Chapter 23

Oppa is mainstream theres a reason why i dont call people that

Your POV:

I stepped outside.......

i heard some mumbling.

Oh .! Im soo dead.

. . . . .

Crap Im soo screwed if its an EXO member.

Gahhhhhh dammit!!!!

I hid behind a wall and i saw a figure going behind some plants.


I ran full speed without making a sound to the exit.

I squatted down to catching my breath.

i pretended i was walking up to the roof top.

"Oh the view is soo pretty up here." i said loud enough for whoever was up here.

"Whose there? If your a crazy fan im gonna-"

"You're gonna what?" I smirked cutting him off.

It was pretty dark and we were far from eachother so he couldnt see my face.

"im gonna call the police." He said.

"whatever do what you want like i give a about you" I said and walked closer.

"Dont act like you dont care! Its not going to work on me!! Dont play the 'im different' card on me" He said.

"Who said i was playing that card?" I asked stepping closer.

"Stop comming near me!" He said.

"And if i refuse?" I smirked.


"Then what?"

"I'll scream" he said.

"Oh your soo scary. Scream. Whose gonna hear you?" I said.

We were up hear and no can help us unless you had like a super loud blow horn.

He was silent.

I got a closer look at him.

"Kai?" I asked.


"What are you doing up here?" we said at the same time.

"You first'' we both said again.

"You go first" i said.

"I was looking for you but i was fustrated and came up here" he said.

"Cool story bro. Tell it to me again" I sarcastically said.


"Call me a brat all you want but at least im not PMSing 24/7" I smirked.

His jaw dropped.

"Close your mouth or real bugs will get in your mouth' i smirked.

Damn i need to stop smirking. IM ANNOYING MYSELF.

"Whatever.... So are you ready for school?" he smiled.

"Why wouldnt i be?" I asked looking at him.

"I dont know cuz your going to be a sophmore with us and your new??" he said stating the obvious.

"i dont really care about school" i bluntly stated.

"MWOH??? But you need education to live!" Kai looked at me with wide eye.

"I know a lot..... schools not my first priority... i learn stuff really quick.... i just go so i wont be like those stupid girls that are soo arrogant and igornant like you" I smiled.

"Whaaaaa??? Im not stupid" he pouted.

"we'll see about that"

"Lets make a deal" he said.

"Okay if i end 1st semster with all A's and you dont then you have to announce to everyone that you're gay" I smiled with my deivious plan.

"Grrr. Fine. But if i get straight A's and you dont then you have tooo......... seduce the schools player." he smiled at his 'oh so evil' plan.

"and whose that? You?" i asked tilting my head.

"NO!!! you'll see" he smiled.

Dude whats up with him smiling a lot ..... AROUND ME!!!

"why are you smiling like crazy right now?" I asked creeped out.

"Is it a crime for me to smile??" He asked making it seem like he was hurt.

"Yes" i said looking out at the view.

"You little rascal!" he said.

"whatever" i said.

We stayed like that for like 5 minutes.

Dude did you know seoul looks really pretty at night???



I know right???

Its pretty......

Eh?? whats happening to me?? I never say anything is pretty.

Im probably tired or something. Yeah thats it.

Or i just havent killed someone in a while . yeah thats it!

Welp im bored................

Im leavinggggggg kekekeke bye loser.

"Alex?" kai said.

SOOOOO CLOSE!!!! Why do you hate me?? What have i ever done??

"Yeh?" i said.


He just HAD to say something.

Kai you bore me so hurrrryyy the EFF up!!

"Are you...." he stoped and sighed.

"am i what??" I said.

I. Want. To. Leave................ SO STOP HOLDING ME BACK!!!!

"Are you...-"

"Just spit it out" I siad impatiently.

"Are you mad at me?" Kai asked avoiding my eye contact.

PWAHAHAHHAHA he thinks im mad at him??

Nigga this is how i act.

"Are you joking?" I laughed.

"Im serious" he looked at me now.

Oh nooooowww you look at me........

"Why would i be mad at you? Is there any reason to be mad at you?" I asked raising a brow.

"No its just that you texted evryone else but me" he said.

Are. you. ting. with. me. ?.

He thinks im at him because i didnt respond.

I pulled out my phone while he wasnt looking at me.

To: Mr. PMSing 24/7

From: Brat

Change my name .

And send.

"Are you really bothered by that?" I laughed again.

His phone buzzed.

he looked at me and smiled.

