Chapter 27

Oppa is mainstream theres a reason why i dont call people that

As I said about every 5 new subbies i get i shall update(: here is your Update!!(:

Soo i bet you're all wondering what happened to Hye mi?? Well she'll come back soon. And "him" i bet you guys are still wondering who he is... you'll find out in I think imma reveal him in like chapter 37?? Idk depends!! Comments help motivate me soo if you want faster updates COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE(:

Your POV:

SO i guess after all that I ran to Baekhyun and told him everything and he beat the living crap out of the guy but i was still hurt and i guess i still am no matter how much i try to forget it's still there with that one word.

I feel pathetic and weak.

I hate this feeling i really do.

"Someone can just shoot me in the face right now" I screamed.

I was punching the brick wall.

and soon i heard the door to the roof open.

I turned around and saw Baekhyun standing there.

"Alex" he breathed.

His eyes were full of pain and guilt.

"Forget it.. didnt i say that earlier??" I spat.

"Alex im soo sorry i forgot i let it slip its my fault" He pleaded.

"Its fine whats done is done and whats said is said."

"Alex please im truly sorry" he got down on his knees.

"Stand up" I ordered.

"No not unitl you forgive me" He stubbornly said.

"Stand up!" I shouted.

"No" he shouted like a child and hugged my feet.

"Someone can shoot me in the face now" I screamed.

"Alex!!!" he yelled.


Immedeiately he stood up.

I prasie the lord.

"YAYYYAYAYAYAY!!" he screamed and hugged me.

I rolled my eyes.

He pulled back and looked deep into my eyes.

Baekhyun's POV:

I looked into her dark brown eyes.

They were soo memeriszing.

I never wanted this to end. I soon started to lean in slowly.

she seemed shocked at what i was doing and stood still.

I leaned in closer and closer until our foreheads were almost touching.

Ours lips were a couple centimeters apart.

I closed my eyes and started to close the gap between me and her.

I went in more and more i could feel her hot breath now.


sooooo damn freaking close!!.

Alex pushed me back when she heard sehun. We stood there akwardly.

"Oh i found you guys. Alex are you okay??" Sehun asked.

"Yeah im fine... i just remembered something in the past and Baekhyun just came up here to calm me down." She replied and smiled.

Woah she just backed me up. When we trained together she ratted me out whenever she could to get me back since she wasnt able to fight our own people.

"Okay well at least you're fine now. Come on kris hyung wants you" Sehun beamed.

He grabbed her hand and i saw him blush.

Does Sehun like... Alex???

i dont need competition!! Dammit!! I've known her longer!! I know about her double life!!

Why does this always happen to me??

Your POV:

Whew we almost got caught.

Damn im getting weak. i hate this.Baekhyun was about to kiss me and i was gonna let him.

But im nice........ as of right now....... so i covered him

And noowww im being dragged by Sehun all the way to my brother.

*  *  *  *  *  *

"Alex whyd you just leave like that?" kris asked me.

"I needed some air and stuff to let everything sink in" I lied.

I've been lying a lot lately.

Im not pround of it but i need to protect them and me.

"Oh okay.. So how do you like being Queenka?" He smiled at me.

Creepy he never smiles.

"Its annoying and weird like always." I bluntly stated.

he just laughed.

I saw Kai just looking at his food.

Time to mess with "im gonna make her life hell" boy.

"So kai I'm guessing your plan to make me miserable failed right?" I whispered.

His eyes went wide and shocked.

"W-w-w-w-what a-a-are you t-t-ttalking about?" He stuttered.

Hehe cute.

"Thats cute you dont remember?" I smirked.

"No i never said that." he lied.

"Really?" I hissed while keeping a smile so no one suspect anything.


"Dont ing lie to me" I said.

"Im not lying" He hissed back.

I pulled out my phone and played a recording when he muttered to loud of when he said.

"Im going to make your life hell in high school Alex Wu"

"That souds an aweful lot like you doesnt it?" I smirked.

"OKay yeah maybe i tried too but then we made a bet and i know im going to beat you so i backed off of it." he confessed.

"No you didnt back off of it... it backfired on you so then you backed off" I smiled at my correct theory.

he looked at me with wide eyes and i knew i was right.

"Exactly and you better study hard if you want to beat me" I smiled.

"Oh i will beat you Alex Wu get ready to find L.Joe" He smirked.

"More like you should be the one preparaing yourself to announce that you're gay honey." I smirked back.

I walked over to where my brother was sitting at which was on the other side of the table obviously

"So what are you guys talking about?" i asked.

