in this class? Ehh it has music and plus i do wark for Exo and SM soo i prolly was put in here becasue of that(: EASY A AGAIN!!

"Okay soo for your first assignment you are going to have to preform a Kpop song in english!! I will give you the rest of the period to discuss this among your peers you have the rest of class to disscuss. I should be plenty of time since im giving almost all period. You may start" She said and walked out of the class.

Gahh whose in this cl-

"Alexxxxxxxx!!!!!" Kai and Taemin shouted.

"Guyssss" I said in a monotone soo it came out funny.

"AHAHAHAAHAHA you're so funny" Taemin laughed.

"Anyways what song are you gonna do?" Kai asked.

"Ummm Heaven by Ailee what about you guys?" I asked.

"Im doing Angel by Exo and Taemin Hyung is doing Honesty by his group" Kai Beamed.

"great" I said

"Do you already know the english version Alex?" taemin asked.


"SING FOR USSSSS" They yelled gaining little attention.

"Fine but if your ears bleed dont say i didnt warn you" I smiled.

"I m sure you sound great" Kai chimed.

"Where you go I'll go too
Anywhere just for you (repeat)

I will smile for you each and every day
I will pray for you with every word I say
And as I fall into my bed
Thoughts of you stuck in my head

You hold me down underneath your wings
And you hold me close with every word you sing

Your voice is calling to me

You're my only one way
At the end of the day
And I am so glad that you're right by my side

You're my only one way
Yeah I'm always okay
When you're not with me
I feel... feelin that you're always here with me

Heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven (x2)
If you're right by my side we will never cry
Never never cry

Heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven (x2)
Forever here with me
Never gonna be alone

I breath you in, just like the air
I know that you will always care
When I hear you call my name
I will never be the same

I can see your eyes they look at me
I can feel your love come over me
Your voice is calling to me

You're my only one way
At the end of the day
And I am so glad that you're right by my side

Okay thats it" I sang.

Their faces were shocked and their jaws were dropped.

"Sorry for making you guys deaf" I shyly said.

"No" Kai said still shocked.

"That" Taemin said.

"Was amazing" They both said.

"Woah the class got really quiet" I said looking around to see them all staring at me.

"Because it was beautifull" Taemin said.

"I didnt even know i could sing i always thought i was bad" I sheeply said.

"Well you're really good" Kai said."You should audition for SM so you dont have to be our personal assistant"

"I guess"

Soo school ended and i went to go find my brudahhh.


Narrator's POV (Italics by where they speak is that person's thought.. you guys are smart you'll figure it out)

While Alex was looking for her brother EXO was at the other side of the school just chilling until everyone leaves.

"Kris Hyung i see changes in your sister" Baekhyun stated.

"Yeahhh sameee She smiles more and laughs and starting to become te person you described to us in the beginning." Luhan butted in.

"Hmm now that you think about yeah there have been big changes since like 2? 3 months ago? When she moved in with us... Yeah theres been some changes." Kris said.

"Wait Alex is changing? So?? Is there like a mission she's on or something?" Tao asked confused.

"Well you guys arent allowed to know this but Alex is a secret weapon and she's train for the position all her life soo she's kinda like the best of the best." Kris explained. "Only me and Baekhyun know this becasue 1) Im her brother after all and 2)Baekhyun has trained with her before entering SME"

"Ohh no wonder why he was somewhat cold when he first entered." Tao stated. "Like... A ROBOT!!!"

Everyone gave him the "You High?" look

"What?" Tao said staring at everyone who gave him the weird looks, "I know wushu! And im not afraid to use it!" Everyone still continued to stare at him. "Hii-yaaa" He said doing a karate chop motion.

"No? Okay i'll just sit back down...carry on with your story" tao sat back in his seat feeling like and idiot. Damn you guys i felt like a retard.

