Chapter 22

Oppa is mainstream theres a reason why i dont call people that


Anywaysss!! How is your guys summer vacation going?? For those who are on it right now(: Well please Comment Yesss !! and please Subscribe as well!!!! Comment and subscribers are very much loved here!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Your POV:

We all were in the practice room.

My job is soooo boring!!

I just have to do and get everything they need.


because God gave people legs and hands and feet and arms to be INDEPENDENT!!

But luckly they have told me to do anything yet since it was like 5 minutes into practice.

Gawd im boreddd!!!!.

Wait why are they gathering up.

"uhhh what are you guys doing?? I wanna be apart." I said walking over.

"NOOO!! You cant its guys stuff" Chen yelled.

"Umm okay???" I was suspicous.

Exos POV:

we all gathered up in a circle.

"So are we ready to get Alex back??" kris said.

"Hell to the yeah" Kai said.

"uhhh what are you guys doing?? I wanna be apart." we heard Alex walking over.

"NOOO!! You cant its guys stuff" Chen blurted out.

"Umm okay?" she said walking back to her seat.

"Okay soo what are we gonna do?" Baekhyun said.

"This i what were gonna do were....."

Your POV:

Man why do they gotta talk so low!!

I cant even hear them!!


Screw this!!!

I started stretching.

I heard stretching makes you grow.

And since i am 5'0 im pretty short.

Ohh poopey!!

Okayy soo now theyre done??

Why are they looking at me like that??


Guys are soo weird!!! But then again girls are super weird!! >^<

They practiced for like 15 minutes already. This. Is. So. BORING!!!!!

i got up.

"where are you going??" Kai asked with a smirk.

Dammit boy come here and let my fist meet your face so my fist can punch that smirk off your face.

"im just bored so im gonna go out." I blankly said.

"Pfft bored of our practice? Im soo hurt" kris now came into the conversation.

"yeah cuz they only dance you guys do it ing history!! I dont give a about history dammit!! NO ONE DOES!!" I said well yelled at the end.

"Why dont you do the dance since you're soo bored." Baekhyun said coming closer to me.

"Puhh- leasseee i can do the dance in my sleep" I scoffed.

"Then lets see you do it Miss im so perfect." Xiumin said. I rolled my eyes at him.

This punk.

"But no ones taught me it though." I said realizing what i just walked into.

Damn... oh i got i have photographic memory so one will show i and i shall copy!!

YEESSS!! I love you brain!! <33

"Okay Kai here will show you." Kris smirked.

gege stop digging your own grave i mean isnt it deep enough??

"whatever" i rolled my eyes at him.

"Watch and learn princess" kai teased.

"Just go!" I demanded.

kai danced the whole history dance.

I think i got this.

"Okay play the music" I said and Baekhyun pressed play.

I started and did everything correctly.

Everyone had a stunned face.

"Perfect enough for you?" I smirked back.

"whatever just get me water" kris ordered.

"I want ice cream" Xiumin said.

"I want a hamburger!!" Lay yelled.

"get me a bottle of watter."

"I want water too"

"me three"

"me four"

"me five"

"I want apple juice."

"I want Coke!!"

"i want sprite"

"Can you get me gummy bears?" kai asked.

"So 6 bottles of water, 1 apple juice, 1 coke, 1 sprite, an ice cream, a hamburger, and gummy bears right?" I listed all of the things they said.

"Wtf?? are you a robot?? You didnt even write that down." Suho asked shocked.

"You could say that" I said and walked away to get the stuff.

I saw a kid walk pass me he was a staff member.

"Yo!!" i called out to him.

He turned around.

Time for some acting ehehhe.

"Your my oppa right?? Cuz your older than me?" I asked cutely.

"nehh Im 22" he replied.

"Oh can you do me a huge favor??" I said and did a little aegyo.

"Anything" he replied quickly.

yes I got his weak spot.

"Will you get 6 bottles of water, 1 apple juice, 1 coke, 1 sprite, an ice cream, and a hamburger.? And deliver it to exo's practice room??" I said and did more aegyo.

"Yes ma'am" he said and went off about his work.

"here you go ma'am" he said when he came back in 5 minutes.

"wow that was fast" I said shocked.

"I worked here for a really long time" He replied.

"Okay bye" I said and went back into exo's room.

"here you guys go" I said setting everything on the ground.

"Woah that was fast" Kris said.