"Just that me, Jonghyun hyung, Luhan, Kris, Amber, and Krystal all get to be in the same class because we're all smart" taemin beamed.

"yah Taemin you only got it because of your aeygo" Amber complained.

"Soo? I still get to be with you guys" He stuck his tongue out at her.

"Lucky you guys im probably gonna be annoyed but stupid freaks" I pouted.

"Aigoo you're soo cute!!" Jonghyun said and reached out and pinched out my cheeks.

"Dont touch me" I threatened.

"Sorry" he said with a confused look from my attitude change from before.

"Taemin why dont you switch to Alex's 6th period" Amber suggested.

"Okay after school today i will" he smiled.

"Oh Alex what class do you have for 5th period.?" Sehun asked.

"I have class 6-A1" I read off my schedule.

"Oh i have that class to we can walk together" sehun said sheeply. "I mean if you want to."

"I will since i dont know this school as well" I said.

"Do you have all A1 classes?" Luhan asked.

"Yeah except ffor my 6th i have some weird class" I chuckled.

"Dang Hyung your sister is freaking smart." Luhan Blurted out.

"Yahh i didnt even have that many A1 classes when i was her age" Krystal pouted.

"Yeahh your sister is a freaking smart " Chen blurted.

"really?" Kris asked.

"Yup i think you should switch sides from Kai to you're sisters." Chen smiled.


"Nah knowing her shes really lazy and will just guess on test and not do the homework till the last minute and get it all wrong" He smiled.

"You dont know that " I added.

"Oh it will " he laughed.

"We'll see" I smirked.


"Well i gotta go byee come on sehun" I said and started gathering my stuff.

* * * * * * * * * *

5th perioddddd is going bye soo slowwww!!!!!!!

I looked to my side to see Sehun taking all the notes down.

Pfft... Nerd...

Well I think imma bother him because im bored.

"Psstt Sehun" I whispered.

"What im trying to learn so i dont fail.. Why arent you taking notes?" he whispered back

"Im too lazyy.... im bored entertain me" i smiled.

"Noo i cant fail or else kris hyung will kill me if i do bad this year! This is my Only A1 class!" He pouted back.

"I'll tutor you!" I persuaded.

"Yah you can tutor me if you dont even know the lesson" He said.

"Yeah i can im re-"

"Alex-ssi care to explain what im teaching here since you are so busy talking to Sehun while he is trying to take notes." The teacher hissed at me. "In fact let me see you're notes as well once you have explained it"

en teacher!

You can my non-existing .

I looked around the class and saw that i was in history AP U.S. History in fact or known as APUSH.

And she is talking about Chapter 1 since on the bored it says chapter 1.

"You were explaining how the land came to be and the 13 colonies and how their life was. The glaciers formed and mountains as well so that would make the journey for the colonist to travel and make a settlement even harder. By the fact that later on they will be moving away from their homeland to start their own colony outside of England." I smiled back at her.

was shaoed of an 'O' form.

Yeahhh buddyy thats how its done.

"let me see your notes" She smirked knowing i havent took any.

I looked at Sehun and he just gave me his notebook when the teacher turned her back to check something in her book.

I walked up and gave her 'my' book.

She looked at it approvingly and handed it back and continued her lesson.

I gave Sehun a fist pound.

"how did you know that?" he asked.

I shurgged my shoulders.


"Yesss school is almost over!!!!" I sighed.

"Yeah today seems long doesnt it?" Sehun asked while packing up.

"It really is" I said waiting for him.

"Whats your next class?" he asked.

This boy is full of questions.

"I have some werid class its 000123-A0019" i scringed at it.

"Oh good luck then i need to go. Seee you at home Alex" He waved off and went.

"Whatever" I muttered.

Taemin's POV:

"HYUNGGGGSSSSS, NOOOONNAAASSSSS" I yelled as i entered class 000123-A0019.

"Yo wassup???" kris said in english.

"Dont use english when thats all you know how to say." I bluntly stated.

"YAH respect me!!" He said offended.

"Clam down kris gege! Anyways i heard a girl from taemins class is going to be in here with us as well" Amber smiled.

"Really noona??" I want to be her friend and she's smart!!" I beamed.

"Taemin if you dont study for this class you're going to get kicked out so you better work hard." Jonghyun hyung scolded me.

"Hyung how are you in this class?" I questioned.

'oooooos' can be heard by the others.


"Damn calm your man" I heard a familiar voice say.

We all looked at the door and everyones mouth hung wide open.