"ANYWAYS" Kris continued his story, "She is here to live with us and experience a 'normal' life feeling and not to turn into a killing machine/ robot like Tao has said, Sh-"

"YEAHH SEE I TOLD YOU ROOOOBBBBOOOOTTTTT" Tao interupted earning some looks from his memebers.

"ANYWAYS once again after being so rudely interupted" Kris galred at Tao as he slid down in his seat avoiding the glare his hyung was giving him, "If we see changes that means we're doing a good job and if we are doing a good job she doesnt have to leave right Baekhyun?"

"Well i dont know about leaving unless hyung gives orders that she can stay or she chooses to stay." BAekhyun said looking down.

"But... im starting to like Alex" Sehun said.

"I dont" Kai arrogantly said.

"Well damn... you" Sehun retorted back.

"YAH YAH YAH Im older than you! Respect me!" He smirked.

"Theres nothing to respect when you act like a kid" Sehun smiled satisfied with his comment.

"Heyy guys what chu guys be talking about?" Alex said trying to act black.

"Noooothhinnnggggg" they all said not giving eye contact.

"I will find out and when i do, be afraid... be very afraid" she glared at them. you Kris gege how could you tell them! I already know cuz you guys are soo loud! Might as well tell the world and get me killed

"Owww ughhh my head" She shrieked in pain while clutching her head.


Alex is walking hand in hand laughing happily and talking.

"I've been feeling something for you for a while." he started.

"Yes?" Alex responded looking up at him with gleaming eyes.

"I've been thinking about this really hard lately and i want you to become my girlfriend." He bent down on one knee and behind his friends help banners saying things like 'Will you go out with me?' 'I love you please be mine' 'I know we could happen'

"Yes! YES! OMG Yess a thousand times yes!!" She excalimed with joy as tears filled her eyes.

He got up and hugged her.

The happy couple were walking down the streets laughing and doing what all couples do.

> > > FASTFORWARD > > > >

"UGHHH LET ME GO!!!" Alex yelled with all her might.

"I DIDNT DO ANYTHING! Alex baby please tell me what i did" He yelled back.

"You should know yourself! I hate you!!!" With that she stromed away with tears flowing down her eyes. It felt as if a thousand knives had pierced her heart.

"Alex come back!" He yelled running to get his girl back. "Please just listen to me!"

"No i never want to see you again!!" She yelled knowing those words werent true because she knew that she still loved him.

"Please Alex I love you!" He said dropping to his knees.

 Alex stopped in her tracks once she heard those 3 words. "Dont ing with me" She said through gritted teeth as more tears flowed down her cheek uncontrollably.

She wiped the tears away and ran away.

"The weather just knows exactly how i feel huh?" She said looking up at the gloomy dark sky as rain feel down.

~  ~ ~ ~ END OF FLASHBACK ~~~~~

"Alex are you okay?" The all ran toward her.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH" SHe let out a piercing scream as she saw memories of her with a someone who was a blurr with her. She screamed remember how much it hurt and how alone she was without her brother.

"ALEX!! Answer me!! Are you okay?" Kris asked again.

Once again she let out another scream. They gathered all around her making sure she was alright.




I apologize once again for not updating!! But my grades are going up except for lit :PPP well i hope you liked this crappy update!! COMMENT and HAPPY HALLOWEEN GUYSS!!

Yes i gave up trick or treating to update for you guys sooo COMMENT!! DOnt make me regret missing halloween ffor this!!

ANYWAYS BYEE Now go eat yo candyyyyyyyy

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Chapter 33: Wait your mum is in the hospital and doesn't want to fight to be alive wow virtual hug and a kiss From your bias man you went through a lot.
Chapter 33: I'm very sorry to hear about this. I told it will be a happy ending and I was like wow sweet, but in the end... I'm sorry. He's such a jerk!!!

Btw thanks for the update, I like it btw fighting!! ^_^
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Chapter 29: I have a question, why is this rated M?
Chapter 31: Update Soon
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