"What?" I asked with an emotionless face.

"Only you would Alex, Only you would." he said and typed back.

i checked my phone.

To: Brat

From: Mr. PMSing 24/7

After you.

And i put it back.

"You know its rude to not reply back." He said smiling.

"Im going back down come with me or not i really dont give a pretty boy' i said and went towards the exit downstairs.

Kai followed me.....unfortunately.

"Oh look Alex's back..... with kai?" Baekhyun said a little sad.

But i wouldnt notice since i just plopped down on the couch.

"Yay woohoo im back" I said in a dull and sarastic tone.

"Okay lets go guys we need some rest' kris said and we all went home to sleep.

1 week later... the day before the first day of school........

"Sooo are you ready for sschool tomorrow?" Sehun asked me.

"yeahhh why wouldnt i be?" I said making my way to the kitchen.

"Because you arent a queenka anymore" Sehun replied linking arms with me.

"Soo? It was annoying why would i want to be queenka??" I said remembering to play along.

"Whatever you sayy~" Sehun sang.

Why the would he say that??

And one more thing.............................. WHY DOES EBERYONE KEEP ASKING ME IF IM READY FOR SCHOOL???? DAMMIT IM ING READY!!! HOLY KKK!!!

The day went by pretty fast. It was dinner time.

Chanyeol was making dinner with some other people.

I was watching some show called star king.

It was weirddddd T^T theres nothing good on.....

"Hey" Someone sat beside me.

I looked who to see who it was.



"What?" i bluntly asked.

"Ready for school??" he asked.

"No" i said.

maybe if i say no, no one will ask me or bug me.

"Why? Im gonna be there, kris, Taemin, Amber, sehun, kai, tao, and other people but we arent in the same grade." He said.

Thank you for pointing that out captian obvious -_______-

"No sherlock " I gave him the 'do-you-think-I'm-stupid?' look.

"Well I'll name some of the people in SM that are going to be in YOUR grade the rest are upper classmen so you have to refer everyone thats not in your grade as sunbae or sunbaenim."He continued.

"i know that too"

"The people that are in your grade are: Kai, Sehun, Tao, Taemin, Chanyeol, Baekhyun and other people from other ent." he continued. (a/n: lets pretend they are the same ages okay??(:)

Is he really still talking???

"Wait isnt SM high for sm kids??" I asked confused

"Nooooo ahaha most idols go there since its close to all of us but SM stands for Starlight Moonligh high school" he chuckeld.

"wow thats a stupid name" i mumbled.

"Well good luck tomorrow since you arent even ready" he chuckled. "I'll see you tomorrow"

"I am ready i just wanted to see what reaction i would get if i said no and apparently i got an annoying one" i said a little too loud.

"I heard that" He yelled.

. uhhhhhhhh...

"You were supposed too" I lied.

"Whatever you say mei" he chuckled and left.

I scoffed.

"DINNERS READY" Xiummin yelled dashing to the table like a mad man.

I slowly walked over and took my seat.

I looked at the food.

Uhhh yuck?

"Mei why arent you eating?" kris asked.

"Uh im really thirsty im gonna drink water first" I said and went to the kitchen.

Time to make something of my own. I looked in the fridge and got out all my ingridients.

It took me like 10 minutes in total. It smelled good and it tasted amazing.

"YAH!! Alex are you really that thirsty??" Kai yelled.

"Yeah err sure lets go with that." I replied walking out with my own food.

"Alex did you make that in 10 minutes?" Kris asked.

"yeah who else?" i said.

"Can you make me some? I dont want to eat this" kai said when he saw my delicious food.

"No." I said and started eating.

He pouted.

"Yah you dont like my cooking??" Chanyeol yelled.

"Wwell i dont like eating poop" Kai smirked.

"Oh dang someone bring the cool water to put on this BURNNN" I said.

Everyone laughed.

Chanyeol ate in silence.

Soon dinner was over and i helped my brudahh clean up.

It was quiet but i liked it.

"Soo Alli-" kris was cut off.

"SHHHHHH dont say my name!! Dont you remeber my story??? Dont ever mention my name what if they hear??" I hissed.

"Oh right. Anyways Alex do you remember Amber?" he asked.

"Uh no?? Am i supposed too??" i was confused when he asked me that.

"Oh nevermind then"he said and continued cleaning the dishes.

"Weirdo" i mumbled.