"Close your mouth before you catch dem flies" She smirked.

Yes its Alex!!

How is she in this class?

Is she really smart?? is shee?? OMG!! If i wanna be in 2 of her classes imma have to work really hard in this class. Wow im gonna die because this class is ONLY for genius!! Like only for those who have EXACTLY ALL A1Classes and nothing else!! taemin you are soo doomed.

"Alex?" I said but turned out to be more of a question.

"Yup thats me.. turns out im might have some fun in this class after all" She said.

"Yah its an honor to be in this class you have to work hard in the class not play around" her brother scolded her.

"But i dont like to studyyyy" She whined. Ahaha she's such a kid!! I swear.

"I dont want you to fail... AND HOW ARE YOU IN THIS CLASS ANYWAY??" he said shocked.

"Just like what taemin did" She smirked.

I knew she was lying becuase her schedule is all A1 classes. But in other classes she always slacks off and does nothing but try to entertain herself for that period.

"You little cheaters" Kris hyung pointed at us.

"Alex you better study hard!! Or you're going to get kicked out of this class. Even though we're smart we struggle alot to earn at least a decent grade in this class" Luhan told her.

"Yeah and the teachers are really picky and super hard to grade." Jonghyun butted in.

"They're right sometimes everyone in the class fails a test all at once or multiple times." Krystal noona said as well.

"Okay okay sheesh, is this like a lecture  hall or something" she joked.

"Yah Alex Wu you better take this class seriously because if you fail you're going to get held back no matter how high you are ranked in your other classes" Amber blurted out.

"Okay" she said in a monotone voice and no expression.

Kinda scaryyyyy.

"What about taemin??" She asked annoyed.

"He better work his little no off too"Kris stared at me.

I nodded my head like crazy.

No ones POV: (soo you know everyones thoughts its going to be in italics and in the little *)

Soon class started and everyone sat down.

Alex, Amber, kris, Luhan, Jonghyun, taemin, and krystal all sat together in a corner in the room.

Heres the seating arrangements:

Taemin, Jonghyun, and krystal           

Amber, Alex, Luhan, and kris

Alex being who she is didnt want to look like she was learning since she knew everything already *ugghh this is sooo boring hmm im tired imma sleep*

Amber looked to see what Alex was doing. *Aish this girl is going to fail if she sleeps* She shook her head and passed a note to Luhan and Kris.

(A/N: the green= kris and purple= Amber and Blue= Luhan)

Gege's look at mei mei she's sleeping >.<

This girl is going to fail -.-

Yahhh wake her up Amber!!! She will pass even if its the lowest grade T.T

Kris Gege let her sleep shes probably tired from everythings that happened today its only the first day i dont think if she misses one lesson shes going to fail.

Yeah just let her sleep if its the beginning of the year and she fails she has all year to bring it back up

Fine whatever let her sleep if she fails im blaming you guys for not waking her up.

OMG!! just do waht Alex said before and "CALM YO "

Ahahaha good one Luhan gege.

Wahtever and pay attnetion were going to have a quiz at the end to see if we really did pay attention so sushhh


Da hello? Like a some boooooooooooootttyyyy

PWAHAHA i cant believe you remember that!! :'D

Of course i remember its hella funny.


We're not gonna be failing alone look at Alex hehe

yeahh us 3 a trio but i kinda dont wann start off with a bad grade soo bye losers

YAH YAH YAH respect!!!


30 mins had passed and now was time for the test to see who actually paid attention.

"Okay class you guys have 30 mins to finish this test by the end of class" The teacher annouced.

"neh" everyone choursed.

"Told you so" kris whispered to Luhan and Amber. "Yahh mei mei wake up you're gonna have a test"

"5 more  hours gege please" Alex mumbled.

"Amber you know what to do" kris smiled.

"PWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAHA ST- ahhahha - am-- i cant breathe- ahahaha OKAY IM AWAKE- ahaahaha" Alex laughed.

"Noona what did you do to Alex?" Taemin turned around due to the laughing.

"I woke her up" Amber smiled.

"BWOHH?!?!!???!!" Jonghyun, Krystal, and taemin yelled in shocked.

"She slept the whole time?" Krystal asked while waiting for rthe teacher to finish passsing out the test.

"Yup becuase i was tired" Alex smiled sheeply.

"You're gonna fail" Taemin said worriedly.

"Its fine i have all year to bring it up" Alex bluntly stated.

"You have guts girl" Jonghyun said.

"i know" Alex bragged.

"Okay class you have the rest of the class period to finish this test. Any unanswered questions will be marked wrong" She said and sat down.

