Chapter 4

Oppa is mainstream theres a reason why i dont call people that

Your POV:


"YAH Oppa!!! Why am i at you training center??" I asked Taeyang. Hes my brother kind of well hes mine and Kris' older brother he always takes care of me.

"Your here for training what else?" he said with a smile.

"BWOH?!?! Why doesnt Kris gege have to train at the age of 4? Huh?? Waeyo?? Im a girlll too!!" I pouted.

"thats why we need you princess cuz we need a girl and if you do really well and become the best you can be our secret weapon" he said in a serious tone.

"Waeyo?" i asked more interested.

"Well there are multiple clans that want to attack us cuz they see us as week and we can hold on to them but with you we can defeat them and be safe. Allison we need you to become the best when your ten years old" he said.

"Uhh i dont know oppa..... this is a lot.. im only four" i said

"Exactly the younger the better. We'll teach you everything you need to know to be come the best of all of our squad" he said happily.

Seeing him happy with this plan i decided to follow through.

"But what will i tell Kris gege?" i worridly said.

"That will not be a problem becuz Kris has to be a trainee at SM so while hes gone i'll take "care " of you and while im taking "care" of you, you'll be training got it?" he said deviously.

"Sooo i'll be living 2 lives?" i asked

"Aigoo you're soo smart.. You got it 2 lives got it and you cant tell anyone" he said.

"Nehh" i said. "What will i do first?"

"we'll teach you how to fight" he commanded.

MISSION 1: Fighting

Day after day I practice fighting till i couldnt stand. I was mastering all sorts of figthing skills.

Oppa was very impressed with how fast i picked up everything.

"YAH!! Come back you little piece of !! and finish off this fight!! DAMMIT!!" I screamed while dualing teenagers in a fight to see how good ive gotten. these people are pretty good cuz they've been doing this for 3 years while i was to learn fighting for 1 year practicing till i couldnt take it anymore.

"Allison WU!! Calm down!!! you have plenty of others to fight. Why are you like this?? Why do you wanna beat up him til he's pulp?" Oppa asked me in a serious tone.

"Oppa he was making fun of my saying i was a weak girl and i'll never fullfil my spot for the secret weapon and end up being a disgrace to you. He said i would never be able to make the first round of this and be as a little piece of crap cuz i was small and weak!" I said fumming by the time i was finished. "Oppa! you know my short temper!! i was just making him eat his own words!"

"thats good you stood up for yourself but beating him til pulp is not right" oppa told me.

"Dammit that piece of was asking for it he didnt stop talking so i was gonna sove his head up his !!" i yelled.


"Pfffttt arraso" i said not giving a . "Alright whose next"

And soo a year passed like this happening and now i was 5.

Oppa said i had learned very well how to manipulate and smart mouth people he said that i was able to get through peoples mind with ease. I guess im very good with that aha.

MUWWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i have an evil evil plan >:D

that dip i fought a year ago is gonna regret telling my im weak. I HATE THE WORD WEAK I HATE IT WITH A PASSION!!!!

KEKEKEKEKEKE Evil side has tooken over bwahahahahahaha

"Hey kid" i said smiling.

"W-w-what do y-y-you want?" his eyes went wide.

"Well remember how you told me i was weak?" i said innocently.

GAWD you should look at his face ahaha it looks as if hes gonna piss his pants ahaha OH MY GAWD IM FUNNY!!! this is fun i should do this more keke.

"I take that back now, please dont hurt me" he said scared.

" See how many m&ms are in my hand?(a/n: theres none in her hand just to clarify it for you) thats how much i give a about you!" i said getting closer with a evil grin on my face.

He shuts his eyes closed tight and i look down and hes pissing his pants. oh gawd somebody give me an award cuz my brain IQ has just passed albert Einsteins ahahaah dayum im smart.

"BWAHAHAHAHHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA!!!!!! Are you that scared of me?!?! to piss your pants?? Boy have you got no pride??? ahahahhahahahah" I was ballin on the floor my stomach hurt from all the laughing . Man i was even crying pwaahaha.

"Your an evil little girl no wonder why Taeyang Hyung chose you for our secret weapon. Your just plain evil!" he said and ran off/

Dude i think i have a six pack now cuz of all that laughing whewww! Dude i should be a comedian or something i crack myself up.

>>> A couple of years passed and you were now 10>>>>>>

I was the best shooter fighter manipulater and top of everything you could say.

But i had started to become cold and emotionless.

I was changing but Kris gege didnt know it cuz he was always at SM.

Some days he would stay there for a couple of months while i went on missions defending my squad. i had killed many of the others gangs leaders and their comrades.

But HELL i didnt give a .

"Hell if your not goona fight me and just cry go to your damn mom oh wait you cant cuz i just ed you up!!! ahaha" i yelled at one dude crying cuz i killed his bestfriend.

"YAH!! Your gonna regret this little girl!!" He screamed at me.

"regret!? HA i regret nothing" i said holding my gun up to his head. "Go to hell! no calls me little you piece of "


and he was dead.

I had been in soo many battles killing leader after leader. Killing enemies after enemies it became a habbit. i was no longer scared of killing someone. I was no longer scared of blood. Nothing i was a machine and no one saw me change.

Til it was one point where i had gotten stab and Oppa saw. yet i kept fighting like nothing was in me. I didnt scream out for pain. I felt no pain i felt nothing i was on this killing rage. 30 people i was fightin at once at the age of 13. I was label most dangerous and most wanted from every gang every clan. I was wanted captured. and thats when Oppa told me to go out and blend in with everyone so they wont be able to find me.

1 year later My brother kris called me. I didnt really care i was still so heart less i acted when needed but other than that i had no feelings. everything that made me human was gone. So i just accepted living with kris to see if i would be able to become human again and become a better fighter.

Oppa told me that he wanted me back when i had feelings other than that i would become the worst fighter if i was not human. so he sent me off. I had become heart-less and all i wanted to do was kill.

My anger triggered my other side but i had to learn to control it or i would never go back.

~~~~ End of Flashback~~~~

"but now that i see how much i miss you Gege i dont know if i want to go back" I said with a blank expression.

Hey its only been two days and i can kind of feel something thats progress showing emotions on its own not quite there yet but acting happy like at the pool i can act but im getting some emotion back ever since i started to hang out with my brother and his friends.

"omo mei mei i never knew you had such an awful side and life." he said with tears streaming down his face."but im glad i see the old you coming back." he said with a lil smile.


Sooooooooooo How was it???? Please subscribe, comment, anything?? aha pwease it would make me soo much happier(: thanks for reading(:

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Chapter 33: Wait your mum is in the hospital and doesn't want to fight to be alive wow virtual hug and a kiss From your bias man you went through a lot.
Chapter 33: I'm very sorry to hear about this. I told it will be a happy ending and I was like wow sweet, but in the end... I'm sorry. He's such a jerk!!!

Btw thanks for the update, I like it btw fighting!! ^_^
LoveLovii #3
Chapter 32: Waaaah who found her?!?!?!?!
Chapter 29: I have a question, why is this rated M?
Chapter 31: Update Soon
pinkypn #6
Chapter 31: it seems like she is starting to become human again and have feelings
Hannashh #7
Chapter 31: Omg, what happened to her?!