"yeah i guess" I replied.

"To get all this you wouldve been sweaty running around to get all this" Sehun said.

"Really? How so?" I asked confused.

"Yeah only healthy food is served in SM. You  would have to go all around the block to get the food and drinks" Sehun told you.

Wow i was almost trolled.

I owe the dude.

"Oh thats nice but i didnt have to move an inch away from your guys practice room to get all this in 5 minutes" I smiled.

Everyones face was like:  =[_________________________]

Yeah It was like dropped to the ground.

"So is this like your guys new way of catching flies??" I joked.

"What??" Baekhyun asked confused.

I showed them exactly what they were doing and giggled right afterwards.

They all quickly shut their mouths closed.

"Yeah close them and eat up. I didnt wait 5 minutes outside to get all of this for you guys" I cockly said,

"wait wheres my gummy bears??" kai asked.

"Oh those?? Well you said can i get gummy bears. The answer is of course i have hands and feet duhhh" I said waving my hands aound. "Bbut even though i can i didnt crave for gummy bears so i didnt get it"

"Smartass........ get ready for school next week cuz your gonna live in hell becuase of me so watch your back Miss im so badass." Kai mumbled.

I pretended not to hear. But really? I heard every single word.

And guess what?? Challenge accpted !

I wanna see me go through hell when i've already been there punk.

"What?" I asked pretending not to hear.

"Nothing" He smiled.

"Shut up!" I replied back and walked out to go to my secret room.

"Where are you going??" Kris asked me.

"yes" i said continued walking to the door.

"It wasnt a yes or no question!!" He said.

"Bye" I said ignoring everything he said.

"Yay!! Practice room is still clean!!" I said walking into the room.

i plugged in my phone and the music played.

Yes i am a dancer!! I was trained for EVERYTHING!!!!

Dancing, singing, track, soccer, basketball, baseball, swim... you name i play it.

I had to learn those becasue one, I need to be able to blend in and be extremely good at it.

Two i LOVE sports!!!!

So there you have it.

I am aaaaammmmmaaaaazzziiinnnnggggg (:

I danced for a couple of hours and i was dripping in sweat.

niiiicccccceee =l

Buzzz!! Buzz!! Buzz!!

What the KKK!!

Whose texting or callling or whatevering me right?!?!

' 5 New messages'

Wow  5???




To: Brat

From: Kai

Where are you?? Im thristy i want you get me water!! You're such a bad assistant you know that??

Anyways where are you im tired and thirstttyyyyy XP

IM A BRAT?!?!? He thinks Im a BRAT?!?!?!?

Nigga you aint got nothing on me!!!!!

This guy thinks im a brat!!!

HEEEE Mr. 'PMSing allday erryday' thinks that I, Alex Wu, is a brat...

I scoffed at his text message.

Might as well change his name to Mr. non-stop PMSing.

He. Thinks. I'm. A. Brat. -___-

Nigga is asking to die.

Hes got nothing on mehh!!!!

Next message :P

To: Dongsaengiee <33

From: Baekhyun

Hey where are you?? Uhh you disappeared and you know the rest soo text me or us where you are and we'll find you(:

Like I have stated before HE'S THE ONLY NORMAL ONE!!!!

To: Baekhyun

From: Dongsaengiee <33



2. Waddup with the name?

3. Im not ready to leave so you can leave without me if you guys want.


Okayyy next message.

He better change my name.

To: Mei~ <3

From: Gege

Yo where are you?? AND I NEVER ASKED A YES OR NO QUESTION!! Gawd you're gonna fail school!!!

Where are you Im hungry and the members are dead tired can you get some food or something? Thanks.

Oh i'll get you something MWAHAHHA since you DID say something kekkee.

And im not gonna fail school you weiner!!!!

Thats right gege can also mean you !!!

To: Gege

From: Mei~ <3

Yo brudahhhh!!!! Im up your damn !!!

Blehh i think thats all i have to say okay now senddddddd

Next messageeeeeee:

To: Meimei <3

From: Luhan

So where are you women!! EVRYONE IS FLIPPIN HUNGRY!!! I thought you were our personal assistant no someone we can play hide and seek with?????????

Come back pweaseeeee!! Buing~ buing~ >///<

WTF!! Buing buing?? What the is that???? Is that like a rabbit noise??

To: Luhan

From: Meimei <3

Is that some kind of rabbit noise??? If so dont ever do that again...... -____- not funny! Who plays hide and seek anymore??