Once i was done cleaning the table i went to shower and played on my laptopon my bed. I heard a knock on my door. Nut i remained silent. That person knocked again.

I groaned.

"Ugggghh come in" I said still focused on my laptop.

"Hi" Tao came in.

"Whats good?"

"Soo you do know that me, kai, sehun, and practically only the people from SM ent. are the kingkas? And other ent groups are secondary kingkas right?" he sheeply said.

"mmmhmm" i nodded.

"Soo just letting you know incase you know you get attacked by crazy fangirls if you're seen with your gege or one of us or Luhan or something" He said.

"thanks but i rather have found out tomorrow but thanks for the heads up i really appreciate it" I smiled.

Oh. MY. GAWD. did i just smile???

im turning normal.......

YESSS!!!! Im get to kill people when i get back!! WOOOHOOOOO!!

I need to tell Baekhyun!!!

"Okay well i'll leave you alone" He said and started turning away.

"WAIT" I said stopping him.

"Yeah?" He turned around.

"Am i acting less machinish now?" I asked.

"Yeah you are you've changed a lot. At first i thought you were a robot or something bu-"

"Okay thanks byee" I said pushing him out.

I closed the door.

Gotta tell baekhyun!!

I took my phone.


From: Dongsaegiee <33

OMGGGG Im close to going back to Taecyang Oppa~!!!!! Yee i get to kill people again!!! KYAAA!! Arent you happy for me oppa??

ANd senddd.

Narrators POV:

Outside in the living room with other exo members excluding Alex........

Buzzz!! Buzz!

'whose texting me??... Oh its Alex yay!' baekhyun thought.

"Who texted you?" Luhan asked.

"Alex" Baekhyun smiled.

Soon everyone checked they're phones too.

Baekhyun gave them all a weird stare.

"Why did you all just check your phones??" He asked.

"Cuz what if Alex texted us too but i guess she didnt." Kris said.

"Why are you so special to her?" Lay asked.

"Because we have a past that i cannot tell or everyone here will be in some deep " Baekhyun said.

"Ohhh okay"

Everyone went about their buisness talking about school tomorrow.

Baekhyun's POV:

I read her text message and apart of my was happy while the other was kinda sad that she might go back.

To:Dongsaengiee <33

From: Baekhyun

Of course I'm happy but do you really wanna go back where all you do is kill and see people get murdered infront of you?? Have you have had a nightmare about it?? Why do you wanna go back so badly?


From: Dongsaengiee <33

To: Baekhyun

I thought i told you to change my name. And duh i have nightmares every night but I got used to them. And killing is a part of me. Im used to the blood, the pain, seeing people i love killed in front of me, im used to everything. But its me. i cant help it.


TO: Dongsaengiee <33

From: Baekhyun

I dont want to :P And you dont have to makae it apart of you. Its not you! I saw you  when you first joined Allison Wu. You were scared of killing, you had a very severe case of nightmares, and you wouldnt stop crying for months when someone was killed or when YOU killed someone. Wake up and see who you truly are!


From: Dongsaengiee <33

To: Baekhyun

..... I'll try........................goodnight we have school tomorrow.


TO: Dongsaengiee <33

From: Baekhyun

Please think about it? And Night princess ;)


After that she stopped replying.

"Hey you okay??" Kris Hyung asked me.

"yeah just read this" I sighed and handed him my phone of our conversation.

He looked at it for 5 mintues and gave me my phone back.

"Wow...  I cant believe you didnt tell me you knew my sister before and didnt say anything about her being in the whatever it is this young.... but im glad you were there for her." he said and sighed.

I thought he was mad at first till her said the last sentence.

"well 1. I never kne wyou had a sister until you told us she was gonna live with us. 2. i didnt know SHE was your sister" I replied.

"Well know you know anyways good night theres school tomorrow so you  should sleep too." Kris hyung said and walked away.

"Night hyung" I said and went to sleep as well as everyone else.

I checked in Alex's room and saw her fast asleep.

"Goodnight Alex have good dreams" I whispered and walked out.


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Chapter 33: Wait your mum is in the hospital and doesn't want to fight to be alive wow virtual hug and a kiss From your bias man you went through a lot.
Chapter 33: I'm very sorry to hear about this. I told it will be a happy ending and I was like wow sweet, but in the end... I'm sorry. He's such a jerk!!!

Btw thanks for the update, I like it btw fighting!! ^_^
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Chapter 29: I have a question, why is this rated M?
Chapter 31: Update Soon
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