* kkk this is hard* Taemin thought

*Ahaha sleeping was worth staying up because i got this * Alex smiled inward to herself.

*Omgggg Im gonna fail and I PAID ATTENTION* kris panicked. * I'll see if Alex looks like shes having trouble....... BWOHHH?!?! she's answering questions with ease.... shes probably guessing ehh*

*OMG Alex is going through this test soo easily adn SHE SLEPT!!!* Luhan shouted in his mind.

*I knew Alex was smart but not this smart to go through this test soo easily.. shes even showing her work da fugg??* Amber thought.

*I wonder if Alex is struggling ehehehehee since she slept.. she probably is.... OKay question number 10 and its been 15 minutes and we have 20 questions Okay focus and stop worrying about Alex* Jonghyun thought.

*ugghhhh i dont get any of this and I didnt even sleep... i turned around a little and saw Alex doing this with ease... oh right kris said she likes to guess never mind... that lazy girl is gonna fail* Krystal managed to talk her self out of being crazy.

30 mins has passed........

"Attention all classes this class period will be extended to another 20 minutes due to some confusion in the school bells and will be fixed in 20 mins. We will notify if it'll take longer or shorter. Thank you for your time." the speaker annouced.

"Okay class turn in your test. 30 minutes is up." The teacher said.

Everyone handed in their test with a worried expression written all over their faces.

"While im grading please talk quietly amongst yourselves. I should be done grading everyones due to this class being soo small." she announced and went to grade the test.

"So Alex how'd you do since you slept?" Luhan smirked.

"I think i got a good score. i knew half of the material on it." Alex smiled.

"Really? i think i did bad i didnt remember half of what she said." Krystal and Amber whined.

"Yeah i thought you slept?" Luhan and Jonghyun eyed me.

"I did" Alex smirked. "Soo taemin how do you think you did?"

"Not soo good i dont know anything on it" he pouted.

"Taemin i told you to study hard" Kris yelled.

"Gege how did you do huh? I saw you struggling alot" I smiled deviously.

*Damn you Alex* kris thought.

"i think i did good at least i knew something" he said.

"Ooookkkkkaaaaaayyyyyyy" everyone sarcastically said.

Kris just pouted. *Everyone's always on Alex's side... and they barely know her........ well except Amber but Alex doesnt even rememeber her*

"Okay class settle down im going to pass out your test so you can look over what you did wrong and discuss with another classmate. Your homework tonight is to correct all the ones you got wrong using the notes you took today. Some of you have a alot of homework and some may have very few to no homework at all." The teacher announced.

"I dont want to see my score" Taemin whined. "Im probably gonna have abunch of homework."

Your POV:

"I dont want to see my score" Taemin whined. "Im probably gonna have abunch of homework."

hehe i think i might play around here.

"Awww its okay Taemin Oppa we can work on our homework together arraso?" I said cutely.

"Nehh and OMG SHE CALLED ME OPPA IN YOUR FACE HYUNG" Taemin shouted gaining attention from the class.

"Be quiet" Luhan hissed.

Taemin sat down immediately.

The teacher was walking over to our section to hand back our test.

"Taemin-ssi you need to pay closely attention next time" The teacher said when handing back the paper to him.

He looked at it and pouted.

"Luhan, Kris, and Amber-ssi you guys did okay but you made lots of mistakes." She said.

"Jonghyun and Krystal-ssi pay more attention" She glared at them.

They sunk into their seats blushing and i just scoffed.

"And Miss. Alex Wu" she looked at me. Everyone started laughing thinking that i prolly failed which by the way she is speaking i probably did.

"Neh?" I asked.

"Good Job! You were the only one to achieve a perfect score out of everyone. I expect great things coming from you." She smiled warmly at me.

"Ah neh gomowa" I beamed at her. And she walked away.

"Alex did you cheat?" Kris looked at me shocked.

"WHAT?? NO!!! Look i even showed my work.!!" I said giving the paper to him.

"Alex can tutor us all since she was able to this test with ssuch ease." Luhan suggested.

"Noooo Alex said she was gonna help her oppa, right Alex?" Taemin said doing aegyo on you.

"Sure ... i can help all of you if you want" I asked.

Sooo class ended and now it was 7th period..... with .... kai.

Oh god.



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Chapter 33: Wait your mum is in the hospital and doesn't want to fight to be alive wow virtual hug and a kiss From your bias man you went through a lot.
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Btw thanks for the update, I like it btw fighting!! ^_^
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