What are you 3????

Senddding Sendingg yess it sent!!!!

Next one!!!

After this one!! 1 more!! :P

To: Alexxie <33

From: Sehun

Where are you?? You've been gone for a while.... please be safe and come back!! :P

To: Sehun

From Alexxie <33

Whats wrong with my name?

YEEEEE Buddy last one!! (:

Oh never mind (:

Sooo whats up with everyone changing my damn name???

First Lexxa, then Ice princess, then meimei <333, then dongsaengiee <33..................

WHAT. THE. . I have only 2 names i go by Alex or Allison......

I want not prefer i want!!! Everyone to call me alex or im gonna be in some big doodoo.

Ahh poop.

Im boredddd. I guess i'll lay down and coool offf.

You know why??

Cuz......................... IM Y AND I KNOW IT!!!!

LOL ...............

"gahhhh im going crazy!!!!" I screamed outloud.

Narrators POV:

"GOT ALEX'S TEXT BACK!!!!" Baekhyun screamed!!

To: Dongsaengiee <33

From: Baekhyun

make me~ mehrong!!! And no i like it like this!!!

Soon the other 4 checked their phones as well.

"Same here" Luhan yelled.

"Same here" Kris yelled

"Same same" Sehun yelled.

'what the eff?? She didnt text me back!!!" kai thought.

"hey Alex told me that if we want leave without her then we can" baekhyun said.

"She totally dissed me!!" kris exclaimed.

"Whatd she say??" Tao asked.

"She said ' Yo brudahhhh!!!! Im up your damn !!!' that rascal" Kris said upset.

To: Mei~ <3

From: Gege

YAH!!! Is that how you speak to your brother??

"PUAHAHAHAHHAHHAHA" everyone laughed.

"I bet you should check up there then you prolly sat on her cuz you like a giant!" Luhan laughed.

Kris glared at him.

"What did yours say then huh?" Kris smirked.

"She said ' Is that some kind of rabbit noise??? If so dont ever do that again...... -____- not funny! Who plays hide and seek anymore??What are you 3????' .... RABBIT NOISE?!?! THAT WAS MY AEGYO!!" Luhan pouted.

To: Meimei <3

From: Luhan

Yah sont talk to your gege like that): You hurt me right here --> <3 you made gege said.. AND THAT WAS MY AEGYO!! Appreciate it!!

"Thats even worse than mine" Kris laughed.

"Shut it.... anyways what did she say to you sehun??" Luhan said making everyone look at sehun.

"She told me ' Whats wrong with my name?' SHE DIDNT EVEN ANSWER MY QUESTION!!!" Sehun pouted more.

"PUAHAHAAHAAHAHA whatd you put her name as??" Suho asked amused by all this.

"I put it as Alexxie <3........ whats wrong with that??" Sehun said hanging his head low.

To: Alexxie <33

From: Sehun

You didnt answer my question -______- and whats wrong with the name?? I like it(:

"Its okay Sehun she told me something harsher when i change her name in my contact list. She said 'CHANGE MY ING NAME HEAD!' see? Theres nothing to be sad about" Baekhyun smiled.

Sehun immediately became happy.

"So kai what did Alex respond to you?" D.O asked.

Kai remained silent.

"They all had their laughs at eachother .. nothing to be ashamed of" Chen spoke smiling waiting for his response.

"She..." Kai hesitated.

"She what??" Lay asked.

"She didnt reply back......." kai answered.

Everyone was quiet............


"YAH YAH YAH!! Its not funny!" Kai said standing up.

But everyone continued to laugh.

To: Brat

From: Kai

Why did you text the others back but not me??? >:(

"omo i cant believe you got rejected" Chen said laughing til tears came out of his eyes.

"Whatever im going to the rooftop" Kai said and left.

'Why would she text the others back but not me??' kai thought

he finally reached the top.

"Imma look around a bit and find a place to relax or chill mayber even dance?" kai mumbled to himself.

Your POV:

Ahhh everyone texted back even mr. PMSing guy....

Imma go out but i have to check if its clear.

Hmmmm... yup all clear to me (:

I steped outside....


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Chapter 33: Wait your mum is in the hospital and doesn't want to fight to be alive wow virtual hug and a kiss From your bias man you went through a lot.
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Btw thanks for the update, I like it btw fighting!! ^_^
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